import os import platform from logging import getLogger from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QCoreApplication, QObject, QRunnable, QStandardPaths from legendary.core import LegendaryCore from rare.lgndr.api_arguments import LgndrVerifyGameArgs, LgndrUninstallGameArgs from rare.lgndr.api_exception import LgndrException from rare.shared import LegendaryCLISingleton, LegendaryCoreSingleton from rare.utils import config_helper logger = getLogger("Legendary Utils") def uninstall_game(core: LegendaryCore, app_name: str, keep_files=False): igame = core.get_installed_game(app_name) # remove shortcuts link desktop = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DesktopLocation) applications = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.ApplicationsLocation) if platform.system() == "Linux": desktop_shortcut = os.path.join(desktop, f"{igame.title}.desktop") if os.path.exists(desktop_shortcut): os.remove(desktop_shortcut) applications_shortcut = os.path.join(applications, f"{igame.title}.desktop") if os.path.exists(applications_shortcut): os.remove(applications_shortcut) elif platform.system() == "Windows": game_title = igame.title.split(":")[0] desktop_shortcut = os.path.join(desktop, f"{game_title}.lnk") if os.path.exists(desktop_shortcut): os.remove(desktop_shortcut) start_menu_shortcut = os.path.join(applications, "..", f"{game_title}.lnk") if os.path.exists(start_menu_shortcut): os.remove(start_menu_shortcut) result = LegendaryCLISingleton().uninstall_game( LgndrUninstallGameArgs( app_name=app_name, keep_files=keep_files, yes=True, ) ) if not keep_files:"Removing sections in config file") config_helper.remove_section(app_name) config_helper.remove_section(f"{app_name}.env") config_helper.save_config() return result def update_manifest(app_name: str, core: LegendaryCore): game = core.get_game(app_name)"Reloading game manifest of {game.app_title}") new_manifest_data, base_urls = core.get_cdn_manifest(game) # overwrite base urls in metadata with current ones to avoid using old/dead CDNs game.base_urls = base_urls # save base urls to game metadata core.lgd.set_game_meta(game.app_name, game) new_manifest = core.load_manifest(new_manifest_data) logger.debug(f"Base urls: {base_urls}") # save manifest with version name as well for testing/downgrading/etc. core.lgd.save_manifest( game.app_name, new_manifest_data, version=new_manifest.meta.build_version ) class VerifyWorker(QRunnable): class Signals(QObject): status = pyqtSignal(str, int, int, float, float) result = pyqtSignal(str, bool, int, int) error = pyqtSignal(str, str) num: int = 0 total: int = 1 # set default to 1 to avoid DivisionByZero before it is initialized def __init__(self, app_name): super(VerifyWorker, self).__init__() self.signals = VerifyWorker.Signals() self.setAutoDelete(True) self.cli = LegendaryCLISingleton() self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton() self.app_name = app_name def status_callback(self, num: int, total: int, percentage: float, speed: float): self.signals.status.emit(self.app_name, num, total, percentage, speed) def run(self): args = LgndrVerifyGameArgs(app_name=self.app_name, verify_stdout=self.status_callback) # TODO: offer this as an alternative when manifest doesn't exist # TODO: requires the client to be online. To do it this way, we need to # TODO: somehow detect the error and offer a dialog in which case `verify_games` is # TODO: re-run with `repair_mode` and `repair_online` result, failed, missing = self.cli.verify_game( args, print_command=False, repair_mode=True, repair_online=True) # success, failed, missing = self.cli.verify_game(args, print_command=False) if result: self.signals.result.emit(self.app_name, not failed and not missing, failed, missing) else: self.signals.error.emit(self.app_name, result.message)