from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import List @dataclass class SearchDateRange: start_date: datetime = datetime(year=1990, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) end_date: datetime = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) def __str__(self): def fmt_date(date: datetime) -> str: # lk: The formatting accepted by the GraphQL API is either '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z' or '%Y-%m-%d' return datetime.strftime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z') return f"[{fmt_date(self.start_date)},{fmt_date(self.end_date)}]" @dataclass class SearchStoreQuery: country: str = "US" category: str = "games/edition/base|bundles/games|editors|software/edition/base" count: int = 30 keywords: str = "" language: str = "en" namespace: str = "" with_mapping: bool = True item_ns: str = "" sort_by: str = "releaseDate" sort_dir: str = "DESC" start: int = 0 tag: List[str] = "" release_date: SearchDateRange = field(default_factory=SearchDateRange) with_price: bool = True with_promotions: bool = True price_range: str = "" free_game: bool = None on_sale: bool = None effective_date: SearchDateRange = field(default_factory=SearchDateRange) def __post_init__(self): self.locale = f"{self.language}-{}" def to_dict(self): payload = { "allowCountries":, "category": self.category, "count": self.count, "country":, "keywords": self.keywords, "locale": self.locale, "namespace": self.namespace, "withMapping": self.with_mapping, "itemNs": self.item_ns, "sortBy": self.sort_by, "sortDir": self.sort_dir, "start": self.start, "tag": self.tag, "releaseDate": str(self.release_date), "withPrice": self.with_price, "withPromotions": self.with_promotions, "priceRange": self.price_range, "freeGame": self.free_game, "onSale": self.on_sale, "effectiveDate": str(self.effective_date), } # payload.pop("withPromotions") payload.pop("onSale") if self.price_range == "free": payload["freeGame"] = True payload.pop("priceRange") elif self.price_range.startswith(""): payload["priceRange"] = self.price_range.replace("", "") if self.on_sale: payload["onSale"] = True if self.price_range: payload["effectiveDate"] = self.effective_date else: payload.pop("priceRange") return payload