# coding: utf-8 # please don't look at this code too hard, it's a mess. import logging import os import time from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque from logging.handlers import QueueHandler from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Process, Queue as MPQueue from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory from queue import Empty from sys import exit from threading import Condition, Thread from custom_legendary.downloader.workers import DLWorker, FileWorker from custom_legendary.models.downloading import * from custom_legendary.models.manifest import ManifestComparison, Manifest class DLManager(Process): def __init__(self, download_dir, base_url, cache_dir=None, status_q=None, max_workers=0, update_interval=1.0, dl_timeout=10, resume_file=None, max_shared_memory=1024 * 1024 * 1024): super().__init__(name='DLManager') self.log = logging.getLogger('DLM') self.proc_debug = False self.base_url = base_url self.dl_dir = download_dir self.cache_dir = cache_dir if cache_dir else os.path.join(download_dir, '.cache') # All the queues! self.logging_queue = None self.dl_worker_queue = None self.writer_queue = None self.dl_result_q = None self.writer_result_q = None self.max_workers = max_workers if max_workers else min(cpu_count() * 2, 16) self.dl_timeout = dl_timeout # Analysis stuff self.analysis = None self.tasks = deque() self.chunks_to_dl = deque() self.chunk_data_list = None # shared memory stuff self.max_shared_memory = max_shared_memory # 1 GiB by default self.sms = deque() self.shared_memory = None # Interval for log updates and pushing updates to the queue self.update_interval = update_interval self.status_queue = status_q # queue used to relay status info back to GUI/CLI # Resume file stuff self.resume_file = resume_file self.hash_map = dict() # cross-thread runtime information self.running = True self.active_tasks = 0 self.children = [] self.threads = [] self.conditions = [] # bytes downloaded and decompressed since last report self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = 0 self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = 0 # bytes written since last report self.bytes_written_since_last = 0 # bytes read since last report self.bytes_read_since_last = 0 # chunks written since last report self.num_processed_since_last = 0 self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0 def run_analysis(self, manifest: Manifest, old_manifest: Manifest = None, patch=True, resume=True, file_prefix_filter=None, file_exclude_filter=None, file_install_tag=None, processing_optimization=False) -> AnalysisResult: """ Run analysis on manifest and old manifest (if not None) and return a result with a summary resources required in order to install the provided manifest. :param manifest: Manifest to install :param old_manifest: Old manifest to patch from (if applicable) :param patch: Patch instead of redownloading the entire file :param resume: Continue based on resume file if it exists :param file_prefix_filter: Only download files that start with this prefix :param file_exclude_filter: Exclude files with this prefix from download :param file_install_tag: Only install files with the specified tag :param processing_optimization: Attempt to optimize processing order and RAM usage :return: AnalysisResult """ analysis_res = AnalysisResult() analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) analysis_res.biggest_chunk = max(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements) analysis_res.biggest_file_size = max(f.file_size for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) is_1mib = analysis_res.biggest_chunk == 1024 * 1024 self.log.debug(f'Biggest chunk size: {analysis_res.biggest_chunk} bytes (== 1 MiB? {is_1mib})') self.log.debug(f'Creating manifest comparison...') mc = ManifestComparison.create(manifest, old_manifest) analysis_res.manifest_comparison = mc if resume and self.resume_file and os.path.exists(self.resume_file): self.log.info('Found previously interrupted download. Download will be resumed if possible.') try: missing = 0 mismatch = 0 completed_files = set() for line in open(self.resume_file).readlines(): file_hash, _, filename = line.strip().partition(':') _p = os.path.join(self.dl_dir, filename) if not os.path.exists(_p): self.log.debug(f'File does not exist but is in resume file: "{_p}"') missing += 1 elif file_hash != manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(filename).sha_hash.hex(): mismatch += 1 else: completed_files.add(filename) if missing: self.log.warning(f'{missing} previously completed file(s) are missing, they will be redownloaded.') if mismatch: self.log.warning(f'{mismatch} existing file(s) have been changed and will be redownloaded.') # remove completed files from changed/added and move them to unchanged for the analysis. mc.added -= completed_files mc.changed -= completed_files mc.unchanged |= completed_files self.log.info(f'Skipping {len(completed_files)} files based on resume data.') except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Reading resume file failed: {e!r}, continuing as normal...') # Install tags are used for selective downloading, e.g. for language packs additional_deletion_tasks = [] if file_install_tag is not None: if isinstance(file_install_tag, str): file_install_tag = [file_install_tag] files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if not any((fit in i.install_tags) or (not fit and not i.install_tags) for fit in file_install_tag)) self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on install tag.') mc.added -= files_to_skip mc.changed -= files_to_skip mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip for fname in sorted(files_to_skip): additional_deletion_tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True, silent=True)) # if include/exclude prefix has been set: mark all files that are not to be downloaded as unchanged if file_exclude_filter: if isinstance(file_exclude_filter, str): file_exclude_filter = [file_exclude_filter] file_exclude_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_exclude_filter] files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_exclude_filter)) self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on exclude prefix.') mc.added -= files_to_skip mc.changed -= files_to_skip mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip if file_prefix_filter: if isinstance(file_prefix_filter, str): file_prefix_filter = [file_prefix_filter] file_prefix_filter = [f.lower() for f in file_prefix_filter] files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if not any(i.filename.lower().startswith(pfx) for pfx in file_prefix_filter)) self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on include prefix(es)') mc.added -= files_to_skip mc.changed -= files_to_skip mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag: self.log.info(f'Remaining files after filtering: {len(mc.added) + len(mc.changed)}') # correct install size after filtering analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements if fm.filename in mc.added) if mc.removed: analysis_res.removed = len(mc.removed) self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.removed} removed files') if mc.added: analysis_res.added = len(mc.added) self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.added} added files') if mc.changed: analysis_res.changed = len(mc.changed) self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.changed} changed files') if mc.unchanged: analysis_res.unchanged = len(mc.unchanged) self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.unchanged} unchanged files') if processing_optimization and len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) > 100_000: self.log.warning('Manifest contains too many files, processing optimizations will be disabled.') processing_optimization = False elif processing_optimization: self.log.info('Processing order optimization is enabled, analysis may take a few seconds longer...') # count references to chunks for determining runtime cache size later references = Counter() fmlist = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements, key=lambda a: a.filename.lower()) for fm in fmlist: self.hash_map[fm.filename] = fm.sha_hash.hex() # chunks of unchanged files are not downloaded so we can skip them if fm.filename in mc.unchanged: analysis_res.unchanged += fm.file_size continue for cp in fm.chunk_parts: references[cp.guid_num] += 1 if processing_optimization: s_time = time.time() # reorder the file manifest list to group files that share many chunks # 4 is mostly arbitrary but has shown in testing to be a good choice min_overlap = 4 # ignore files with less than N chunk parts, this speeds things up dramatically cp_threshold = 5 remaining_files = {fm.filename: {cp.guid_num for cp in fm.chunk_parts} for fm in fmlist if fm.filename not in mc.unchanged} _fmlist = [] # iterate over all files that will be downloaded and pair up those that share the most chunks for fm in fmlist: if fm.filename not in remaining_files: continue _fmlist.append(fm) f_chunks = remaining_files.pop(fm.filename) if len(f_chunks) < cp_threshold: continue best_overlap, match = 0, None for fname, chunks in remaining_files.items(): if len(chunks) < cp_threshold: continue overlap = len(f_chunks & chunks) if overlap > min_overlap and overlap > best_overlap: best_overlap, match = overlap, fname if match: _fmlist.append(manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(match)) remaining_files.pop(match) fmlist = _fmlist opt_delta = time.time() - s_time self.log.debug(f'Processing optimizations took {opt_delta:.01f} seconds.') # determine reusable chunks and prepare lookup table for reusable ones re_usable = defaultdict(dict) if old_manifest and mc.changed and patch: self.log.debug('Analyzing manifests for re-usable chunks...') for changed in mc.changed: old_file = old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed) new_file = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed) existing_chunks = defaultdict(list) off = 0 for cp in old_file.chunk_parts: existing_chunks[cp.guid_num].append((off, cp.offset, cp.offset + cp.size)) off += cp.size for cp in new_file.chunk_parts: key = (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) for file_o, cp_o, cp_end_o in existing_chunks[cp.guid_num]: # check if new chunk part is wholly contained in the old chunk part if cp_o <= cp.offset and (cp.offset + cp.size) <= cp_end_o: references[cp.guid_num] -= 1 re_usable[changed][key] = file_o + (cp.offset - cp_o) analysis_res.reuse_size += cp.size break last_cache_size = current_cache_size = 0 # set to determine whether a file is currently cached or not cached = set() # Using this secondary set is orders of magnitude faster than checking the deque. chunks_in_dl_list = set() # This is just used to count all unique guids that have been cached dl_cache_guids = set() # run through the list of files and create the download jobs and also determine minimum # runtime cache requirement by simulating adding/removing from cache during download. self.log.debug('Creating filetasks and chunktasks...') for current_file in fmlist: # skip unchanged and empty files if current_file.filename in mc.unchanged: continue elif not current_file.chunk_parts: self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, empty=True)) continue existing_chunks = re_usable.get(current_file.filename, None) chunk_tasks = [] reused = 0 for cp in current_file.chunk_parts: ct = ChunkTask(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) # re-use the chunk from the existing file if we can if existing_chunks and (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) in existing_chunks: reused += 1 ct.chunk_file = current_file.filename ct.chunk_offset = existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)] else: # add to DL list if not already in it if cp.guid_num not in chunks_in_dl_list: self.chunks_to_dl.append(cp.guid_num) chunks_in_dl_list.add(cp.guid_num) # if chunk has more than one use or is already in cache, # check if we need to add or remove it again. if references[cp.guid_num] > 1 or cp.guid_num in cached: references[cp.guid_num] -= 1 # delete from cache if no references left if references[cp.guid_num] < 1: current_cache_size -= analysis_res.biggest_chunk cached.remove(cp.guid_num) ct.cleanup = True # add to cache if not already cached elif cp.guid_num not in cached: dl_cache_guids.add(cp.guid_num) cached.add(cp.guid_num) current_cache_size += analysis_res.biggest_chunk else: ct.cleanup = True chunk_tasks.append(ct) if reused: self.log.debug(f' + Reusing {reused} chunks from: {current_file.filename}') # open temporary file that will contain download + old file contents self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', fopen=True)) self.tasks.extend(chunk_tasks) self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', close=True)) # delete old file and rename temporary self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, delete=True, rename=True, temporary_filename=current_file.filename + u'.tmp')) else: self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, fopen=True)) self.tasks.extend(chunk_tasks) self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, close=True)) # check if runtime cache size has changed if current_cache_size > last_cache_size: self.log.debug(f' * New maximum cache size: {current_cache_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB') last_cache_size = current_cache_size self.log.debug(f'Final cache size requirement: {last_cache_size / 1024 / 1024} MiB.') analysis_res.min_memory = last_cache_size + (1024 * 1024 * 32) # add some padding just to be safe # Todo implement on-disk caching to avoid this issue. if analysis_res.min_memory > self.max_shared_memory: shared_mib = f'{self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB' required_mib = f'{analysis_res.min_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB' suggested_mib = round(self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024 + (analysis_res.min_memory - self.max_shared_memory) / 1024 / 1024 + 32) if processing_optimization: message = f'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering --max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}"' else: message = 'Try running legendary with "--enable-reordering" to reduce memory usage, ' \ f'or use "--max-shared-memory {suggested_mib:.0f}" to increase the limit.' raise MemoryError(f'Current shared memory cache is smaller than required: {shared_mib} < {required_mib}. ' + message) # calculate actual dl and patch write size. analysis_res.dl_size = \ sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list) analysis_res.uncompressed_dl_size = \ sum(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list) # add jobs to remove files for fname in mc.removed: self.tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True)) self.tasks.extend(additional_deletion_tasks) analysis_res.num_chunks_cache = len(dl_cache_guids) self.chunk_data_list = manifest.chunk_data_list self.analysis = analysis_res return analysis_res def download_job_manager(self, task_cond: Condition, shm_cond: Condition): while self.chunks_to_dl and self.running: while self.active_tasks < self.max_workers * 2 and self.chunks_to_dl: try: sms = self.sms.popleft() no_shm = False except IndexError: # no free cache no_shm = True break c_guid = self.chunks_to_dl.popleft() chunk = self.chunk_data_list.get_chunk_by_guid(c_guid) self.log.debug(f'Adding {chunk.guid_num} (active: {self.active_tasks})') try: self.dl_worker_queue.put(DownloaderTask(url=self.base_url + '/' + chunk.path, chunk_guid=c_guid, shm=sms), timeout=1.0) except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Failed to add to download queue: {e!r}') self.chunks_to_dl.appendleft(c_guid) break self.active_tasks += 1 else: # active tasks limit hit, wait for tasks to finish with task_cond: self.log.debug('Waiting for download tasks to complete..') task_cond.wait(timeout=1.0) continue if no_shm: # if we break we ran out of shared memory, so wait for that. with shm_cond: self.log.debug('Waiting for more shared memory...') shm_cond.wait(timeout=1.0) self.log.debug('Download Job Manager quitting...') def dl_results_handler(self, task_cond: Condition): in_buffer = dict() task = self.tasks.popleft() current_file = '' while task and self.running: if isinstance(task, FileTask): # this wasn't necessarily a good idea... try: if task.empty: self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, empty=True), timeout=1.0) elif task.rename: self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, rename=True, delete=task.delete, old_filename=task.temporary_filename), timeout=1.0) elif task.delete: self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, delete=True, silent=task.silent), timeout=1.0) elif task.open: self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, fopen=True), timeout=1.0) current_file = task.filename elif task.close: self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask(task.filename, close=True), timeout=1.0) except Exception as e: self.tasks.appendleft(task) self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}') continue try: task = self.tasks.popleft() except IndexError: # finished break continue while (task.chunk_guid in in_buffer) or task.chunk_file: res_shm = None if not task.chunk_file: # not re-using from an old file res_shm = in_buffer[task.chunk_guid].shm try: self.log.debug(f'Adding {task.chunk_guid} to writer queue') self.writer_queue.put(WriterTask( filename=current_file, shared_memory=res_shm, chunk_offset=task.chunk_offset, chunk_size=task.chunk_size, chunk_guid=task.chunk_guid, release_memory=task.cleanup, old_file=task.chunk_file # todo on-disk cache ), timeout=1.0) except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Adding to queue failed: {e!r}') break if task.cleanup and not task.chunk_file: del in_buffer[task.chunk_guid] try: task = self.tasks.popleft() if isinstance(task, FileTask): break except IndexError: # finished task = None break else: # only enter blocking code if the loop did not break try: res = self.dl_result_q.get(timeout=1) self.active_tasks -= 1 with task_cond: task_cond.notify() if res.success: self.log.debug(f'Download for {res.guid} succeeded, adding to in_buffer...') in_buffer[res.guid] = res self.bytes_downloaded_since_last += res.compressed_size self.bytes_decompressed_since_last += res.size else: self.log.error(f'Download for {res.guid} failed, retrying...') try: self.dl_worker_queue.put(DownloaderTask( url=res.url, chunk_guid=res.guid, shm=res.shm ), timeout=1.0) self.active_tasks += 1 except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Failed adding retry task to queue! {e!r}') # If this failed for whatever reason, put the chunk at the front of the DL list self.chunks_to_dl.appendleft(res.chunk_guid) except Empty: pass except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Unhandled exception when trying to read download result queue: {e!r}') self.log.debug('Download result handler quitting...') def fw_results_handler(self, shm_cond: Condition): while self.running: try: res = self.writer_result_q.get(timeout=1.0) self.num_tasks_processed_since_last += 1 if res.closed and self.resume_file and res.success: if res.filename.endswith('.tmp'): res.filename = res.filename[:-4] file_hash = self.hash_map[res.filename] # write last completed file to super simple resume file with open(self.resume_file, 'ab') as rf: rf.write(f'{file_hash}:{res.filename}\n'.encode('utf-8')) if res.kill: self.log.debug('Got termination command in FW result handler') break if not res.success: # todo make this kill the installation process or at least skip the file and mark it as failed self.log.fatal(f'Writing for {res.filename} failed!') if res.release_memory: self.sms.appendleft(res.shm) with shm_cond: shm_cond.notify() if res.chunk_guid: self.bytes_written_since_last += res.size # if there's no shared memory we must have read from disk. if not res.shm: self.bytes_read_since_last += res.size self.num_processed_since_last += 1 except Empty: continue except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Exception when trying to read writer result queue: {e!r}') self.log.debug('Writer result handler quitting...') def run(self): if not self.analysis: raise ValueError('Did not run analysis before trying to run download!') # Subprocess will use its own root logger that logs to a Queue instead _root = logging.getLogger() _root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self.proc_debug else logging.INFO) if self.logging_queue: _root.handlers = [] _root.addHandler(QueueHandler(self.logging_queue)) self.log = logging.getLogger('DLManager') self.log.info(f'Download Manager running with process-id: {os.getpid()}') try: self.run_real() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.log.warning('Immediate exit requested!') self.running = False # send conditions to unlock threads if they aren't already for cond in self.conditions: with cond: cond.notify() # make sure threads are dead. for t in self.threads: t.join(timeout=5.0) if t.is_alive(): self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}') # clean up all the queues, otherwise this process won't terminate properly for name, q in zip(('Download jobs', 'Writer jobs', 'Download results', 'Writer results'), (self.dl_worker_queue, self.writer_queue, self.dl_result_q, self.writer_result_q)): self.log.debug(f'Cleaning up queue "{name}"') try: while True: _ = q.get_nowait() except Empty: q.close() q.join_thread() def run_real(self): self.shared_memory = SharedMemory(create=True, size=self.max_shared_memory) self.log.debug(f'Created shared memory of size: {self.shared_memory.size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB') # create the shared memory segments and add them to their respective pools for i in range(int(self.shared_memory.size / self.analysis.biggest_chunk)): _sms = SharedMemorySegment(offset=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk, end=i * self.analysis.biggest_chunk + self.analysis.biggest_chunk) self.sms.append(_sms) self.log.debug(f'Created {len(self.sms)} shared memory segments.') # Create queues self.dl_worker_queue = MPQueue(-1) self.writer_queue = MPQueue(-1) self.dl_result_q = MPQueue(-1) self.writer_result_q = MPQueue(-1) self.log.info(f'Starting download workers...') for i in range(self.max_workers): w = DLWorker(f'DLWorker {i + 1}', self.dl_worker_queue, self.dl_result_q, self.shared_memory.name, logging_queue=self.logging_queue, dl_timeout=self.dl_timeout) self.children.append(w) w.start() self.log.info('Starting file writing worker...') writer_p = FileWorker(self.writer_queue, self.writer_result_q, self.dl_dir, self.shared_memory.name, self.cache_dir, self.logging_queue) self.children.append(writer_p) writer_p.start() num_chunk_tasks = sum(isinstance(t, ChunkTask) for t in self.tasks) num_dl_tasks = len(self.chunks_to_dl) num_tasks = len(self.tasks) num_shared_memory_segments = len(self.sms) self.log.debug(f'Chunks to download: {num_dl_tasks}, File tasks: {num_tasks}, Chunk tasks: {num_chunk_tasks}') # active downloader tasks self.active_tasks = 0 processed_chunks = 0 processed_tasks = 0 total_dl = 0 total_write = 0 # synchronization conditions shm_cond = Condition() task_cond = Condition() self.conditions = [shm_cond, task_cond] # start threads s_time = time.time() self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.download_job_manager, args=(task_cond, shm_cond))) self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.dl_results_handler, args=(task_cond,))) self.threads.append(Thread(target=self.fw_results_handler, args=(shm_cond,))) for t in self.threads: t.start() last_update = time.time() while processed_tasks < num_tasks: delta = time.time() - last_update if not delta: time.sleep(self.update_interval) continue # update all the things processed_chunks += self.num_processed_since_last processed_tasks += self.num_tasks_processed_since_last total_dl += self.bytes_downloaded_since_last total_write += self.bytes_written_since_last dl_speed = self.bytes_downloaded_since_last / delta dl_unc_speed = self.bytes_decompressed_since_last / delta w_speed = self.bytes_written_since_last / delta r_speed = self.bytes_read_since_last / delta # c_speed = self.num_processed_since_last / delta # set temporary counters to 0 self.bytes_read_since_last = self.bytes_written_since_last = 0 self.bytes_downloaded_since_last = self.num_processed_since_last = 0 self.bytes_decompressed_since_last = self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0 last_update = time.time() perc = (processed_chunks / num_chunk_tasks) * 100 runtime = time.time() - s_time total_avail = len(self.sms) total_used = (num_shared_memory_segments - total_avail) * (self.analysis.biggest_chunk / 1024 / 1024) try: average_speed = processed_chunks / runtime estimate = (num_chunk_tasks - processed_chunks) / average_speed except ZeroDivisionError: average_speed = estimate = 0 # TODO set current_filename argument of UIUpdate # send status update to back to instantiator (if queue exists) if self.status_queue: try: self.status_queue.put(UIUpdate( progress=perc, runtime=round(runtime), estimated_time_left=round(estimate), processed_chunks=processed_chunks, chunk_tasks=num_chunk_tasks, total_downloaded=total_dl, total_written=total_write, cache_usage=total_used, active_tasks=self.active_tasks, download_speed=dl_speed, download_decompressed_speed=dl_unc_speed, write_speed=w_speed, read_speed=r_speed, ), timeout=1.0) except Exception as e: self.log.warning(f'Failed to send status update to queue: {e!r}') time.sleep(self.update_interval) for i in range(self.max_workers): self.dl_worker_queue.put_nowait(DownloaderTask(kill=True)) self.log.info('Waiting for installation to finish...') self.writer_queue.put_nowait(WriterTask('', kill=True)) writer_p.join(timeout=10.0) if writer_p.exitcode is None: self.log.warning(f'Terminating writer process, no exit code!') writer_p.terminate() # forcibly kill DL workers that are not actually dead yet for child in self.children: if child.exitcode is None: child.terminate() # make sure all the threads are dead. for t in self.threads: t.join(timeout=5.0) if t.is_alive(): self.log.warning(f'Thread did not terminate! {repr(t)}') # clean up resume file if self.resume_file: try: os.remove(self.resume_file) except OSError as e: self.log.warning(f'Failed to remove resume file: {e!r}') # close up shared memory self.shared_memory.close() self.shared_memory.unlink() self.shared_memory = None self.log.info('All done! Download manager quitting...') # finally, exit the process. exit(0)