2021-09-24 20:29:22 -04:00

894 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"Ziehe Dateien oder Ordner per Drag & Drop in dieses Fenster.",
"Eine Schlüsseldatei verwenden",
"Metadaten (optional):",
"Passwort generieren:",
"Länge: ",
"In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Ausgabe bereits vorhanden. Überschreiben?",
"Ausgabe speichern als:",
"Passwort bestätigen:",
"Erweiterte Optionen:",
"Temporäre Dateien vernichten (kann bei großen Dateien langsam sein)",
"Schneller Modus (etwas unsicherer)",
"Paranoia Modus (äußerst sicher, aber langsamer)",
"Codierung mit Reed-Solomon zur Vermeidung von Verfälschungen (langsam)",
"Aufteilung der Ausgabe in Abschnitte:",
"Behalten des entschlüsselten Outputs, auch wenn er beschädigt oder verändert ist",
"Noch keine Dateien ausgewählt.",
"Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.",
"Bitte wähle eine Schlüsseldatei.",
"Schalte die Hashes, die du erzeugen möchtest, um und lege eine Datei hier ab.",
"Validiere eine Prüfsumme:",
"Datei(en) oder Ordner hier ablegen, um sie zu schreddern.",
"Anzahl der Durchläufe: Nicht unterstützt unter macOS",
"Anzahl der Durchläufe:",
"Picocrypt %s, erstellt von Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Veröffentlicht unter einer GNU GPL v3 Lizenz.",
"Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle unten aufgeführten Personen.",
"1 Ordner ausgewählt.",
" (wird entschlüsselt)",
"Metadaten (schreibgeschützt):",
" (wird wieder zusammengeführt und entschlüsselt)",
"Bitte verwende Picocrypt v1.13, um diese Datei zu entschlüsseln..",
"Dies scheint kein Picocrypt-Volumen zu sein.",
"Metadaten sind beschädigt.",
"Eingabedatei ist beschädigt und kann nicht entschlüsselt werden.",
"Schlüsseldatei auswählen",
" (wird verschlüsselt)",
"%d Dateien ausgewählt.",
"%d Ordner ausgewählt.",
"1 Datei und %d Ordner ausgewählt.",
"%d Dateien und 1 Ordner ausgewählt.",
"1 Datei und 1 Ordner ausgewählt.",
"%d Dateien und %d Verzeichnisse ausgewählt.",
"Dateien zusammenführen ...",
"Vorgang vom Benutzer abgebrochen.",
"Datei wieder zusammenführen...",
"Die Gesamtgröße überschreitet 256 GiB, die Obergrenze von XChaCha20",
"Werte generieren...",
"Werte lesen...",
"Der Header ist beschädigt und die Eingabedatei kann nicht entschlüsselt werden.",
"Schlüssel ableiten...",
"Vorgang vom Benutzer abgebrochen.",
"Das angegebene Passwort ist falsch.",
"Die verwendete Schlüsseldatei ist falsch.",
"Die Eingabedatei ist zu beschädigt, um sie zu entschlüsseln.",
"Ausführen mit %.2f MB/s (Verbleibend: %s)",
"Datei aufteilen...",
"Schreddern temporärer Dateien...",
"Die Eingabedatei ist beschädigt und/oder verändert. Sei bitte vorsichtig.",
"Die Eingabedatei ist entweder beschädigt oder absichtlich verändert.",
"Löschen der Eingabedatei(en) nach der Entschlüsselung",
"Bitte verwende Picocrypt v1.16, um diese Datei zu entschlüsseln.",
"Eine neuere Version ist verfügbar.",
"Drag and drop file(s) and folder(s) into this window.",
"Metadata (optional):",
"Generate password:",
"Copy to clipboard",
"Output already exists. Overwrite?",
"Save output as:",
"Confirm password:",
"Advanced options:",
"Shred temporary files",
"Use fast mode",
"Use paranoid mode",
"Encode with Reed-Solomon",
"Split output into chunks of",
"Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified",
"No files selected yet.",
"Passwords don't match.",
"Please select a keyfile.",
"Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here.",
"Validate a checksum:",
"Drop file(s) and folder(s) here to shred them.",
"Number of passes: Not supported on macOS",
"Number of passes:",
"Picocrypt %s, created by Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Released under a GNU GPL v3 License.",
"A warm thank you to all the people listed below.",
"1 folder selected.",
" (will decrypt)",
"Metadata (read-only):",
" (will recombine and decrypt)",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.13 to decrypt this file.",
"This doesn't seem to be a Picocrypt volume.",
"Metadata is corrupted.",
"Input file is corrupt and cannot be decrypted.",
"Select keyfile",
" (will encrypt)",
"%d files selected.",
"%d folders selected.",
"1 file and %d folders selected.",
"%d files and 1 folder selected.",
"1 file and 1 folder selected.",
"%d files and %d folders selected.",
"Combining files...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"Recombining file...",
"Total size is larger than 256 GiB, XChaCha20's limit.",
"Generating values...",
"Reading values...",
"The header is corrupt and the input file cannot be decrypted.",
"Deriving key...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"The provided password is incorrect.",
"The provided keyfile is incorrect.",
"The input file is too corrupted to decrypt.",
"Working at %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)",
"Splitting file...",
"Shredding temporary files...",
"The input file is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful.",
"The input file is either corrupted or intentionally modified.",
"Delete the input file(s) after decryption",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.16 to decrypt this file.",
"A newer version is available.",
"Pinche y arrastre archivos y carpetas a esta ventana.",
"Utilizar un archivo de claves",
"Metadatos (opcional):",
"Generar contraseña:",
"Copiar al portapapeles",
"Ya existe un resultado. ¿Desea sobreescribirlo?",
"Guardar resultado como:",
"Confirmar contraseña:",
"Opciones avanzadas:",
"Triturar archivos temporales (puede tomar un tiempo para archivos grandes)",
"Modo rápido (algo menos seguro)",
"Modo paranoico (muy seguro, pero más lento)",
"Codificar con Reed-Solomon para prevenir corrupción (lento)",
"Dividir resultado en secciones de:",
"Conservar el resultado desencriptado aunque se haya corrompido o haya sido modificado",
"Aún no hay archivos seleccionados",
"Las contraseñas no coinciden.",
"Por favor seleccione un archivo de claves.",
"Suma de comprobación",
"Seleccione los hashes que desea generar y arrastre un archivo aquí.",
"Validar una suma de comprobación:",
"Arrastre archivos o carpetas aquí para triturarlos.",
"Cantidad de pasadas: No soportado en macOS",
"Cantidad de pasadas:",
"Acerca de",
"Picocrypt %s, creado por Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Liberado bajo una licencia GNU GPL v3.",
"Mi sincero agradecimiento a todos los mencionados a continuación.",
"1 carpeta seleccionada.",
" (desencriptará)",
"Metadatos (sólo lectura):",
" (recombinará y desencriptará)",
"Por favor utilice Picocrypt v1.13 para desencriptar este archivo.",
"Éste no parece ser un volumen Picocrypt.",
"Los metadatos están corrompidos.",
"El archivo de origen está corrompido y no puede ser desencriptado.",
"Seleccione un archivo de claves",
" (encriptará)",
"%d archivos seleccionados.",
"%d carpetas seleccionadas.",
"1 archivo y %d carpetas seleccionados.",
"%d archivos y 1 carpeta selecccionados.",
"1 archivo y 1 carpeta seleccionados.",
"%d archivos y %d carpetas seleccionados.",
"Combinando archivos...",
"La operación fue cancelada por el usuario.",
"Recombinando archivo...",
"El tamaño total es mayor a 256 GiB, límite de XChaCha20.",
"Generando valores...",
"Leyendo valores...",
"El encabezado está corrompido y el archivo de origen no puede ser desencriptado.",
"Derivando clave...",
"Operación cancelada por el usuario.",
"La contraseña es incorrecta.",
"El archivo de claves es incorrecto.",
"El archivo de origen está demasiado corrompido como para ser desencriptado.",
"Trabajando a %.2f MB/s (Tiempo estimado: %s)",
"Dividiendo el archivo...",
"Triturando archivos temporales...",
"El archivo de origen está corrompido y/o ha sido modificado. Por favor, proceda con cuidado.",
"El archivo de origen está corrompido o fue modificado intencionalmente.",
"Eliminar los archivos de entrada después del descifrado",
"Por favor utilice Picocrypt v1.16 para desencriptar este archivo.",
"Una nueva versión está disponible.",
"Drag and drop file(s) or folder(s) into this window.",
"Use a keyfile",
"Metadata (optional):",
"Generate password:",
"Length: ",
"Copy to clipboard",
"Output already exists. Overwrite?",
"Save output as:",
"Confirm password:",
"Advanced options:",
"Shred temporary files (can be slow for large files)",
"Fast mode (slightly less secure)",
"Paranoid mode (extremely secure, but slower)",
"Encode with Reed-Solomon to prevent corruption (slow)",
"Split output into chunks of",
"Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified",
"No files selected yet.",
"Passwords don't match.",
"Please select a keyfile.",
"Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here.",
"Validate a checksum:",
"Drop file(s) or folder(s) here to shred them.",
"Number of passes: Not supported on macOS",
"Number of passes:",
"Picocrypt %s, created by Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Released under a GNU GPL v3 License.",
"A warm thank you to all the people listed below.",
"1 folder selected.",
" (will decrypt)",
"Metadata (read-only):",
" (will recombine and decrypt)",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.13 to decrypt this file.",
"This doesn't seem to be a Picocrypt volume.",
"Metadata is corrupted.",
"Input file is corrupt and cannot be decrypted.",
"Select keyfile",
" (will encrypt)",
"%d files selected.",
"%d folders selected.",
"1 file and %d folders selected.",
"%d files and 1 folder selected.",
"1 file and 1 folder selected.",
"%d files and %d folders selected.",
"Combining files...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"Recombining file...",
"Total size is larger than 256 GiB, XChaCha20's limit.",
"Generating values...",
"Reading values...",
"The header is corrupt and the input file cannot be decrypted.",
"Deriving key...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"The provided password is incorrect.",
"The provided keyfile is incorrect.",
"The input file is too corrupted to decrypt.",
"Working at %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)",
"Splitting file...",
"Shredding temporary files...",
"The input file is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful.",
"The input file is either corrupted or intentionally modified.",
"Delete the input file(s) after decryption",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.16 to decrypt this file.",
"A newer version is available.",
"Drag and drop file(s) or folder(s) into this window.",
"Use a keyfile",
"Metadata (optional):",
"Generate password:",
"Length: ",
"Copy to clipboard",
"Output already exists. Overwrite?",
"Save output as:",
"Confirm password:",
"Advanced options:",
"Shred temporary files (can be slow for large files)",
"Fast mode (slightly less secure)",
"Paranoid mode (extremely secure, but slower)",
"Encode with Reed-Solomon to prevent corruption (slow)",
"Split output into chunks of",
"Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified",
"No files selected yet.",
"Passwords don't match.",
"Please select a keyfile.",
"Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here.",
"Validate a checksum:",
"Drop file(s) or folder(s) here to shred them.",
"Number of passes: Not supported on macOS",
"Number of passes:",
"Picocrypt %s, created by Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Released under a GNU GPL v3 License.",
"A warm thank you to all the people listed below.",
"1 folder selected.",
" (will decrypt)",
"Metadata (read-only):",
" (will recombine and decrypt)",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.13 to decrypt this file.",
"This doesn't seem to be a Picocrypt volume.",
"Metadata is corrupted.",
"Input file is corrupt and cannot be decrypted.",
"Select keyfile",
" (will encrypt)",
"%d files selected.",
"%d folders selected.",
"1 file and %d folders selected.",
"%d files and 1 folder selected.",
"1 file and 1 folder selected.",
"%d files and %d folders selected.",
"Combining files...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"Recombining file...",
"Total size is larger than 256 GiB, XChaCha20's limit.",
"Generating values...",
"Reading values...",
"The header is corrupt and the input file cannot be decrypted.",
"Deriving key...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"The provided password is incorrect.",
"The provided keyfile is incorrect.",
"The input file is too corrupted to decrypt.",
"Working at %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)",
"Splitting file...",
"Shredding temporary files...",
"The input file is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful.",
"The input file is either corrupted or intentionally modified.",
"Delete the input file(s) after decryption",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.16 to decrypt this file.",
"A newer version is available.",
"Drag and drop file(s) and folder(s) into this window.",
"Use a keyfile",
"Metadata (optional):",
"Generate password:",
"Length: ",
"Copy to clipboard",
"Output already exists. Overwrite?",
"Save output as:",
"Confirm password:",
"Advanced options:",
"Shred temporary files (can be slow for large files)",
"Fast mode (slightly less secure)",
"Paranoid mode (extremely secure, but slower)",
"Encode with Reed-Solomon to prevent corruption (slow)",
"Split output into chunks of",
"Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified",
"No files selected yet.",
"Passwords don't match.",
"Please select a keyfile.",
"Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here.",
"Validate a checksum:",
"Drop file(s) or folder(s) here to shred them.",
"Number of passes: Not supported on macOS",
"Number of passes:",
"Picocrypt %s, created by Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Released under a GNU GPL v3 License.",
"A warm thank you to all the people listed below.",
"1 folder selected.",
" (will decrypt)",
"Metadata (read-only):",
" (will recombine and decrypt)",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.13 to decrypt this file.",
"This doesn't seem to be a Picocrypt volume.",
"Metadata is corrupted.",
"Input file is corrupt and cannot be decrypted.",
"Select keyfile",
" (will encrypt)",
"%d files selected.",
"%d folders selected.",
"1 file and %d folders selected.",
"%d files and 1 folder selected.",
"1 file and 1 folder selected.",
"%d files and %d folders selected.",
"Combining files...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"Recombining file...",
"Total size is larger than 256 GiB, XChaCha20's limit.",
"Generating values...",
"Reading values...",
"The header is corrupt and the input file cannot be decrypted.",
"Deriving key...",
"Operation cancelled by user.",
"The provided password is incorrect.",
"The provided keyfile is incorrect.",
"The input file is too corrupted to decrypt.",
"Working at %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)",
"Splitting file...",
"Shredding temporary files...",
"The input file is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful.",
"The input file is either corrupted or intentionally modified.",
"Delete the input file(s) after decryption",
"Please use Picocrypt v1.16 to decrypt this file.",
"A newer version is available.",
"Português brasileiro",
"Arraste e solte arquivos ou pastas nesta janela.",
"Metadados (opcional):",
"Gerar senha:",
"Tamanho: ",
"Copiar para a área de transferência",
"Local de destino já existe. Sobrescrever?",
"Salvar saída como:",
"Confirme a senha:",
"Opções avançadas:",
"Triturar arquivos temporários",
"Usar modo rápido",
"Usar modo paranoico",
"Codificar com Reed-Solomon",
"Dividir saída em pedaços de",
"Manter a saída desencriptada mesmo se estiver corrompida ou modificada",
"Nenhum arquivo selecionado.",
"Senhas não correspondem.",
"Por favor, selecione um arquivo-chave.",
"Marque os hashes que você quer gerar e solte um arquivo aqui.",
"Validar um checksum:",
"Solte arquivos ou pastas aqui para triturá-los.",
"Número de passagens: Não suportado no macOS",
"Número de passagens:",
"Picocrypt %s, criado por Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Lançado sob a licença GNU GPL v3.",
"Calorosos agradecimentos a todos listados abaixo.",
"1 pasta selecionada.",
" (será desencriptado)",
"Metadados (somente leitura):",
" (será recombinado e desencriptado)",
"Por favor, use o Picocrypt v1.13 para desencriptar este arquivo.",
"Isso não parece ser um volume Picocrypt.",
"Os metadados estão corrompidos.",
"O arquivo de entrada está corrompido e não pode ser desencriptado.",
"Selecionar arquivo-chave",
" (será encriptado)",
"%d arquivos selecionados.",
"%d pastas selecionadas.",
"1 arquivo e %d pastas selecionados.",
"%d arquivos e 1 pasta selecionados.",
"1 arquivo e 1 pasta selecionados.",
"%d arquivos e %d pastas selecionados.",
"Combinando arquivos...",
"Operação cancelada pelo usuário.",
"Recombinando arquivo...",
"Tamanho total é maior que 256 GiB, o limite do XChaCha20.",
"Gerando valores...",
"Lendo values...",
"O cabeçalho está corrompido e o arquivo de entrada não pode ser desencriptado.",
"Derivando chave...",
"Operação cancelada pelo usuário.",
"A senha fornecida está incorreta.",
"O arquivo-chave fornecido está incorreto.",
"O arquivo de entrada está corrompido demais para desencriptar.",
"Trabalhando a %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)",
"Dividindo arquivo...",
"Triturando arquivos temporários...",
"O arquivo de entrada está corrompido e/ou modificado. Por favor, tenha cuidado.",
"O arquivo de entrada está corrompido ou intencionalmente modificado.",
"Excluir o(s) arquivo(s) de entrada após a desencriptação",
"Por favor, use o Picocrypt v1.16 para desencriptar este arquivo.",
"Uma versão mais nova está disponível.",
"Dosya veya klasörleri bu pencereye sürükleyin.",
"ya da",
"Anahtar Dosya",
"Üstveri (opsiyonel):",
"Şifre üret:",
"Büyük harf",
"Küçük harf",
"Panoya kopyala",
ıktı dosyası zaten mevcut. Üzerine yazılsın mı?",
ıktıyı farklı kaydet:",
"Parolayı onayla:",
"Gelişmiş ayarlar:",
"Geçici dosyaları öğüt",
"Hızlı yöntem",
"Paranoyak yöntem",
"Reed-Solomon ile şifrele",
ıktı dosyasını parçalara böl",
ıktı dosyasını değiştirilmiş yahut bozulmuş olsa dahi silme.",
"Henüz dosya seçilmedi.",
"Parolalar eşleşmiyor",
"Lütfen bir anahtar dosya seçin.",
"Sağlama Toplamı",
"Oluşturulmasını istediğiniz sağlamaları işaretleyin ve bir dosya bırakın.",
"Bir sağlama toplamını doğrulayın:",
"Öğütmek istediğiniz dosya veya klasörleri bu pencereye sürükleyin.",
"Geçiş sayısı: macOS'te desteklenmemektedir",
"Geçiş sayısı:",
"Picocrypt %s, Yapımcı: Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"GNU GPL v3 Lisansı altında yayınlanmıştır.",
"Aşağıda listelenmiş olan herkese içtenlikle teşekkür ederim.",
"Bağışta bulunanlar:",
"1 klasör seçildi.",
" (Deşifre edilecek)",
"Üstveri (salt-okunur):",
" (Yeniden birleştirilip deşifre edilecek)",
"Bu dosyayı deşifre edebilmek için lütfen Picocrypt v1.13 kullanın.",
"Bu bir Picocrypt bölümü gibi görünmüyor.",
"Üstveri bozulmuş.",
"Girdi dosyası bozulmuş ve deşifre edilemez durumda.",
"Anahtar dosya seçin",
" (şifrelenecek)",
"%d dosya seçildi.",
"%d klasör seçildi.",
"1 dosya ve %d klasör seçildi.",
"%d dosya ve 1 klasör seçildi.",
"1 dosya ve 1 klasör seçildi.",
"%d dosya ve %d klasör seçildi.",
"Dosyalar kaynaştırılıyor",
"İşlem kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi.",
"Dosyalar tekrar bir araya getiriliyor...",
"Toplam dosya boyutu XChaCha20'nin sınırı olan 256 GiB'tan büyük",
"Değerler üretiliyor...",
"Değerler okunuyor...",
"Üstbilgi bozuk ve girdi dosyası deşifre edilemez.",
"Anahtar üretiliyor...",
"Operasyon kullancıı tarafından iptal edildi.",
"Yazılan parola yanlış.",
"Temin edilen anahtar dosyası yanlış.",
"Girdi dosyası deşifre edilemeyecek kadar bozulmuş.",
"%.2f MB/s hızda çalışıyor (Tahmini Bitiş Zamanı: %s)",
"Dosya bölünüyor...",
"Geçici dosyalar öğütülüyor...",
"Girdi dosyası bozulmuş ve/veya değiştirilmiş. Lütfen dikkatli olun.",
"Girdi dosaysı ya bozulmuş ya da bilerek değişiklik yapılmış.",
"Şifre çözme işleminden sonra girdi dosyalarını sil.",
"Bu dosyayı deşifre edebilmek için lütfen Picocrypt v1.16 kullanın.",
"Daha yeni bir sürüm mevcut.",
"Tempkite failus ir aplankus į šį langą",
"Rakto failas",
"Metaduomenys (neprivaloma):",
"Generuoti slaptažodį:",
"Didžiosios raidės",
"Mažosios raidės",
"Kopijuoti į iškarpinę",
"Tokia išvestis jau egzistuoja. Perrašyti?",
"Įrašyti išvestį kaip:",
"Patvirtinti slaptažodį:",
"Išplėstiniai nustatymai:",
"Smulkinti laikinus failus (dėl didesnių failų dydžių sparta gali sumažėti)",
"Greitasis režimas (ne toks saugus)",
"Paranojinis režimas (labai saugus, tačiau lėtesnis",
"Koduoti su Reed-Solomon",
"Padalyti išvestį į dalis po",
"Saugoti iššifruotą išvestį, nors ji buvo sugandinta arba pakeista",
"Jokie failai nepasirinkti.",
"Slaptažodžiai nesutampa.",
"Prašome pasirinkti rakto failą.",
"Kontrolinė suma",
"Pasirinkite, kurias maišos funkcijas norėsite generuoti ir nutempkite failą čia.",
"Patvirtinti kontrolinę sumą:",
"Tampkite failus čia jų susmulkinimui.",
"Leidimų skaičius: nepalaikoma macOS",
"Leidimų skaičius:",
"Picocrypt %s, yra sukurtas Evan Su (https://evansu.cc/).",
"Išleistas pagal GNU GPL v3 licenciją.",
"Nuoširdžiai ačiū visiems apačioje išvardytiems žmonėms.",
"Finansiniai rėmėjai:",
"Pasirinktas 1 aplankas.",
"(bus iššifruotas)",
"Metaduomenys (tik skaitomi):",
"(bus naujai sujungtas ir iššifruotas)",
"Prašome naudoti Picocrypt v1.13 šio failo iššifravimui.",
"Tai nėra Picocrypt tomas.",
"Metaduomenys yra sugadinti.",
"Įvesties failas yra sugadintas ir negali būti iššifruotas.",
"Pasirinkti rakto failą",
"(bus užšifruotas)",
"%d pasirinkti failai.",
"%d pasirinkti aplankai.",
"Pasirinktas 1 failas ir %d aplankai.",
"Pasirinkti %d failai ir 1 aplankas.",
"Pasirinktas 1 failas ir 1 aplankas.",
"Pasirinkti %d failai ir %d aplankai.",
"Sujungiami failai...",
"Operacija atšaukta vartotojo.",
"Naujai jungiamas failas...",
"Visas dydis yra didesnis nei 256 GiB, XChaCha20 limitas.",
"Generuojamos vertės...",
"Skaitomos vertės...",
"Antraštė yra sugadinta ir įvesties failas negali būti iššifruotas.",
"Išvedamas raktas...",
"Operacija atšaukta vartotojo.",
"Pateiktas slaptažodis yra neteisingas.",
"Pateiktas rakto failas yra neteisingas.",
"Įvesties failas nebetinkamas iššifravimui.",
"Dirba %.2f MB/s sparta (Numatomas trukmė: %s)",
"Failas skaidomas...",
"Smulkinami laikini failai...",
"Įvesties failas yra sugadintas ir/arba pakeistas, būkite atsargūs.",
"Įvesties failas yra sugadintas arba tyčia pakeistas.",
"Ištrinti įvesties failą(-us) po iššifravimo",
"Prašome naudoti Picocrypt v1.16 šio failo iššifravimui.",
"Galima naujesnė versija.",