import os import shutil from logging import getLogger from sys import stdout from PyQt5.QtCore import QProcess, QProcessEnvironment, QThread, pyqtSignal from custom_legendary.core import LegendaryCore from import VerifyResult from custom_legendary.utils.lfs import validate_files logger = getLogger("Legendary Utils") def launch_game(core, app_name: str, offline: bool = False, skip_version_check: bool = False): game = core.get_installed_game(app_name) if not game: print("Game not found") return None if game.is_dlc: print("Game is dlc") return None if not os.path.exists(game.install_path): print("Game doesn't exist") return None if not offline: if not skip_version_check and not core.is_noupdate_game(app_name): # check updates try: latest = core.get_asset(app_name, update=True) except ValueError: print("Metadata doesn't exist") return None if latest.build_version != game.version: print("Please update game") return None try: params, cwd, env = core.get_launch_parameters(app_name=app_name, offline=offline) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return 1 process = QProcess() process.setWorkingDirectory(cwd) environment = QProcessEnvironment() for e in env: environment.insert(e, env[e]) process.setProcessEnvironment(environment) return process, params def uninstall(app_name: str, core, options=None): if not options: options = {"keep_files": False} igame = core.get_installed_game(app_name) try: # Remove DLC first so directory is empty when game uninstall runs dlcs = core.get_dlc_for_game(app_name) for dlc in dlcs: if (idlc := core.get_installed_game(dlc.app_name)) is not None:'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}"...') core.uninstall_game(idlc, delete_files=not options["keep_files"])'Removing "{igame.title}" from "{igame.install_path}"...') core.uninstall_game(igame, delete_files=not options["keep_files"], delete_root_directory=True)'Game has been uninstalled.') if not options["keep_files"]: shutil.rmtree(igame.install_path) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Removing game failed: {e!r}, please remove {igame.install_path} manually.') class VerifyThread(QThread): status = pyqtSignal(tuple) summary = pyqtSignal(tuple) def __init__(self, core, app_name): super(VerifyThread, self).__init__() self.core, self.app_name = core, app_name def run(self): if not self.core.is_installed(self.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{self.app_name}" is not installed') return'Loading installed manifest for "{self.app_name}"') igame = self.core.get_installed_game(self.app_name) manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(self.app_name) manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) # build list of hashes file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files] = len(file_list) self.num = 0 failed = [] missing = []'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"') repair_file = [] for result, path, result_hash in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list): self.status.emit((self.num,, self.app_name)) self.num += 1 if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH: repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') continue elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH: logger.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"') repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') failed.append(path) elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING: logger.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) else: logger.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) stdout.write(f'Verification progress: {self.num}/{} ({self.num * 100 /}%)\t\n') # always write repair file, even if all match if repair_file: repair_filename = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{self.app_name}.repair') with open(repair_filename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(repair_file)) logger.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"') if not missing and not failed:'Verification finished successfully.') self.summary.emit((0, 0, self.app_name)) else: logger.error(f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.') self.summary.emit((len(failed), len(missing), self.app_name)) def import_game(core: LegendaryCore, app_name: str, path: str):"Import " + app_name) game = core.get_game(app_name) manifest, igame = core.import_game(game, path) exe_path = os.path.join(path, manifest.meta.launch_exe.lstrip('/')) total = len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) found = sum(os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, f.filename)) for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) ratio = found / total if not os.path.exists(exe_path): logger.error(f"Game {game.app_title} failed to import") return False if ratio < 0.95: logger.error( "Game files are missing. It may be not the lates version ore it is corrupt") return False core.install_game(igame) if igame.needs_verification: f'NOTE: The game installation will have to be verified before it can be updated ' f'with legendary. Run "legendary repair {app_name}" to do so.'))"Successfully imported Game: " + game.app_title) return True