import logging import os import queue import subprocess import time from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple from legendary.cli import LegendaryCLI as LegendaryCLIReal from legendary.models.downloading import AnalysisResult, ConditionCheckResult from import Game, InstalledGame, VerifyResult from legendary.lfs.utils import validate_files from legendary.utils.selective_dl import get_sdl_appname from .api_arguments import ( LgndrInstallGameArgs, LgndrImportGameArgs, LgndrVerifyGameArgs, LgndrUninstallGameArgs, LgndrInstallGameRealArgs, LgndrInstallGameRealRet, ) from .api_monkeys import LgndrIndirectStatus, LgndrIndirectLogger from .core import LegendaryCore from .manager import DLManager # fmt: off class LegendaryCLI(LegendaryCLIReal): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, core: LegendaryCore): self.core = core self.logger = logging.getLogger('Cli') self.logging_queue = None self.ql = self.setup_threaded_logging() def __del__(self): self.ql.stop() def resolve_aliases(self, name): return super(LegendaryCLI, self)._resolve_aliases(name) def install_game(self, args: LgndrInstallGameArgs) -> Optional[Tuple[DLManager, AnalysisResult, InstalledGame, Game, bool, Optional[str], ConditionCheckResult]]: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice sdl_prompt = args.sdl_prompt args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) args.platform = igame.platform if igame.needs_verification and not args.repair_mode:'Game needs to be verified before updating, switching to repair mode...') args.repair_mode = True repair_file = None # Rare: The 'args.no_install' flags is set externally from the InstallDialog if args.repair_mode: args.repair_mode = True args.no_install = args.repair_and_update is False repair_file = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') # Rare: Rare is already logged in if args.file_prefix or args.file_exclude_prefix: args.no_install = True # Rare: Rare runs updates on already installed games only game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.error(f'Could not find "{args.app_name}" in list of available games, ' f'did you type the name correctly?') return # Rare: Rare checks this before calling 'install_game' if args.platform not in game.asset_infos: if not args.no_install: if self.core.lgd.config.getboolean('Legendary', 'install_platform_fallback', fallback=True): logger.warning(f'App has no asset for platform "{args.platform}", falling back to "Windows".') args.platform = 'Windows' else: logger.error(f'No app asset found for platform "{args.platform}", run ' f'"legendary info --platform {args.platform}" and make ' f'sure the app is available for the specified platform.') return else: logger.warning(f'No asset found for platform "{args.platform}", ' f'trying anyway since --no-install is set.') if game.is_dlc:'Install candidate is DLC') app_name = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] base_game = self.core.get_game(app_name) # check if base_game is actually installed if not self.core.is_installed(app_name): # download mode doesn't care about whether something's installed if not args.no_install: logger.fatal(f'Base game "{app_name}" is not installed!') return else: base_game = None if args.repair_mode: if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name}) is not installed!') return if not os.path.exists(repair_file):'Game has not been verified yet.') # Rare: we do not want to verify while preparing the download in the InstallDialog # Rare: we handle it differently through the GameInfo tab logger.error('Game has not been verified yet.') return else:'Using existing repair file: {repair_file}') # check if SDL should be disabled sdl_enabled = not args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc config_tags = self.core.lgd.config.get(game.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None) config_disable_sdl = self.core.lgd.config.getboolean(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', fallback=False) # remove config flag if SDL is reset if config_disable_sdl and args.reset_sdl and not args.disable_sdl: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl') # if config flag is not yet set, set it and remove previous install tags elif not config_disable_sdl and args.disable_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config and disabling SDL for title.') if config_tags: self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') config_tags = None self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', True) sdl_enabled = False # just disable SDL, but keep config tags that have been manually specified elif config_disable_sdl or args.disable_sdl: sdl_enabled = False if sdl_enabled and ((sdl_name := get_sdl_appname(game.app_name)) is not None): if not self.core.is_installed(game.app_name) or config_tags is None or args.reset_sdl: sdl_data = self.core.get_sdl_data(sdl_name, platform=args.platform) if sdl_data: if args.skip_sdl: args.install_tag = [''] if '__required' in sdl_data: args.install_tag.extend(sdl_data['__required']['tags']) else: args.install_tag = sdl_prompt(sdl_data, game.app_title) self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(args.install_tag)) else: logger.error(f'Unable to get SDL data for {sdl_name}') else: args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',') elif args.install_tag and not game.is_dlc and not args.no_install: config_tags = ','.join(args.install_tag)'Saving install tags for "{game.app_name}" to config: {config_tags}') self.core.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', config_tags) elif not game.is_dlc: if config_tags and args.reset_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config.') self.core.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') elif config_tags:'Using install tags from config: {config_tags}') args.install_tag = config_tags.split(',')'Preparing download for "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name})...') # todo use status queue to print progress from CLI # This has become a little ridiculous hasn't it? dlm, analysis, igame = self.core.prepare_download(game=game, base_game=base_game, base_path=args.base_path, force=args.force, max_shm=args.shared_memory, max_workers=args.max_workers, game_folder=args.game_folder, disable_patching=args.disable_patching, override_manifest=args.override_manifest, override_old_manifest=args.override_old_manifest, override_base_url=args.override_base_url, platform=args.platform, file_prefix_filter=args.file_prefix, file_exclude_filter=args.file_exclude_prefix, file_install_tag=args.install_tag, dl_optimizations=args.order_opt, dl_timeout=args.dl_timeout, repair=args.repair_mode, repair_use_latest=args.repair_and_update, disable_delta=args.disable_delta, override_delta_manifest=args.override_delta_manifest, preferred_cdn=args.preferred_cdn, disable_https=args.disable_https) # game is either up-to-date or hasn't changed, so we have nothing to do if not analysis.dl_size:'Download size is 0, the game is either already up to date or has not changed. Exiting...') self.install_game_cleanup(game, igame, args.repair_mode, repair_file) return res = self.core.check_installation_conditions(analysis=analysis, install=igame, game=game, updating=self.core.is_installed(args.app_name), ignore_space_req=args.ignore_space) return dlm, analysis, igame, game, args.repair_mode, repair_file, res # Rare: This is currently handled in DownloadThread, this is a trial def install_game_real(self, args: LgndrInstallGameRealArgs, dlm: DLManager, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame) -> LgndrInstallGameRealRet: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) ret = LgndrInstallGameRealRet(game.app_name) start_t = time.time() try: # set up logging stuff (should be moved somewhere else later) dlm.logging_queue = self.logging_queue dlm.proc_debug = args.dlm_debug dlm.start() while dlm.is_alive(): try: args.ui_update(dlm.status_queue.get(timeout=1.0)) except queue.Empty: pass if args.dlm_signals.update: try: dlm.signals_queue.put(args.dlm_signals, block=False, timeout=1.0) except queue.Full: pass time.sleep(dlm.update_interval / 10) dlm.join() except Exception as e: end_t = time.time()'Installation failed after {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') logger.warning(f'The following exception occurred while waiting for the downloader to finish: {e!r}. ' f'Try restarting the process, the resume file will be used to start where it failed. ' f'If it continues to fail please open an issue on GitHub.') ret.ret_code = ret.ReturnCode.ERROR ret.message = f"{e!r}" return ret else: end_t = time.time() if args.dlm_signals.kill is True:"Download stopped after {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.") ret.exit_code = ret.ReturnCode.STOPPED return ret"Download finished in {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.") if not args.no_install: # Allow setting savegame directory at install time so sync-saves will work immediately if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and args.save_path: igame.save_path = args.save_path postinstall = self.core.install_game(igame) if postinstall: self._handle_postinstall(postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=args.yes, choice=args.install_prereqs) dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs and not args.skip_dlcs: for dlc in dlcs: ret.dlcs.append( { "app_name": dlc.app_name, "app_title": dlc.app_title, "app_version": dlc.app_version(args.platform) } ) # Rare: We do not install DLCs automatically, we offer to do so through our downloads tab if (game.supports_cloud_saves or game.supports_mac_cloud_saves) and not game.is_dlc: # todo option to automatically download saves after the installation # args does not have the required attributes for sync_saves in here, # not sure how to solve that elegantly.'This game supports cloud saves, syncing is handled by the "sync-saves" command. ' f'To download saves for this game run "legendary sync-saves {args.app_name}"') ret.sync_saves = True # show tip again after installation finishes so users hopefully actually see it if tip_url := self.core.get_game_tip(igame.app_name): ret.tip_url = tip_url self.install_game_cleanup(game, igame, args.repair_mode, args.repair_file)'Finished installation process in {end_t - start_t:.02f} seconds.') return ret def install_game_cleanup(self, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame, repair_mode: bool = False, repair_file: str = '') -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(LgndrIndirectStatus(), self.logger) old_igame = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) if old_igame and repair_mode and os.path.exists(repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(repair_file) # check if install tags have changed, if they did; try deleting files that are no longer required. if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = igame.install_tags'Deleting now untagged files.') self.core.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.core.install_game(old_igame) def _handle_postinstall(self, postinstall, igame, skip_prereqs=False, choice=True): # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(LgndrIndirectStatus(), self.logger) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def print(x): if x else None # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def input(x): return 'y' if choice else 'n' print('\nThis game lists the following prerequisites to be installed:') print(f'- {postinstall["name"]}: {" ".join((postinstall["path"], postinstall["args"]))}') print('') if == 'nt': if skip_prereqs: c = 'n' # we don't want to launch anything, just silent install. else: choice = input('Do you wish to install the prerequisites? ([y]es, [n]o, [i]gnore): ') c = choice.lower()[0] print('') if c == 'i': # just set it to installed'Marking prerequisites as installed...') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) elif c == 'y': # set to installed and launch installation'Launching prerequisite executable..') self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) req_path, req_exec = os.path.split(postinstall['path']) work_dir = os.path.join(igame.install_path, req_path) fullpath = os.path.join(work_dir, req_exec) try: p = subprocess.Popen([fullpath, postinstall['args']], cwd=work_dir, shell=True) p.wait() except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to run prereq executable with: {e!r}') else:'Automatic installation not available on Linux.') def uninstall_game(self, args: LgndrUninstallGameArgs) -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger, logging.WARNING) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not igame: logger.error(f'Game {args.app_name} not installed, cannot uninstall!') return if not args.yes: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to uninstall "{igame.title}"?', default=False): return try: if not igame.is_dlc: # Remove DLC first so directory is empty when game uninstall runs dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(igame.app_name) for dlc in dlcs: if (idlc := self.core.get_installed_game(dlc.app_name)) is not None:'Uninstalling DLC "{dlc.app_name}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(idlc, delete_files=not args.keep_files)'Removing "{igame.title}" from "{igame.install_path}"...') self.core.uninstall_game(igame, delete_files=not args.keep_files, delete_root_directory=not igame.is_dlc)'Game has been uninstalled.') return except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Removing game failed: {e!r}, please remove {igame.install_path} manually.') return def verify_game(self, args: Union[LgndrVerifyGameArgs, LgndrInstallGameArgs], print_command=True, repair_mode=False, repair_online=False) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error(f'Game "{args.app_name}" is not installed') return'Loading installed manifest for "{args.app_name}"') igame = self.core.get_installed_game(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): logger.error(f'Install path "{igame.install_path}" does not exist, make sure all necessary mounts ' f'are available. If you previously deleted the game folder without uninstalling, run ' f'"legendary uninstall -y {igame.app_name}" and reinstall from scratch.') return manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(args.app_name) if manifest_data is None: if repair_mode: if not repair_online: logger.critical('No manifest could be loaded, the manifest file may be missing!') raise ValueError('Local manifest is missing') logger.warning('No manifest could be loaded, the file may be missing. Downloading the latest manifest.') game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, platform=igame.platform) manifest_data, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, igame.platform) # Rare: Save the manifest if we downloaded it because it was missing self.core.lgd.save_manifest(game.app_name, manifest_data, version=self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data).meta.build_version, platform=igame.platform) else: logger.critical(f'Manifest appears to be missing! To repair, run "legendary repair ' f'{args.app_name} --repair-and-update", this will however redownload all files ' f'that do not match the latest manifest in their entirety.') return manifest = self.core.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) # build list of hashes if config_tags := self.core.lgd.config.get(args.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None): install_tags = set(i.strip() for i in config_tags.split(',')) file_list = [ (f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files if any(it in install_tags for it in f.install_tags) or not f.install_tags ] else: file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files] total = len(file_list) total_size = sum(manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(fm[0]).file_size for fm in file_list) num = processed = last_processed = 0 speed = 0.0 percentage = 0.0 failed = [] missing = [] last_update = time.time()'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"') repair_file = [] for result, path, result_hash, bytes_read in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list): processed += bytes_read percentage = (processed / total_size) * 100.0 num += 1 if (delta := ((current_time := time.time()) - last_update)) > 1: last_update = current_time speed = (processed - last_processed) / 1024 / 1024 / delta last_processed = processed if args.verify_stdout: args.verify_stdout(num, total, percentage, speed) if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH: repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') continue elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH: logger.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"') repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') failed.append(path) elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING: logger.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) else: logger.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) if args.verify_stdout: args.verify_stdout(num, total, percentage, speed) # always write repair file, even if all match if repair_file: repair_filename = os.path.join(self.core.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{args.app_name}.repair') with open(repair_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(repair_file)) logger.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"') if not missing and not failed:'Verification finished successfully.') return 0, 0 else: logger.error(f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.') if print_command:'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to repair your game installation.') return len(failed), len(missing) def import_game(self, args: LgndrImportGameArgs) -> None: # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) get_boolean_choice = args.get_boolean_choice # make sure path is absolute args.app_path = os.path.abspath(args.app_path) args.app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) if not os.path.exists(args.app_path): logger.error(f'Specified path "{args.app_path}" does not exist!') return if self.core.is_installed(args.app_name): logger.error('Game is already installed!') return if not self.core.login(): logger.error('Log in failed!') return # do some basic checks game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=args.platform) if not game: logger.fatal(f'Did not find game "{args.app_name}" on account.') return if game.is_dlc: release_info = game.metadata.get('mainGameItem', {}).get('releaseInfo') if release_info: main_game_appname = release_info[0]['appId'] main_game_title = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['title'] if not self.core.is_installed(main_game_appname): logger.error(f'Import candidate is DLC but base game "{main_game_title}" ' f'(App name: "{main_game_appname}") is not installed!') return else: logger.fatal(f'Unable to get base game information for DLC, cannot continue.') return # get everything needed for import from core, then run additional checks. manifest, igame = self.core.import_game(game, args.app_path, platform=args.platform) exe_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, manifest.meta.launch_exe.lstrip('/')) # check if most files at least exist or if user might have specified the wrong directory total = len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) found = sum(os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.app_path, f.filename)) for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) ratio = found / total if not found: logger.error(f'No files belonging to {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" ' f'({game.app_name}) found in the specified location, please verify that the path is correct.') if not game.is_dlc: # check if game folder is in path, suggest alternative folder = game.metadata.get('customAttributes', {}).get('FolderName', {}).get('value', game.app_name) if folder and folder not in args.app_path: new_path = os.path.join(args.app_path, folder)'Did you mean "{new_path}"?') return if not game.is_dlc and not os.path.exists(exe_path) and not args.disable_check: logger.error(f'Game executable could not be found at "{exe_path}", ' f'please verify that the specified path is correct.') return if ratio < 0.95: logger.warning('Some files are missing from the game installation, install may not ' 'match latest Epic Games Store version or might be corrupted.') else:'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} install appears to be complete.') self.core.install_game(igame) if igame.needs_verification:'NOTE: The {"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} installation will have to be ' f'verified before it can be updated with legendary.')'Run "legendary repair {args.app_name}" to do so.') else:'Installation had Epic Games Launcher metadata for version "{igame.version}", ' f'verification will not be required.') # check for importable DLC if not args.skip_dlcs: dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(game.app_name) if dlcs:'Found {len(dlcs)} items of DLC that could be imported.') import_dlc = True if not args.yes and not args.with_dlcs: if not get_boolean_choice(f'Do you wish to automatically attempt to import all DLCs?'): import_dlc = False if import_dlc: for dlc in dlcs: args.app_name = dlc.app_name self.import_game(args)'{"DLC" if game.is_dlc else "Game"} "{game.app_title}" has been imported.') return def move(self, args): # Override logger for the local context to use message as part of the indirect return value logger = LgndrIndirectLogger(args.indirect_status, self.logger) app_name = self._resolve_aliases(args.app_name) igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name, skip_sync=True) if not igame: logger.error(f'No installed game found for "{app_name}"') return old_base, game_folder = os.path.split(igame.install_path.replace('\\', '/')) new_path = os.path.join(args.new_path, game_folder)'Moving "{game_folder}" from "{old_base}" to "{args.new_path}"') if not args.skip_move: try: if not os.path.exists(args.new_path): os.makedirs(args.new_path) os.rename(igame.install_path, new_path) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=E1101 if isinstance(e, OSError) and e.errno == 18: logger.error(f'Moving to a different drive is not supported. Move the folder manually to ' f'"{new_path}" and run "legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') elif isinstance(e, FileExistsError): logger.error(f'The target path already contains a folder called "{game_folder}", ' f'please remove or rename it first.') else: logger.error(f'Moving failed with unknown error {e!r}.')'Try moving the folder manually to "{new_path}" and running ' f'"legendary move {app_name} "{args.new_path}" --skip-move"') return else:'Not moving, just rewriting legendary metadata...') igame.install_path = new_path self.core.install_game(igame)'Finished.') # fmt: on