import platform import re import sys from collections import ChainMap from typing import Any, Union from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QModelIndex, QAbstractTableModel, pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont from rare.lgndr.core import LegendaryCore from rare.utils.misc import icon if platform.system() != "Windows": from import get_wine_environment if platform.system() != "Darwin": from rare.utils.runners.proton import get_steam_environment class EnvVarsTableModel(QAbstractTableModel): def __init__(self, core: LegendaryCore, parent=None): super(EnvVarsTableModel, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.core = core # lk: validator matches anything starting with a letter or underscore # lk: and containing letters, numbers or underscores. # lk: Empty strings are considered invalid. self.__validator = re.compile(r"(^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)") self.__data_map: ChainMap = ChainMap() self.__readonly = [ "DXVK_HUD", "MANGOHUD_CONFIG", ] if platform.system() != "Windows": self.__readonly.extend(get_wine_environment().keys()) if platform.system() != "Darwin": self.__readonly.extend(get_steam_environment().keys()) self.__default: str = "default" self.__appname: str = None @pyqtSlot(str) def reset(self): if not self.__appname: return self.load(self.__appname) def load(self, app_name: str): self.__appname = app_name self.beginResetModel() if not self.core.lgd.config.has_section(f"{self.__appname}.env"): self.core.lgd.config[f"{self.__appname}.env"] = {} self.__data_map = ChainMap( self.core.lgd.config[f"{self.__appname}.env"], self.core.lgd.config[f"{self.__default}.env"] if self.__appname != self.__default else {} ) self.endResetModel() def __key(self, index: Union[QModelIndex, int]): if isinstance(index, QModelIndex): index = index.row() try: return list(self.__data_map)[index] except Exception as e: return "" def __is_local(self, index: Union[QModelIndex, int]): key = self.__key(index) return key in self.__data_map.maps[0].keys() def __is_global(self, index: Union[QModelIndex, int]): key = self.__key(index) return key in self.__data_map.maps[1].keys() def __is_readonly(self, index: Union[QModelIndex, int]): key = self.__key(index) return key in self.__readonly def __value(self, index: Union[QModelIndex, int]): if isinstance(index, QModelIndex): index = index.row() return self.__data_map[self.__key(index)] def __title(self, section: int): if section == 0: return"Key") elif section == 1: return"Value") def __data_length(self): return len(self.__data_map) def __is_key_valid(self, value: str): match = self.__validator.match(value) if not match: return False return value == def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) -> Any: if role in {Qt.DisplayRole, Qt.EditRole}: if index.row() == self.__data_length(): return "" if index.column() == 0: return self.__key(index) else: return self.__value(index) if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if index.column() == 0: return Qt.AlignVCenter + Qt.AlignRight else: return Qt.AlignVCenter + Qt.AlignLeft if role == Qt.FontRole: font = QFont("Monospace") font.setStyleHint(QFont.Monospace) if index.row() < self.__data_length() and not self.__is_local(index): font.setWeight(QFont.Bold) else: font.setWeight(QFont.Normal) return font if role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if index.row() == self.__data_length(): if index.column() == 1: return"Disabled, please set the variable name first.") else: return None if self.__key(index) in self.__readonly: return"Readonly, please edit this via setting the appropriate setting.") def headerData(self, section: int, orientation: Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) -> Any: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return self.__title(section) if role == Qt.DecorationRole: if orientation == Qt.Vertical: if section < self.__data_length(): if self.__is_readonly(section) or not self.__is_local(section): return icon("mdi.lock", "ei.lock") if self.__is_global(section) and self.__is_local(section): return icon("mdi.refresh", "ei.refresh") if self.__is_local(section): return icon("mdi.delete", "ei.remove-sign") return icon("", "") if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: return Qt.AlignVCenter + Qt.AlignHCenter return None def flags(self, index: QModelIndex): # Disable the value cell on rows without a name if index.row() == self.__data_length(): if index.column() == 1: return super().flags(index) ^ Qt.ItemIsEnabled else: return Qt.ItemIsEditable | super().flags(index) # Disable readonly variables if self.__is_readonly(index): return super().flags(index) ^ Qt.ItemIsEnabled return Qt.ItemIsEditable | super().flags(index) def rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = None) -> int: parent = parent if parent else QModelIndex() # The length of the outer list. return self.__data_length() + 1 def columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = None) -> int: parent = parent if parent else QModelIndex() return 2 def setData(self, index: QModelIndex, value: Any, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) -> bool: if role != Qt.EditRole: return False if index.column() == 0: # lk: for what is considered valid input, look at `__validator` if (not self.__is_key_valid(value)) or value in self.__readonly: return False # Do not accept existing variable names (this also protects against unchanged contents) if value in self.__data_map.keys(): return False if index.row() == self.__data_length(): self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.rowCount(index), self.rowCount(index)) self.endInsertRows() self.__data_map[value] = "" self.core.lgd.save_config() self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, []) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, index.row(), index.row()) # if we are on the last row, add a new last row to the table when setting the variable name else: # if we are not in the last row, we have to update an existing variable name old_key = self.__key(index) self.__data_map[value] = self.__data_map[old_key] self.core.lgd.save_config() # since we delete and add a new key, the new key will be moved at the end # deleting a local key can have the following effects # unique local key: # old key deleted, new key added -> update range from index to end # old local key masking global key: # old key remains, new key added -> insert row for new key, update from index to end # new key masking global key: # can't happen because we do not accept existing keys if old_key in self.__data_map.maps[0].keys(): # delete the old key if it is a local one, replacing a local key del self.__data_map[old_key] self.core.lgd.save_config() if old_key in self.__data_map.maps[1].keys(): self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), self.__data_length(), self.__data_length()) self.endInsertRows() self.dataChanged.emit(index, self.index(index.row(), 1), []) self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(self.__data_length() - 1, 0), self.index(self.__data_length() - 1, 1), []) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, index.row(), index.row()) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, self.__data_length() - 1, self.__data_length() - 1) else: # lk: the check for key existance before assigning a value is ommitted # lk: The `Value` field of the table is disabled if the `Name`/key field is empty # lk: making is "impossible" to assign a value to an empty key # Do not accept unchanged contents if value == self.__value(index): return False self.__data_map[self.__key(index)] = value self.core.lgd.save_config() self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(index.row(), 0), index, []) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, index.row(), index.row()) return True def removeRow(self, row: int, parent: QModelIndex = None) -> bool: parent = parent if parent else QModelIndex() # Refuse to remove the last row if row == self.__data_length(): return False # Refuse to remove readonly keys if self.__is_readonly(row): return False # Refuse to remove keys that don't have our app_name (in this case the default) if not self.__is_local(row): return False if self.__is_global(row): del self.__data_map[self.__key(row)] self.core.lgd.save_config() self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(row, 0), self.index(row, 1), []) self.headerDataChanged.emit(Qt.Vertical, row, row) else: self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), row, row) del self.__data_map[self.__key(row)] self.core.lgd.save_config() self.endRemoveRows() return True if __name__ == "__main__": from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QTableView, QHeaderView from rare.utils.misc import set_style_sheet from legendary.core import LegendaryCore class MainDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.table = QTableView() self.model = EnvVarsTableModel(LegendaryCore()) self.model.load("Tamarind") self.table.setModel(self.model) self.table.verticalHeader().sectionPressed.disconnect() self.table.horizontalHeader().sectionPressed.disconnect() self.table.verticalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.model.removeRow) self.table.horizontalHeader().setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.table.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.table.setCornerButtonEnabled(False) self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self)) self.layout().addWidget(self.table) app = QApplication(sys.argv) set_style_sheet("RareStyle") window = MainDialog() window.setFixedSize(800, 600) app.exec()