About About 關於 Version 版本 Download latest release 下載最新版本 Github Github Legendary Developer Legendary 開發人員 License 授權 GNU General Public License v3.0 GNU 通用公共授權 v3.0 You have the latest version Update Rare Developers Rare Contributors AccountWidget Account settings 帳戶設定 Logout 登出 Account 帳戶 Logged in as <b>{}</b> 以<b>{}</b>身份登入 Quit AvailableGameDlcWidget Install DLC 安裝可下載內容 Error 錯誤 Base Game is not installed. Please install {} first 未安裝遊戲主程式,請先安裝 {} BrowserLogin Open Browser 開啟瀏覽器 Login through browser 透過瀏覽器登入 Logging in... 正在登入… Login failed. 登入失敗。 Copied to clipboard 已複製到剪貼簿 Insert authorizationCode here 在這裡輸入授權碼 <i>Click the <strong>Open Browser</strong> button to open the login page in your web browser or copy the link and paste it in any web browser. After logging in using the browser, copy the text in the quotes after </i><code><b>authorizationCode</b></code><i> in the same line into the empty input above.<br><br><strong>DO NOT SHARE THE INFORMATION IN THE BROWSER PAGE WITH ANYONE IN ANY FORM (TEXT OR SCREENSHOT)!</strong></i> ButtonDialog Cancel CloudSaves <b>This game doesn't support cloud saves</b> <b>遊戲不支援雲端存檔</b> Use "Calculate path" or "Browse" ... 使用「計算路徑」或「瀏覽」… Calculate path 計算路徑 Loading... 正在載入… Error - {} 錯誤 - {} Newer 新的 Error while calculating path for <b>{}</b>. Insufficient permissions to create <b>{}</b> CloudSettingsWidget Settings Enable sync Saves path CloudSyncDialog Cloud saves for Skip Newer CloudSyncWidget Local Upload Cloud Download Code Error in game {}: {} 遊戲發生錯誤 {}: {} Error - {} Connection to game launcher for <b>{}</b> failed due to timeout. This is usually do it the game or Rare's game launcher already running ConsoleDialog Show environment Save output to file Clear console Terminate Kill Saved Application "{}" finished with "{}" Console ConsoleEnv Variable 變數 Value Environment Constants Action 動作 Adventure 冒險 Puzzle 益智 Open world 開放世界 Racing 競速 RPG 角色扮演 Shooter 射擊 Strategy 戰略 Survival 生存 First Person 第一人稱 Indie 獨立 Simulation 模擬 Sport 運動 Single player 單人 Multiplayer 多人 Controller 控制器 Co-op 合作 Editor 編輯 Game 遊戲 Bundle 組合包 Add-on 附加元件 Apps 應用程式 DownloadWidget Download speed: 下載速度: Current download: 當前下載: Downloaded: 已下載: Cache size: 快取大小: Time left: 剩餘時間: Stop Download 停止下載 DownloadsTab No active download 無正在下载 Error 錯誤 Download error: {} 下載錯誤:{} Uninstall - {} 解除安裝 - {} Downloads Starting: "{}" is now downloading. Finished: "{}" is now playable. DxvkSettings FPS 幀率 Frametime 幀生成時間 Memory usage 記憶體使用情況 GPU usage GPU 使用率 D3D feature level D3D 特性等級 Scale 比例 Compiler activity DXVK settings Device info DXVK version EGLSyncExportGroup Exportable games 可導出的遊戲 No games to export to EGL 沒有遊戲可以導出至 EGL Export 導出 The following errors occurred while exporting. 導出時發生了以下的錯誤。 EGLSyncGroup Sync with Epic Games Launcher 與 Epic Games Launcher 同步 Prefix/Manifest path Prefix/Manifest 路徑 Estimated path 估計路徑 Enable automatic sync 啟用自動同步 Updating... 正在更新… Path to the Wine prefix where EGL is installed, or the Manifests folder 安裝 EGL 的 Wine prefix 或者 Manifests 資料夾的路徑 Default Wine prefix is unset, or path does not exist. Create it or configure it in Settings -> Linux. 預設 Wine Prefix 未設定或路徑不存在。建立它或在設定 -> Linux 中配置。 Default Wine prefix is set but EGL manifests path does not exist. Your configured default Wine prefix might not be where EGL is installed. 預設 Wine Prefix 已設定,但 EGL 清單路徑不存在。您配置的預設 Wine Prefix 可能不是安裝 EGL 的位置。 This will immediately synchronize with EGL EGLSyncImportGroup Importable games 可導入的遊戲 No games to import from EGL 沒有要從 EGL 導入的遊戲 Import 導入 The following errors occurred while importing. 導入時發生了以下的錯誤。 EGLSyncListGroup Select all 全選 Select none 取消全選 EnvVars Environment variables 環境變數 EnvVarsTableModel Key Value Disabled, please set the variable name first. 已禁用,請先設定變數名稱。 Readonly, please edit this via setting the appropriate setting. 唯讀,請通過正確的方法修改。 EosGroup Something went wrong while installing Overlay EosPrefixWidget Disable overlay Enable overlay Unavailable Failed to completely disable the active EOS Overlay.{} Since the previous overlay was managed by EGL you can safely ignore this is. Failed to completely enable EOS overlay.{} EosWidget Uninstall 解除安裝 Update 更新 Install 安裝 Epic Overlay Epic 遊戲內嵌介面 Status: Epic Online Services Overlay is not installed Version: Path: GameDlc Installed DLCs 已安裝可下載內容 No Downloadable Content has been installed. 未安裝可下載內容 Available DLCs 可下載內容 No Downloadable Content is available 無可下載內容 GameDlcWidget DLC Name 可下載內容名稱 Version 版本 Application 應用程式 GameInfo Game Info 遊戲訊息 Developer 開發人員 Installation Path 安裝路徑 Installation Size 安裝大小 Version 版本 Application Name 應用程式名稱 Actions 動作 ProtonDB Grade ProtonDB 等級 Repair file does not exist or game does not need a repair. Please verify game first 修復檔案不存在或遊戲不需要修復。請先驗證遊戲 Platform 平台 Error - {} 錯誤 - {} Installation path for <b>{}</b> does not exist. Cannot continue. <b>{}</b>的安裝位置不存在。無法繼續。 Summary - {} 總結 - {} <b>{}</b> has been verified successfully. No missing or corrupt files found <b>{}</b>驗證成功。沒有遺失或損壞的檔案 Platinum 白金 Gold 黃金 Silver Bronze Borked 崩潰 Failed to get rating 無法獲得評分 Loading... 正在載入… Not applicable 不適用 Repair and update? - {} 修復並更新?-{} There is an update for <b>{}</b> from <b>{}</b> to <b>{}</b>. Do you want to update the game while repairing it? <b>{}</b> 可以从 <b>{}</b> 更新到 <b>{}</b>。您要在修复的同时更新吗? <b>{}</b> failed verification, <b>{}</b> file(s) corrupted, <b>{}</b> file(s) are missing. Do you want to repair them? <b>{}</b> 驗證失敗,<b>{}</b> 個檔案損壞,<b>{}</b> 個檔案遺失。您想修復它們嗎? Move game? - {} 移動遊戲?- {} Destination <b>{}</b> already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it? 目標 <b>{}</b> 已經存在。您是否確定要覆蓋它? <b>{}</b> successfully moved to <b>{}<b>. <b>{}</b> 已被移動到 <b>{}<b>。 Link/Launch 連結/啟動 Install Tags Completed Hidden Favorites Backlog Modify Verify Repair Move Uninstall Import GameInfoTabs Information 訊息 Settings 設定 Downloadable Content 可下載內容 Cloud Saves 雲端存檔 Game Metadata 詮釋資料 InstalledGame Metadata 已安裝遊戲的詮釋資料 GameLaunchSettings Default No Yes Relative path to the replacement executable Game specific command line arguments Skip update check Offline mode Launch parameters Override executable GameListHeadBar Exclude Origin 排除 Origin Import Game 導入遊戲 Search Game 搜尋遊戲 Sync with EGL 與 EGL 同步 All games 所有遊戲 Installed games 已安裝的遊戲 Available games 可用的遊戲 Epic Overlay and Ubisoft Epic 和 Ubisoft 的遊戲內嵌介面 Integrations 整合 Installed Offline 32bit games macOS games Include Unreal Title Recently played Newest Oldest GameWidget Free 免費 Launch 啟動 Install 安裝 Reload Image 重新載入圖片 Uninstall 解除安裝 Running... 執行中… Downloading... 下載中… Verifying... 驗證中… Moving... 正在移動… Uninstalling... 解除安裝中… Syncing saves... 同步存檔中… Update available 更新可用 Needs verification 需要驗證 Can't launch 無法啟動 Save is not up-to-date 存檔不是最新的 Show information 顯示訊息 Install game 安裝遊戲 Launch game 啟動遊戲 Launch offline 離線啟動 Launch without version check 不進行版本檢查就啟動 Launch/Link 啟動/連結 Remove Desktop link 刪除桌面捷徑 Create Desktop link 建立桌面捷徑 Remove Start Menu link 刪除開始選單捷徑 Create Start Menu link 建立開始選單捷徑 Warning 警告 Creating shortcuts is currently unsupported on {} 暫時無法為 {} 建立捷徑 ImportGroup Import EGL game from a directory 從目錄導入 EGL 遊戲 Installation path 安裝路徑 Override app name 覆蓋應用程式名稱 Use in case the app name was not found automatically 在未自動找到應用程式名稱的情況下使用 Scan the installation path for game folders and import them 掃描遊戲目錄的安裝路徑,並導入 Import DLCs 導入可下載內容 If a game has DLCs, try to import them too 如果遊戲擁有可下載內容,嘗試導入它們 Success: <b>{}</b> imported 成功導入 <b>{}</b> Failed: <b>{}</b> - {} 失敗: <b>{}</b> - {} Error: Could not find AppName for <b>{}</b> 錯誤:無法找到 <b>{}</b>的應用程式名稱 Import summary 導入結果 Success: {} imported 成功導入 {} Failed: {} - {} 失敗:{} - {} Error: Could not find AppName for {} 錯誤:無法找到 {} 的應用程式名稱 Tried to import {} folders. Successfully imported {} games, failed to import {} games and {} errors occurred 嘗試導入 {} 個資料夾。 成功導入 {} 個遊戲,{} 個遊戲導入失敗,發生 {} 個錯誤 Force import 強制導入 Import game despite missing files 導入遊戲,並忽略遺失的檔案 When importing multiple games, the current OS will be used at the platform for the games that support it, otherwise the Windows version will be imported. Status: Importing games Status: Finished importing games Import all games Import game(s) Platform Select the native platform of the game ImportLogin Import existing session from EGL 從 EGL 導入現有階段 Browse 瀏覽 Found EGL Program Data. Click 'Next' to import them. 到 EGL 程式數據。點擊「下一步」導入它們。 Select the Wine prefix you want to import. 選擇要導入的 Wine prefix。 Choose path 選擇路徑 Loading... 正在載入… Login failed. 登入失敗 Login failed. {} 登入失敗。{} Could not find EGL Program Data. 找不到 EGL 程式數據。 Select prefix 選擇前綴 <i>Please select the Wine prefix where Epic Games Launcher is installed. You will get logged out from EGL in the process.</i> IndicatorLineEdit Use global/default settings IndicatorReasonsStrings Ok! 確定 Unknown error occurred 發生未知錯誤 Value can not be empty 該值不能為空<br> Wrong format 錯誤格式 Wrong file or directory 檔案或路徑錯誤 Directory is not empty 目錄不為空 Directory does not exist 目錄不存在 File does not exist 檔案不存在 Game is not installed or does not exist 遊戲未安裝或不存在 InstallDialog Download size 下載大小 Click verify... 點擊驗證… Total install size 總安裝大小 None Verify 驗證 Install 安裝 Update 更新 Updating... 正在更新… Game already installed 遊戲已經安裝 Error 錯誤 Platform 平台 Create shortcut 建立捷徑 Warning 警告 You will not be able to run the game if you select <b>{}</b> as platform 除非您選擇 <b>{}</b> 平台,否則將無法啟動遊戲 Also install: {} 同時安裝:{} Repair 修復 Repair and update 修復並更新 Available space 可用空間 Modify Creating a shortcut is not supported on macOS Install folder InstallDialogAdvanced Max workers 最大執行緒 Less is slower. (0: Default) 越少越慢。(0:預設) Max shared memory 最大共享記憶體 MiB MiB Less is slower (0: Default) 越少越慢。(0:預設) Install prerequisites 安裝依賴 Enable reordering 啟用 reordering Force redownload 強制重新下载 Ignore free space 忽略可用空間 Use with caution! 謹慎使用! Download only 已下載 Do not try to install. 不要嘗試安裝。 Advanced options InstallDialogSelective Optional downloads InstalledGameDlcWidget Uninstall DLC 解除安裝可下載內容 IntegrationsTabs To import games from Epic Games Store, please enable EGL Sync. 要從 Epic 遊戲商店導入遊戲,請啟用 EGL 同步。 Import Games 導入遊戲 To import EGL games from directories, please use Import Game. 要從目錄導入 EGL 遊戲,請使用導入遊戲。 Sync with EGL 與 EGL 同步 Epic Overlay and Ubisoft Epic 和 Ubisoft 的遊戲內嵌介面 LandingPage Select login method 選擇登入方法 Browser 瀏覽 Login using a browser. 使用瀏覽器登入 Import 導入 Import from Epic Games Launcher 從 Epic Games Launcher 導入 LaunchDialog <h2>Launching Rare</h2> <h2>正在啟動 Rare</h2> Preparing Rare 正在初始化 Rare Launching LaunchSettingsBase Launch settings Path to script or program to run before the game launches Wait for command to finish before starting the game Wrappers Prelaunch LegendarySettings Less is slower (0: Default) 越少越慢。(0:預設) MiB MiB Preferred CDN 優先 CDN Default 預設設定 Disable HTTPS 禁用 HTTPS Locale 語言環境 Cleanup 清理 Clean, but keep manifests 清理,但保留 manifests Remove everything 移除所有 Cleanup complete! Successfully removed {} 清理完成!成功移除 {} Default installation folder for macOS games Default installation folder for Windows games Default installation folder Download settings Max sorkers Max shared memory Platforms Include Win32 games Include macOS games Include Unreal engine Restart Rare to apply Refresh metadata Do not load metadata for non-asset games (i.e. Origin games) on start-up. Disabling this greatly improves start-up time, but some games might not be visible in your library. Exclude non-asset games Do not load entitlement data (i.e game's date of purchase) on start-up. Disabling this greatly improves start-up time, but some library filters may not work. Exclude entitlements ListGameWidget Launch 啟動 Link/Play 連結/執行 LoginDialog <h1>Welcome to Rare</h1> <h1>歡迎使用 Rare</h1> Exit 退出 Back 返回 Next 下一個 Login error 登入錯誤 Login MainTabWidget Games 遊戲 Store (Beta) 商店(Beta) Downloads ({}) 下載 ({}) Logout 登出 Do you really want to logout <b>{}</b>? 確定要登出嗎 <b>{}</b>? Quit There are active downloads. Stop them before trying to quit. MainWindow Active: 啟動: Queued: 佇列: Quit {}? 離開 {}? There are currently running operations. Rare cannot exit until they are completed. Do you want to clear the queue? 有正在進行的操作。 Rare 只有在它們完成後才能退出。 您想要清除佇列嗎? There is an active download. Quitting Rare now will stop the download. Are you sure you want to quit? 有正在進行的下載任務。退出 Rare 會終止下載。 您要繼續嗎? MangoHudSettings MangoHud settings Read config FPS Frame time CPU load GPU load CPU temperature GPU temperature Memory usage VRAM usage Local time MangoHud version System architecture FPS graph GPU name CPU power consumption GPU power consumption Font size Position MoveDialog Move You need to provide the destination directory. No write permission on destination. Same directory or subdirectory selected. Destination is inside source directory Game install directories cannot be nested. Not enough space available on drive. Required: Available: Moving here will overwrite <b>{}</b> OverlaySettings Show HUD 顯示 HUD Global Disabled Enabled (defaults) Enabled (custom) Custom options PathEdit Browse... 瀏覽… Choose path 選擇路徑 ProtonSettings Please select path for proton prefix 請為 Proton prefix 選擇路徑 Proton settings Proton tool Compat data Don't use a compatibility tool QueueBaseWidget Download now 立即下載 Remove from queue 從佇列中移除 Update game 更新遊戲 Update with settings 使用設定進行更新 QueueGroup Queue 佇列 No downloads in queue 佇列中沒有下載 QueueInfoWidget Download size 下載大小 Local version 本地版本 Installed size 已安裝大小 Remote version 遠端版本 RPCSettings Discord RPC Discord RPC When Playing 當遊戲中 Always 總是 Never 從不 Show 顯示 Show Game 顯示遊戲 Show OS 顯示系統 Show Time playing 顯示遊戲時間 Pypresence is not installed 未安裝 Pypresence RareCore Loaded <b>{}</b> 已載入 <b>{}</b> Launching Rare 正在啟動 Rare RareException Failed to login 登入失敗 RareSettings Interface 介面 Language 語言 None Behavior 行為 Restore window size on application startup 在應用程式啟動時恢復視窗大小 Logs 日誌 Shortcuts 捷徑 Create start menu link 建立開始選單捷徑 Remove desktop link 刪除桌面捷徑 Remove start menu link 刪除開始選單捷徑 Remove Desktop link 刪除桌面捷徑 Create desktop link 建立桌面捷徑 Not supported 不支援 Error 錯誤 Permission error, cannot remove {} 權限錯誤,無法刪除 {} Color scheme Style sheet Restart Rare to apply changes. Show notifications when downloads complete Show console windows when launching games Exit to system tray Queue game updates on application startup Confirm before launching games Automatically upload/download cloud saves Open log folder Clean log folder Create on desktop Create in menu System default Library view Game covers Vertical list SearchResults Back 返回 No results found 未找到結果 SelectiveDialog Optional downloads for Optional downloads Verify SettingsTab Defaults Shop Games 遊戲 Wishlist 願望清單 ShopGameInfo Remove from Wishlist 從願望清單中移除 Show Game on Epic Page 在 Epic 中顯示遊戲 Buy Game in Epic Games Store 在 Epic 遊戲商店購買遊戲 Loading 正在載入 Free 免費 Minimum 最低 Recommend 推薦 Could not get requirements 無法獲得請求 Social Links 社交連結 ShopWidget Free Games 免費遊戲 Discounts from your wishlist 願望清單中的特價 Games 遊戲 Filter 過濾 Reset 重置 Price 價格 None Free 免費 Under 10 低於 10 Under 20 低於 20 Under 30 低於 30 14.99 and above 14.99 以上 Discount 特價 Platform 平台 Genre 類型 Type 類型 Other Tags 其它標籤 Now Free 現在免費 Free Games next week 下個免費週末 Search Games 搜尋遊戲 Could not get games matching the filter 沒有過濾條件中的遊戲 Reload 重新載入 Could not find current free game 找不到目前的免費遊戲 Failed to get wishlist: {} 無法獲取願望清單:{} Failed to fetch free games: {} 領取免費遊戲失敗:{} SideTabWidget Back 返回 TrayIcon Quit 離開 UbiLinkWidget Already activated 已啟動 Try again 重試 Redeem in Ubisoft UbisoftGroup Link Ubisoft Games 連結 Ubisoft 遊戲 Getting information about your redeemable Ubisoft games. Link Ubisoft acccount Your account is not linked with Ubisoft. Please link your account and try again. An error has occurred while requesting your account's Ubisoft information. You don't own any Ubisoft games. All your Ubisoft games have already been activated. You have <b>{}</b> games available to redeem. UninstallDialog Uninstall 解除安裝 Keep files Keep configuation Keep EOS Overlay registry keys UpdateGroup Updates 更新 No updates available 沒有可用的更新 WineSettings Wine settings Prefix Executable Wishlist Wishlist 願望清單 Sort by 排序 Name 名稱 Price 價格 Developer 開發人員 Discount 特價 Reverse 撤銷 Filter: 過濾: None No games matching your filter 沒有符合過濾條件的遊戲 Could not remove game from wishlist 無法從願望清單中移除遊戲 WishlistWidget Free 免費 WrapperAddDialog Add wrapper WrapperEditDialog Save Edit wrapper WrapperSettings Add wrapper 新增 wrapper Warning Wrapper <b>{0}</b> is already in the list Wrapper <b>{0}</b> is not in $PATH. Add it anyway? No wrappers defined Do not insert compatibility tools manually. Add them through Proton settings WrapperWidget Manage through settings Manage _SearchResultItem Free 免費 self.signals Updating game metadata for Windows Updating game metadata for macOS Updating non-asset game metadata Updating entitlements Preparing library shop_info Back 返回 You already own this game 您已經擁有了這個遊戲 Buy Game in Epic Games Store 在 Epic 遊戲商店購買遊戲 Add to wishlist 新增至願望清單 Requirements 需求 Social Links 社交連結 widget Install 安裝