from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import json import pickle import zlib from logging import getLogger from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from typing import Tuple, Dict, Union, Type, List, Callable, Optional import requests from PyQt5.QtCore import ( Qt, pyqtSignal, QObject, QSize, QThreadPool, QRunnable, ) from PyQt5.QtGui import ( QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, ) from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from import Game from rare.shared import LegendaryCoreSingleton, GlobalSignalsSingleton from rare.utils.paths import image_dir, resources_path if TYPE_CHECKING: pass logger = getLogger("ImageManager") class ImageSize: class Preset: __img_factor = 67 __size: QSize __divisor: float = 1.0 __pixel_ratio: float = 1.0 # lk: for prettier images set this to true __smooth_transform: bool = False def __init__(self, divisor: float, pixel_ratio: float): self.__pixel_ratio = pixel_ratio self.__divisor = divisor self.__size = QSize(self.__img_factor * 3, self.__img_factor * 4) * pixel_ratio / divisor if divisor > 2: self.__smooth_transform = False @property def size(self) -> QSize: return self.__size @property def divisor(self) -> float: return self.__divisor @property def smooth(self) -> bool: return self.__smooth_transform @property def pixel_ratio(self) -> float: return self.__pixel_ratio Image = Preset(1, 2) """! @brief Size and pixel ratio of the image on disk""" Display = Preset(1, 1) """! @brief Size and pixel ratio for displaying""" Normal = Display """! @brief Same as Display""" Small = Preset(3, 1) """! @brief Small image size for displaying""" Smaller = Preset(4, 1) """! @brief Smaller image size for displaying""" Icon = Preset(5, 1) """! @brief Smaller image size for UI icons""" class ImageManager(QObject): class Worker(QRunnable): class Signals(QObject): # str: app_name completed = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, func: Callable, updates: List, json_data: Dict, game: Game): super(ImageManager.Worker, self).__init__() self.signals = ImageManager.Worker.Signals() self.setAutoDelete(True) self.func = func self.updates = updates self.json_data = json_data = game def run(self): self.func(self.updates, self.json_data, logger.debug(f" Emitting singal for game {} - {}") self.signals.completed.emit( # lk: the ordering in __img_types matters for the order of fallbacks __img_types: List = ["DieselGameBoxTall", "Thumbnail", "DieselGameBoxLogo"] __dl_retries = 1 __worker_app_names: List[str] = list() def __init__(self): super(QObject, self).__init__() self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton() self.signals = GlobalSignalsSingleton() self.image_dir = Path(image_dir) if not self.image_dir.is_dir(): self.image_dir.mkdir()"Created image directory at {self.image_dir}") self.device = ImageSize.Preset(1, QApplication.instance().devicePixelRatio()) self.threadpool = QThreadPool() self.threadpool.setMaxThreadCount(8) def __img_dir(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.image_dir.joinpath(app_name) def __img_json(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("image.json") def __img_cache(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("image.cache") def __img_color(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("installed.png") def __img_gray(self, app_name: str) -> Path: return self.__img_dir(app_name).joinpath("uninstalled.png") def __prepare_download(self, game: Game, force: bool = False) -> Tuple[List, Dict]: if force and self.__img_dir(game.app_name).exists(): self.__img_color(game.app_name).unlink(missing_ok=True) self.__img_color(game.app_name).unlink(missing_ok=True) if not self.__img_dir(game.app_name).is_dir(): self.__img_dir(game.app_name).mkdir() # Load image checksums if not self.__img_json(game.app_name).is_file(): json_data: Dict = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) else: json_data = json.load(open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "r")) # lk: fast path for games without images, convert Rare's logo if not game.metadata["keyImages"]: if not self.__img_color(game.app_name).is_file() or not self.__img_gray(game.app_name).is_file(): cache_data: Dict = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) cache_data["DieselGameBoxTall"] = open( resources_path.joinpath("images", "cover.png"), "rb" ).read() # cache_data["DieselGameBoxLogo"] = open( # resources_path.joinpath("images", "Rare_nonsquared.png"), "rb").read() self.__convert(game, cache_data) json_data["cache"] = None json_data["scale"] = ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio json_data["size"] = ImageSize.Image.size.__str__() json.dump(json_data, open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "w")) # lk: Find updates or initialize if images are missing. # lk: `updates` will be empty for games without images # lk: so everything below it is skipped if not self.__img_color(game.app_name).is_file() or not self.__img_gray(game.app_name).is_file(): updates = [image for image in game.metadata["keyImages"] if image["type"] in self.__img_types] else: updates = list() for image in game.metadata["keyImages"]: if image["type"] in self.__img_types: if json_data[image["type"]] != image["md5"]: updates.append(image) return updates, json_data def __download(self, updates, json_data, game) -> bool: # Decompress existing image.cache if not self.__img_cache(game.app_name).is_file(): cache_data = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) else: cache_data = self.__decompress(game) # lk: filter updates again against the cache now that it is available updates = [ image for image in updates if cache_data[image["type"]] is None or json_data[image["type"]] != image["md5"] ] for image in updates:"Downloading {image['type']} for {game.app_title}") json_data[image["type"]] = image["md5"] payload = {"resize": 1, "w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} cache_data[image["type"]] = requests.get(image["url"], params=payload).content self.__convert(game, cache_data) # lk: don't keep the cache if there is no logo (kept for me) # if cache_data["DieselGameBoxLogo"] is not None: # self.__compress(game, cache_data) self.__compress(game, cache_data) # hash image cache try: with open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "rb") as archive: archive_hash = hashlib.md5( except FileNotFoundError: archive_hash = None json_data["cache"] = archive_hash json_data["scale"] = ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio json_data["size"] = {"w": ImageSize.Image.size.width(), "h": ImageSize.Image.size.height()} # write image.json with open(self.__img_json(game.app_name), "w") as file: json.dump(json_data, file) return bool(updates) def __convert(self, game, images, force=False) -> None: for image in [self.__img_color(game.app_name), self.__img_gray(game.app_name)]: if force and image.exists(): image.unlink(missing_ok=True) cover_data = None for image_type in self.__img_types: if images[image_type] is not None: cover_data = images[image_type] break cover = QImage() cover.loadFromData(cover_data) cover.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) # lk: Images are not always 4/3, crop them to size factor = min(cover.width() // 3, cover.height() // 4) rem_w = (cover.width() - factor * 3) // 2 rem_h = (cover.height() - factor * 4) // 2 cover = cover.copy(rem_w, rem_h, factor * 3, factor * 4) if images["DieselGameBoxLogo"] is not None: logo = QImage() logo.loadFromData(images["DieselGameBoxLogo"]) logo.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) if logo.width() > cover.width(): logo = logo.scaled(cover.width(), cover.height(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) painter = QPainter(cover) painter.drawImage((cover.width() - logo.width()) // 2, cover.height() - logo.height(), logo) painter.end() cover = cover.scaled(ImageSize.Image.size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) # this is not required if we ever want to re-apply the alpha channel # cover = cover.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Indexed8) # add the alpha channel back to the cover cover = cover.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) str(self.__img_color(game.app_name)), format="PNG", ) # quick way to convert to grayscale cover = cover.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_Grayscale8) # add the alpha channel back to the grayscale cover cover = cover.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) str(self.__img_gray(game.app_name)), format="PNG", ) def __compress(self, game: Game, data: Dict) -> None: archive = open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "wb") cdata = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data), level=-1) archive.write(cdata) archive.close() def __decompress(self, game: Game) -> Dict: archive = open(self.__img_cache(game.app_name), "rb") try: data = zlib.decompress( data = pickle.loads(data) except zlib.error: data = dict(zip(self.__img_types, [None] * len(self.__img_types))) finally: archive.close() return data def download_image( self, game: Game, load_callback: Callable[[], None], priority: int, force: bool = False ) -> None: updates, json_data = self.__prepare_download(game, force) if not updates: load_callback() return if updates and game.app_name not in self.__worker_app_names: image_worker = ImageManager.Worker(self.__download, updates, json_data, game) self.__worker_app_names.append(game.app_name) image_worker.signals.completed.connect(load_callback) image_worker.signals.completed.connect(lambda app_name: self.__worker_app_names.remove(app_name)) self.threadpool.start(image_worker, priority) def download_image_blocking(self, game: Game, force: bool = False) -> None: updates, json_data = self.__prepare_download(game, force) if not updates: return if updates: self.__download(updates, json_data, game) def __get_cover( self, container: Union[Type[QPixmap], Type[QImage]], app_name: str, color: bool = True ) -> Union[QPixmap, QImage]: ret = container() if not app_name: raise RuntimeError("app_name is an empty string") if color: if self.__img_color(app_name).is_file(): ret.load(str(self.__img_color(app_name))) else: if self.__img_gray(app_name).is_file(): ret.load(str(self.__img_gray(app_name))) if not ret.isNull(): ret.setDevicePixelRatio(ImageSize.Image.pixel_ratio) # lk: Scaling happens at painting. It might be inefficient so leave this here as an alternative # lk: If this is uncommented, the transformation in ImageWidget should be adjusted also ret = ret.scaled(self.device.size, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) ret.setDevicePixelRatio(self.device.pixel_ratio) return ret def get_pixmap(self, app_name: str, color: bool = True) -> QPixmap: """ Use when the image is to be presented directly on the screen. @param app_name: The RareGame object for this game @param color: True to load the colored pixmap, False to load the grayscale @return: QPixmap """ pixmap: QPixmap = self.__get_cover(QPixmap, app_name, color) return pixmap def get_image(self, app_name: str, color: bool = True) -> QImage: """ Use when the image has to be manipulated before being rendered. @param app_name: The RareGame object for this game @param color: True to load the colored image, False to load the grayscale @return: QImage """ image: QImage = self.__get_cover(QImage, app_name, color) return image _image_manager_singleton: Optional[ImageManager] = None def ImageManagerSingleton(init: bool = False) -> ImageManager: global _image_manager_singleton if _image_manager_singleton is None and not init: raise RuntimeError("Uninitialized use of ImageManagerSingleton") if _image_manager_singleton is None: _image_manager_singleton = ImageManager() return _image_manager_singleton