import os from configparser import ConfigParser from logging import getLogger from typing import List, Union, Type import qtawesome import requests from PyQt5.QtCore import ( pyqtSignal, QObject, QRunnable, QSettings, QFile, QDir, Qt, ) from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette, QColor, QFontMetrics from PyQt5.QtWidgets import qApp, QStyleFactory, QLabel from PyQt5.sip import wrappertype from legendary.core import LegendaryCore from import Game from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from rare.utils.paths import resources_path logger = getLogger("Utils") settings = QSettings("Rare", "Rare") color_role_map = { 0: "WindowText", 1: "Button", 2: "Light", 3: "Midlight", 4: "Dark", 5: "Mid", 6: "Text", 7: "BrightText", 8: "ButtonText", 9: "Base", 10: "Window", 11: "Shadow", 12: "Highlight", 13: "HighlightedText", 14: "Link", 15: "LinkVisited", 16: "AlternateBase", # 17: "NoRole", 18: "ToolTipBase", 19: "ToolTipText", 20: "PlaceholderText", # 21: "NColorRoles", } color_group_map = { 0: "Active", 1: "Disabled", 2: "Inactive", } def load_color_scheme(path: str) -> QPalette: palette = QPalette() scheme = QSettings(path, QSettings.IniFormat) try: scheme.beginGroup("ColorScheme") for g in color_group_map: scheme.beginGroup(color_group_map[g]) group = QPalette.ColorGroup(g) for r in color_role_map: role = QPalette.ColorRole(r) color = scheme.value(color_role_map[r], None) if color is not None: palette.setColor(group, role, QColor(color)) else: palette.setColor(group, role, palette.color(QPalette.Active, role)) scheme.endGroup() scheme.endGroup() except: palette = None return palette def get_static_style() -> str: file = QFile(":/static_css/stylesheet.qss") static = file.readAll().data().decode("utf-8") file.close() return static def set_color_pallete(color_scheme: str) -> None: static = get_static_style() if not color_scheme: qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("rareDefaultQtStyle"))) qApp.setPalette( qApp.setStyleSheet(static) return qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("Fusion")) custom_palette = load_color_scheme(f":/schemes/{color_scheme}") if custom_palette is not None: qApp.setPalette(custom_palette) qApp.setStyleSheet(static) icon_color = qApp.palette().color(QPalette.Foreground).name() qtawesome.set_defaults(color=icon_color) def get_color_schemes() -> List[str]: colors = [] for file in QDir(":/schemes"): colors.append(file) return colors def set_style_sheet(style_sheet: str) -> None: static = get_static_style() if not style_sheet: qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("rareDefaultQtStyle"))) qApp.setStyleSheet(static) return qApp.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create("Fusion")) file = QFile(f":/stylesheets/{style_sheet}/stylesheet.qss") stylesheet = file.readAll().data().decode("utf-8") file.close() qApp.setStyleSheet(stylesheet + static) icon_color = qApp.palette().color(QPalette.Text).name() qtawesome.set_defaults(color="#eeeeee") def get_style_sheets() -> List[str]: styles = [] for file in QDir(":/stylesheets/"): styles.append(file) return styles def get_translations(): langs = ["en"] for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(resources_path, "languages")): if i.endswith(".qm") and not i.startswith("qt_"): langs.append(i.split(".")[0]) return langs def get_latest_version(): try: resp = requests.get( "", timeout=2, ) tag = resp.json()["tag_name"] return tag except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return "0.0.0" def path_size(path: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> int: return sum( os.stat(os.path.join(dp, f)).st_size for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(path) for f in filenames ) def format_size(b: Union[int, float]) -> str: for s in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei"]: if b < 1024: return f"{b:.2f} {s}B" b /= 1024 # this is a copied function from legendary.utils.wine_helpers, but registry file can be specified def read_registry(registry: str, wine_pfx: str) -> ConfigParser: accepted = ["system.reg", "user.reg"] if registry not in accepted: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown target "{registry}" not in {accepted}') reg = ConfigParser(comment_prefixes=(';', '#', '/', 'WINE'), allow_no_value=True, strict=False) reg.optionxform = str, 'system.reg')) return reg class CloudWorker(QRunnable): class Signals(QObject): # List[SaveGameFile] result_ready = pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, core: LegendaryCore): super(CloudWorker, self).__init__() self.core = core self.signals = CloudWorker.Signals() self.setAutoDelete(True) def run(self) -> None: try: result = self.core.get_save_games() except HTTPError: result = None self.signals.result_ready.emit(result) def get_raw_save_path(game: Game): if game.supports_cloud_saves: return ( game.metadata.get("customAttributes", {}) .get("CloudSaveFolder", {}) .get("value") ) def icon(icn_str: str, fallback: str = None, **kwargs): try: return qtawesome.icon(icn_str, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not fallback: logger.warning(f"{e} {icn_str}") if fallback: try: return qtawesome.icon(fallback, **kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) if kwargs.get("color"): kwargs["color"] = "red" return qtawesome.icon("ei.error", **kwargs) def widget_object_name(widget: Union[QObject,wrappertype,Type], suffix: str) -> str: suffix = f"_{suffix}" if suffix else "" if isinstance(widget, QObject): return f"{type(widget).__name__}{suffix}" elif isinstance(widget, wrappertype) or isinstance(widget, type): return f"{widget.__name__}{suffix}" else: raise RuntimeError(f"Argument {widget} not a QObject or type of QObject") def elide_text(label: QLabel, text: str) -> str: metrics = QFontMetrics(label.font()) return metrics.elidedText(text, Qt.ElideRight, label.sizeHint().width())