# Rare ## A frontend for legendary, the open source Epic Games Launcher alternative Rare is currently considered beta software and in no way feature-complete. You will probably run into issues, so it is recommend to make a backup. If you have features you want to have in this app, create an issue on github, contact me on Discord (Dummerle#7419) or build it yourself. Please report bugs so I can fix them. I work on a new and better version, with better style and better ui. If you are a designer and want to contribute, please contact me. You can test it in the branch "new-style", but it has just the basic features ### Requirements - requests, - pillow - pyqt5 - legendary-gl - notify-py - QtAwesome ## Installation ### Installation via pip (recommend) Execute *pip install Rare* for all users Or *pip install Rare --user* for only one user ### Windows Simple Download Rare.exe and place it somewhere in PATH **Note** Using the exe-file could cause an error with the stylesheets ## Linux - For Arch Linux is an AUR package available: [rare-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rare-git) - Other distributions have to install it with pip or clone the repo and install it manually: *python3 setup.py install* ## Implemented - Launch, install and uninstall games - Authentication(Import from existing installation and via Browser) - In-app Browser to buy games - Settings (Legendary and games) - Translations (English and German) ## Planned - Sync Cloud Saves - Download Progressbar - Offline mode - More Translations ## Images ![alt text](https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare/blob/main/Screenshots/Rare.png?raw=true) ![alt text](https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare/blob/main/Screenshots/GameInfo.png?raw=true) ![alt text](https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare/blob/main/Screenshots/RareSettings.png?raw=true)