import os from logging import getLogger from typing import List, Union, Type, Dict import qtawesome import requests from PyQt5.QtCore import ( QObject, QSettings, QFile, QDir, Qt, ) from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette, QColor, QFontMetrics from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QStyleFactory, QLabel from PyQt5.sip import wrappertype from rare.utils.paths import resources_path logger = getLogger("Utils") color_role_map: Dict[int, str] = { 0: "WindowText", 1: "Button", 2: "Light", 3: "Midlight", 4: "Dark", 5: "Mid", 6: "Text", 7: "BrightText", 8: "ButtonText", 9: "Base", 10: "Window", 11: "Shadow", 12: "Highlight", 13: "HighlightedText", 14: "Link", 15: "LinkVisited", 16: "AlternateBase", # 17: "NoRole", 18: "ToolTipBase", 19: "ToolTipText", 20: "PlaceholderText", # 21: "NColorRoles", } color_group_map: Dict[int, str] = { 0: "Active", 1: "Disabled", 2: "Inactive", } def load_color_scheme(path: str) -> QPalette: palette = QPalette() scheme = QSettings(path, QSettings.IniFormat) try: scheme.beginGroup("ColorScheme") for g in color_group_map: scheme.beginGroup(color_group_map[g]) group = QPalette.ColorGroup(g) for r in color_role_map: role = QPalette.ColorRole(r) color = scheme.value(color_role_map[r], None) if color is not None: palette.setColor(group, role, QColor(color)) else: palette.setColor(group, role, palette.color(QPalette.Active, role)) scheme.endGroup() scheme.endGroup() except: palette = None return palette def get_static_style() -> str: file = QFile(":/static_css/stylesheet.qss") static = file.readAll().data().decode("utf-8") file.close() return static def set_color_pallete(color_scheme: str) -> None: static = get_static_style() if not color_scheme: qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("rareDefaultQtStyle"))) qApp.setPalette( qApp.setStyleSheet(static) return qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("Fusion")) custom_palette = load_color_scheme(f":/schemes/{color_scheme}") if custom_palette is not None: qApp.setPalette(custom_palette) qApp.setStyleSheet(static) icon_color = qApp.palette().color(QPalette.Foreground).name() qtawesome.set_defaults(color=icon_color) def get_color_schemes() -> List[str]: colors = [] for file in QDir(":/schemes"): colors.append(file) return colors def set_style_sheet(style_sheet: str) -> None: static = get_static_style() if not style_sheet: qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("rareDefaultQtStyle"))) qApp.setStyleSheet(static) return qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("Fusion")) file = QFile(f":/stylesheets/{style_sheet}/stylesheet.qss") stylesheet = file.readAll().data().decode("utf-8") file.close() qApp.setStyleSheet(stylesheet + static) icon_color = qApp.palette().color(QPalette.Text).name() qtawesome.set_defaults(color="#eeeeee") def get_style_sheets() -> List[str]: styles = [] for file in QDir(":/stylesheets/"): styles.append(file) return styles def get_translations(): langs = ["en"] for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(resources_path, "languages")): if i.endswith(".qm") and not i.startswith("qt_"): langs.append(i.split(".")[0]) return langs def get_latest_version(): try: resp = requests.get( "", timeout=2, ) tag = resp.json()["tag_name"] return tag except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return "0.0.0" def path_size(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> int: return sum( os.stat(os.path.join(dp, f)).st_size for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(path) for f in filenames if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dp,f )) ) def format_size(b: Union[int, float]) -> str: for s in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei"]: if b < 1024: return f"{b:.2f} {s}B" b /= 1024 def icon(icn_str: str, fallback: str = None, **kwargs): try: return qtawesome.icon(icn_str, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not fallback: logger.warning(f"{e} {icn_str}") if fallback: try: return qtawesome.icon(fallback, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) if kwargs.get("color"): kwargs["color"] = "red" return qtawesome.icon("ei.error", **kwargs) def widget_object_name(widget: Union[QObject, wrappertype, Type], suffix: str) -> str: suffix = f"_{suffix}" if suffix else "" if isinstance(widget, QObject): return f"{type(widget).__name__}{suffix}" elif isinstance(widget, wrappertype) or isinstance(widget, type): return f"{widget.__name__}{suffix}" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Argument {widget} not a QObject or type of QObject") def elide_text(label: QLabel, text: str) -> str: metrics = QFontMetrics(label.font()) return metrics.elidedText(text, Qt.ElideRight, label.sizeHint().width()) def style_hyperlink(link: str, title: str) -> str: return "{}".format(link, title)