import logging import os import sys from multiprocessing import Queue from typing import Callable from legendary.utils.lfs import validate_files from legendary.models.downloading import AnalysisResult from import * from legendary.utils.selective_dl import get_sdl_appname from legendary.core import LegendaryCore as LegendaryCoreReal from .manager import DLManager from .exception import LgndrException, LgndrLogHandler class LegendaryCore(LegendaryCoreReal): def prepare_download(self, app_name: str, base_path: str = '', status_q: Queue = None, max_shm: int = 0, max_workers: int = 0, force: bool = False, disable_patching: bool = False, game_folder: str = '', override_manifest: str = '', override_old_manifest: str = '', override_base_url: str = '', platform: str = 'Windows', file_prefix_filter: list = None, file_exclude_filter: list = None, file_install_tag: list = None, dl_optimizations: bool = False, dl_timeout: int = 10, repair: bool = False, repair_use_latest: bool = False, disable_delta: bool = False, override_delta_manifest: str = '', egl_guid: str = '', preferred_cdn: str = None, no_install: bool = False, ignore_space_req: bool = False, disable_sdl: bool = False, reset_sdl: bool = False, skip_sdl: bool = False, sdl_prompt: Callable[[str, str], List[str]] = list, disable_https: bool = False) -> (DLManager, AnalysisResult, InstalledGame, Game): if self.is_installed(app_name): igame = self.get_installed_game(app_name) platform = igame.platform if igame.needs_verification and not repair:'Game needs to be verified before updating, switching to repair mode...') repair = True repair_file = None if repair: repair = True no_install = repair_use_latest is False repair_file = os.path.join(self.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{app_name}.repair') if not self.login(): raise RuntimeError('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.') if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag: no_install = True game = self.get_game(app_name, update_meta=True) if not game: raise RuntimeError(f'Could not find "{app_name}" in list of available games,' f'did you type the name correctly?') if game.is_dlc:'Install candidate is DLC') app_name = game.metadata['mainGameItem']['releaseInfo'][0]['appId'] base_game = self.get_game(app_name) # check if base_game is actually installed if not self.is_installed(app_name): # download mode doesn't care about whether or not something's installed if not no_install: raise RuntimeError(f'Base game "{app_name}" is not installed!') else: base_game = None if repair: if not self.is_installed(game.app_name): raise RuntimeError(f'Game "{game.app_title}" ({game.app_name}) is not installed!') if not os.path.exists(repair_file):'Verifing game...') self.verify_game(app_name) else:'Using existing repair file: {repair_file}') # check if SDL should be disabled sdl_enabled = not file_install_tag and not game.is_dlc config_tags = self.lgd.config.get(game.app_name, 'install_tags', fallback=None) config_disable_sdl = self.lgd.config.getboolean(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', fallback=False) # remove config flag if SDL is reset if config_disable_sdl and reset_sdl and not disable_sdl: self.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl') # if config flag is not yet set, set it and remove previous install tags elif not config_disable_sdl and disable_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config and disabling SDL for title.') if config_tags: self.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') config_tags = None self.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'disable_sdl', True) sdl_enabled = False # just disable SDL, but keep config tags that have been manually specified elif config_disable_sdl or disable_sdl: sdl_enabled = False if sdl_enabled and ((sdl_name := get_sdl_appname(game.app_name)) is not None): if not self.is_installed(game.app_name) or config_tags is None or reset_sdl: sdl_data = self.get_sdl_data(sdl_name, platform=platform) if sdl_data: if skip_sdl: file_install_tag = [''] if '__required' in sdl_data: file_install_tag.extend(sdl_data['__required']['tags']) else: file_install_tag = sdl_prompt(sdl_data, game.app_title) self.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', ','.join(file_install_tag)) else: self.log.error(f'Unable to get SDL data for {sdl_name}') else: file_install_tag = config_tags.split(',') elif file_install_tag and not game.is_dlc and not no_install: config_tags = ','.join(file_install_tag)'Saving install tags for "{game.app_name}" to config: {config_tags}') self.lgd.config.set(game.app_name, 'install_tags', config_tags) elif not game.is_dlc: if config_tags and reset_sdl:'Clearing install tags from config.') self.lgd.config.remove_option(game.app_name, 'install_tags') elif config_tags:'Using install tags from config: {config_tags}') file_install_tag = config_tags.split(',') dlm, analysis, igame = super(LegendaryCore, self).prepare_download(game=game, base_game=base_game, base_path=base_path, force=force, max_shm=max_shm, max_workers=max_workers, game_folder=game_folder, disable_patching=disable_patching, override_manifest=override_manifest, override_old_manifest=override_old_manifest, override_base_url=override_base_url, platform=platform, file_prefix_filter=file_prefix_filter, file_exclude_filter=file_exclude_filter, file_install_tag=file_install_tag, dl_optimizations=dl_optimizations, dl_timeout=dl_timeout, repair=repair, repair_use_latest=repair_use_latest, disable_delta=disable_delta, override_delta_manifest=override_delta_manifest, preferred_cdn=preferred_cdn, status_q=status_q, disable_https=disable_https) dlm.run_real = DLManager.run_real.__get__(dlm, DLManager) # game is either up to date or hasn't changed, so we have nothing to do if not analysis.dl_size:'Download size is 0, the game is either already up to date or has not changed. Exiting...') self.clean_post_install(game, igame, repair, repair_file) raise RuntimeError('Nothing to do.') res = self.check_installation_conditions(analysis=analysis, install=igame, game=game, updating=self.is_installed(app_name), ignore_space_req=ignore_space_req) return dlm, analysis, igame, game, repair, repair_file, res def verify_game(self, app_name: str, callback: Callable[[int, int], None] = print): if not self.is_installed(app_name): self.log.error(f'Game "{app_name}" is not installed') return'Loading installed manifest for "{app_name}"') igame = self.get_installed_game(app_name) manifest_data, _ = self.get_installed_manifest(app_name) manifest = self.load_manifest(manifest_data) files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) # build list of hashes file_list = [(f.filename, f.sha_hash.hex()) for f in files] total = len(file_list) num = 0 failed = [] missing = []'Verifying "{igame.title}" version "{manifest.meta.build_version}"') repair_file = [] for result, path, result_hash in validate_files(igame.install_path, file_list): if callback: num += 1 callback(num, total) if result == VerifyResult.HASH_MATCH: repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') continue elif result == VerifyResult.HASH_MISMATCH: self.log.error(f'File does not match hash: "{path}"') repair_file.append(f'{result_hash}:{path}') failed.append(path) elif result == VerifyResult.FILE_MISSING: self.log.error(f'File is missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) else: self.log.error(f'Other failure (see log), treating file as missing: "{path}"') missing.append(path) # always write repair file, even if all match if repair_file: repair_filename = os.path.join(self.lgd.get_tmp_path(), f'{app_name}.repair') with open(repair_filename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(repair_file)) self.log.debug(f'Written repair file to "{repair_filename}"') if not missing and not failed:'Verification finished successfully.') else: raise RuntimeError( f'Verification failed, {len(failed)} file(s) corrupted, {len(missing)} file(s) are missing.') def clean_post_install(self, game: Game, igame: InstalledGame, repair: bool = False, repair_file: str = ''): old_igame = self.get_installed_game(game.app_name) if old_igame and repair and os.path.exists(repair_file): if old_igame.needs_verification: old_igame.needs_verification = False self.install_game(old_igame) self.log.debug('Removing repair file.') os.remove(repair_file) # check if install tags have changed, if they did; try deleting files that are no longer required. if old_igame and old_igame.install_tags != igame.install_tags: old_igame.install_tags = igame.install_tags'Deleting now untagged files.') self.uninstall_tag(old_igame) self.install_game(old_igame) def egl_import(self, app_name): handler = LgndrLogHandler() self.log.addHandler(handler) try: super(LegendaryCore, self).egl_import(app_name) except LgndrException as ret: raise ret finally: self.log.removeHandler(handler) def egl_export(self, app_name): handler = LgndrLogHandler() self.log.addHandler(handler) try: super(LegendaryCore, self).egl_export(app_name) except LgndrException as ret: raise ret finally: self.log.removeHandler(handler)