import os import platform from logging import getLogger from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal, QRunnable, QObject, QThreadPool, QSettings, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QApplication from import Game from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTPError from rare.components.dialogs.login import LoginDialog from rare.models.apiresults import ApiResults from rare.shared import LegendaryCoreSingleton, ArgumentsSingleton, ApiResultsSingleton, ImageManagerSingleton from rare.ui.components.dialogs.launch_dialog import Ui_LaunchDialog from rare.utils import legendary_utils from rare.utils.misc import CloudWorker from rare.widgets.elide_label import ElideLabel logger = getLogger("LaunchDialog") class LaunchWorker(QRunnable): class Signals(QObject): progress = pyqtSignal(int, str) result = pyqtSignal(object, str) finished = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self): super(LaunchWorker, self).__init__() self.setAutoDelete(True) self.signals = LaunchWorker.Signals() self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton() def run_real(self): pass def run(self): self.run_real() self.signals.deleteLater() class ImageWorker(LaunchWorker): # FIXME: this is a middle-ground solution for concurrent downloads class DownloadSlot(QObject): def __init__(self, signals: LaunchWorker.Signals): super(ImageWorker.DownloadSlot, self).__init__() self.signals = signals self.counter = 0 self.length = 0 @pyqtSlot(object) def counter_inc(self, game: Game): self.signals.progress.emit( int(self.counter / self.length * 75),"Downloading image for {}").format(game.app_title) ) self.counter += 1 def __init__(self): super(ImageWorker, self).__init__() # FIXME: this is a middle-ground solution for concurrent downloads self.dl_slot = ImageWorker.DownloadSlot(self.signals) self.image_manager = ImageManagerSingleton() def tr(self, t) -> str: return QApplication.instance().translate(self.__class__.__name__, t) def run_real(self): # Download Images games, dlcs = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=True, skip_ue=False) self.signals.result.emit((games, dlcs), "gamelist") dlc_list = [dlc[0] for dlc in dlcs.values()] na_games, na_dlcs = self.core.get_non_asset_library_items(force_refresh=False, skip_ue=False) self.signals.result.emit(na_games, "no_assets") na_dlc_list = [dlc[0] for dlc in na_dlcs.values()] game_list = games + dlc_list + na_games + na_dlc_list self.dl_slot.length = len(game_list) for i, game in enumerate(game_list): if game.app_title == "Unreal Engine": game.app_title += f" {game.app_name.split('_')[-1]}" self.core.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game) # self.image_manager.download_image_blocking(game) self.image_manager.download_image(game, self.dl_slot.counter_inc, priority=0) # FIXME: this is a middle-ground solution for concurrent downloads while self.dl_slot.counter < len(game_list): QApplication.instance().processEvents() self.dl_slot.deleteLater() igame_list = self.core.get_installed_list(include_dlc=True) # FIXME: incorporate installed game status checking here for now, still slow for i, igame in enumerate(igame_list): self.signals.progress.emit( int(i / len(igame_list) * 25) + 75,"Validating install for {}").format(igame.title) ) if not os.path.exists(igame.install_path): # lk; since install_path is lost anyway, set keep_files to True # lk: to avoid spamming the log with "file not found" errors legendary_utils.uninstall_game(self.core, igame.app_name, keep_files=True)"Uninstalled {igame.title}, because no game files exist") continue # lk: games that don't have an override and can't find their executable due to case sensitivity # lk: will still erroneously require verification. This might need to be removed completely # lk: or be decoupled from the verification requirement if override_exe := self.core.lgd.config.get(igame.app_name, "override_exe", fallback=""): igame_executable = override_exe else: igame_executable = igame.executable if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(igame.install_path, igame_executable.replace("\\", "/").lstrip("/"))): igame.needs_verification = True self.core.lgd.set_installed_game(igame.app_name, igame)"{igame.title} needs verification") # FIXME: end self.signals.progress.emit(100,"Launching Rare")) self.signals.finished.emit() class ApiRequestWorker(LaunchWorker): def __init__(self): super(ApiRequestWorker, self).__init__() self.settings = QSettings() def run_real(self) -> None: if self.settings.value("mac_meta", platform.system() == "Darwin", bool): try: result = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=False, platform="Mac") except HTTPError: result = [], {} else: result = [], {} self.signals.result.emit(result, "mac") if self.settings.value("win32_meta", False, bool): try: result = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(update_assets=False, platform="Win32") except HTTPError: result = [], {} else: result = [], {} self.signals.result.emit(result, "32bit") class LaunchDialog(QDialog): quit_app = pyqtSignal(int) start_app = pyqtSignal() completed = 0 def __init__(self, parent=None): super(LaunchDialog, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) self.setWindowFlags( Qt.Window | Qt.Dialog | Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint ) self.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.ui = Ui_LaunchDialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.progress_info = ElideLabel(parent=self) self.layout().addWidget(self.progress_info) self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton() self.args = ArgumentsSingleton() self.thread_pool = QThreadPool().globalInstance() self.api_results = ApiResults() self.login_dialog = LoginDialog(core=self.core, parent=parent) def login(self): do_launch = True try: if self.args.offline: pass else: QApplication.instance().processEvents() # Force an update check and notice in case there are API changes self.core.check_for_updates(force=True) self.core.force_show_update = True if self.core.login():"You are logged in") else: raise ValueError("You are not logged in. Open Login Window") except ValueError as e: # Do not set parent, because it won't show a task bar icon # Update: Inherit the same parent as LaunchDialog do_launch = self.login_dialog.login() except (HTTPError, ConnectionError) as e: logger.warning(e) self.args.offline = True finally: if do_launch: if not self.args.silent: self.launch() else: self.quit_app.emit(0) def start_api_requests(self): # gamelist and no_asset games are from Image worker api_worker = ApiRequestWorker() api_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_api_worker_result) self.thread_pool.start(api_worker) def launch(self): self.progress_info.setText("Preparing Rare")) if not self.args.offline: image_worker = ImageWorker() image_worker.signals.result.connect(self.handle_api_worker_result) image_worker.signals.progress.connect(self.update_progress) # lk: start the api requests worker after the manifests have been downloaded # lk: to avoid force updating the assets twice and causing inconsistencies image_worker.signals.finished.connect(self.start_api_requests) image_worker.signals.finished.connect(self.finish) self.thread_pool.start(image_worker) # cloud save from another worker, because it is used in cloud_save_utils too cloud_worker = CloudWorker() cloud_worker.signals.result_ready.connect(lambda x: self.handle_api_worker_result(x, "saves")) self.thread_pool.start(cloud_worker) else: self.completed = 2 if self.core.lgd.assets: ( self.api_results.game_list, self.api_results.dlcs, ) = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(False) self.api_results.bit32_games = list( map(lambda i: i.app_name, self.core.get_game_list(False, "Win32")) ) self.api_results.mac_games = list( map(lambda i: i.app_name, self.core.get_game_list(False, "Mac")) ) else: logger.warning("No assets found. Falling back to empty game lists") self.api_results.game_list, self.api_results.dlcs = [], {} self.api_results.mac_games = self.api_results.bit32_games = [] self.finish() def handle_api_worker_result(self, result, text): logger.debug(f"Api Request got from {text}") if text == "gamelist": if result: self.api_results.game_list, self.api_results.dlcs = result else: ( self.api_results.game_list, self.api_results.dlcs, ) = self.core.get_game_and_dlc_list(False) elif text == "no_assets": self.api_results.no_asset_games = result if result else [] elif text == "32bit": self.api_results.bit32_games = [i.app_name for i in result[0]] if result else [] elif text == "mac": self.api_results.mac_games = [i.app_name for i in result[0]] if result else [] elif text == "saves": self.api_results.saves = result if self.api_results: self.finish() @pyqtSlot(int, str) def update_progress(self, i: int, m: str): self.ui.progress_bar.setValue(i) self.progress_info.setText(m) def finish(self): self.completed += 1 if self.completed == 2:"App starting") ApiResultsSingleton(self.api_results) self.completed += 1 self.start_app.emit() def reject(self) -> None: if self.completed >= 3: super(LaunchDialog, self).reject() else: pass