from tkinter import filedialog from threading import Thread from datetime import datetime from argon2.low_level import hash_secret_raw,Type from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20_Poly1305 from hashlib import sha3_512 from secrets import compare_digest from os import urandom,fsync,remove from os.path import getsize,expanduser import sys import tkinter.scrolledtext as scrolledtext import tkinter import tkinter.ttk import webbrowser inputFile = "" outputFile = "" password = "" ad = "" adString = "File metadata (used to store some text along with the file):" passwordNotice = "Error. The provided password is incorrect." corruptedNotice = "Error. The input file is corrupted." modifiedNotice = "Error. The input file has been intentionally modified." kCorruptedNotice = "The input file is corrupted, but the output has been kept." kModifiedNotice = "The input file has been intentionally modified, but the output has been kept." derivingNotice = "Deriving key... (takes a few seconds)" keepNotice = "Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified" kept = False eraseNotice = "Securely erase and delete original file" working = False tk = tkinter.Tk() tk.geometry("480x390") tk.title("Picocrypt") tk.configure(background="#f5f6f7") tk.resizable(0,0) favicon = tkinter.PhotoImage(file="./key.png") tk.iconphoto(False,favicon) s = tkinter.ttk.Style() s.configure("TCheckbutton",background="#f5f6f7") def inputSelected(): global inputFile dummy.focus() try: suffix = "" tmp = filedialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=expanduser("~") ) if len(tmp)==0: raise Exception("No file selected.") inputFile = tmp if ".enc" in inputFile.split("/")[-1]: suffix = " (will be decrypted)" fin = open(inputFile,"rb+") adlen = b"" while True: letter = adlen += letter if letter==b"|": adlen = adlen[:-1] break ad ="utf-8"))) fin.close() adArea["state"] = "normal" adArea.delete("1.0",tkinter.END) adArea.insert("1.0",ad.decode("utf-8")) adArea["state"] = "disabled" adLabelString.set("File metadata (read only):") keepBtn["state"] = "normal" eraseBtn["state"] = "disabled" else: eraseBtn["state"] = "normal" keepBtn["state"] = "disabled" adArea["state"] = "normal" adArea.delete("1.0",tkinter.END) suffix = " (will be encrypted)" adLabelString.set(adString) inputString.set(inputFile.split("/")[-1]+suffix) passwordInput["state"] = "normal" startBtn["state"] = "normal" statusString.set("Ready.") except: pass selectFileInput = tkinter.ttk.Button( tk, text="Select file", command=inputSelected, ),y=20) inputString = tkinter.StringVar(tk) inputString.set("Please select a file.") selectedInput = tkinter.ttk.Label( tk, textvariable=inputString ) selectedInput.config(background="#f5f6f7"),y=23) passwordString = tkinter.StringVar(tk) passwordString.set("Password:") passwordLabel = tkinter.ttk.Label( tk, textvariable=passwordString ),y=56) passwordLabel.config(background="#f5f6f7") passwordFrame = tkinter.Frame( tk, width=440, height=22 ),y=76) passwordFrame.columnconfigure(0,weight=10) passwordFrame.grid_propagate(False) passwordInput = tkinter.ttk.Entry( passwordFrame ) passwordInput.grid(sticky="nesw") passwordInput["state"] = "disabled" def start(): global inputFile,outputFile,password,ad,kept,working working = True dummy.focus() password = passwordInput.get().encode("utf-8") ad = adArea.get("1.0",tkinter.END).encode("utf-8") wipe = erase.get()==1 passwordInput["state"] = "disabled" adArea["state"] = "disabled" startBtn["state"] = "disabled" keepBtn["state"] = "disabled" if ".enc" not in inputFile: mode = "encrypt" outputFile = inputFile+".enc" else: mode = "decrypt" outputFile = inputFile[:-4] fin = open(inputFile,"rb+") fout = open(outputFile,"wb+") if mode=="encrypt": salt = urandom(16) nonce = urandom(24) fout.write(str(len(ad)).encode("utf-8")) fout.write(b"|") fout.write(ad) fout.write(b"0"*64) fout.write(b"0"*64) fout.write(b"0"*16) fout.write(salt) fout.write(nonce) else: adlen = b"" while True: letter = adlen += letter if letter==b"|": adlen = adlen[:-1] break"utf-8"))) cs = crccs = digest = salt = nonce = statusString.set(derivingNotice) progress.config(mode="indeterminate") progress.start(15) key = hash_secret_raw( password, salt, time_cost=16, memory_cost=1048576, parallelism=4, hash_len=32, type=Type.ID ) progress.stop() progress.config(mode="determinate") progress["value"] = 0 check = sha3_512(key).digest() if mode=="decrypt": if not compare_digest(check,cs): statusString.set(passwordNotice) fin.close() fout.close() remove(outputFile) passwordInput["state"] = "normal" adArea["state"] = "normal" startBtn["state"] = "normal" keepBtn["state"] = "normal" working = False del key return cipher =,nonce=nonce) crc = sha3_512() done = 0 total = getsize(inputFile) chunkSize = 2**20 startTime = if wipe: wiper = open(inputFile,"r+b") while True: piece = if wipe: trash = urandom(len(piece)) wiper.write(trash) if not piece: if mode=="encrypt": digest = cipher.digest() fout.flush() fout.close() fout = open(outputFile,"r+b") fout.write(check) fout.write(crc.digest()) fout.write(digest) else: crcdg = crc.digest() if not compare_digest(crccs,crcdg): statusString.set(corruptedNotice) fin.close() fout.close() if keep.get()!=1: remove(outputFile) passwordInput["state"] = "normal" adArea["state"] = "normal" startBtn["state"] = "normal" keepBtn["state"] = "normal" working = False del fin,fout,cipher,key return else: kept = "corrupted" try: cipher.verify(digest) except: statusString.set(modifiedNotice) fin.close() fout.close() if keep.get()!=1: remove(outputFile) passwordInput["state"] = "normal" adArea["state"] = "normal" startBtn["state"] = "normal" keepBtn["state"] = "normal" working = False del fin,fout,cipher,key return else: kept = "modified" break if mode=="encrypt": data = cipher.encrypt(piece) crc.update(data) else: crc.update(piece) data = cipher.decrypt(piece) first = False elapsed = ( if elapsed==0: elapsed = 0.1**6 percent = done*100/total progress["value"] = percent rPercent = round(percent) speed = (done/elapsed)/10**6 if speed==0: first = True speed = 0.1**6 rSpeed = round(speed) eta = round((total-done)/(speed*10**6)) if first: statusString.set("...% at ... MB/s (ETA: ...s)") else: statusString.set(f"{rPercent}% at {rSpeed} MB/s (ETA: {eta}s)") done += chunkSize fout.write(data) if not kept: statusString.set("Completed.") else: if kept=="modified": statusString.set(kModifiedNotice) else: statusString.set(kCorruptedNotice) adArea["state"] = "normal" adArea.delete("1.0",tkinter.END) adArea["state"] = "disabled" startBtn["state"] = "disabled" passwordInput["state"] = "normal" passwordInput.delete(0,"end") passwordInput["state"] = "disabled" progress["value"] = 0 inputString.set("Please select a file.") keepBtn["state"] = "normal" keep.set(0) keepBtn["state"] = "disabled" eraseBtn["state"] = "normal" erase.set(0) eraseBtn["state"] = "disabled" if not kept: fout.flush() fsync(fout.fileno()) fout.close() fin.close() if wipe: wiper.flush() fsync(wiper.fileno()) wiper.close() remove(inputFile) inputFile = "" outputFile = "" password = "" ad = "" kept = False working = False del fin,fout,cipher,key def startWorker(): thread = Thread(target=start,daemon=True) thread.start() adLabelString = tkinter.StringVar(tk) adLabelString.set(adString) adLabel = tkinter.ttk.Label( tk, textvariable=adLabelString ),y=108) adLabel.config(background="#f5f6f7") adFrame = tkinter.Frame( tk, width=440, height=100 ),y=128) adFrame.columnconfigure(0,weight=10) adFrame.grid_propagate(False) adArea = scrolledtext.ScrolledText( adFrame, exportselection=0 ) adArea.config(font=("Consolas",12)) adArea.grid(sticky="we") adArea["state"] = "disabled" keep = tkinter.IntVar() keepBtn = tkinter.ttk.Checkbutton( tk, text=keepNotice, variable=keep, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=lambda:dummy.focus() ),y=240) keepBtn["state"] = "disabled" erase = tkinter.IntVar() eraseBtn = tkinter.ttk.Checkbutton( tk, text=eraseNotice, variable=erase, onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=lambda:dummy.focus() ),y=260) eraseBtn["state"] = "disabled" startFrame = tkinter.Frame( tk, width=440, height=25 ),y=290) startFrame.columnconfigure(0,weight=10) startFrame.grid_propagate(False) startBtn = tkinter.ttk.Button( startFrame, text="Start", command=startWorker ) startBtn.grid(sticky="nesw") startBtn["state"] = "disabled" progress = tkinter.ttk.Progressbar( tk, orient=tkinter.HORIZONTAL, length=440, mode="determinate" ),y=328) statusString = tkinter.StringVar(tk) statusString.set("Ready.") status = tkinter.ttk.Label( tk, textvariable = statusString ),y=356) status.config(background="#f5f6f7") dummy = tkinter.ttk.Button( tk ),y=0) def onClose(): if not working: tk.destroy() if __name__=="__main__": tk.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW",onClose) tk.mainloop() sys.exit(0)