import json import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field from datetime import datetime from enum import IntEnum from logging import getLogger from typing import List, Optional, Dict from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSignal, QRunnable, pyqtSlot, QProcess from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap from import Game, InstalledGame, SaveGameFile from rare.lgndr.core import LegendaryCore from rare.models.install import InstallOptionsModel, UninstallOptionsModel from rare.shared.game_process import GameProcess from rare.shared.image_manager import ImageManager from rare.utils.misc import get_rare_executable from rare.utils.paths import data_dir logger = getLogger("RareGame") class RareGame(QObject): class State(IntEnum): IDLE = 0 RUNNING = 1 DOWNLOADING = 2 VERIFYING = 3 MOVING = 4 UNINSTALLING = 5 @dataclass class Metadata: auto_update: bool = False queued: bool = False queue_pos: Optional[int] = None last_played: Optional[datetime] = None grant_date: Optional[datetime] = None tags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: Dict): return cls( auto_update=data.get("auto_update", False), queued=data.get("queued", False), queue_pos=data.get("queue_pos", None), last_played=datetime.fromisoformat(data["last_played"]) if data.get("last_played", None) else None, grant_date=datetime.fromisoformat(data["grant_date"]) if data.get("grant_date", None) else None, tags=data.get("tags", []), ) def as_dict(self): return dict( auto_update=self.auto_update, queued=self.queued, queue_pos=self.queue_pos, last_played=self.last_played.isoformat() if self.last_played else None, grant_date=self.grant_date.isoformat() if self.grant_date else None, tags=self.tags, ) def __bool__(self): return self.queued or self.queue_pos is not None or self.last_played is not None class Signals: class Progress(QObject): start = pyqtSignal() update = pyqtSignal(int) finish = pyqtSignal(bool) class Widget(QObject): update = pyqtSignal() class Download(QObject): enqueue = pyqtSignal(str) dequeue = pyqtSignal(str) class Game(QObject): install = pyqtSignal(InstallOptionsModel) installed = pyqtSignal(str) uninstall = pyqtSignal(UninstallOptionsModel) uninstalled = pyqtSignal(str) launched = pyqtSignal(str) finished = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): super(RareGame.Signals, self).__init__() self.progress = RareGame.Signals.Progress() self.widget = RareGame.Signals.Widget() = RareGame.Signals.Download() = RareGame.Signals.Game() def __init__(self, legendary_core: LegendaryCore, image_manager: ImageManager, game: Game): super(RareGame, self).__init__() self.signals = RareGame.Signals() self.core = legendary_core self.image_manager = image_manager Game = game # Update names for Unreal Engine if == "Unreal Engine": += f" {'_')[-1]}" # None if origin or not installed self.igame: Optional[InstalledGame] = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) self.pixmap: QPixmap = QPixmap() self.metadata: RareGame.Metadata = RareGame.Metadata() self.__load_metadata() self.owned_dlcs: List[RareGame] = [] self.saves: List[SaveGameFile] = [] if self.has_update:"Update available for game: {self.app_name} ({self.app_title})") self.__worker: Optional[QRunnable] = None self.__state = RareGame.State.IDLE self.progress: int = 0 self.signals.progress.start.connect(lambda: self.__on_progress_update(0)) self.signals.progress.update.connect(self.__on_progress_update) self.game_process = GameProcess( self.game_process.launched.connect(self.__game_launched) self.game_process.finished.connect(self.__game_finished) if self.is_installed and not self.is_dlc: self.game_process.connect_to_server(on_startup=True) # self.grant_date(True) def __on_progress_update(self, progress: int): self.progress = progress def worker(self) -> Optional[QRunnable]: return self.__worker def set_worker(self, worker: Optional[QRunnable]): self.__worker = worker if worker is None: self.state = RareGame.State.IDLE @property def state(self) -> 'RareGame.State': return self.__state @state.setter def state(self, state: 'RareGame.State'): if state != self.__state: self.signals.widget.update.emit() self.__state = state @property def is_idle(self): return self.state == RareGame.State.IDLE @pyqtSlot(int) def __game_launched(self, code: int): if code == GameProcess.Code.ON_STARTUP: return self.state = RareGame.State.RUNNING self.metadata.last_played = self.__save_metadata() @pyqtSlot(int) def __game_finished(self, exit_code: int): if exit_code == GameProcess.Code.ON_STARTUP: return self.state = RareGame.State.IDLE __metadata_json: Dict = None @staticmethod def __load_metadata_json() -> Dict: if RareGame.__metadata_json is None: metadata = {} try: with open(os.path.join(data_dir(), "game_meta.json"), "r") as metadata_fh: metadata = json.load(metadata_fh) except FileNotFoundError:"Game metadata json file does not exist.") except json.JSONDecodeError: logger.warning("Game metadata json file is corrupt.") finally: RareGame.__metadata_json = metadata return RareGame.__metadata_json def __load_metadata(self): metadata: Dict = self.__load_metadata_json() if self.app_name in metadata: self.metadata = RareGame.Metadata.from_dict(metadata[self.app_name]) def __save_metadata(self): metadata: Dict = self.__load_metadata_json() metadata[self.app_name] = self.metadata.as_dict() with open(os.path.join(data_dir(), "game_meta.json"), "w") as metadata_json: json.dump(metadata, metadata_json, indent=2) def update_game(self): = self.core.get_game( self.app_name, update_meta=True, platform=self.igame.platform if self.igame else "Windows" ) def update_igame(self): self.igame = self.core.get_installed_game(self.app_name) def update_rgame(self): self.update_igame() self.update_game() @property def app_name(self) -> str: return self.igame.app_name if self.igame is not None else @property def app_title(self) -> str: return self.igame.title if self.igame is not None else @property def title(self) -> str: return self.app_title @property def developer(self) -> str: """! @brief Property to report the developer of a Game @return str """ return["developer"] @property def install_size(self) -> int: """! @brief Property to report the installation size of an InstalledGame @return int The size of the installation """ return self.igame.install_size if self.igame is not None else 0 @property def version(self) -> str: """! @brief Reports the currently installed version of the Game If InstalledGame reports the currently installed version, which might be different from the remote version available from EGS. For not installed Games it reports the already known version. @return str The current version of the game """ return self.igame.version if self.igame is not None else @property def remote_version(self) -> str: """! @brief Property to report the remote version of an InstalledGame If the Game is installed, requests the latest version string from EGS, otherwise it reports the already known version of the Game for Windows. @return str The current version from EGS """ if self.igame is not None: return else: return @property def has_update(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if an InstalledGame has updates available Games have to be installed and have assets available to have updates @return bool If there is an update available """ if self.igame is not None and self.core.lgd.assets is not None: try: if self.remote_version != self.igame.version: return True except ValueError: logger.error(f"Asset error for {}") return False return False @property def is_installed(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a game is installed This returns True if InstalledGame data have been loaded for the game or if the game is a game without assets, for example an Origin game. @return bool If the game should be considered installed """ return (self.igame is not None) or self.is_non_asset def set_installed(self, installed: bool) -> None: """! @brief Sets the installation status of a game If this is set to True the InstalledGame data is fetched for the game, if set to False the igame attribute is cleared. @param installed The installation status of the game @return None """ if installed: self.update_igame() if self.has_update: else: if self.has_update: self.igame = None self.set_pixmap() self.signals.widget.update.emit() @property def can_run_offline(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a game can run offline Checks if the game can run without connectin the internet. It's a simple wrapper around legendary provided information, with handling of not installed games. @return bool If the games can run without network """ return self.igame.can_run_offline if self.igame is not None else False @property def is_foreign(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a game doesn't belong to the current account Checks if a game belongs to the currently logged in account. Games that require a network connection or remote authentication will fail to run from another account despite being installed. On the other hand, games that do not require network, can be executed, facilitating a rudimentary game sharing option on the same computer. @return bool If the game belongs to another count or not """ ret = True try: if self.igame is not None: _ = self.core.get_asset(, platform=self.igame.platform).build_version ret = False except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Game {} has no metadata. Set offline true") except AttributeError: ret = False return ret @property def needs_verification(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a games requires to be verified Simple wrapper around legendary's attribute with installation status check @return bool If the games needs to be verified """ if self.igame is not None: return self.igame.needs_verification else: return False @needs_verification.setter def needs_verification(self, not_update: bool) -> None: """! @brief Sets the verification status of a game. The operation here is reversed. since the property is named like this. After the verification, set this to 'False' to update the InstalledGame in the widget. @param not_update If the game requires verification @return None """ if not not_update: self.igame = self.core.get_installed_game( @property def is_dlc(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if Game is a dlc @return bool """ return @property def is_mac(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if Game has a mac version @return bool """ return "Mac" in @property def is_win32(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if Game is 32bit game @return bool """ return "Win32" in @property def is_unreal(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a Game is an Unreal Engine bundle @return bool """ return False if self.is_non_asset else["Windows"].namespace == "ue" @property def is_non_asset(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a Game doesn't have assets Typically, games have assets, however some games that require other launchers do not have them. Rare treats these games as installed offering to execute their launcher. @return bool If the game doesn't have assets """ return not @property def is_origin(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a Game is an Origin game Legendary and by extenstion Rare can't launch Origin games directly, it just launches the Origin client and thus requires a bit of a special handling to let the user know. @return bool If the game is an Origin game """ return ("customAttributes", {}).get("ThirdPartyManagedApp", {}).get("value") == "Origin" ) @property def folder_name(self) -> str: return"customAttributes", {}).get("FolderName", {}).get("value") def grant_date(self, force=False) -> datetime: if self.metadata.grant_date is None or force: entitlements = self.core.lgd.entitlements matching = filter(lambda ent: ent["namespace"] ==, entitlements) entitlement = next(matching, None) grant_date = datetime.fromisoformat( entitlement["grantDate"].replace("Z", "+00:00") ) if entitlement else None if force: print(grant_date) self.metadata.grant_date = grant_date self.__save_metadata() return self.metadata.grant_date @property def can_launch(self) -> bool: if self.is_installed: if self.is_origin: return True if not self.state == RareGame.State.IDLE or self.needs_verification: return False if self.is_foreign and not self.can_run_offline: return False return True return False def set_pixmap(self): self.pixmap = self.image_manager.get_pixmap(self.app_name, self.is_installed) if self.pixmap.isNull(): self.image_manager.download_image(, self.set_pixmap, 0, False) else: self.signals.widget.update.emit() def refresh_pixmap(self): self.image_manager.download_image(, self.set_pixmap, 0, True) def install(self) -> bool: if not self.is_idle: return False InstallOptionsModel(app_name=self.app_name) ) return True def repair(self, repair_and_update): InstallOptionsModel( app_name=self.app_name, repair_mode=True, repair_and_update=repair_and_update, update=repair_and_update ) ) def uninstall(self) -> bool: if not self.is_idle: return False UninstallOptionsModel(app_name=self.app_name) ) return True def launch( self, offline: bool = False, skip_update_check: bool = False, wine_bin: Optional[str] = None, wine_pfx: Optional[str] = None, ask_sync_saves: bool = False, ) -> bool: if not self.can_launch: return False cmd_line = get_rare_executable() executable, args = cmd_line[0], cmd_line[1:] args.extend(["start", self.app_name]) if offline: args.append("--offline") if skip_update_check: args.append("--skip-update-check") if wine_bin: args.extend(["--wine-bin", wine_bin]) if wine_pfx: args.extend(["--wine-prefix", wine_pfx]) if ask_sync_saves: args.extend("--ask-sync-saves") # kill me, if I don't change it before commit QProcess.startDetached(executable, args)"Start new Process: ({executable} {' '.join(args)})") self.game_process.connect_to_server(on_startup=False) return True class RareEosOverlay(QObject): def __init__(self, legendary_core: LegendaryCore, image_manager: ImageManager, game: Game): super(RareEosOverlay, self).__init__() self.signals = RareGame.Signals() self.core = legendary_core self.image_manager = image_manager Game = game # None if origin or not installed self.igame: Optional[InstalledGame] = self.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info() self.__state = RareGame.State.IDLE @property def state(self) -> 'RareGame.State': return self.__state @state.setter def state(self, state: 'RareGame.State'): if state != self.__state: self.signals.widget.update.emit() self.__state = state @property def app_name(self) -> str: return self.igame.app_name if self.igame is not None else @property def app_title(self) -> str: return self.igame.title if self.igame is not None else @property def title(self) -> str: return self.app_title @property def is_installed(self) -> bool: return self.igame is not None def set_installed(self, installed: bool) -> None: if installed: self.igame = self.core.lgd.get_overlay_install_info() else: self.igame = None @property def is_mac(self) -> bool: return False @property def is_win32(self) -> bool: return False