import os import platform import shutil from dataclasses import dataclass from logging import getLogger from typing import List, Tuple from PyQt5.QtCore import QProcess, QProcessEnvironment from legendary.core import LegendaryCore from import InstalledGame, LaunchParameters logger = getLogger("Helper") @dataclass class InitArgs: app_name: str offline: bool = False skip_version_check: bool = False wine_prefix: str = "" wine_bin: str = "" @classmethod def from_argparse(cls, args): return cls( app_name=args.app_name, offline=args.offline, skip_version_check=args.skip_update_check, wine_bin=args.wine_bin, wine_prefix=args.wine_pfx ) @dataclass class LaunchArgs: executable: str = "" args: List[str] = None env: QProcessEnvironment = None pre_launch_command: str = "" pre_launch_wait: bool = False is_origin_game: bool = False # only for windows to launch as url def __bool__(self): return bool(self.executable) def get_origin_params(core: LegendaryCore, app_name, offline: bool, launch_args: LaunchArgs) -> LaunchArgs: origin_uri = core.get_origin_uri(app_name, offline) if platform.system() == "Windows": launch_args.executable = origin_uri launch_args.args = [] # only set it here true, because on linux it is a launch command like every other game launch_args.is_origin_game = True return launch_args command = core.get_app_launch_command(app_name) if not os.path.exists(command[0]) and shutil.which(command[0]) is None: return launch_args command.append(origin_uri) env = core.get_app_environment(app_name) launch_args.env = QProcessEnvironment.systemEnvironment() for name, value in env: launch_args.env.insert(name, value) launch_args.executable = command[0] launch_args.args = command[1:] return launch_args def get_game_params(core: LegendaryCore, igame: InstalledGame, args: InitArgs, launch_args: LaunchArgs) -> LaunchArgs: if not args.offline: # skip for update if not args.skip_version_check and not core.is_noupdate_game(igame.app_name): # check updates try: latest = core.get_asset( igame.app_name, igame.platform, update=False ) except ValueError: logger.error("Metadata doesn't exist") return launch_args else: if latest.build_version != igame.version: return launch_args params: LaunchParameters = core.get_launch_parameters( app_name=igame.app_name, offline=args.offline ) full_params = list() if os.environ.get("container") == "flatpak": full_params.extend(["flatpak-spawn", "--host"]) full_params.extend(params.launch_command) full_params.append( os.path.join(params.game_directory, params.game_executable) ) full_params.extend(params.game_parameters) full_params.extend(params.egl_parameters) full_params.extend(params.user_parameters) launch_args.executable = full_params[0] launch_args.args = full_params[1:] launch_args.env = QProcessEnvironment.systemEnvironment() for name, value in params.environment.items(): launch_args.env.insert(name, value) return launch_args def get_launch_args(core: LegendaryCore, args: InitArgs = None) -> LaunchArgs: game = core.get_game(args.app_name) igame = core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) resp = LaunchArgs() if not game: return resp if game.third_party_store == "Origin": args.offline = False else: if not igame: logger.error("Game is not installed or has unsupported format") return resp if game.is_dlc: logger.error("Game is dlc") return resp if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): logger.error("Game path does not exist") return resp if game.third_party_store == "Origin": resp = get_origin_params(core, args.app_name, args.offline, resp) else: resp = get_game_params(core, igame, args, resp) pre_cmd, wait = core.get_pre_launch_command(args.app_name) resp.pre_launch_command, resp.pre_launch_wait = pre_cmd, wait return resp def get_configured_process(env: dict = None): proc = QProcess() proc.readyReadStandardOutput.connect( lambda: print( str(proc.readAllStandardOutput().data(), "utf-8", "ignore") ) ) proc.readyReadStandardError.connect( lambda: print( str(proc.readAllStandardError().data(), "utf-8", "ignore") ) ) environment = QProcessEnvironment.systemEnvironment() if env: for e in env: environment.insert(e, env[e]) proc.setProcessEnvironment(environment) return proc