import hashlib import json import pickle import zlib # from concurrent import futures from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Set from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, Type, List, Callable import requests from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, QObject, QSize, QThreadPool, QRunnable, QRect, QRectF, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, QPainterPath, QBrush, QTransform, QPen from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from import Game from rare.lgndr.core import LegendaryCore from rare.models.image import ImageSize from rare.models.signals import GlobalSignals from rare.utils.paths import image_dir, resources_path, desktop_icon_suffix # from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession if TYPE_CHECKING: pass logger = getLogger("ImageManager") class ImageManager(QObject): class Worker(QRunnable): class Signals(QObject): # object: Game completed = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, func: Callable, updates: List, json_data: Dict, game: Game): super(ImageManager.Worker, self).__init__() self.signals = ImageManager.Worker.Signals() self.setAutoDelete(True) self.func = func self.updates = updates self.json_data = json_data = game def run(self): self.func(self.updates, self.json_data, logger.debug(f"Emitting singal for {} ({})") self.signals.completed.emit( def __init__(self, signals: GlobalSignals, core: LegendaryCore): # lk: the ordering in __img_types matters for the order of fallbacks # {'AndroidIcon', 'DieselGameBox', 'DieselGameBoxLogo', 'DieselGameBoxTall', 'DieselGameBoxWide', # 'ESRB', 'Featured', 'OfferImageTall', 'OfferImageWide', 'Screenshot', 'Thumbnail'} self.__img_tall_types: Tuple = ("DieselGameBoxTall", "OfferImageTall", "Thumbnail") self.__img_wide_types: Tuple = ("DieselGameBoxWide", "DieselGameBox", "OfferImageWide", "Screenshot") self.__img_logo_types: Tuple = ("DieselGameBoxLogo",) self.__img_types: Tuple = self.__img_tall_types + self.__img_wide_types + self.__img_logo_types self.__dl_retries = 1 self.__worker_app_names: Set[str] = set() super(QObject, self).__init__() self.signals = signals self.core = core self.image_dir: Path = image_dir() if not self.image_dir.is_dir(): self.image_dir.mkdir()"Created image directory at {self.image_dir}") self.device = ImageSize.Preset(1, QApplication.instance().devicePixelRatio()) self.threadpool = QThreadPool() self.threadpool.setMaxThreadCount(6) def __img_dir(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.image_dir.joinpath(app_name) def __img_json(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("image.json") def __img_cache(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("image.cache") def __img_tall_color(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("tall.png") def __img_tall_gray(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("tall_uninstalled.png") def __img_wide_color(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("wide.png") def __img_wide_gray(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("wide_uninstalled.png") def __img_logo(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("logo.png") def __img_icon(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath(f"icon.{desktop_icon_suffix()}") def __img_all(self, app_name: str) -> Tuple: return ( self.__img_icon(app_name), self.__img_tall_color(app_name), self.__img_tall_gray(app_name), self.__img_wide_color(app_name), self.__img_tall_gray(app_name), ) def __prepare_download(self, game: Game, force: bool = False) -> Tuple[List, Dict]: if force and self.__img_dir(game.app_name).exists(): for file in self.__img_all(game.app_name): file.unlink(missing_ok=True) if not self.__img_dir(game.app_name).is_dir(): self.__img_dir(game.app_name).mkdir() # Load image checksums if not self.__img_json(game.app_name).is_file(): json_data: Dict = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) else: json_data = json.load(open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "r")) # Only download the best matching candidate for each image category def best_match(key_images: List, image_types: Tuple) -> Dict: matches = sorted( filter(lambda image: image["type"] in image_types, key_images), key=lambda x: image_types.index(x["type"]) if x["type"] in image_types else len(image_types), reverse=False, ) try: best = matches[0] except IndexError as e: best = {} return best candidates = tuple( image for image in [ best_match(game.metadata.get("keyImages", []), self.__img_tall_types), best_match(game.metadata.get("keyImages", []), self.__img_wide_types), best_match(game.metadata.get("keyImages", []), self.__img_logo_types), ] if bool(image) ) # lk: Find updates or initialize if images are missing. # lk: `updates` will be empty for games without images # lk: so everything below it is skipped updates = [] if not all(file.is_file() for file in self.__img_all(game.app_name)): # lk: fast path for games without images, convert Rare's logo if not candidates: cache_data: Dict = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) with open(resources_path.joinpath("images", "cover.png"), "rb") as fd: cache_data["DieselGameBoxTall"] = cache_data["DieselGameBoxWide"] = # cache_data["DieselGameBoxLogo"] = open( # resources_path.joinpath("images", "Rare_nonsquared.png"), "rb").read() self.__convert(game, cache_data) json_data["cache"] = None json_data["scale"] = ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio json_data["size"] = {"w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} json.dump(json_data, open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "w")) else: updates = [image for image in candidates if image["type"] in self.__img_types] else: for image in candidates: if image["type"] in self.__img_types: if image["type"] not in json_data.keys() or json_data[image["type"]] != image["md5"]: updates.append(image) return updates, json_data def __download(self, updates: List, json_data: Dict, game: Game, use_async: bool = False) -> bool: # Decompress existing image.cache if not self.__img_cache(game.app_name).is_file(): cache_data = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) else: cache_data = self.__decompress(game) # lk: filter updates again against the cache now that it is available # images in cache don't need to be downloaded again. downloads = [ image for image in updates if (cache_data.get(image["type"], None) is None or json_data[image["type"]] != image["md5"]) ] # Download # # lk: Keep this here, so I don't have to go looking for it again, # # lk: it might be useful in the future. # if use_async: # session = FuturesSession(max_workers=len(self.__img_types)) # image_requests = [] # for image in downloads: #"Downloading {image['type']} for {game.app_title}") # json_data[image["type"]] = image["md5"] # if image["type"] in self.__img_tall_types: # payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} # elif image["type"] in self.__img_wide_types: # payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.height()} # else: # # Set the larger of the sizes for everything else # payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.height()} # req = session.get(image["url"], params=payload) # req.image_type = image["type"] # image_requests.append(req) # for req in futures.as_completed(image_requests): # cache_data[req.image_type] = req.result().content # else: for image in downloads:"Downloading {image['type']} for {game.app_name} ({game.app_title})") json_data[image["type"]] = image["md5"] if image["type"] in self.__img_tall_types: payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} elif image["type"] in self.__img_wide_types: payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.height()} else: # Set the larger of the sizes for everything else payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.ImageWide.size.height()} try: # cache_data[image["type"]] = requests.get(image["url"], params=payload).content cache_data[image["type"]] = requests.get(image["url"], params=payload, timeout=10).content except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return False self.__convert(game, cache_data) # lk: don't keep the cache if there is no logo (kept for me) # if cache_data["DieselGameBoxLogo"] is not None: # self.__compress(game, cache_data) self.__compress(game, cache_data) # hash image cache try: with open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "rb") as archive: archive_hash = hashlib.md5( except FileNotFoundError: archive_hash = None json_data["cache"] = archive_hash json_data["scale"] = ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio json_data["size"] = {"w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} # write image.json with open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "w") as file: json.dump(json_data, file) return bool(updates) __icon_overlay: Optional[QPainterPath] = None @staticmethod def __generate_icon_overlay(rect: QRect) -> QPainterPath: if ImageManager.__icon_overlay is not None: return ImageManager.__icon_overlay rounded_path = QPainterPath() margin = 0.05 rounded_path.addRoundedRect( QRectF( rect.width() * margin, rect.height() * margin, rect.width() - (rect.width() * margin * 2), rect.height() - (rect.width() * margin * 2), ), rect.height() * 0.2, rect.height() * 0.2, ) ImageManager.__icon_overlay = rounded_path return ImageManager.__icon_overlay @staticmethod def __convert_icon(cover: QImage) -> QImage: icon_size = QSize(128, 128) icon = QImage(icon_size, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) painter = QPainter(icon) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform, True) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True) painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter.CompositionMode_Source) painter.fillRect(icon.rect(), Qt.transparent) overlay = ImageManager.__generate_icon_overlay(icon.rect()) brush = QBrush(cover) scale = max(icon.width() / cover.width(), icon.height() / cover.height()) transform = QTransform().scale(scale, scale) brush.setTransform(transform) painter.fillPath(overlay, brush) pen = QPen(, 2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawPath(overlay) painter.end() return icon def __convert(self, game, images, force=False) -> None: for file in self.__img_all(game.app_name): if force and file.exists(): file.unlink(missing_ok=True) def find_image_data(image_types: Tuple): data = None for image_type in image_types: if images.get(image_type, None) is not None: data = images[image_type] break return data tall_data = find_image_data(self.__img_tall_types) wide_data = find_image_data(self.__img_wide_types) logo_data = find_image_data(self.__img_logo_types) def convert_image(image_data, logo_data, preset: ImageSize.Preset) -> QImage: image = QImage() image.loadFromData(image_data) image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # lk: Images are not always at the correct aspect ratio, so crop them to size wr, hr = preset.aspect_ratio factor = min(image.width() // wr, image.height() // hr) rem_w = (image.width() - factor * wr) // 2 rem_h = (image.height() - factor * hr) // 2 image = image.copy(rem_w, rem_h, factor * wr, factor * hr) if logo_data is not None: logo = QImage() logo.loadFromData(logo_data) logo.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) if logo.width() > image.width(): logo = logo.scaled(image.width(), image.height(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) painter = QPainter(image) painter.drawImage((image.width() - logo.width()) // 2, image.height() - logo.height(), logo) painter.end() return image.scaled(preset.size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) tall = convert_image(tall_data, logo_data, ImageSize.Image) wide = convert_image(wide_data, logo_data, ImageSize.ImageWide) icon = self.__convert_icon(tall), format=desktop_icon_suffix().upper()) def save_image(image: QImage, color_path: Path, gray_path: Path): # this is not required if we ever want to re-apply the alpha channel # image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Indexed8) # add the alpha channel back to the cover image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), format="PNG") # quick way to convert to grayscale image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) # add the alpha channel back to the grayscale cover image = image.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), format="PNG") save_image(tall, self.__img_tall_color(game.app_name), self.__img_tall_gray(game.app_name)) save_image(wide, self.__img_wide_color(game.app_name), self.__img_wide_gray(game.app_name)) def __compress(self, game: Game, data: Dict) -> None: archive = open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "wb") cdata = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data), level=-1) archive.write(cdata) archive.close() def __decompress(self, game: Game) -> Dict: archive = open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "rb") try: data = zlib.decompress( data = pickle.loads(data) except zlib.error: data = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) finally: archive.close() return data def __append_to_queue(self, game: Game): self.__worker_app_names.add(game.app_name) @pyqtSlot(object) def __remove_from_queue(self, game: Game): self.__worker_app_names.remove(game.app_name) def download_image( self, game: Game, load_callback: Callable[[], None], priority: int, force: bool = False ) -> None: if game.app_name in self.__worker_app_names: return self.__append_to_queue(game) updates, json_data = self.__prepare_download(game, force) if not updates: self.__remove_from_queue(game) load_callback() else: # Copy the data because we are going to be a thread and we modify them later on image_worker = ImageManager.Worker(self.__download, updates.copy(), json_data.copy(), game) image_worker.signals.completed.connect(self.__remove_from_queue) image_worker.signals.completed.connect(load_callback) self.threadpool.start(image_worker, priority) def download_image_launch( self, game: Game, callback: Callable[[], None], priority: int, force: bool = False ) -> None: if self.__img_cache(game.app_name).is_file() and not force: return self.download_image(game, callback, priority, force) def download_image_blocking(self, game: Game, force: bool = False) -> None: updates, json_data = self.__prepare_download(game, force) if not updates: return if updates: self.__download(updates, json_data, game, use_async=True) def __get_cover( self, container: Union[Type[QPixmap], Type[QImage]], app_name: str, color: bool ) -> Union[QPixmap, QImage]: ret = container() if not app_name: raise RuntimeError("app_name is an empty string") if color: if self.__img_tall_color(app_name).is_file(): ret.load(self.__img_tall_color(app_name).as_posix()) else: if self.__img_tall_gray(app_name).is_file(): ret.load(self.__img_tall_gray(app_name).as_posix()) if not ret.isNull(): ret.setDevicePixelRatio(ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio) # lk: Scaling happens at painting. It might be inefficient so leave this here as an alternative # lk: If this is uncommented, the transformation in ImageWidget should be adjusted also ret = ret.scaled(self.device.size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) ret.setDevicePixelRatio(self.device.pixel_ratio) return ret def get_pixmap(self, app_name: str, color: bool = True) -> QPixmap: """ Use when the image is to be presented directly on the screen. @param app_name: The RareGame object for this game @param color: True to load the colored pixmap, False to load the grayscale @return: QPixmap """ pixmap: QPixmap = self.__get_cover(QPixmap, app_name, color) return pixmap def get_image(self, app_name: str, color: bool = True) -> QImage: """ Use when the image has to be manipulated before being rendered. @param app_name: The RareGame object for this game @param color: True to load the colored image, False to load the grayscale @return: QImage """ image: QImage = self.__get_cover(QImage, app_name, color) return image