import os from dataclasses import field, dataclass from multiprocessing import Queue from custom_legendary.downloader.manager import DLManager from custom_legendary.models.downloading import AnalysisResult from import Game, InstalledGame @dataclass class InstallOptionsModel: app_name: str base_path: str = os.path.expanduser("~/legendary") max_workers: int = os.cpu_count() * 2 repair: bool = False no_install: bool = False ignore_space_req: bool = False force: bool = False sdl_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ['']) @dataclass class InstallDownloadModel: dlmanager: DLManager analysis: AnalysisResult game: Game igame: InstalledGame repair: bool repair_file: str @dataclass class InstallQueueItemModel: status_q: Queue = None download: InstallDownloadModel = None options: InstallOptionsModel = None def __bool__(self): return (self.status_q is not None) and ( is not None) and (self.options is not None)