import functools import logging import os import queue import subprocess import time from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple from legendary.cli import LegendaryCLI as LegendaryCLIReal from legendary.lfs.wine_helpers import case_insensitive_file_search from legendary.models.downloading import AnalysisResult, ConditionCheckResult from import Game, InstalledGame, VerifyResult from legendary.lfs.utils import validate_files from legendary.utils.selective_dl import get_sdl_appname from rare.lgndr.core import LegendaryCore from import DLManager from rare.lgndr.glue.arguments import ( LgndrInstallGameArgs, LgndrImportGameArgs, LgndrVerifyGameArgs, LgndrUninstallGameArgs, LgndrInstallGameRealArgs, LgndrInstallGameRealRet, ) from rare.lgndr.glue.monkeys import LgndrIndirectStatus, LgndrIndirectLogger # fmt: off class LegendaryCLI(LegendaryCLIReal): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, core: LegendaryCore): self.core = core self.logger = logging.getLogger('cli') self.logging_queue = None self.ql = self.setup_threaded_logging() def __del__(self): self.ql.stop() @staticmethod def unlock_installed(func): @functools.wraps(func) def unlock(self, *args, **kwargs): try: ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: raise e finally: self.core.lgd._installed_lock.release(force=True) return ret return unlock def resolve_aliases(self, name): return super(LegendaryCLI, self)._resolve_aliases(name) @unlock_installed def install_game(self, args: LgndrInstallGameArgs) -> Optional[Tuple[DLManager, AnalysisResult, InstalledGame, Game, bool, Optional[str], ConditionCheckResult]]: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice sdl_prompt = args.sdl_prompt if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) args.platform = igame.platform if igame.needs_verification and not args.repair_mode:'Game needs to be verified before updating, switching to repair mode...') args.repair_mode = True repair_file = None # Rare: The 'args.no_install' flags is set externally from the InstallDialog if args.repair_mode: args.repair_mode = True args.no_install = args.repair_and_update is False repair_file = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') # Rare: Rare is already logged in if args.file_prefix or args.file_exclude_prefix: args.no_install = True # Rare: Rare runs updates on already installed games only game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.error(f'Could not find "{args.app_name}" in list of available games, ' f'did you type the name correctly?') return # Rare: Rare checks this before calling 'install_game' if args.platform not in game.asset_infos: if not args.no_install: if self.core.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'install_platform_fallback', fallback=True): logger.warning(f'App has no asset for platform "{args.platform}", falling back to "Windows".') args.platform = 'Windows' else: logger.error(f'No app asset found for platform "{args.platform}", run ' f'"legendary info --platform {args.platform}" and make ' f'sure the app is available for the specified platform.') return else: logger.warning(f'No asset found for platform "{args.platform}", ' f'trying anyway since --no-install is set.') if game.is_dlc:'Install candidate is DLC') app_name = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] base_game = self.core.get_game(app_name) # check if base_game is actually installed if not self.core.is_installed(app_name): # download mode doesn't care about whether something's installed if not args.no_install: logger.fatal(f'Base game "{app_name}" is not installed!') return else: base_game = None if args.repair_mode: if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name}) is not installed!') return if not os.path.exists(repair_file):'Game has not been verified yet.') # Rare: we do not want to verify while preparing the download in the InstallDialog # Rare: we handle it differently through the GameInfo tab logger.error('Game has not been verified yet.') return else:'Using existing repair file: {repair_file}') # check if SDL should be disabled sdl_enabled = not args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc config_tags = self.core.lgd.config.get(game.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None) config_disable_sdl = self.core.lgd.config.getboolean(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', fallback=False) # remove config flag if SDL is reset if config_disable_sdl and args.reset_sdl and not args.disable_sdl: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl') # if config flag is not yet set, set it and remove previous install tags elif not config_disable_sdl and args.disable_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config and disabling SDL for title.') if config_tags: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') config_tags = None self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', 'true') sdl_enabled = False # just disable SDL, but keep config tags that have been manually specified elif config_disable_sdl or args.disable_sdl: sdl_enabled = False if sdl_enabled and ((sdl_name := get_sdl_appname(game.app_name)) is not None): if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name) or config_tags is None or args.reset_sdl: sdl_data = self.core.get_sdl_data(sdl_name, platform=args.platform) if sdl_data: if args.skip_sdl: args.install_tag = [''] if '__required' in sdl_data: args.install_tag.extend(sdl_data['__required']['tags']) else: args.install_tag = sdl_prompt(sdl_data, game.app_title) self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(args.install_tag)) else: logger.error(f'Unable to get SDL data for {sdl_name}') else: args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',') elif args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc and not args.no_install: config_tags = ','.join(args.install_tag)'Saving install tags for "{game.app_name}" to config: {config_tags}') self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', config_tags) elif not game.is_dlc: if config_tags and args.reset_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config.') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') elif config_tags:'Using install tags from config: {config_tags}') args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',')'Preparing download for "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name})...') # todo use status queue to print progress from CLI # This has become a little ridiculous hasn't it? dlm, analysis, igame = self.core.prepare_download(game=game, base_game=base_game, base_path=args.base_path, force=args.force, max_shm=args.shared_memory, max_workers=args.max_workers, game_folder=args.game_folder, disable_patching=args.disable_patching, override_manifest=args.override_manifest, override_old_manifest=args.override_old_manifest, override_base_url=args.override_base_url, platform=args.platform, file_prefix_filter=args.file_prefix, file_exclude_filter=args.file_exclude_prefix, file_install_tag=args.install_tag, dl_optimizations=args.order_opt, dl_timeout=args.dl_timeout, repair=args.repair_mode, repair_use_latest=args.repair_and_update, disable_delta=args.disable_delta, override_delta_manifest=args.override_delta_manifest, preferred_cdn=args.preferred_cdn, disable_https=args.disable_https, bind_ip=args.bind_ip) # game is either up-to-date or hasn't changed, so we have nothing to do if not analysis.dl_size and not game.is_dlc:'Download size is 0, the game is either already up to date or has not changed. Exiting...') self.install_game_cleanup(game, igame, args.repair_mode, repair_file) # return # Rare: Return what we know about the download to queue a 0 size DLC res = self.core.check_installation_conditions(analysis=analysis, install=igame, game=game, updating=self.core.is_installed(args.app_name), ignore_space_req=args.ignore_space) return dlm, analysis, igame, game, args.repair_mode, repair_file, res res = self.core.check_installation_conditions(analysis=analysis, install=igame, game=game, updating=self.core.is_installed(args.app_name), ignore_space_req=args.ignore_space) return dlm, analysis, igame, game, args.repair_mode, repair_file, res # Rare: This is currently handled in DownloadThread, this is a trial @unlock_installed def install_game_real(self, args: LgndrInstallGameRealArgs, dlm: DLManager, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame) -> LgndrInstallGameRealRet: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) ret = LgndrInstallGameRealRet(game.app_name) if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return ret start_t = time.time() try: # set up logging stuff (should be moved somewhere else later) dlm.logging_queue = self.logging_queue dlm.proc_debug = args.dlm_debug dlm.start() while dlm.is_alive(): try: args.ui_update(dlm.status_queue.get(timeout=1.0)) except queue.Empty: pass if args.dlm_signals.update: try: dlm.signals_queue.put(args.dlm_signals, block=False, timeout=1.0) except queue.Full: pass time.sleep(dlm.update_interval / 10) dlm.join() except Exception as e: end_t = time.time()'Installation failed after {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') logger.warning(f'The following exception occurred while waiting for the downloader to finish: {e!r}. ' f'Try restarting the process, the resume file will be used to start where it failed. ' f'If it continues to fail please open an issue on GitHub.') ret.ret_code = ret.ReturnCode.ERROR ret.message = f"{e!r}" return ret else: end_t = time.time() if args.dlm_signals.kill is True:"Download stopped after {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.") ret.exit_code = ret.ReturnCode.STOPPED return ret"Download finished in {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.") if not args.no_install: # Allow setting savegame directory at install time so sync-saves will work immediately if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and args.save_path: igame.save_path = args.save_path postinstall = self.core.install_game(igame) if postinstall: self._handle_postinstall(postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=args.yes, choice=args.install_prereqs) dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs and not args.skip_dlcs: for dlc in dlcs: ret.dlcs.append( { "app_name": dlc.app_name, "app_title": dlc.app_title, "app_version": dlc.app_version(args.platform) } ) # Rare: We do not install DLCs automatically, we offer to do so through our downloads tab if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and not game.is_dlc: # todo option to automatically download saves after the installation # args does not have the required attributes for sync_saves in here, # not sure how to solve that elegantly.'This game supports cloud saves, syncing is handled by the "sync-saves" command. ' f'To download saves for this game run "legendary sync-saves {args.app_name}"') ret.sync_saves = True # show tip again after installation finishes so users hopefully actually see it if tip_url := self.core.get_game_tip(igame.app_name): ret.tip_url = tip_url self.install_game_cleanup(game, igame, args.repair_mode, args.repair_file)'Finished installation process in {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') return ret @unlock_installed def install_game_cleanup(self, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame, repair_mode: bool = False, repair_file: str = '') -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(LgndrIndirectStatus(), self.logger) if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return old_igame = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) if old_igame and repair_mode and os.path.exists(repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(repair_file) # check if install tags have changed, if they did; try deleting files that are no longer required. if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = igame.install_tags'Deleting now untagged files.') self.core.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.core.install_game(old_igame) if old_igame.install_tags: self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(old_igame.install_tags)) self.core.lgd.save_config() # check if the version changed, this can happen for DLC that gets a version bump with no actual file changes if old_igame and old_igame.version != igame.version: old_igame.version = igame.version self.core.install_game(old_igame) def _handle_postinstall(self, postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=False, choice=True): # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(LgndrIndirectStatus(), self.logger) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def print(x): if x else None # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def input(x): return 'y' if choice else 'n' print('\nThis game lists the following prerequisites to be installed:') print(f'- {postinstall["name"]}: {" ".join((postinstall["path"], postinstall["args"]))}') print('') if == 'nt': if skip_prereqs: c = 'n' # we don't want to launch anything, just silent install. else: choice = input('Do you wish to install the prerequisites? ([y]es, [n]o, [i]gnore): ') c = choice.lower()[0] print('') if c == 'i': # just set it to installed'Marking prerequisites as installed...') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) elif c == 'y': # set to installed and launch installation'Launching prerequisite executable..') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) req_path, req_exec = os.path.split(postinstall['path']) work_dir = os.path.join(igame.install_path, req_path) fullpath = os.path.join(work_dir, req_exec) try: p = subprocess.Popen([fullpath, postinstall['args']], cwd=work_dir, shell=True) p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to run prereq executable with: {e!r}') else:'Automatic installation not available on Linux.') @unlock_installed def uninstall_game(self, args: LgndrUninstallGameArgs) -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger, logging.WARNING) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice_main # def get_boolean_choice(x, default): return True if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not igame: logger.error(f'Game {args.app_name} not installed, cannot uninstall!') return if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to uninstall "{igame.title}"?', default=False): return if == 'nt' and igame.uninstaller and not args.skip_uninstaller: self._handle_uninstaller(igame, args.yes, args) try: if not igame.is_dlc: # Remove DLC first so directory is empty when game uninstall runs dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(igame.app_name) for dlc in dlcs: if (idlc := self.core.get_installed_game(dlc.app_name)) is not None:'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(idlc, delete_files=not args.keep_files)'Removing "{igame.title}" from "{igame.install_path}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(igame, delete_files=not args.keep_files, delete_root_directory=not igame.is_dlc)'Game has been uninstalled.') return except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Removing game failed: {e!r}, please remove {igame.install_path} manually.') return def _handle_uninstaller(self, igame: InstalledGame, yes=False, args: LgndrUninstallGameArgs = None): # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger, logging.WARNING) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice_handler # def get_boolean_choice(x, default): return True # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def print(x): if x else None uninstaller = igame.uninstaller print('\nThis game provides the following uninstaller:') print(f'- {uninstaller["path"]} {uninstaller["args"]}\n') if yes or get_boolean_choice('Do you wish to run the uninstaller?', default=True):'Running uninstaller...') req_path, req_exec = os.path.split(uninstaller['path']) work_dir = os.path.join(igame.install_path, req_path) fullpath = os.path.join(work_dir, req_exec) try: p = subprocess.Popen([fullpath, uninstaller['args']], cwd=work_dir, shell=True) p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to run uninstaller: {e!r}') def verify_game(self, args: Union[LgndrVerifyGameArgs, LgndrInstallGameArgs], print_command=True, repair_mode=False, repair_online=False) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{args.app_name}" is not installed') return'Loading installed manifest for "{args.app_name}"') igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): logger.error(f'Install path "{igame.install_path}" does not exist, make sure all necessary mounts ' f'are available. If you previously deleted the game folder without uninstalling, run ' f'"legendary uninstall -y {igame.app_name}" and reinstall from scratch.') return manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(args.app_name) if manifest_data is None: if repair_mode: if not repair_online: logger.critical('No manifest could be loaded, the manifest file may be missing!') raise ValueError('Local manifest is missing') logger.warning('No manifest could be loaded, the file may be missing. Downloading the latest manifest.') game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, platform=igame.platform) manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, igame.platform) # Rare: Save the manifest if we downloaded it because it was missing self.core.lgd.save_manifest(game.app_name, manifest_data, version=self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data).meta.build_version, platform=igame.platform) else: logger.critical(f'Manifest appears to be missing! To repair, run "legendary repair ' f'{args.app_name} --repair-and-update", this will however redownload all files ' f'that do not match the latest manifest in their entirety.') return manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) # build list of hashes if (config_tags := self.core.lgd.config.get(args.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None)) is not None: install_tags = set(i.strip() for i in config_tags.split(',')) file_list = [ (f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files if any(it in install_tags for it in f.install_tags) or not f.install_tags ] else: file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files] total = len(file_list) total_size = sum(manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(fm[0]).file_size for fm in file_list) num = processed = last_processed = 0 speed = 0.0 percentage = 0.0 failed = [] missing = [] last_update = time.time()'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"') repair_file = [] for result, path, result_hash, bytes_read in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list): processed += bytes_read percentage = (processed / total_size) * 100.0 num += 1 if (delta := ((current_time := time.time()) - last_update)) > 1: last_update = current_time speed = (processed - last_processed) / 1024 / 1024 / delta last_processed = processed if args.verify_stdout: args.verify_stdout(num, total, percentage, speed) if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH: repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') continue elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH: logger.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"') repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') failed.append(path) elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING: logger.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) else: logger.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) if args.verify_stdout: args.verify_stdout(num, total, percentage, speed) # always write repair file, even if all match if repair_file: repair_filename = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') with open(repair_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(repair_file)) logger.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"') if not missing and not failed:'Verification finished successfully.') return 0, 0 else: logger.error(f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.') if print_command:'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to repair your game installation.') return len(failed), len(missing) @unlock_installed def import_game(self, args: LgndrImportGameArgs) -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return # make sure path is absolute args.app_path = os.path.abspath(args.app_path) args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(args.app_path): logger.error(f'Specified path "{args.app_path}" does not exist!') return if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error('Game is already installed!') return if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Log in failed!') return # do some basic checks game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.fatal(f'Did not find game "{args.app_name}" on account.') return if game.is_dlc: release_info = game.metadata.get('mainGameItem', {}).get('releaseInfo') if release_info: main_game_appname = release_info[0]['appId'] main_game_title = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['title'] if not self.core.is_installed(main_game_appname): logger.error(f'Import candidate is DLC but base game "{main_game_title}" ' f'(App name: "{main_game_appname}") is not installed!') return else: logger.fatal(f'Unable to get base game information for DLC, cannot continue.') return # get everything needed for import from core, then run additional checks. manifest, igame = self.core.import_game(game, args.app_path, platform=args.platform) exe_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, manifest.meta.launch_exe.lstrip('/')) if != 'nt': exe_path = case_insensitive_file_search(exe_path) # check if most files at least exist or if user might have specified the wrong directory total = len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) found = sum(os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.app_path, f.filename)) for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) ratio = found / total if not found: logger.error(f'No files belonging to {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" ' f'({game.app_name}) found in the specified location, please verify that the path is correct.') if not game.is_dlc: # check if game folder is in path, suggest alternative folder = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('FolderName', {}).get('value', game.app_name) if folder and folder not in args.app_path: new_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, folder)'Did you mean "{new_path}"?') return if not game.is_dlc and not os.path.exists(exe_path) and not args.disable_check: logger.error(f'Game executable could not be found at "{exe_path}", ' f'please verify that the specified path is correct.') return if ratio < 0.95: logger.warning('Some files are missing from the game installation, install may not ' 'match latest Epic Games Store version or might be corrupted.') else:'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} install appears to be complete.') self.core.install_game(igame) if igame.needs_verification:'NOTE: The {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} installation will have to be ' f'verified before it can be updated with legendary.')'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to do so.') else:'Installation had Epic Games Launcher metadata for version "{igame.version}", ' f'verification will not be required.') # check for importable DLC if not args.skip_dlcs: dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs:'Found {len(dlcs)} items of DLC that could be imported.') import_dlc = True if not args.yes and not args.with_dlcs: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to automatically attempt to import all DLCs?'): import_dlc = False if import_dlc: for dlc in dlcs: args.app_name = dlc.app_name self.import_game(args)'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" has been imported.') return @unlock_installed def egs_sync(self, args): return super(LegendaryCLI, self).egs_sync(args) @unlock_installed def move(self, args): # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) if not self.core.lgd.lock_installed(): logger.fatal('Failed to acquire installed data lock, only one instance of Legendary may ' 'install/import/move applications at a time.') return app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name, skip_sync=True) if not igame: logger.error(f'No installed game found for "{app_name}"') return old_base, game_folder = os.path.split(igame.install_path.replace('\\', '/')) new_path = os.path.join(args.new_path, game_folder)'Moving "{game_folder}" from "{old_base}" to "{args.new_path}"') if not args.skip_move: try: if not os.path.exists(args.new_path): os.makedirs(args.new_path) os.rename(igame.install_path, new_path) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=E1101 if isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno == 18: logger.error(f'Moving to a different drive is not supported. Move the folder manually to ' f'"{new_path}" and run "legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') elif isinstance(e, FileExistsError): logger.error(f'The target path already contains a folder called "{game_folder}", ' f'please remove or rename it first.') else: logger.error(f'Moving failed with unknown error {e!r}.')'Try moving the folder manually to "{new_path}" and running ' f'"legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') return else:'Not moving, just rewriting legendary metadata...') igame.install_path = new_path self.core.install_game(igame)'Finished.') # fmt: on