import json import os import platform import shutil import sys from logging import getLogger import requests from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QLocale, QSettings from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette, QColor, QPixmap # Windows if platform.system() == "Windows": from win32com.client import Dispatch from rare import languages_path, resources_path, image_dir # Mac not supported from custom_legendary.core import LegendaryCore logger = getLogger("Utils") s = QSettings("Rare", "Rare") def download_images(signal: pyqtSignal, core: LegendaryCore): if not os.path.isdir(image_dir): os.makedirs(image_dir)"Create Image dir") # Download Images games, dlcs = core.get_game_and_dlc_list() dlc_list = [] for i in dlcs.values(): dlc_list.append(i[0]) game_list = games + dlc_list for i, game in enumerate(game_list): try: download_image(game) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: shutil.rmtree(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}") download_image(game) signal.emit(i / len(game_list) * 100) def download_image(game, force=False): if force and os.path.exists(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}"): shutil.rmtree(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}") if not os.path.isdir(f"{image_dir}/" + game.app_name): os.mkdir(f"{image_dir}/" + game.app_name) # to git picture updates if not os.path.isfile(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/image.json"): json_data = {"DieselGameBoxTall": None, "DieselGameBoxLogo": None, "Thumbnail": None} else: json_data = json.load(open(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/image.json", "r")) # Download for image in game.metadata["keyImages"]: if image["type"] == "DieselGameBoxTall" or image["type"] == "DieselGameBoxLogo" or image["type"] == "Thumbnail": if image["type"] not in json_data.keys(): json_data[image["type"]] = None if json_data[image["type"]] != image["md5"] or not os.path.isfile( f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/{image['type']}.png"): # Download json_data[image["type"]] = image["md5"] # os.remove(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/{image['type']}.png") json.dump(json_data, open(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/image.json", "w"))"Download Image for Game: {game.app_title}") url = image["url"] with open(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/{image['type']}.png", "wb") as f: f.write(requests.get(url).content) try: img ="{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/{image['type']}.png") img = img.resize((200, int(200 * 4 / 3)))"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/{image['type']}.png") except UnidentifiedImageError as e: logger.warning(e) # scale and grey if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(image_dir, game.app_name + '/UninstalledArt.png')): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(image_dir, f"{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxTall.png")): # finalArt ='{image_dir}/' + game.app_name + '/DieselGameBoxTall.png') #'{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/FinalArt.png') # And same with the grayscale one bg =, f"{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxTall.png")) uninstalledArt = bg.convert('L') uninstalledArt = uninstalledArt.resize((200, int(200 * 4 / 3)))'{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/UninstalledArt.png') elif os.path.isfile(f"{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxLogo.png"): bg: Image.Image ="{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxLogo.png") bg = bg.resize((int(bg.size[1] * 3 / 4), bg.size[1])) logo ='{image_dir}/{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxLogo.png').convert('RGBA') wpercent = ((bg.size[0] * (3 / 4)) / float(logo.size[0])) hsize = int((float(logo.size[1]) * float(wpercent))) logo = logo.resize((int(bg.size[0] * (3 / 4)), hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS) # Calculate where the image has to be placed pasteX = int((bg.size[0] - logo.size[0]) / 2) pasteY = int((bg.size[1] - logo.size[1]) / 2) # And finally copy the background and paste in the image # finalArt = bg.copy() # finalArt.paste(logo, (pasteX, pasteY), logo) # Write out the file #'{image_dir}/' + game.app_name + '/FinalArt.png') logoCopy = logo.copy() logoCopy.putalpha(int(256 * 3 / 4)) logo.paste(logoCopy, logo) uninstalledArt = bg.copy() uninstalledArt.paste(logo, (pasteX, pasteY), logo) uninstalledArt = uninstalledArt.convert('L')'{image_dir}/' + game.app_name + '/UninstalledArt.png') else: logger.warning(f"File {image_dir}/{game.app_name}/DieselGameBoxTall.png doesn't exist") def get_lang(): core = LegendaryCore() if "Legendary" in core.lgd.config.sections() and "locale" in core.lgd.config["Legendary"]:"Found locale in Legendary config: " + core.lgd.config.get("Legendary", "locale")) return core.lgd.config.get("Legendary", "locale").split("-")[0] else:"Found locale in system config: " + QLocale.system().name().split("_")[0]) return QLocale.system().name().split("_")[0] color_role_map = { 0: "WindowText", 1: "Button", 2: "Light", 3: "Midlight", 4: "Dark", 5: "Mid", 6: "Text", 7: "BrightText", 8: "ButtonText", 9: "Base", 10: "Window", 11: "Shadow", 12: "Highlight", 13: "HighlightedText", 14: "Link", 15: "LinkVisited", 16: "AlternateBase", # 17: "NoRole", 18: "ToolTipBase", 19: "ToolTipText", 20: "PlaceholderText", # 21: "NColorRoles", } color_group_map = { 0: "Active", 1: "Disabled", 2: "Inactive", } def load_color_scheme(path: str): palette = QPalette() settings = QSettings(path, QSettings.IniFormat) try: settings.beginGroup("ColorScheme") for g in color_group_map: settings.beginGroup(color_group_map[g]) group = QPalette.ColorGroup(g) for r in color_role_map: role = QPalette.ColorRole(r) color = settings.value(color_role_map[r], None) if color is not None: palette.setColor(group, role, QColor(color)) else: palette.setColor(group, role, palette.color(QPalette.Active, role)) settings.endGroup() settings.endGroup() except: palette = None return palette def get_color_schemes(): colors = [] for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(resources_path, "colors")): if file.endswith(".scheme") and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(resources_path, "colors", file)): colors.append(file.replace(".scheme", "")) return colors def get_style_sheets(): styles = [] for folder in os.listdir(os.path.join(resources_path, "stylesheets")): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(resources_path, "stylesheets", folder, "stylesheet.qss")): styles.append(folder) return styles def get_possible_langs(): langs = ["en"] for i in os.listdir(languages_path): if i.endswith(".qm"): langs.append(i.split(".")[0]) return langs def get_latest_version(): try: resp = requests.get("") tag = resp.json()["tag_name"] return tag except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return "0.0.0" def get_size(b: int) -> str: for i in ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']: if b < 1024: return f"{b:.2f}{i}B" b /= 1024 def create_rare_desktop_link(type_of_link): # Linux if platform.system() == "Linux": if type_of_link == "desktop": path = os.path.expanduser(f"~/Desktop/") elif type_of_link == "start_menu": path = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/applications/") else: return with open(f"{path}Rare.desktop", "w") as desktop_file: desktop_file.write("[Desktop Entry]\n" f"Name=Rare\n" f"Type=Application\n" f"Icon={os.path.join(resources_path, 'images', 'Rare.png')}\n" f"Exec={os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])}\n" "Terminal=false\n" "StartupWMClass=rare\n" ) desktop_file.close() os.chmod(os.path.expanduser(f"{path}Rare.desktop"), 0o755) elif platform.system() == "Windows": # Target of shortcut if type_of_link == "desktop": target_folder = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/') elif type_of_link == "start_menu": target_folder = os.path.expandvars("%appdata%/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu") else: logger.warning("No valid type of link") return linkName = "Rare.lnk" # Path to location of link file pathLink = os.path.join(target_folder, linkName) exexutable = sys.executable if "python.exe" in exexutable: exexutable = exexutable.replace("python.exe", "pythonw.exe") # Add shortcut shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell') shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(pathLink) shortcut.Targetpath = exexutable shortcut.Arguments = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) shortcut.WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() # Icon shortcut.IconLocation = os.path.join(resources_path, "images", "Rare.ico") def create_desktop_link(app_name, core: LegendaryCore, type_of_link="desktop") -> bool: igame = core.get_installed_game(app_name) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(QSettings('Rare', 'Rare').value('img_dir', os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/rare/images'), str), igame.app_name, 'Thumbnail.png')): icon = os.path.join(QSettings('Rare', 'Rare').value('img_dir', os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/rare/images'), str), igame.app_name, 'Thumbnail') else: icon = os.path.join(QSettings('Rare', 'Rare').value('img_dir', os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/rare/images'), str), igame.app_name, 'DieselGameBoxTall') # Linux if platform.system() == "Linux": if type_of_link == "desktop": path = os.path.expanduser(f"~/Desktop/") elif type_of_link == "start_menu": path = os.path.expanduser("~/.local/share/applications/") else: return False if not os.path.exists(path): return False with open(f"{path}{igame.title}.desktop", "w") as desktop_file: desktop_file.write("[Desktop Entry]\n" f"Name={igame.title}\n" f"Type=Application\n" f"Icon={icon}.png\n" f"Exec=rare launch {app_name}\n" "Terminal=false\n" "StartupWMClass=rare-game\n" ) desktop_file.close() os.chmod(os.path.expanduser(f"{path}{igame.title}.desktop"), 0o755) # Windows elif platform.system() == "Windows": # Target of shortcut if type_of_link == "desktop": target_folder = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/') elif type_of_link == "start_menu": target_folder = os.path.expandvars("%appdata%/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu") else: logger.warning("No valid type of link") return False if not os.path.exists(target_folder): return False target = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) # Name of link file linkName = igame.title for c in r'<>?":|\/*': linkName.replace(c, "") linkName = linkName.strip() + '.lnk' # Path to location of link file pathLink = os.path.join(target_folder, linkName) # Add shortcut shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell') shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(pathLink) shortcut.Targetpath = sys.executable shortcut.Arguments = f'{target} launch {app_name}' shortcut.WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd() # Icon if not os.path.exists(icon + ".ico"): img = + ".png") + ".ico")"Create Icon") shortcut.IconLocation = os.path.join(icon + ".ico") return True elif platform.system() == "Darwin": return False def get_pixmap(app_name: str) -> QPixmap: for img in ["FinalArt.png", "DieselGameBoxTall.png", "DieselGameBoxLogo.png"]: if os.path.exists(image := os.path.join(image_dir, app_name, img)): pixmap = QPixmap(image) break else: pixmap = QPixmap() return pixmap def get_uninstalled_pixmap(app_name: str) -> QPixmap: if os.path.exists(image := os.path.join(image_dir, app_name, "UninstalledArt.png")): pixmap = QPixmap(image) else: pixmap = QPixmap() return pixmap