import requests import json from datetime import date file = "game_list.json" url = "" def get_id(game_name): global file if check_time() == 1: upgrade_content() text = open(file, 'r') game_list = json.load(text) return game_list[game_name.lower()] def upgrade_content(): # this function uploads the ids database, aka game_list.json global url global file response = requests.get(url) content = json.loads(response.text) table = open(file, 'w') game_list = {} for game in content['applist']['apps']: game_list[game['name'].lower()] = game['appid'] # uploding date on json today = game_list['data'] = {} for i in "ymd": game_list["data"][i] = today.strftime('%' + i) json.dump(game_list, table) table.close() def check_time(): # this function check if it's time to update global file text = open(file, 'r') json_table = json.load(text) text.close() today = day = 0 # it controls how many days it's necessary for an update for i in 'ymd': if i == 'd': day = 7 else: day = 0 if int(today.strftime('%' + i)) > int(json_table['data'][i]) + day: return 1 else: return 0 # you should iniciate the module with the game's steam code def get_grade(steam_code): steam_code = str(steam_code) url = '' res = requests.get(url + steam_code + '.json') text = res.text lista = json.loads(text) # print(lista['tier']) # just for debug pourpouses!!! return lista['tier'] def id(game_name): return get_grade(get_id(game_name))