import os import platform from logging import getLogger from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QProcess, QSettings, QStandardPaths, Qt, QByteArray from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFrame, QMessageBox, QAction from import GameUtils from rare.shared import LegendaryCoreSingleton, GlobalSignalsSingleton, ArgumentsSingleton, ImageManagerSingleton from rare.shared.image_manager import ImageSize from rare.utils.misc import create_desktop_link from rare.widgets.image_widget import ImageWidget logger = getLogger("Game") class BaseInstalledWidget(QFrame): launch_signal = pyqtSignal(str, QProcess, list) show_info = pyqtSignal(str) finish_signal = pyqtSignal(str, int) proc: QProcess() def __init__(self, app_name, pixmap: QPixmap, game_utils: GameUtils): super(BaseInstalledWidget, self).__init__() self.core = LegendaryCoreSingleton() self.signals = GlobalSignalsSingleton() self.args = ArgumentsSingleton() self.image_manager = ImageManagerSingleton() self.game_utils = game_utils self.syncing_cloud_saves = False self.texts = { "needs_verification":"Please verify game before playing"), "hover": { "update_available":"Start game without version check"), "launch":"Launch Game"), "launch_origin":"Launch/Link"), "running":"Game running"), "launch_offline":"Launch offline") }, "default": { "running":"Game running"), "syncing":"Syncing cloud saves"), "update_available":"Update available"), "no_meta":"Game is only offline available") }, } = self.core.get_game(app_name) self.igame = self.core.get_installed_game(app_name) # None if origin if == "Unreal Engine": = f"{} {'_')[-1]}" self.is_only_offline = False try: self.core.get_asset(app_name, platform=self.igame.platform).build_version except ValueError: logger.warning(f"Game {} has no metadata. Set offline true") self.is_only_offline = True except AttributeError: pass self.image = ImageWidget(self) self.image.setFixedSize(ImageSize.Display) self.image.setPixmap(pixmap) self.game_running = False self.offline = self.args.offline self.update_available = False if self.igame and self.core.lgd.assets: try: remote_version = self.core.get_asset(, platform=self.igame.platform, update=False ).build_version except ValueError: logger.error(f"Asset error for {}") self.update_available = False else: if remote_version != self.igame.version: self.update_available = True = QByteArray() self.settings = QSettings() self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsContextMenu) launch = QAction("Launch"), self) launch.triggered.connect(self.launch) self.addAction(launch) if sync = QAction("Sync with cloud"), self) sync.triggered.connect(self.sync_game) self.addAction(sync) desktop = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DesktopLocation) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(desktop, f"{}.desktop") ) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(desktop, f"{}.lnk")): self.create_desktop = QAction("Remove Desktop link")) else: self.create_desktop = QAction("Create Desktop link")) if self.igame: self.create_desktop.triggered.connect( lambda: self.create_desktop_link("desktop") ) self.addAction(self.create_desktop) applications = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.ApplicationsLocation) if platform.system() == "Linux": start_menu_file = os.path.join(applications, f"{}.desktop") elif platform.system() == "Windows": start_menu_file = os.path.join(applications, "..", f"{}.lnk") else: start_menu_file = "" if platform.system() in ["Windows", "Linux"]: if os.path.exists(start_menu_file): self.create_start_menu = QAction("Remove start menu link")) else: self.create_start_menu = QAction("Create start menu link")) if self.igame: self.create_start_menu.triggered.connect( lambda: self.create_desktop_link("start_menu") ) self.addAction(self.create_start_menu) reload_image = QAction("Reload Image"), self) reload_image.triggered.connect(self.reload_image) self.addAction(reload_image) if self.igame is not None: uninstall = QAction("Uninstall"), self) self.addAction(uninstall) uninstall.triggered.connect( lambda: self.signals.update_gamelist.emit([]) if self.game_utils.uninstall_game( else None ) def reload_image(self): self.image_manager.download_image_blocking(, force=True) pm = self.image_manager.get_pixmap(, color=True) self.image.setPixmap(pm) def create_desktop_link(self, type_of_link): if type_of_link == "desktop": shortcut_path = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DesktopLocation) elif type_of_link == "start_menu": shortcut_path = QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.ApplicationsLocation) else: return if platform.system() == "Windows": shortcut_path = os.path.join(shortcut_path, f"{}.lnk") elif platform.system() == "Linux": shortcut_path = os.path.join(shortcut_path, f"{}.desktop") else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", f"Create a Desktop link is currently not supported on {platform.system()}", ) return if not os.path.exists(shortcut_path): try: if not create_desktop_link(, self.core, type_of_link): return except PermissionError: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Permission error. Cannot create Desktop Link" ) if type_of_link == "desktop": self.create_desktop.setText("Remove Desktop link")) elif type_of_link == "start_menu": self.create_start_menu.setText("Remove Start menu link")) else: if os.path.exists(shortcut_path): os.remove(shortcut_path) if type_of_link == "desktop": self.create_desktop.setText("Create Desktop link")) elif type_of_link == "start_menu": self.create_start_menu.setText("Create Start menu link")) def launch(self, offline=False, skip_version_check=False): if self.game_running: return offline = offline or self.is_only_offline if self.is_only_offline and not self.igame.can_run_offline: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning","This game is probably not in your library and it cannot be launched offline")) return if and not offline: self.syncing_cloud_saves = True self.game_utils.prepare_launch(, offline, skip_version_check ) def sync_finished(self, app_name): self.syncing_cloud_saves = False def sync_game(self): try: sync = self.game_utils.cloud_save_utils.sync_before_launch_game(, True ) except Exception: sync = False if sync: self.syncing_cloud_saves = True def game_finished(self, app_name, error): if error: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", error) self.game_running = False # From RareGame, added from sorting to work @property def is_non_asset(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a Game doesn't have assets Typically, games have assets, however some games that require other launchers do not have them. Rare treats these games as installed offering to execute their launcher. @return bool If the game doesn't have assets """ return not @property def is_installed(self) -> bool: """! @brief Property to report if a game is installed This returns True if InstalledGame data have been loaded for the game or if the game is a game without assets, for example an Origin game. @return bool If the game should be considered installed """ return (self.igame is not None) or self.is_non_asset @property def app_title(self) -> str: return self.igame.title if self.igame is not None else