package main /* Picocrypt v1.31 Copyright (c) Evan Su Released under a GNU GPL v3 License ~ In cryptography we trust ~ */ import ( "archive/zip" "bytes" "crypto/cipher" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/rand" "crypto/subtle" "fmt" "hash" "image" "image/color" "io" "math" "math/big" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Constants var KiB = 1 << 10 var MiB = 1 << 20 var GiB = 1 << 30 var TiB = 1 << 40 var WHITE = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} var RED = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} var GREEN = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} var YELLOW = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} var TRANSPARENT = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} // Generic variables var window *giu.MasterWindow var version = "v1.31" var dpi float32 var mode string var working bool var scanning bool // Popup modals var modalId int var showPassgen bool var showKeyfile bool var showOverwrite bool var showProgress bool // Input and output files var inputFile string var inputFileOld string var outputFile string var onlyFiles []string var onlyFolders []string var allFiles []string var inputLabel = "Drop files and folders into this window." // Password and confirm password var password string var cpassword string var passwordStrength int var passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsPassword var passwordStateLabel = "Show" // Password generator var passgenLength int32 = 32 var passgenUpper bool var passgenLower bool var passgenNums bool var passgenSymbols bool var passgenCopy bool // Keyfile variables var keyfile bool var keyfiles []string var keyfileOrdered bool var keyfileLabel = "None selected." // Comments variables var comments string var commentsLabel = "Comments:" var commentsDisabled bool // Advanced options var paranoid bool var reedsolo bool var split bool var splitSize string var splitUnits = []string{"KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "Total"} var splitSelected int32 = 1 var recombine bool var compress bool var delete bool var keep bool var kept bool // Status variables var startLabel = "Start" var mainStatus = "Ready." var mainStatusColor = WHITE var popupStatus string // Progress variables var progress float32 var progressInfo string var speed float64 var eta string var canCancel bool // Reed-Solomon encoders var rs1, _ = infectious.NewFEC(1, 3) var rs5, _ = infectious.NewFEC(5, 15) var rs16, _ = infectious.NewFEC(16, 48) var rs24, _ = infectious.NewFEC(24, 72) var rs32, _ = infectious.NewFEC(32, 96) var rs64, _ = infectious.NewFEC(64, 192) var rs128, _ = infectious.NewFEC(128, 136) var fastDecode bool // Compression variables and passthrough var compressDone int64 var compressTotal int64 var compressStart time.Time type compressorProgress struct { io.Reader } func (p *compressorProgress) Read(data []byte) (int, error) { if !working { return 0, io.EOF } read, err := p.Reader.Read(data) compressDone += int64(read) progress, speed, eta = statify(compressDone, compressTotal, compressStart) if compress { popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Compressing at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) } else { popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Combining at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) } giu.Update() return read, err } // The main user interface func draw() { giu.SingleWindow().Flags(524351).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if showPassgen { giu.PopupModal("Generate password:##"+strconv.Itoa(modalId)).Flags(6).Layout( giu.Row( giu.Label("Length:"), giu.SliderInt(&passgenLength, 4, 64).Size(giu.Auto), ), giu.Checkbox("Uppercase", &passgenUpper), giu.Checkbox("Lowercase", &passgenLower), giu.Checkbox("Numbers", &passgenNums), giu.Checkbox("Symbols", &passgenSymbols), giu.Checkbox("Copy to clipboard", &passgenCopy), giu.Row( giu.Button("Cancel").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showPassgen = false }), giu.Style().SetDisabled(!(passgenUpper || passgenLower || passgenNums || passgenSymbols)).To( giu.Button("Generate").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { password = genPassword() cpassword = password passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showPassgen = false }), ), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup("Generate password:##" + strconv.Itoa(modalId)) giu.Update() } if showKeyfile { giu.PopupModal("Manage keyfiles:##"+strconv.Itoa(modalId)).Flags(70).Layout( giu.Label("Drag and drop your keyfiles here."), giu.Custom(func() { if mode != "decrypt" { giu.Checkbox("Require correct order", &keyfileOrdered).Build() giu.Tooltip("Ordering of keyfiles will matter.").Build() } else if keyfileOrdered { giu.Label("Correct ordering is required.").Build() } }), giu.Custom(func() { if len(keyfiles) > 0 { giu.Separator().Build() } for _, i := range keyfiles { giu.Label(filepath.Base(i)).Build() } }), giu.Row( giu.Button("Clear").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { keyfiles = nil if keyfile { keyfileLabel = "Keyfiles required." } else { keyfileLabel = "None selected." } modalId++ giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Remove all keyfiles."), giu.Button("Done").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showKeyfile = false }), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup("Manage keyfiles:##" + strconv.Itoa(modalId)) giu.Update() } if showOverwrite { giu.PopupModal("Warning:##"+strconv.Itoa(modalId)).Flags(6).Layout( giu.Label("Output already exists. Overwrite?"), giu.Row( giu.Button("No").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showOverwrite = false }), giu.Button("Yes").Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showOverwrite = false showProgress = true fastDecode = true canCancel = true modalId++ giu.Update() go func() { work() working = false showProgress = false giu.Update() }() }), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup("Warning:##" + strconv.Itoa(modalId)) giu.Update() } if showProgress { giu.PopupModal(" ##"+strconv.Itoa(modalId)).Flags(6).Layout( giu.Row( giu.ProgressBar(progress).Size(210, 0).Overlay(progressInfo), giu.Style().SetDisabled(!canCancel).To( giu.Button(func() string { if working { return "Cancel" } return "..." }()).Size(58, 0).OnClick(func() { working = false canCancel = false }), ), ), giu.Label(popupStatus), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup(" ##" + strconv.Itoa(modalId)) giu.Update() } }), giu.Row( giu.Label(inputLabel), giu.Custom(func() { bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize("Clear") p, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += p * 2 giu.Dummy((bw+p)/-dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Style().SetDisabled((len(allFiles) == 0 && len(onlyFiles) == 0) || scanning).To( giu.Button("Clear").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(resetUI), giu.Tooltip("Clear all input files and reset UI state."), ).Build() }), ), giu.Separator(), giu.Style().SetDisabled((len(allFiles) == 0 && len(onlyFiles) == 0) || scanning).To( giu.Label("Password:"), giu.Row( giu.Button(passwordStateLabel).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { if passwordState == giu.InputTextFlagsPassword { passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsNone passwordStateLabel = "Hide" } else { passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsPassword passwordStateLabel = "Show" } giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Toggle the visibility of password entries."), giu.Button("Clear").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { password = "" cpassword = "" giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Clear the password entries."), giu.Button("Copy").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.Context.GetPlatform().SetClipboard(password) giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Copy the password into your clipboard."), giu.Button("Paste").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { tmp := giu.Context.GetPlatform().GetClipboard() password = tmp if mode != "decrypt" { cpassword = tmp } passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Paste a password from your clipboard."), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Button("Create").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { showPassgen = true modalId++ giu.Update() }), ), giu.Tooltip("Generate a cryptographically secure password."), ), giu.Row( giu.InputText(&password).Flags(passwordState).Size(302/dpi).OnChange(func() { passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score giu.Update() }), giu.Custom(func() { c := giu.GetCanvas() p := giu.GetCursorScreenPos() col := color.RGBA{ uint8(0xc8 - 31*passwordStrength), uint8(0x4c + 31*passwordStrength), 0x4b, 0xff, } if password == "" || mode == "decrypt" { col = TRANSPARENT } path := p.Add(image.Pt( int(math.Round(-20*float64(dpi))), int(math.Round(12*float64(dpi))), )) c.PathArcTo(path, 6*dpi, -math.Pi/2, math.Pi*(.4*float32(passwordStrength)-.1), -1) c.PathStroke(col, false, 2) }), ), giu.Dummy(0, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(password == "" || mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Label("Confirm password:"), giu.Row( giu.InputText(&cpassword).Flags(passwordState).Size(302/dpi), giu.Custom(func() { c := giu.GetCanvas() p := giu.GetCursorScreenPos() col := color.RGBA{0x4c, 0xc8, 0x4b, 0xff} if cpassword != password { col = color.RGBA{0xc8, 0x4c, 0x4b, 0xff} } if password == "" || cpassword == "" || mode == "decrypt" { col = TRANSPARENT } path := p.Add(image.Pt( int(math.Round(-20*float64(dpi))), int(math.Round(12*float64(dpi))), )) c.PathArcTo(path, 6*dpi, 0, 2*math.Pi, -1) c.PathStroke(col, false, 2) }), ), ), giu.Dummy(0, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt" && !keyfile).To( giu.Row( giu.Label("Keyfiles:"), giu.Button("Edit").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { showKeyfile = true modalId++ giu.Update() }), giu.Tooltip("Manage keyfiles to use for "+(func() string { if mode != "decrypt" { return "encryption." } return "decryption." }())), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Button("Create").Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { f := dialog.File().Title("Choose where to save the keyfile.") f.SetStartDir(func() string { if len(onlyFiles) > 0 { return filepath.Dir(onlyFiles[0]) } return filepath.Dir(onlyFolders[0]) }()) f.SetInitFilename("Keyfile") file, err := f.Save() if file == "" || err != nil { return } fout, _ := os.Create(file) data := make([]byte, KiB) rand.Read(data) _, err = fout.Write(data) fout.Close() if err != nil { insufficientSpace(nil, nil) os.Remove(file) } else { mainStatus = "Ready." mainStatusColor = WHITE } }), giu.Tooltip("Generate a cryptographically secure keyfile."), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&keyfileLabel).Size(giu.Auto), ), ), ), ), giu.Separator(), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode != "decrypt" && ((len(keyfiles) == 0 && password == "") || (password != cpassword))).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt" && (comments == "" || comments == "Comments are corrupted.")).To( giu.Label(commentsLabel), giu.InputText(&comments).Size(giu.Auto).Flags(func() giu.InputTextFlags { if commentsDisabled { return giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly } return giu.InputTextFlagsNone }()), ), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled((len(keyfiles) == 0 && password == "") || (mode == "encrypt" && password != cpassword)).To( giu.Label("Advanced:"), giu.Custom(func() { if mode != "decrypt" { giu.Row( giu.Checkbox("Paranoid mode", ¶noid), giu.Tooltip("Provides the highest level of security attainable."), giu.Dummy(-170, 0), giu.Checkbox("Compress files", &compress).OnChange(func() { if !(len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0) { if compress { outputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(outputFile), "Encrypted") + ".zip.pcv" } else { outputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(outputFile), filepath.Base(inputFile)) + ".pcv" } } }), giu.Tooltip("Compress files with Deflate before encrypting."), ).Build() giu.Row( giu.Checkbox("Reed-Solomon", &reedsolo), giu.Tooltip("Prevent file corruption with erasure coding."), giu.Dummy(-170, 0), giu.Checkbox("Delete files", &delete), giu.Tooltip("Delete the input files after encryption."), ).Build() giu.Row( giu.Checkbox("Split into chunks:", &split), giu.Tooltip("Split the output file into smaller chunks."), giu.Dummy(-170, 0), giu.InputText(&splitSize).Size(86/dpi).Flags(2).OnChange(func() { split = splitSize != "" }), giu.Tooltip("Choose the chunk size."), giu.Combo("##splitter", splitUnits[splitSelected], splitUnits, &splitSelected).Size(68), giu.Tooltip("Choose the chunk units."), ).Build() } else { giu.Row( giu.Checkbox("Force decrypt", &keep), giu.Tooltip("Override security measures when decrypting."), giu.Dummy(-170, 0), giu.Checkbox("Delete volume", &delete), giu.Tooltip("Delete the volume after a successful decryption."), ).Build() } }), giu.Label("Save output as:"), giu.Custom(func() { w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize("Change") p, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += p * 2 dw := w - bw - p giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(func() *string { tmp := "" if outputFile == "" { return &tmp } tmp = filepath.Base(outputFile) if split { tmp += ".*" } return &tmp }()).Size(dw / dpi / dpi).Flags(16384), ).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button("Change").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { f := dialog.File().Title("Choose where to save the output. Don't include extensions.") f.SetStartDir(func() string { if len(onlyFiles) > 0 { return filepath.Dir(onlyFiles[0]) } return filepath.Dir(onlyFolders[0]) }()) // Prefill the filename tmp := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(outputFile), ".pcv") f.SetInitFilename(strings.TrimSuffix(tmp, filepath.Ext(tmp))) if mode == "encrypt" && (len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress) { f.SetInitFilename("Encrypted") } // Get the chosen file path file, err := f.Save() if file == "" || err != nil { return } file = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(file), strings.Split(filepath.Base(file), ".")[0]) // Add the correct extensions if mode == "encrypt" { if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { file += ".zip.pcv" } else { file += filepath.Ext(inputFile) + ".pcv" } } else { if strings.HasSuffix(inputFile, ".zip.pcv") { file += ".zip" } else { tmp := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(inputFile), ".pcv") file += filepath.Ext(tmp) } } outputFile = file mainStatus = "Ready." mainStatusColor = WHITE }).Build() giu.Tooltip("Save the output with a custom name and path.").Build() }), giu.Dummy(0, 0), giu.Separator(), giu.Dummy(0, 0), giu.Button(startLabel).Size(giu.Auto, 34).OnClick(func() { if keyfile && keyfiles == nil { mainStatus = "Please select your keyfiles." mainStatusColor = RED return } tmp, err := strconv.Atoi(splitSize) if split && (splitSize == "" || tmp <= 0 || err != nil) { mainStatus = "Invalid chunk size." mainStatusColor = RED return } // Check if output file already exists _, err = os.Stat(outputFile) // Check if any split chunks already exist if split { names, _ := filepath.Glob(outputFile + ".*") if len(names) > 0 { err = nil } else { err = os.ErrNotExist } } // If files already exist, show the overwrite modal if err == nil { showOverwrite = true modalId++ giu.Update() } else { // Nothing to worry about, start working showProgress = true fastDecode = true canCancel = true modalId++ giu.Update() go func() { work() working = false showProgress = false giu.Update() }() } }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorText, mainStatusColor).To( giu.Label(mainStatus), ), ), giu.Custom(func() { window.SetSize(int(318*dpi), giu.GetCursorPos().Y+1) }), ) } func onDrop(names []string) { if showKeyfile { keyfiles = append(keyfiles, names...) // Make sure keyfiles are accessible, remove duplicates var tmp []string for _, i := range keyfiles { duplicate := false for _, j := range tmp { if i == j { duplicate = true } } stat, _ := os.Stat(i) fin, err := os.Open(i) if err == nil { fin.Close() } else { showKeyfile = false resetUI() accessDenied("Keyfile read") giu.Update() return } if !duplicate && !stat.IsDir() && err == nil { tmp = append(tmp, i) } } keyfiles = tmp // Update the keyfile status if len(keyfiles) == 0 { keyfileLabel = "None selected." } else if len(keyfiles) == 1 { keyfileLabel = "Using 1 keyfile." } else { keyfileLabel = fmt.Sprintf("Using %d keyfiles.", len(keyfiles)) } modalId++ giu.Update() return } scanning = true files, folders := 0, 0 compressDone, compressTotal = 0, 0 resetUI() // One item dropped if len(names) == 1 { stat, _ := os.Stat(names[0]) // A folder was dropped if stat.IsDir() { folders++ mode = "encrypt" inputLabel = "1 folder." startLabel = "Encrypt" onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders, names[0]) inputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), "Encrypted") + ".zip" outputFile = inputFile + ".pcv" } else { // A file was dropped files++ // Is the file a part of a split volume? nums := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"} endsNum := false for _, i := range nums { if strings.HasSuffix(names[0], i) { endsNum = true } } isSplit := strings.Contains(names[0], ".pcv.") && endsNum // Decide if encrypting or decrypting if strings.HasSuffix(names[0], ".pcv") || isSplit { mode = "decrypt" inputLabel = "Volume for decryption." startLabel = "Decrypt" commentsLabel = "Comments (read-only):" commentsDisabled = true // Get the correct input and output filenames if isSplit { ind := strings.Index(names[0], ".pcv") names[0] = names[0][:ind+4] inputFile = names[0] outputFile = names[0][:ind] recombine = true // Find out the number of splitted chunks totalFiles := 0 for { stat, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, totalFiles)) if err != nil { break } totalFiles++ compressTotal += stat.Size() } } else { outputFile = names[0][:len(names[0])-4] } // Open the input file in read-only mode var fin *os.File var err error if isSplit { fin, err = os.Open(names[0] + ".0") } else { fin, err = os.Open(names[0]) } if err != nil { resetUI() accessDenied("Read") return } // Use regex to test if the input is a valid Picocrypt volume tmp := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, err = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) if valid, _ := regexp.Match(`^v1\.\d{2}`, tmp); !valid || err != nil { resetUI() mainStatus = "This doesn't seem like a Picocrypt volume." mainStatusColor = RED fin.Close() return } // Read comments from file and check for corruption tmp = make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, err = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) if err == nil { commentsLength, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tmp)) tmp = make([]byte, commentsLength*3) fin.Read(tmp) comments = "" for i := 0; i < commentsLength*3; i += 3 { t, err := rsDecode(rs1, tmp[i:i+3]) if err != nil { comments = "Comments are corrupted." break } comments += string(t) } } else { comments = "Comments are corrupted." } // Read flags from file and check for corruption flags := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(flags) fin.Close() flags, err = rsDecode(rs5, flags) if err != nil { mainStatus = "The volume header is damaged." mainStatusColor = RED return } // Update UI and variables according to flags if flags[1] == 1 { keyfile = true keyfileLabel = "Keyfiles required." } else { keyfileLabel = "Not applicable." } if flags[2] == 1 { keyfileOrdered = true } } else { // One file was dropped for encryption mode = "encrypt" inputLabel = "1 file." startLabel = "Encrypt" inputFile = names[0] outputFile = names[0] + ".pcv" } // Add the file onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles, names[0]) inputFile = names[0] if !isSplit { compressTotal += stat.Size() } } } else { // There are multiple dropped items mode = "encrypt" startLabel = "Encrypt" // Go through each dropped item and add to corresponding slices for _, name := range names { stat, _ := os.Stat(name) if stat.IsDir() { folders++ onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders, name) } else { files++ onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles, name) allFiles = append(allFiles, name) compressTotal += stat.Size() inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("Scanning files... (%s)", sizeify(compressTotal)) giu.Update() } } // Update UI with the number of files and folders selected if folders == 0 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files.", files) } else if files == 0 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d folders.", folders) } else { if files == 1 && folders > 1 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("1 file and %d folders.", folders) } else if folders == 1 && files > 1 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files and 1 folder.", files) } else if folders == 1 && files == 1 { inputLabel = "1 file and 1 folder." } else { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%d files and %d folders.", files, folders) } } // Set the input and output paths inputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), "Encrypted") + ".zip" outputFile = inputFile + ".pcv" } // Recursively add all files in 'onlyFolders' to 'allFiles' go func() { oldInputLabel := inputLabel for _, name := range onlyFolders { filepath.Walk(name, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, _ error) error { stat, err := os.Stat(path) // If 'path' is a valid file path, add to 'allFiles' if err == nil && !stat.IsDir() { allFiles = append(allFiles, path) compressTotal += stat.Size() inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("Scanning files... (%s)", sizeify(compressTotal)) giu.Update() } return nil }) } inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", oldInputLabel, sizeify(compressTotal)) scanning = false giu.Update() }() } func work() { popupStatus = "Starting..." mainStatus = "Working..." mainStatusColor = WHITE working = true padded := false giu.Update() // Cryptography values var salt []byte // Argon2 salt, 16 bytes var hkdfSalt []byte // HKDF-SHA3 salt, 32 bytes var serpentIV []byte // Serpent IV, 16 bytes var nonce []byte // 24-byte XChaCha20 nonce var keyHash []byte // SHA3-512 hash of encryption key var keyHashRef []byte // Same as 'keyHash', but used for comparison var keyfileKey []byte // The SHA3-256 hashes of keyfiles var keyfileHash = make([]byte, 32) // The SHA3-256 of 'keyfileKey' var keyfileHashRef []byte // Same as 'keyfileHash', but used for comparison var authTag []byte // 64-byte authentication tag (BLAKE2b or HMAC-SHA3) // Combine/compress all files into a .zip file if needed if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { // Consider case where compressing only one file files := allFiles if len(allFiles) == 0 { files = onlyFiles } // Get the root directory of the selected files var rootDir string if len(onlyFolders) > 0 { rootDir = filepath.Dir(onlyFolders[0]) } else { rootDir = filepath.Dir(onlyFiles[0]) } // Open a temporary .zip for writing file, err := os.CreateTemp("", "*.zip") if err != nil { // Error, fall back to output folder inputFile = strings.TrimSuffix(outputFile, ".pcv") file, err = os.Create(inputFile) } else { // No issues, use the temporary .zip inputFile = file.Name() } if err != nil { // Make sure file is writable accessDenied("Write") return } // Add each file to the .zip writer := zip.NewWriter(file) compressStart = time.Now() for i, path := range files { progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i+1, len(files)) giu.Update() // Create file info header (size, last modified, etc.) stat, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { continue // Skip temporary and inaccessible files } header, _ := zip.FileInfoHeader(stat) header.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(path, rootDir) header.Name = filepath.ToSlash(header.Name) header.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(header.Name, "/") if compress { header.Method = zip.Deflate } else { header.Method = zip.Store } // Open the file for reading entry, _ := writer.CreateHeader(header) fin, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { writer.Close() file.Close() os.Remove(inputFile) resetUI() accessDenied("Read") return } // Use a passthrough to catch compression progress passthrough := &compressorProgress{Reader: fin} buf := make([]byte, MiB) _, err = io.CopyBuffer(entry, passthrough, buf) fin.Close() if err != nil { writer.Close() insufficientSpace(nil, file) os.Remove(inputFile) return } if !working { writer.Close() cancel(nil, file) os.Remove(inputFile) return } } writer.Close() file.Close() } // Recombine a split file if necessary if recombine { totalFiles := 0 totalBytes := int64(0) done := 0 // Find out the number of splitted chunks for { stat, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, totalFiles)) if err != nil { break } totalFiles++ totalBytes += stat.Size() } // Make sure not to overwrite anything _, err := os.Stat(outputFile + ".pcv") if err == nil { // File already exists mainStatus = "Please remove " + filepath.Base(outputFile+".pcv") + "." mainStatusColor = RED return } // Create a .pcv to combine chunks into fout, err := os.Create(outputFile + ".pcv") if err != nil { // Make sure file is writable accessDenied("Write") return } // Merge all chunks into one file startTime := time.Now() for i := 0; i < totalFiles; i++ { fin, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, i)) if err != nil { fout.Close() os.Remove(outputFile + ".pcv") resetUI() accessDenied("Read") return } for { if !working { cancel(fin, fout) os.Remove(outputFile + ".pcv") return } // Copy from the chunk into the .pcv data := make([]byte, MiB) read, err := fin.Read(data) if err != nil { break } data = data[:read] _, err = fout.Write(data) done += read if err != nil { insufficientSpace(fin, fout) os.Remove(outputFile + ".pcv") return } // Update the stats progress, speed, eta = statify(int64(done), totalBytes, startTime) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i+1, totalFiles) popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Recombining at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) giu.Update() } fin.Close() } fout.Close() inputFileOld = inputFile inputFile = outputFile + ".pcv" } canCancel = false progress = 0 progressInfo = "" giu.Update() // Subtract the header size from the total size if decrypting stat, _ := os.Stat(inputFile) total := stat.Size() if mode == "decrypt" { total -= 789 } // Open input file in read-only mode fin, err := os.Open(inputFile) if err != nil { resetUI() accessDenied("Read") return } // Setup output file var fout *os.File // If encrypting, generate values and write to file if mode == "encrypt" { popupStatus = "Generating values..." giu.Update() // Stores any errors when writing to file errs := make([]error, 11) // Make sure not to overwrite anything _, err = os.Stat(outputFile) if split && err == nil { // File already exists fin.Close() if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } mainStatus = "Please remove " + filepath.Base(outputFile) + "." mainStatusColor = RED return } // Create the output file fout, err = os.Create(outputFile) if err != nil { fin.Close() if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } accessDenied("Write") return } // Set up cryptographic values salt = make([]byte, 16) hkdfSalt = make([]byte, 32) serpentIV = make([]byte, 16) nonce = make([]byte, 24) // Write the program version to file _, errs[0] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs5, []byte(version))) // Encode and write the comment length to file commentsLength := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%05d", len(comments))) _, errs[1] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs5, commentsLength)) // Encode the comment and write to file for _, i := range []byte(comments) { _, err := fout.Write(rsEncode(rs1, []byte{i})) if err != nil { errs[2] = err } } // Configure flags and write to file flags := make([]byte, 5) if paranoid { // Paranoid mode selected flags[0] = 1 } if len(keyfiles) > 0 { // Keyfiles are being used flags[1] = 1 } if keyfileOrdered { // Order of keyfiles matter flags[2] = 1 } if reedsolo { // Full Reed-Solomon encoding is selected flags[3] = 1 } if total%int64(MiB) >= int64(MiB)-128 { // Reed-Solomon internals flags[4] = 1 } _, errs[3] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs5, flags)) // Fill values with Go's CSPRNG rand.Read(salt) rand.Read(hkdfSalt) rand.Read(serpentIV) rand.Read(nonce) // Encode values with Reed-Solomon and write to file _, errs[4] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs16, salt)) _, errs[5] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs32, hkdfSalt)) _, errs[6] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs16, serpentIV)) _, errs[7] = fout.Write(rsEncode(rs24, nonce)) // Write placeholders for future use _, errs[8] = fout.Write(make([]byte, 192)) // Hash of encryption key _, errs[9] = fout.Write(make([]byte, 96)) // Hash of keyfile key _, errs[10] = fout.Write(make([]byte, 192)) // BLAKE2b/HMAC-SHA3 tag for _, err := range errs { if err != nil { insufficientSpace(fin, fout) if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) return } } } else { // Decrypting, read values from file and decode popupStatus = "Reading values..." giu.Update() // Stores any Reed-Solomon decoding errors errs := make([]error, 10) version := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(version) _, errs[0] = rsDecode(rs5, version) tmp := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, errs[1] = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) commentsLength, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tmp)) fin.Read(make([]byte, commentsLength*3)) total -= int64(commentsLength) * 3 flags := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(flags) flags, errs[2] = rsDecode(rs5, flags) paranoid = flags[0] == 1 reedsolo = flags[3] == 1 padded = flags[4] == 1 salt = make([]byte, 48) fin.Read(salt) salt, errs[3] = rsDecode(rs16, salt) hkdfSalt = make([]byte, 96) fin.Read(hkdfSalt) hkdfSalt, errs[4] = rsDecode(rs32, hkdfSalt) serpentIV = make([]byte, 48) fin.Read(serpentIV) serpentIV, errs[5] = rsDecode(rs16, serpentIV) nonce = make([]byte, 72) fin.Read(nonce) nonce, errs[6] = rsDecode(rs24, nonce) keyHashRef = make([]byte, 192) fin.Read(keyHashRef) keyHashRef, errs[7] = rsDecode(rs64, keyHashRef) keyfileHashRef = make([]byte, 96) fin.Read(keyfileHashRef) keyfileHashRef, errs[8] = rsDecode(rs32, keyfileHashRef) authTag = make([]byte, 192) fin.Read(authTag) authTag, errs[9] = rsDecode(rs64, authTag) // If there was an issue during decoding, the header is corrupted for _, err := range errs { if err != nil { if keep { // If the user chooses to force decrypt kept = true } else { broken(fin, nil, "The volume header is damaged.", true) return } } } } popupStatus = "Deriving key..." giu.Update() // Derive encryption keys and subkeys var key []byte if paranoid { key = argon2.IDKey( []byte(password), salt, 8, // 8 passes 1<<20, // 1 GiB memory 8, // 8 threads 32, // 32-byte output key ) } else { key = argon2.IDKey( []byte(password), salt, 4, 1<<20, 4, 32, ) } // If keyfiles are being used if len(keyfiles) > 0 || keyfile { popupStatus = "Reading keyfiles..." giu.Update() if keyfileOrdered { // If order matters, hash progressively var tmp = sha3.New256() // For each keyfile... for _, path := range keyfiles { fin, _ := os.Open(path) stat, _ := os.Stat(path) data := make([]byte, stat.Size()) fin.Read(data) // Read the keyfile fin.Close() tmp.Write(data) // Hash the data } keyfileKey = tmp.Sum(nil) // Get the SHA3-256 // Store a hash of 'keyfileKey' for comparison tmp = sha3.New256() tmp.Write(keyfileKey) keyfileHash = tmp.Sum(nil) } else { // If order doesn't matter, hash individually and combine for _, path := range keyfiles { fin, _ := os.Open(path) stat, _ := os.Stat(path) data := make([]byte, stat.Size()) fin.Read(data) // Read the keyfile fin.Close() // Get the SHA3-256 tmp := sha3.New256() tmp.Write(data) sum := tmp.Sum(nil) // XOR keyfile hash with 'keyfileKey' if keyfileKey == nil { keyfileKey = sum } else { for i, j := range sum { keyfileKey[i] ^= j } } } // Store a hash of 'keyfileKey' for comparison tmp := sha3.New256() tmp.Write(keyfileKey) keyfileHash = tmp.Sum(nil) } } popupStatus = "Calculating values..." giu.Update() // Hash the encryption key for comparison when decrypting tmp := sha3.New512() tmp.Write(key) keyHash = tmp.Sum(nil) // Validate the password and/or keyfiles if mode == "decrypt" { keyCorrect := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(keyHash, keyHashRef) == 1 keyfileCorrect := subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(keyfileHash, keyfileHashRef) == 1 incorrect := !keyCorrect if keyfile { incorrect = !keyCorrect || !keyfileCorrect } // If something is incorrect if incorrect { if keep { kept = true } else { if !keyCorrect { mainStatus = "The provided password is incorrect." } else { if keyfileOrdered { mainStatus = "Incorrect keyfiles or ordering." } else { mainStatus = "Incorrect keyfiles." } } broken(fin, nil, mainStatus, true) return } } // Create the output file for decryption fout, err = os.Create(outputFile) if err != nil { fin.Close() if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } accessDenied("Write") return } } if len(keyfiles) > 0 || keyfile { // XOR the encryption key with the keyfile key tmp := key key = make([]byte, 32) for i := range key { key[i] = tmp[i] ^ keyfileKey[i] } } done, counter := 0, 0 chacha, _ := chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(key, nonce) // Use HKDF-SHA3 to generate a subkey for the MAC var mac hash.Hash subkey := make([]byte, 32) hkdf := hkdf.New(sha3.New256, key, hkdfSalt, nil) hkdf.Read(subkey) if paranoid { mac = hmac.New(sha3.New512, subkey) // HMAC-SHA3 } else { mac, _ = blake2b.New512(subkey) // Keyed BLAKE2b } // Generate another subkey for use as Serpent's key serpentKey := make([]byte, 32) hkdf.Read(serpentKey) s, _ := serpent.NewCipher(serpentKey) serpent := cipher.NewCTR(s, serpentIV) // Start the main encryption process canCancel = true startTime := time.Now() for { if !working { cancel(fin, fout) if recombine || len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) return } // Read in data from the file var src []byte if mode == "decrypt" && reedsolo { src = make([]byte, MiB/128*136) } else { src = make([]byte, MiB) } size, err := fin.Read(src) if err != nil { break } src = src[:size] dst := make([]byte, len(src)) // Do the actual encryption if mode == "encrypt" { if paranoid { serpent.XORKeyStream(dst, src) copy(src, dst) } chacha.XORKeyStream(dst, src) mac.Write(dst) if reedsolo { copy(src, dst) dst = nil // If a full MiB is available if len(src) == MiB { // Encode every chunk for i := 0; i < MiB; i += 128 { dst = append(dst, rsEncode(rs128, src[i:i+128])...) } } else { // Encode the full chunks chunks := math.Floor(float64(len(src)) / 128) for i := 0; float64(i) < chunks; i++ { dst = append(dst, rsEncode(rs128, src[i*128:(i+1)*128])...) } // Pad and encode the final partial chunk dst = append(dst, rsEncode(rs128, pad(src[int(chunks*128):]))...) } } } else { // Decryption if reedsolo { copy(dst, src) src = nil // If a complete 1 MiB block is available if len(dst) == MiB/128*136 { // Decode every chunk for i := 0; i < MiB/128*136; i += 136 { tmp, err := rsDecode(rs128, dst[i:i+136]) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { broken(fin, fout, "The input file is irrecoverably damaged.", false) return } } if i == MiB/128*136-136 && done+MiB/128*136 >= int(total) && padded { tmp = unpad(tmp) } src = append(src, tmp...) if !fastDecode && i%17408 == 0 { progress, speed, eta = statify(int64(done+i), total, startTime) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", progress*100) popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Repairing at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) giu.Update() } } } else { // Decode the full chunks chunks := len(dst)/136 - 1 for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ { tmp, err := rsDecode(rs128, dst[i*136:(i+1)*136]) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { broken(fin, fout, "The input file is irrecoverably damaged.", false) return } } src = append(src, tmp...) if !fastDecode && i%128 == 0 { progress, speed, eta = statify(int64(done+i*136), total, startTime) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", progress*100) popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Repairing at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) giu.Update() } } // Unpad and decode the final partial chunk tmp, err := rsDecode(rs128, dst[int(chunks)*136:]) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { broken(fin, fout, "The input file is irrecoverably damaged.", false) return } } src = append(src, unpad(tmp)...) } dst = make([]byte, len(src)) } mac.Write(src) chacha.XORKeyStream(dst, src) if paranoid { copy(src, dst) serpent.XORKeyStream(dst, src) } } // Write the data to output file _, err = fout.Write(dst) if err != nil { insufficientSpace(fin, fout) if recombine || len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) return } // Update stats if mode == "decrypt" && reedsolo { done += MiB / 128 * 136 } else { done += MiB } counter += MiB progress, speed, eta = statify(int64(done), total, startTime) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", progress*100) if mode == "encrypt" { popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Encrypting at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) } else { if fastDecode { popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Decrypting at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) } } giu.Update() // Change nonce/IV after 60 GiB to prevent overflow if counter >= 60*GiB { // ChaCha20 nonce = make([]byte, 24) hkdf.Read(nonce) chacha, _ = chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(key, nonce) // Serpent serpentIV = make([]byte, 16) hkdf.Read(serpentIV) serpent = cipher.NewCTR(s, serpentIV) // Reset counter to 0 counter = 0 } } progress = 0 progressInfo = "" giu.Update() if mode == "encrypt" { popupStatus = "Writing values..." giu.Update() // Seek back to header and write important values fout.Seek(int64(309+len(comments)*3), 0) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs64, keyHash)) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs32, keyfileHash)) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs64, mac.Sum(nil))) } else { popupStatus = "Comparing values..." giu.Update() // Validate the authenticity of decrypted data if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(mac.Sum(nil), authTag) == 0 { // Decrypt again but this time rebuilding the input data if reedsolo && fastDecode { fastDecode = false fin.Close() fout.Close() work() return } if keep { kept = true } else { broken(fin, fout, "The input file is damaged or modified.", false) return } } } fin.Close() fout.Close() // Split the file into chunks if split { var splitted []string stat, _ := os.Stat(outputFile) size := stat.Size() finishedFiles := 0 finishedBytes := 0 chunkSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(splitSize) // Calculate chunk size if splitSelected == 0 { chunkSize *= KiB } else if splitSelected == 1 { chunkSize *= MiB } else if splitSelected == 2 { chunkSize *= GiB } else if splitSelected == 3 { chunkSize *= TiB } else { chunkSize = int(math.Ceil(float64(size) / float64(chunkSize))) } // Get the number of required chunks chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(size) / float64(chunkSize))) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", finishedFiles+1, chunks) giu.Update() // Open the volume for reading fin, _ := os.Open(outputFile) // Delete existing chunks to prevent mixed chunks names, _ := filepath.Glob(outputFile + ".*") for _, i := range names { os.Remove(i) } // Start the splitting process startTime := time.Now() for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ { // Make the chunk fout, _ := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) done := 0 // Copy data into the chunk for { data := make([]byte, MiB) for done+len(data) > chunkSize { data = make([]byte, int(math.Ceil(float64(len(data))/2))) } read, err := fin.Read(data) if err != nil { break } if !working { cancel(fin, fout) if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) for _, j := range splitted { // Remove existing chunks os.Remove(j) } os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) return } data = data[:read] _, err = fout.Write(data) if err != nil { insufficientSpace(fin, fout) if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) for _, j := range splitted { // Remove existing chunks os.Remove(j) } os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) return } done += read if done >= chunkSize { break } // Update stats finishedBytes += read progress, speed, eta = statify(int64(finishedBytes), int64(size), startTime) popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("Splitting at %.2f MiB/s (ETA: %s)", speed, eta) giu.Update() } fout.Close() // Update stats finishedFiles++ if finishedFiles == chunks { finishedFiles-- } splitted = append(splitted, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", finishedFiles+1, chunks) giu.Update() } fin.Close() os.Remove(outputFile) } canCancel = false progress = 0 progressInfo = "" giu.Update() // Delete temporary files used during encryption and decryption if recombine || len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 || compress { os.Remove(inputFile) } // Delete the input files if the user chooses if delete { popupStatus = "Deleting files..." giu.Update() if mode == "decrypt" { if recombine { // Remove each chunk of volume i := 0 for { _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFileOld, i)) if err != nil { break } os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFileOld, i)) i++ } } else { os.Remove(inputFile) } } else { for _, i := range onlyFiles { os.Remove(i) } for _, i := range onlyFolders { os.RemoveAll(i) } } } // All done, reset the UI oldKept := kept resetUI() kept = oldKept // If the user chose to keep a corrupted/modified file, let them know if kept { mainStatus = "The input file was modified. Please be careful." mainStatusColor = YELLOW } else { mainStatus = "Completed." mainStatusColor = GREEN } } // If the OS denies reading or writing to a file func accessDenied(s string) { mainStatus = s + " access denied by operating system." mainStatusColor = RED } // If there isn't enough disk space func insufficientSpace(fin *os.File, fout *os.File) { fin.Close() fout.Close() mainStatus = "Insufficient disk space." mainStatusColor = RED } // If corruption is detected during decryption func broken(fin *os.File, fout *os.File, message string, keepOutput bool) { fin.Close() fout.Close() mainStatus = message mainStatusColor = RED // Clean up files since decryption failed if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } if !keepOutput { os.Remove(outputFile) } } // Stop working if user hits "Cancel" func cancel(fin *os.File, fout *os.File) { fin.Close() fout.Close() mainStatus = "Operation cancelled by user." mainStatusColor = WHITE } // Reset the UI to a clean state with nothing selected or checked func resetUI() { imgui.ClearActiveID() mode = "" inputFile = "" inputFileOld = "" outputFile = "" onlyFiles = nil onlyFolders = nil allFiles = nil inputLabel = "Drop files and folders into this window." password = "" cpassword = "" passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsPassword passwordStateLabel = "Show" passgenLength = 32 passgenUpper = true passgenLower = true passgenNums = true passgenSymbols = true passgenCopy = true keyfile = false keyfiles = nil keyfileOrdered = false keyfileLabel = "None selected." comments = "" commentsLabel = "Comments:" commentsDisabled = false paranoid = false reedsolo = false split = false splitSize = "" splitSelected = 1 recombine = false compress = false delete = false keep = false kept = false startLabel = "Start" mainStatus = "Ready." mainStatusColor = WHITE popupStatus = "" progress = 0 progressInfo = "" giu.Update() } // Reed-Solomon encoder func rsEncode(rs *infectious.FEC, data []byte) []byte { res := make([]byte, rs.Total()) rs.Encode(data, func(s infectious.Share) { res[s.Number] = s.Data[0] }) return res } // Reed-Solomon decoder func rsDecode(rs *infectious.FEC, data []byte) ([]byte, error) { // If fast decode, just return the first 128 bytes if rs.Total() == 136 && fastDecode { return data[:128], nil } tmp := make([]infectious.Share, rs.Total()) for i := 0; i < rs.Total(); i++ { tmp[i].Number = i tmp[i].Data = append(tmp[i].Data, data[i]) } res, err := rs.Decode(nil, tmp) // Force decode the data but return the error as well if err != nil { if rs.Total() == 136 { return data[:128], err } return data[:rs.Total()/3], err } // No issues, return the decoded data return res, nil } // PKCS#7 pad (for use with Reed-Solomon) func pad(data []byte) []byte { padLen := 128 - len(data)%128 padding := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padLen)}, padLen) return append(data, padding...) } // PKCS#7 unpad func unpad(data []byte) []byte { padLen := int(data[127]) return data[:128-padLen] } // Generate a cryptographically secure password func genPassword() string { chars := "" if passgenUpper { chars += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" } if passgenLower { chars += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" } if passgenNums { chars += "1234567890" } if passgenSymbols { chars += "-=_+!@#$^&()?<>" } tmp := make([]byte, passgenLength) for i := 0; i < int(passgenLength); i++ { j, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(int64(len(chars)))) tmp[i] = chars[j.Int64()] } if passgenCopy { giu.Context.GetPlatform().SetClipboard(string(tmp)) } return string(tmp) } // Convert done, total, and starting time to progress, speed, and ETA func statify(done int64, total int64, start time.Time) (float32, float64, string) { progress := float32(done) / float32(total) elapsed := float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(MiB) / 1000 speed := float64(done) / elapsed / float64(MiB) eta := int(math.Floor(float64(total-done) / (speed * float64(MiB)))) return float32(math.Min(float64(progress), 1)), speed, timeify(eta) } // Convert seconds to HH:MM:SS func timeify(seconds int) string { hours := int(math.Floor(float64(seconds) / 3600)) seconds %= 3600 minutes := int(math.Floor(float64(seconds) / 60)) seconds %= 60 hours = int(math.Max(float64(hours), 0)) minutes = int(math.Max(float64(minutes), 0)) seconds = int(math.Max(float64(seconds), 0)) return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds) } // Convert bytes to KiB, MiB, etc. func sizeify(size int64) string { if size >= int64(TiB) { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f TiB", float64(size)/float64(TiB)) } else if size >= int64(GiB) { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f GiB", float64(size)/float64(GiB)) } else if size >= int64(MiB) { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f MiB", float64(size)/float64(MiB)) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%.2f KiB", float64(size)/float64(KiB)) } } func main() { // Create the main window window = giu.NewMasterWindow("Picocrypt", 318, 479, giu.MasterWindowFlagsNotResizable) // Start the dialog module dialog.Init() // Set callbacks window.SetDropCallback(onDrop) window.SetCloseCallback(func() bool { return !working && !showProgress }) // Set universal DPI dpi = giu.Context.GetPlatform().GetContentScale() // Start the UI window.Run(draw) }