import os import queue import subprocess import time from logging import getLogger from multiprocessing import Queue as MPQueue from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from rare.utils.models import KillDownloadException from custom_legendary.core import LegendaryCore from custom_legendary.downloader.manager import DLManager from custom_legendary.models.downloading import UIUpdate logger = getLogger("Download") class DownloadThread(QThread): status = pyqtSignal(str) statistics = pyqtSignal(UIUpdate) kill = False def __init__(self, dlm: DLManager, core: LegendaryCore, status_queue: MPQueue, igame, repair=False, repair_file=None): super(DownloadThread, self).__init__() self.dlm = dlm self.core = core self.status_queue = status_queue self.igame = igame = repair self.repair_file = repair_file def run(self): start_time = time.time() try: self.dlm.start() time.sleep(1) while self.dlm.is_alive(): if self.kill: # raise KillDownloadException() # TODO kill download queue, workers pass try: self.statistics.emit(self.status_queue.get(timeout=1)) except queue.Empty: pass self.dlm.join() except KillDownloadException: self.status.emit("stop")"Downlaod can be continued later") self.dlm.kill() return except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Installation failed after {time.time() - start_time:.02f} seconds: {e}") self.status.emit("error") return else: self.status.emit("dl_finished") end_t = time.time() game = self.core.get_game(self.igame.app_name) postinstall = self.core.install_game(self.igame) if postinstall: self._handle_postinstall(postinstall, self.igame) dlcs = self.core.get_dlc_for_game(self.igame.app_name) if dlcs: print('The following DLCs are available for this game:') for dlc in dlcs: print(f' - {dlc.app_title} (App name: {dlc.app_name}, version: {dlc.app_version})') print('Manually installing DLCs works the same; just use the DLC app name instead.') # install_dlcs = QMessageBox.question(self, "", "Do you want to install the prequisites", QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes # TODO if game.supports_cloud_saves and not game.is_dlc:'This game supports cloud saves, syncing is handled by the "sync-saves" command.')'To download saves for this game run "legendary sync-saves {game.app_name}"') old_igame = self.core.get_installed_game(game.app_name) if old_igame and and os.path.exists(self.repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.core.install_game(old_igame) logger.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(self.repair_file) if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != self.igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = self.igame.install_tags'Deleting now untagged files.') self.core.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.core.install_game(old_igame) self.status.emit("finish") def _handle_postinstall(self, postinstall, igame): print('This game lists the following prequisites to be installed:') print(f'- {postinstall["name"]}: {" ".join((postinstall["path"], postinstall["args"]))}') if == 'nt': if QMessageBox.question(self, "", "Do you want to install the prequisites", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.Yes: self.core.prereq_installed(igame.app_name) req_path, req_exec = os.path.split(postinstall['path']) work_dir = os.path.join(igame.install_path, req_path) fullpath = os.path.join(work_dir, req_exec)[fullpath, postinstall['args']], cwd=work_dir) else: self.core.prereq_installed(self.igame.app_name) else:'Automatic installation not available on Linux.')