package main /* Picocrypt v1.18 Copyright (c) Evan Su ( Released under a GNU GPL v3 License ~ In cryptography we trust ~ */ import ( _ "embed" // Generic "archive/zip" "bytes" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "fmt" "hash" "image" "image/color" "image/png" "io" "io/ioutil" "math" "math/big" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "runtime" "runtime/debug" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" // Cryptography "crypto/cipher" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/md5" "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha1" "crypto/sha256" "crypto/subtle" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" // UI "" // Reed-Solomon "" // Helpers "" "" "" "" ) //go:embed icon.png var icon []byte //go:embed font.ttf var font []byte //go:embed sdelete64.exe var sdelete64bytes []byte //go:embed strings.json var localeBytes []byte // Localization type locale struct { iso string data []string } var locales []locale var selectedLocale = "en" var allLocales = []string{ "en", } var languages = []string{ "English", } var languageSelected int32 // Generic variables var version = "v1.18" var dpi float32 var tab = 0 var mode string var working bool var recombine bool var fill float32 = -0.0000001 var sdelete64path string // Three variables store the input files var onlyFiles []string var onlyFolders []string var allFiles []string // Input file variables var inputLabel = "Drop files and folders into this window." var inputFile string // Password variables var password string var cPassword string var passwordStrength int var passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsPassword var passwordStateLabel = "Show" // Password generator variables var showGenpass = false var genpassCopy = true var genpassLength int32 = 32 var genpassUpper = true var genpassLower = true var genpassNums = true var genpassSymbols = true // Keyfile variables var keyfile bool var keyfiles []string var keyfileOrderMatters bool var keyfilePrompt = "None selected." var showKeyfile bool // Metadata variables var metadata string var metadataPrompt = "Metadata:" var metadataDisabled bool // Advanced options var shredTemp bool var fast bool var paranoid bool var reedsolo bool var deleteWhenDone bool var split bool var splitSize string var splitUnits = []string{ "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", } var splitSelected int32 = 1 var compress bool var encryptFilename bool var keep bool var kept bool // Output file variables var outputFile string // Status variables var mainStatus = "Ready." var mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} var popupStatus string // Progress variables var progress float32 var progressInfo string var showProgress bool // Confirm overwrite variables var showConfirmation bool // Reed-Solomon encoders var rs1, _ = infectious.NewFEC(1, 3) // 1 data shard, 3 total -> 2 parity shards var rs5, _ = infectious.NewFEC(5, 15) var rs6, _ = infectious.NewFEC(6, 18) var rs16, _ = infectious.NewFEC(16, 48) var rs24, _ = infectious.NewFEC(24, 72) var rs32, _ = infectious.NewFEC(32, 96) var rs64, _ = infectious.NewFEC(64, 192) var rs128, _ = infectious.NewFEC(128, 136) // File checksum generator variables var csMd5 string var csSha1 string var csSha256 string var csSha3 string var csBlake2b string var csBlake2s string var csValidate string var md5Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var sha1Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var sha256Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var sha3Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var blake2bColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var blake2sColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} var csProgress float32 = 0 var md5Selected = true var sha1Selected = true var sha256Selected = true var sha3Selected = false var blake2bSelected = false var blake2sSelected = false // Shredder variables var shredding string = "Ready." var shredPasses int32 = 4 var stopShredding bool var shredProgress float32 var shredDone float32 var shredTotal float32 var shredOverlay string func draw() { giu.SingleWindow().Layout( giu.Custom(func() { pos := giu.GetCursorPos() w, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(languages[languageSelected]) giu.Row( giu.Dummy(-w/dpi-34, 0), giu.Combo("##language", languages[languageSelected], languages, &languageSelected).OnChange(func() { selectedLocale = allLocales[languageSelected] shredding = s(shredding) }).Size(w/dpi+26), ).Build() giu.SetCursorPos(pos) giu.TabBar().TabItems( giu.TabItem(s("Encryption")).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if giu.IsItemActive() { tab = 0 } }), giu.Custom(func() { if showGenpass { giu.PopupModal(s("Generate password:")). Flags(giu.WindowFlagsNoMove|giu.WindowFlagsNoResize).Layout( giu.Row( giu.Label(s("Length:")), giu.SliderInt(&genpassLength, 4, 64).Size(fill), ), giu.Checkbox(s("Uppercase"), &genpassUpper), giu.Checkbox(s("Lowercase"), &genpassLower), giu.Checkbox(s("Numbers"), &genpassNums), giu.Checkbox(s("Symbols"), &genpassSymbols), giu.Checkbox(s("Copy to clipboard"), &genpassCopy), giu.Row( giu.Button(s("Cancel")).Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showGenpass = false }), giu.Button(s("Generate")).Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { tmp := genPassword() password = tmp cPassword = tmp passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showGenpass = false giu.Update() }), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup(s("Generate password:")) giu.Update() } }), giu.Custom(func() { if showKeyfile { giu.PopupModal(s("Manage keyfiles:")). Flags(giu.WindowFlagsNoMove|giu.WindowFlagsNoResize).Layout( giu.Row( giu.Label(s("Drop and drop your keyfiles.")), ), giu.Custom(func() { if mode != "decrypt" { giu.Checkbox(s("Require correct keyfile order"), &keyfileOrderMatters).Build() giu.Tooltip(s("If checked, you will need to drop keyfiles in the correct order.")).Build() } else if keyfileOrderMatters { giu.Label(s("The correct order of keyfiles is required.")).Build() } }), giu.Custom(func() { for _, i := range keyfiles { giu.Row( giu.Label(filepath.Base(i)), giu.Button("Remove").OnClick(func() { var tmp []string for _, j := range keyfiles { if j != i { tmp = append(tmp, j) } } keyfiles = tmp }), ).Build() } }), giu.Dummy(0, 200), giu.Row( giu.Button(s("Clear")).Size(150, 0).OnClick(func() { keyfiles = nil }), giu.Tooltip(s("Remove all keyfiles.")), giu.Button(s("Done")).Size(150, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showKeyfile = false }), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup(s("Manage keyfiles:")) giu.Update() } }), giu.Custom(func() { if showConfirmation { giu.PopupModal(s("Warning:")). Flags(giu.WindowFlagsNoMove|giu.WindowFlagsNoResize).Layout( giu.Label(s("Output already exists. Overwrite?")), giu.Row( giu.Button(s("No")).Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showConfirmation = false }), giu.Button(s("Yes")).Size(100, 0).OnClick(func() { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() showConfirmation = false showProgress = true giu.Update() go func() { work() working = false showProgress = false debug.FreeOSMemory() giu.Update() }() }), ), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup(s("Warning:")) giu.Update() } }), giu.Custom(func() { if showProgress { giu.PopupModal(" "). Flags(giu.WindowFlagsNoMove|giu.WindowFlagsNoResize|giu.WindowFlagsNoTitleBar).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if !working { giu.CloseCurrentPopup() } }), giu.Row( giu.ProgressBar(progress).Size(280, 0).Overlay(progressInfo), giu.Button(s("Cancel")).Size(58, 0).OnClick(func() { working = false }), ), giu.Label(popupStatus), ).Build() giu.OpenPopup(" ") giu.Update() } }), giu.Row( giu.Label(inputLabel), giu.Custom(func() { w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Clear")) p, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += p * 2 dw := w - bw - p giu.Dummy(dw/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Style().SetDisabled(len(allFiles) == 0 && len(onlyFiles) == 0).To( giu.Button(s("Clear")).Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(resetUI), giu.Tooltip(s("Clear all input files and reset UI state.")), ).Build() }), ), giu.Separator(), giu.Style().SetDisabled(len(allFiles) == 0 && len(onlyFiles) == 0).To( giu.Row( giu.Label(s("Password:")), giu.Dummy(-124/dpi, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt" && !keyfile).To( giu.Label(s("Keyfiles:")), ), ), giu.Row( giu.Button(s(passwordStateLabel)).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { if passwordState == giu.InputTextFlagsPassword { passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsNone passwordStateLabel = "Hide" } else { passwordState = giu.InputTextFlagsPassword passwordStateLabel = "Show" } }), giu.Button(s("Clear")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { password = "" cPassword = "" }), giu.Button(s("Copy")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(password) }), giu.Button(s("Paste")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { tmp, _ := clipboard.ReadAll() password = tmp if mode != "decrypt" { cPassword = tmp } passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score giu.Update() }), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Button(s("Create")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { showGenpass = true }), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt" && !keyfile).To( giu.Row( giu.Button(s("Edit")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { showKeyfile = true }), giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Button(s("Create")).Size(54, 0).OnClick(func() { file, _ := dialog.File().Title(s("Save keyfile as:")).Save() if file == "" { return } fout, _ := os.Create(file) data := make([]byte, 1048576) rand.Read(data) fout.Write(data) fout.Close() }), ), ), ), ), giu.Row( giu.InputText(&password).Flags(passwordState).Size(302/dpi).OnChange(func() { passwordStrength = zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(password, nil).Score }), giu.Custom(func() { c := giu.GetCanvas() p := giu.GetCursorScreenPos() var col color.RGBA switch passwordStrength { case 0: col = color.RGBA{0xc8, 0x4c, 0x4b, 0xff} case 1: col = color.RGBA{0xa9, 0x6b, 0x4b, 0xff} case 2: col = color.RGBA{0x8a, 0x8a, 0x4b, 0xff} case 3: col = color.RGBA{0x6b, 0xa9, 0x4b, 0xff} case 4: col = color.RGBA{0x4c, 0xc8, 0x4b, 0xff} } if password == "" || mode == "decrypt" { col = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00} } path := p.Add(image.Pt( int(math.Round(float64(-20*dpi))), int(math.Round(float64(12*dpi))), )) c.PathArcTo(path, 6*dpi, -math.Pi/2, float32(passwordStrength+1)/5*2*math.Pi-math.Pi/2, -1) c.PathStroke(col, false, 2) }), giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&keyfilePrompt).Size(fill), ), ), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(password == "").To( giu.Row( giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Label(s("Confirm password:")), ), giu.Dummy(-124/dpi, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.Label(s("Custom Argon2:")), ), ), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(password == "").To( giu.Row( giu.Style().SetDisabled(mode == "decrypt").To( giu.Row( giu.InputText(&cPassword).Flags(passwordState).Size(302/dpi), giu.Custom(func() { c := giu.GetCanvas() p := giu.GetCursorScreenPos() col := color.RGBA{0x4c, 0xc8, 0x4b, 0xff} if cPassword != password { col = color.RGBA{0xc8, 0x4c, 0x4b, 0xff} } if password == "" || cPassword == "" || mode == "decrypt" { col = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00} } path := p.Add(image.Pt( int(math.Round(float64(-20*dpi))), int(math.Round(float64(12*dpi))), )) c.PathArcTo(path, 6*dpi, 0, 2*math.Pi, -1) c.PathStroke(col, false, 2) }), ), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.Button(s("W.I.P")).Size(fill, 0), ), ), ), giu.Dummy(0, 3), giu.Separator(), giu.Dummy(0, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(password == "" || (password != cPassword && mode == "encrypt")).To( giu.Label(s(metadataPrompt)), giu.Style().SetDisabled(metadataDisabled).To( giu.InputText(&metadata).Size(fill), ), giu.Label(s("Advanced:")), giu.Custom(func() { if mode != "decrypt" { giu.Row( giu.Checkbox(s("Shred temporary files"), &shredTemp), giu.Dummy(-221/dpi, 0), giu.Checkbox(s("Encode with Reed-Solomon"), &reedsolo), ).Build() giu.Row( giu.Checkbox(s("Use fast mode"), &fast), giu.Dummy(-221/dpi, 0), giu.Checkbox(s("Delete files when complete"), &deleteWhenDone), ).Build() giu.Row( giu.Checkbox(s("Use paranoid mode"), ¶noid), giu.Dummy(-221/dpi, 0), giu.Style().SetDisabled(!(len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0)).To( giu.Checkbox(s("Compress files"), &compress), ), ).Build() giu.Row( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.Checkbox(s("Encrypt filename (W.I.P)"), &encryptFilename), ), giu.Dummy(-221/dpi, 0), giu.Checkbox(s("Split every"), &split), giu.InputText(&splitSize).Size(55).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsCharsHexadecimal).OnChange(func() { split = splitSize != "" }), giu.Combo("##splitter", splitUnits[splitSelected], splitUnits, &splitSelected).Size(52), ).Build() } else { giu.Checkbox(s("Keep decrypted output even if it's corrupted or modified"), &keep).Build() giu.Checkbox(s("Delete the encrypted files after a successful decryption"), &deleteWhenDone).Build() giu.Dummy(0, 52).Build() } }), giu.Label(s("Save output as:")), giu.Custom(func() { w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Change")) p, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += p * 2 dw := w - bw - p giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&outputFile).Size(dw / dpi).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Change")).Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { file, _ := dialog.File().Title(s("Save as:")).Save() if file == "" { return } if mode == "encrypt" { if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 { file = strings.TrimSuffix(file, ".zip.pcv") file = strings.TrimSuffix(file, ".pcv") if !strings.HasSuffix(file, ".zip.pcv") { file += ".zip.pcv" } } else { file = strings.TrimSuffix(file, ".pcv") ind := strings.Index(inputFile, ".") file += inputFile[ind:] if !strings.HasSuffix(file, ".pcv") { file += ".pcv" } } } else { ind := strings.Index(file, ".") if ind != -1 { file = file[:ind] } if strings.HasSuffix(inputFile, ".zip.pcv") { file += ".zip" } else { tmp := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(inputFile), ".pcv") tmp = tmp[strings.Index(tmp, "."):] file += tmp } } outputFile = file }).Build() giu.Tooltip(s("Save the output with a custom path and name.")).Build() }), giu.Dummy(0, 2), giu.Separator(), giu.Dummy(0, 3), giu.Button(s("Start")).Size(fill, 34).OnClick(func() { if keyfile && keyfiles == nil { mainStatus = "Please select your keyfiles." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } _, err := os.Stat(outputFile) if err == nil { showConfirmation = true giu.Update() } else { showProgress = true giu.Update() go func() { work() working = false showProgress = false debug.FreeOSMemory() giu.Update() }() } }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorText, mainStatusColor).To( giu.Label(s(mainStatus)), ), ), ), giu.TabItem(s("Checksum")).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if giu.IsItemActive() { tab = 1 } }), giu.Label(s("Toggle the hashes you would like to generate and drop a file here.")), // MD5 giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("MD5:", &md5Selected).OnChange(func() { csMd5 = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##md5").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csMd5) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, md5Color).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csMd5).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), // SHA1 giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("SHA1:", &sha1Selected).OnChange(func() { csSha1 = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##sha1").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csSha1) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, sha1Color).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csSha1).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), // SHA256 giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("SHA256:", &sha256Selected).OnChange(func() { csSha256 = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##sha256").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csSha256) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, sha256Color).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csSha256).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), // SHA3-256 giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("SHA3:", &sha3Selected).OnChange(func() { csSha3 = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##sha3").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csSha3) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, sha3Color).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csSha3).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), // BLAKE2b giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("BLAKE2b:", &blake2bSelected).OnChange(func() { csBlake2b = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##blake2b").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csBlake2b) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, blake2bColor).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csBlake2b).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), // BLAKE2s giu.Custom(func() { giu.Checkbox("BLAKE2s:", &blake2sSelected).OnChange(func() { csBlake2s = "" }).Build() giu.SameLine() w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Copy")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Dummy(size/dpi, 0).Build() giu.SameLine() giu.Button(s("Copy")+"##blake2s").Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { clipboard.WriteAll(csBlake2s) }).Build() }), giu.Style().SetColor(giu.StyleColorBorder, blake2sColor).To( giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csBlake2s).Size(fill).Flags(giu.InputTextFlagsReadOnly), ), ), giu.Dummy(0, 23), // Input entry for validating a checksum giu.Row( giu.Label(s("Validate a checksum:")), giu.Custom(func() { bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Paste")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding giu.Button(s("Paste")).Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { tmp, _ := clipboard.ReadAll() csValidate = tmp md5Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha1Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha256Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha3Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2bColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2sColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} if csValidate == "" { return } csValidate = strings.ToLower(csValidate) if csValidate == csMd5 { md5Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else if csValidate == csSha1 { sha1Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else if csValidate == csSha256 { sha256Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else if csValidate == csSha3 { sha3Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else if csValidate == csBlake2b { blake2bColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else if csValidate == csBlake2s { blake2sColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } giu.Update() }).Build() }), giu.Custom(func() { bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Paste")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding giu.Button(s("Clear")).Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { csValidate = "" md5Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha1Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha256Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha3Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2bColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2sColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} }).Build() }), ), giu.Style().SetDisabled(true).To( giu.InputText(&csValidate).Size(fill), ), // Progress bar giu.Label(s("Progress:")), giu.ProgressBar(csProgress).Size(fill, 0), ), giu.TabItem(s("Shredder")).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if giu.IsItemActive() { tab = 2 } }), giu.Label(s("Drop files and folders here to shred them.")), giu.Custom(func() { if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { giu.Label(s("Number of passes: Not supported on macOS")).Build() } else { giu.Row( giu.Label(s("Number of passes:")), giu.SliderInt(&shredPasses, 1, 32).Size(fill), ).Build() } }), giu.Dummy(0, -50), giu.Custom(func() { w, _ := giu.GetAvailableRegion() bw, _ := giu.CalcTextSize(s("Cancel")) padding, _ := giu.GetWindowPadding() bw += 2 * padding size := w - bw - padding giu.Row( giu.ProgressBar(shredProgress).Overlay(shredOverlay).Size(size/dpi, 0), giu.Button(s("Cancel")).Size(bw/dpi, 0).OnClick(func() { stopShredding = true shredding = s("Ready.") shredProgress = 0 shredOverlay = "" }), ).Build() }), giu.Custom(func() { if len(shredding) > 60 { shredding = "....." + shredding[len(shredding)-50:] } giu.Label(shredding).Wrapped(true).Build() }), ), giu.TabItem(s("About")).Layout( giu.Custom(func() { if giu.IsItemActive() { tab = 3 } }), giu.Label(fmt.Sprintf(s("Picocrypt %s, created by Evan Su ("), version)), giu.Label(s("Released under a GNU GPL v3 License.")), giu.Label(s("A warm thank you to all the people listed below.")), giu.Label(s("Patrons:")), giu.Label(" - Frederick Doe"), giu.Label(s("Donators:")), giu.Label(" - jp26"), giu.Label(" - W.Graham"), giu.Label(" - N. Chin"), giu.Label(" - Manjot"), giu.Label(" - Phil P."), giu.Label(" - E. Zahard"), giu.Label(s("Translators:")), giu.Label("umitseyhan75, digitalblossom, zeeaall, francirc, kurpau"), giu.Label(s("Other:")), giu.Label("Fuderal, u/greenreddits, u/Tall_Escape, u/NSABackdoors"), ), ).Build() }), ) } func onDrop(names []string) { if tab == 1 { go generateChecksums(names[0]) return } if tab == 2 { go shred(names, true) return } if showKeyfile { keyfiles = append(keyfiles, names...) tmp := []string{} for _, i := range keyfiles { duplicate := false for _, j := range tmp { if i == j { duplicate = true } } stat, _ := os.Stat(i) if !duplicate && !stat.IsDir() { tmp = append(tmp, i) } } keyfiles = tmp if len(keyfiles) == 1 { keyfilePrompt = s("Using 1 keyfile.") } keyfilePrompt = fmt.Sprintf(s("Using %d keyfiles."), len(keyfiles)) return } // Clear variables recombine = false onlyFiles = nil onlyFolders = nil allFiles = nil files, folders := 0, 0 resetUI() if len(names) == 1 { stat, _ := os.Stat(names[0]) if stat.IsDir() { // Update variables mode = "encrypt" folders++ inputLabel = s("1 folder selected.") // Add the folder onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders, names[0]) // Set the input and output paths inputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), s("Encrypted")) + ".zip" outputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), s("Encrypted")) + ".zip.pcv" } else { files++ name := filepath.Base(names[0]) nums := []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"} endsNum := false for _, i := range nums { if strings.HasSuffix(names[0], i) { endsNum = true } } isSplit := strings.Contains(names[0], ".pcv.") && endsNum // Decide if encrypting or decrypting if strings.HasSuffix(names[0], ".pcv") || isSplit { //var err error mode = "decrypt" inputLabel = name + s(" (will decrypt)") metadataPrompt = s("Metadata (read-only):") metadataDisabled = true if isSplit { inputLabel = name + s(" (will recombine and decrypt)") ind := strings.Index(names[0], ".pcv") names[0] = names[0][:ind+4] inputFile = names[0] outputFile = names[0][:ind] recombine = true } else { outputFile = names[0][:len(names[0])-4] } // Open input file in read-only mode var fin *os.File if isSplit { fin, _ = os.Open(names[0] + ".0") } else { fin, _ = os.Open(names[0]) } // Use regex to test if input is a valid Picocrypt volume tmp := make([]byte, 30) fin.Read(tmp) if string(tmp[:5]) == "v1.13" { resetUI() mainStatus = "Please use Picocrypt v1.13 to decrypt this file." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() return } if valid, _ := regexp.Match(`^v\d\.\d{2}.{10}0?\d+`, tmp); !valid && !isSplit { resetUI() mainStatus = "This doesn't seem to be a Picocrypt volume." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() return } fin.Seek(0, 0) // Read metadata and insert into box var err error tmp = make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, _ = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) if string(tmp) == "v1.14" || string(tmp) == "v1.15" || string(tmp) == "v1.16" { resetUI() mainStatus = "Please use Picocrypt v1.16 to decrypt this file." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() return } tmp = make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, err = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) if err == nil { metadataLength, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tmp)) tmp = make([]byte, metadataLength*3) fin.Read(tmp) metadata = "" for i := 0; i < metadataLength*3; i += 3 { t, err := rsDecode(rs1, tmp[i:i+3]) if err != nil { metadata = s("Metadata is corrupted.") break } metadata += string(t) } } else { metadata = s("Metadata is corrupted.") } flags := make([]byte, 18) fin.Read(flags) fin.Close() flags, err = rsDecode(rs6, flags) if err != nil { mainStatus = "Input file is corrupt and cannot be decrypted." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } if flags[2] == 1 { keyfile = true keyfilePrompt = s("Keyfiles required.") } else { keyfilePrompt = s("Not applicable.") } if flags[5] == 1 { keyfileOrderMatters = true } } else { mode = "encrypt" inputLabel = name + s(" (will encrypt)") inputFile = names[0] outputFile = names[0] + ".pcv" } // Add the file onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles, names[0]) inputFile = names[0] } } else { mode = "encrypt" // There are multiple dropped items, check each one for _, name := range names { stat, _ := os.Stat(name) // Check if item is a file or a directory if stat.IsDir() { folders++ onlyFolders = append(onlyFolders, name) } else { files++ onlyFiles = append(onlyFiles, name) allFiles = append(allFiles, name) } } if folders == 0 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf(s("%d files selected."), files) } else if files == 0 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf(s("%d folders selected."), files) } else { if files == 1 && folders > 1 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf(s("1 file and %d folders selected."), folders) } else if folders == 1 && files > 1 { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf(s("%d files and 1 folder selected."), files) } else if folders == 1 && files == 1 { inputLabel = s("1 file and 1 folder selected.") } else { inputLabel = fmt.Sprintf(s("%d files and %d folders selected."), files, folders) } } // Set the input and output paths inputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), s("Encrypted")) + ".zip" outputFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(names[0]), s("Encrypted")) + ".zip.pcv" } // Recursively add all files to 'allFiles' if folders > 0 { for _, name := range onlyFolders { filepath.Walk(name, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, _ error) error { stat, _ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir() { allFiles = append(allFiles, path) } return nil }) } } } func work() { popupStatus = s("Starting...") mainStatus = "Working..." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} working = true padded := false var salt []byte var hkdfSalt []byte var serpentSalt []byte var nonce []byte var keyHash []byte var _keyHash []byte var keyfileKey []byte var keyfileHash []byte = make([]byte, 32) var _keyfileHash []byte var dataMac []byte if mode == "encrypt" { if compress { popupStatus = s("Compressing files...") } else { popupStatus = s("Combining files...") } // "Tar" files together (a .zip file with no compression) if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 { var rootDir string if len(onlyFolders) > 0 { rootDir = filepath.Dir(onlyFolders[0]) } else { rootDir = filepath.Dir(onlyFiles[0]) } file, err := os.Create(inputFile) if err != nil { mainStatus = "Access denied by operating system." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } w := zip.NewWriter(file) for i, path := range allFiles { if !working { w.Close() file.Close() os.Remove(inputFile) mainStatus = "Operation cancelled by user." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} return } progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i, len(allFiles)) progress = float32(i) / float32(len(allFiles)) giu.Update() if path == inputFile { continue } stat, _ := os.Stat(path) header, _ := zip.FileInfoHeader(stat) header.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(path, rootDir) // Windows requires forward slashes in a .zip file if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { header.Name = strings.ReplaceAll(header.Name, "\\", "/") header.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(header.Name, "/") } if compress { header.Method = zip.Deflate } else { header.Method = zip.Store } writer, _ := w.CreateHeader(header) file, _ := os.Open(path) io.Copy(writer, file) file.Close() } w.Flush() w.Close() file.Close() } } if recombine { popupStatus = s("Recombining file...") total := 0 for { _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, total)) if err != nil { break } total++ } fout, _ := os.Create(inputFile) for i := 0; i < total; i++ { fin, _ := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, i)) for { data := make([]byte, 1048576) read, err := fin.Read(data) if err != nil { break } data = data[:read] fout.Write(data) } fin.Close() progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", i, total) progress = float32(i) / float32(total) giu.Update() } fout.Close() progressInfo = "" } stat, _ := os.Stat(inputFile) total := stat.Size() if mode == "decrypt" { total -= 789 } // XChaCha20's max message size is 256 GiB if total > 256*1073741824 { mainStatus = "Total size is larger than 256 GiB, XChaCha20's limit." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } // Open input file in read-only mode fin, err := os.Open(inputFile) if err != nil { mainStatus = "Access denied by operating system." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } var fout *os.File // If encrypting, generate values; if decrypting, read values from file if mode == "encrypt" { popupStatus = s("Generating values...") giu.Update() var err error fout, err = os.Create(outputFile) if err != nil { mainStatus = "Access denied by operating system." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } // Generate random cryptography values salt = make([]byte, 16) hkdfSalt = make([]byte, 32) serpentSalt = make([]byte, 16) nonce = make([]byte, 24) // Write version to file fout.Write(rsEncode(rs5, []byte(version))) // Encode the length of the metadata with Reed-Solomon metadataLength := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%05d", len(metadata))) metadataLength = rsEncode(rs5, metadataLength) // Write the length of the metadata to file fout.Write(metadataLength) // Reed-Solomon-encode the metadata and write to file for _, i := range []byte(metadata) { fout.Write(rsEncode(rs1, []byte{i})) } flags := make([]byte, 6) if fast { flags[0] = 1 } if paranoid { flags[1] = 1 } if len(keyfiles) > 0 { flags[2] = 1 } if reedsolo { flags[3] = 1 } if total%1048576 >= 1048448 { flags[4] = 1 } if keyfileOrderMatters { flags[5] = 1 } flags = rsEncode(rs6, flags) fout.Write(flags) // Fill salts and nonce with Go's CSPRNG rand.Read(salt) rand.Read(hkdfSalt) rand.Read(serpentSalt) rand.Read(nonce) // Encode salt with Reed-Solomon and write to file _salt := rsEncode(rs16, salt) fout.Write(_salt) // Encode HKDF salt with Reed-Solomon and write to file _hkdfSalt := rsEncode(rs32, hkdfSalt) fout.Write(_hkdfSalt) // Encode Serpent salt with Reed-Solomon and write to file _serpentSalt := rsEncode(rs16, serpentSalt) fout.Write(_serpentSalt) // Encode nonce with Reed-Solomon and write to file _nonce := rsEncode(rs24, nonce) fout.Write(_nonce) // Write placeholder for hash of key fout.Write(make([]byte, 192)) // Write placeholder for hash of hash of keyfile fout.Write(make([]byte, 96)) // Write placeholder for HMAC-BLAKE2b/HMAC-SHA3 of file fout.Write(make([]byte, 192)) } else { var err1 error var err2 error var err3 error var err4 error var err5 error var err6 error var err7 error var err8 error var err9 error var err10 error popupStatus = s("Reading values...") giu.Update() version := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(version) _, err1 = rsDecode(rs5, version) tmp := make([]byte, 15) fin.Read(tmp) tmp, err2 = rsDecode(rs5, tmp) metadataLength, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(tmp)) fin.Read(make([]byte, metadataLength*3)) flags := make([]byte, 18) fin.Read(flags) flags, err3 = rsDecode(rs6, flags) fast = flags[0] == 1 paranoid = flags[1] == 1 reedsolo = flags[3] == 1 padded = flags[4] == 1 salt = make([]byte, 48) fin.Read(salt) salt, err4 = rsDecode(rs16, salt) hkdfSalt = make([]byte, 96) fin.Read(hkdfSalt) hkdfSalt, err5 = rsDecode(rs32, hkdfSalt) serpentSalt = make([]byte, 48) fin.Read(serpentSalt) serpentSalt, err6 = rsDecode(rs16, serpentSalt) nonce = make([]byte, 72) fin.Read(nonce) nonce, err7 = rsDecode(rs24, nonce) _keyHash = make([]byte, 192) fin.Read(_keyHash) _keyHash, err8 = rsDecode(rs64, _keyHash) _keyfileHash = make([]byte, 96) fin.Read(_keyfileHash) _keyfileHash, err9 = rsDecode(rs32, _keyfileHash) dataMac = make([]byte, 192) fin.Read(dataMac) dataMac, err10 = rsDecode(rs64, dataMac) // Is there a better way? if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil || err4 != nil || err5 != nil || err6 != nil || err7 != nil || err8 != nil || err9 != nil || err10 != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { mainStatus = "The header is corrupt and the input file cannot be decrypted." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() return } } } popupStatus = s("Deriving key...") progress = 0 progressInfo = "" giu.Update() // Derive encryption/decryption keys and subkeys var key []byte if fast { key = argon2.IDKey( []byte(password), salt, 4, 131072, 4, 32, ) } else if paranoid { key = argon2.IDKey( []byte(password), salt, 8, 1048576, 8, 32, ) } else { key = argon2.IDKey( []byte(password), salt, 4, 1048576, 4, 32, ) } if !working { mainStatus = "Operation cancelled by user." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} if mode == "encrypt" && (len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0) { os.Remove(outputFile) } if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) return } if len(keyfiles) > 0 || keyfile { if keyfileOrderMatters { var keysum = sha3.New256() for _, path := range keyfiles { kin, _ := os.Open(path) kstat, _ := os.Stat(path) kbytes := make([]byte, kstat.Size()) kin.Read(kbytes) kin.Close() keysum.Write(kbytes) } keyfileKey = keysum.Sum(nil) keyfileSha3 := sha3.New256() keyfileSha3.Write(keyfileKey) keyfileHash = keyfileSha3.Sum(nil) } else { var keysum []byte for _, path := range keyfiles { kin, _ := os.Open(path) kstat, _ := os.Stat(path) kbytes := make([]byte, kstat.Size()) kin.Read(kbytes) kin.Close() ksha3 := sha3.New256() ksha3.Write(kbytes) keyfileKey := ksha3.Sum(nil) if keysum == nil { keysum = keyfileKey } else { for i, j := range keyfileKey { keysum[i] ^= j } } } keyfileKey = keysum keyfileSha3 := sha3.New256() keyfileSha3.Write(keysum) keyfileHash = keyfileSha3.Sum(nil) } } sha3_512 := sha3.New512() sha3_512.Write(key) keyHash = sha3_512.Sum(nil) // Validate password and/or keyfiles if mode == "decrypt" { keyCorrect := true keyfileCorrect := true var tmp bool keyCorrect = !(subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(keyHash, _keyHash) == 0) if keyfile { keyfileCorrect = !(subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(keyfileHash, _keyfileHash) == 0) tmp = !keyCorrect || !keyfileCorrect } else { tmp = !keyCorrect } if tmp || keep { if keep { kept = true } else { fin.Close() if !keyCorrect { mainStatus = "The provided password is incorrect." } else { if keyfileOrderMatters { mainStatus = "Incorrect keyfiles and/or order." } else { mainStatus = "Incorrect keyfiles." } } mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} key = nil if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } return } } var err error fout, err = os.Create(outputFile) if err != nil { mainStatus = "Access denied by operating system." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} return } } if len(keyfiles) > 0 || keyfile { // XOR key and keyfile tmp := key key = make([]byte, 32) for i := range key { key[i] = tmp[i] ^ keyfileKey[i] } } done := 0 counter := 0 startTime := time.Now() chacha20, _ := chacha20.NewUnauthenticatedCipher(key, nonce) // Use HKDF-SHA3 to generate a subkey var mac hash.Hash subkey := make([]byte, 32) hkdf := hkdf.New(sha3.New256, key, hkdfSalt, nil) hkdf.Read(subkey) if fast { // Keyed BLAKE2b mac, _ = blake2b.New512(subkey) } else { // HMAC-SHA3 mac = hmac.New(sha3.New512, subkey) } // Generate another subkey and cipher (not used unless paranoid mode is checked) serpentKey := make([]byte, 32) hkdf.Read(serpentKey) _serpent, _ := serpent.NewCipher(serpentKey) serpentCTR := cipher.NewCTR(_serpent, serpentSalt) for { if !working { mainStatus = "Operation cancelled by user." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} fin.Close() fout.Close() if mode == "encrypt" && (len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0) { os.Remove(outputFile) } if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) return } var data []byte if mode == "decrypt" && reedsolo { data = make([]byte, 1114112) } else { data = make([]byte, 1048576) } size, err := fin.Read(data) if err != nil { break } data = data[:size] _data := make([]byte, len(data)) // "Actual" encryption is done in the next couple of lines if mode == "encrypt" { if paranoid { serpentCTR.XORKeyStream(_data, data) copy(data, _data) } chacha20.XORKeyStream(_data, data) mac.Write(_data) if reedsolo { copy(data, _data) _data = nil if len(data) == 1048576 { for i := 0; i < 1048576; i += 128 { tmp := data[i : i+128] tmp = rsEncode(rs128, tmp) _data = append(_data, tmp...) } } else { chunks := math.Floor(float64(len(data)) / 128) for i := 0; float64(i) < chunks; i++ { tmp := data[i*128 : (i+1)*128] tmp = rsEncode(rs128, tmp) _data = append(_data, tmp...) } tmp := data[int(chunks*128):] _data = append(_data, rsEncode(rs128, pad(tmp))...) } } } else { if reedsolo { copy(_data, data) data = nil if len(_data) == 1114112 { for i := 0; i < 1114112; i += 136 { tmp := _data[i : i+136] tmp, err = rsDecode(rs128, tmp) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { mainStatus = "The input file is too corrupted to decrypt." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() fout.Close() broken() return } } if i == 1113976 && done+1114112 >= int(total) && padded { tmp = unpad(tmp) } data = append(data, tmp...) } } else { chunks := len(_data)/136 - 1 for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ { tmp := _data[i*136 : (i+1)*136] tmp, err = rsDecode(rs128, tmp) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { mainStatus = "The input file is too corrupted to decrypt." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() fout.Close() broken() return } } data = append(data, tmp...) } tmp := _data[int(chunks)*136:] tmp, err = rsDecode(rs128, tmp) if err != nil { if keep { kept = true } else { mainStatus = "The input file is too corrupted to decrypt." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} fin.Close() fout.Close() broken() return } } tmp = unpad(tmp) data = append(data, tmp...) } _data = make([]byte, len(data)) } mac.Write(data) chacha20.XORKeyStream(_data, data) if paranoid { copy(data, _data) serpentCTR.XORKeyStream(_data, data) } } fout.Write(_data) // Update stats if mode == "decrypt" && reedsolo { done += 1114112 } else { done += 1048576 } counter++ progress = float32(done) / float32(total) elapsed := float64(time.Since(startTime)) / math.Pow(10, 9) speed := float64(done) / elapsed / math.Pow(10, 6) eta := int(math.Floor(float64(total-int64(done)) / (speed * math.Pow(10, 6)))) if progress > 1 { progress = 1 } progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", progress*100) popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf(s("Working at %.2f MB/s (ETA: %s)"), speed, humanize(eta)) giu.Update() } if mode == "encrypt" { // Seek back to header and write important data fout.Seek(int64(312+len(metadata)*3), 0) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs64, keyHash)) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs32, keyfileHash)) fout.Write(rsEncode(rs64, mac.Sum(nil))) } else { // Validate the authenticity of decrypted data if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(mac.Sum(nil), dataMac) == 0 { if keep { kept = true } else { fin.Close() fout.Close() broken() return } } } fin.Close() fout.Close() // Split files into chunks if split { var splitted []string popupStatus = s("Splitting file...") stat, _ := os.Stat(outputFile) size := stat.Size() finished := 0 chunkSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(splitSize) // User can choose KiB, MiB, and GiB if splitSelected == 0 { chunkSize *= 1024 } else if splitSelected == 1 { chunkSize *= 1048576 } else { chunkSize *= 1073741824 } chunks := int(math.Ceil(float64(size) / float64(chunkSize))) fin, _ := os.Open(outputFile) for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ { fout, _ := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) done := 0 for { data := make([]byte, 1048576) read, err := fin.Read(data) if err != nil { break } if !working { fin.Close() fout.Close() mainStatus = "Operation cancelled by user." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} // If user cancels, remove the unfinished files for _, j := range splitted { os.Remove(j) } os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) os.Remove(outputFile) return } data = data[:read] fout.Write(data) done += read if done >= chunkSize { break } } fout.Close() finished++ splitted = append(splitted, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", outputFile, i)) progress = float32(finished) / float32(chunks) progressInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", finished, chunks) giu.Update() } fin.Close() if shredTemp { progressInfo = "" popupStatus = s("Shredding temporary files...") shred([]string{inputFile + ".pcv"}, false) } else { os.Remove(inputFile + ".pcv") } } // Remove the temporary file used to combine a splitted Picocrypt volume if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } // Delete the temporary zip file if user wishes if len(allFiles) > 1 || len(onlyFolders) > 0 { if shredTemp { progressInfo = "" popupStatus = s("Shredding temporary files...") giu.Update() shred([]string{inputFile}, false) } else { os.Remove(inputFile) } } if deleteWhenDone { progressInfo = "" popupStatus = s("Deleted files...") giu.Update() if mode == "decrypt" { if recombine { total := 0 for { _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, total)) if err != nil { break } os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", inputFile, total)) total++ } } else { os.Remove(inputFile) } } else { for _, i := range onlyFiles { os.Remove(i) } for _, i := range onlyFolders { os.RemoveAll(i) } } } resetUI() // If user chose to keep a corrupted/modified file, let them know if kept { mainStatus = "The input file is corrupted and/or modified. Please be careful." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } else { mainStatus = "Completed." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff} } // Clear UI state working = false kept = false key = nil popupStatus = s("Ready.") } // This function is run if an issue occurs during decryption func broken() { mainStatus = "The input file is either corrupted or intentionally modified." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} if recombine { os.Remove(inputFile) } os.Remove(outputFile) giu.Update() } // Generate file checksums func generateChecksums(file string) { fin, _ := os.Open(file) // Clear UI state csMd5 = "" csSha1 = "" csSha256 = "" csSha3 = "" csBlake2b = "" csBlake2s = "" md5Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha1Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha256Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} sha3Color = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2bColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} blake2sColor = color.RGBA{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} csValidate = "" if md5Selected { csMd5 = s("Calculating...") } if sha1Selected { csSha1 = s("Calculating...") } if sha256Selected { csSha256 = s("Calculating...") } if sha3Selected { csSha3 = s("Calculating...") } if blake2bSelected { csBlake2b = s("Calculating...") } if blake2sSelected { csBlake2s = s("Calculating...") } // Create the checksum objects crcMd5 := md5.New() crcSha1 := sha1.New() crcSha256 := sha256.New() crcSha3 := sha3.New256() crcBlake2b, _ := blake2b.New256(nil) crcBlake2s, _ := blake2s.New256(nil) stat, _ := os.Stat(file) total := stat.Size() var done int64 = 0 for { var data []byte _data := make([]byte, 1048576) size, err := fin.Read(_data) if err != nil { break } data = _data[:size] if md5Selected { crcMd5.Write(data) } if sha1Selected { crcSha1.Write(data) } if sha256Selected { crcSha256.Write(data) } if sha3Selected { crcSha3.Write(data) } if blake2bSelected { crcBlake2b.Write(data) } if blake2sSelected { crcBlake2s.Write(data) } done += int64(size) csProgress = float32(done) / float32(total) giu.Update() } csProgress = 0 if md5Selected { csMd5 = hex.EncodeToString(crcMd5.Sum(nil)) } if sha1Selected { csSha1 = hex.EncodeToString(crcSha1.Sum(nil)) } if sha256Selected { csSha256 = hex.EncodeToString(crcSha256.Sum(nil)) } if sha3Selected { csSha3 = hex.EncodeToString(crcSha3.Sum(nil)) } if blake2bSelected { csBlake2b = hex.EncodeToString(crcBlake2b.Sum(nil)) } if blake2sSelected { csBlake2s = hex.EncodeToString(crcBlake2s.Sum(nil)) } fin.Close() giu.Update() } // Recursively shred all file(s) and folder(s) passed in as 'names' func shred(names []string, separate bool) { stopShredding = false shredTotal = 0 shredDone = 0 // 'separate' is true if this function is being called from the encryption/decryption tab if separate { shredOverlay = s("Shredding...") } // Walk through directories to get the total number of files for statistics for _, name := range names { filepath.Walk(name, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return nil } stat, _ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir() { shredTotal++ } return nil }) } for _, name := range names { shredding = name // Linux and macOS need a command with similar syntax and usage, so they're combined if runtime.GOOS == "linux" || runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { stat, _ := os.Stat(name) if stat.IsDir() { var coming []string // Walk the folder recursively filepath.Walk(name, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return nil } if stopShredding { return nil } stat, _ := os.Stat(path) if !stat.IsDir() { if len(coming) == 128 { // Use a WaitGroup to parallelize shredding var wg sync.WaitGroup for i, j := range coming { wg.Add(1) go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, id int, j string) { defer wg.Done() shredding = j var cmd *exec.Cmd if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { cmd = exec.Command("shred", "-ufvz", "-n", strconv.Itoa(int(shredPasses)), j) } else { cmd = exec.Command("rm", "-rfP", j) } cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) giu.Update() }(&wg, i, j) } wg.Wait() coming = nil } else { coming = append(coming, path) } } return nil }) for _, i := range coming { if stopShredding { break } go func(i string) { shredding = i var cmd *exec.Cmd if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { cmd = exec.Command("shred", "-ufvz", "-n", strconv.Itoa(int(shredPasses)), i) } else { cmd = exec.Command("rm", "-rfP", i) } cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) giu.Update() }(i) } if !stopShredding { os.RemoveAll(name) } } else { // The path is a file, not a directory, so just shred it shredding = name var cmd *exec.Cmd if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { cmd = exec.Command("shred", "-ufvz", "-n", strconv.Itoa(int(shredPasses)), name) } else { cmd = exec.Command("rm", "-rfP", name) } cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) } } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { stat, _ := os.Stat(name) if stat.IsDir() { // Walk the folder recursively filepath.Walk(name, func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return nil } stat, _ := os.Stat(path) if stat.IsDir() { if stopShredding { return nil } t := 0 files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(path) for _, f := range files { if !f.IsDir() { t++ } } shredDone += float32(t) shredUpdate(separate) shredding = strings.ReplaceAll(path, "\\", "/") + "/*" cmd := exec.Command(sdelete64path, "*", "-p", strconv.Itoa(int(shredPasses))) cmd.Dir = path cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() giu.Update() } return nil }) if !stopShredding { // sdelete64 doesn't delete the empty folder, so I'll do it manually os.RemoveAll(name) } } else { shredding = name cmd := exec.Command(sdelete64path, name, "-p", strconv.Itoa(int(shredPasses))) cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() shredDone++ shredUpdate(separate) } } giu.Update() if stopShredding { return } } // Clear UI state shredding = s("Completed.") shredProgress = 0 shredOverlay = "" } // Update shredding statistics func shredUpdate(separate bool) { if separate { shredOverlay = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", int(shredDone), int(shredTotal)) shredProgress = shredDone / shredTotal } else { popupStatus = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", int(shredDone), int(shredTotal)) progress = shredDone / shredTotal } giu.Update() } // Reset the UI to a clean state with nothing selected or checked func resetUI() { mode = "" onlyFiles = nil onlyFolders = nil allFiles = nil inputLabel = s("Drop files and folders into this window.") password = "" cPassword = "" keyfiles = nil keyfile = false keyfileOrderMatters = false keyfilePrompt = s("None selected.") metadata = "" metadataPrompt = "Metadata:" metadataDisabled = false shredTemp = false keep = false reedsolo = false split = false splitSize = "" splitSelected = 1 fast = false deleteWhenDone = false paranoid = false compress = false encryptFilename = false inputFile = "" outputFile = "" progress = 0 progressInfo = "" mainStatus = "Ready." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff} giu.Update() } // Reed-Solomon encoder func rsEncode(rs *infectious.FEC, data []byte) []byte { var res []byte rs.Encode(data, func(s infectious.Share) { res = append(res, s.DeepCopy().Data[0]) }) return res } // Reed-Solomon decoder func rsDecode(rs *infectious.FEC, data []byte) ([]byte, error) { tmp := make([]infectious.Share, rs.Total()) for i := 0; i < rs.Total(); i++ { tmp[i] = infectious.Share{ Number: i, Data: []byte{data[i]}, } } res, err := rs.Decode(nil, tmp) if err != nil { if rs.Total() == 136 { return data[:128], err } return data[:rs.Total()/3], err } return res, nil } // PKCS7 Pad (for use with Reed-Solomon, not for cryptographic purposes) func pad(data []byte) []byte { padLen := 128 - len(data)%128 padding := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padLen)}, padLen) return append(data, padding...) } // PKCS7 Unpad func unpad(data []byte) []byte { length := len(data) padLen := int(data[length-1]) return data[:length-padLen] } func genPassword() string { chars := "" if genpassUpper { chars += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" } if genpassLower { chars += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" } if genpassNums { chars += "1234567890" } if genpassSymbols { chars += "-=!@#$^&()_+?" } if chars == "" { return chars } tmp := make([]byte, genpassLength) for i := 0; i < int(genpassLength); i++ { j, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(len(chars)))) tmp[i] = chars[j.Int64()] } if genpassCopy { clipboard.WriteAll(string(tmp)) } return string(tmp) } // Convert seconds to HH:MM:SS func humanize(seconds int) string { hours := int(math.Floor(float64(seconds) / 3600)) seconds %= 3600 minutes := int(math.Floor(float64(seconds) / 60)) seconds %= 60 hours = int(math.Max(float64(hours), 0)) minutes = int(math.Max(float64(minutes), 0)) seconds = int(math.Max(float64(seconds), 0)) return fmt.Sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds) } func s(term string) string { for _, i := range locales { if i.iso == selectedLocale { for _, j := range locales { if j.iso == "en" { for k, l := range { if l == term { return[k] } } } } } } return term } func main() { // Parse locales var obj map[string]json.RawMessage json.Unmarshal(localeBytes, &obj) for i := range obj { var tmp []string json.Unmarshal(obj[i], &tmp) locales = append(locales, locale{ iso: i, data: tmp, }) } // Check system locale for _, i := range locales { tmp, err := jibber_jabber.DetectIETF() if err == nil { if strings.HasPrefix(tmp, i.iso) { selectedLocale = i.iso for j, k := range allLocales { if k == i.iso { languageSelected = int32(j) } } } } } // Create a temporary file to store sdelete64.exe sdelete64, _ := os.CreateTemp("", "sdelete64.*.exe") sdelete64path = sdelete64.Name() sdelete64.Write(sdelete64bytes) sdelete64.Close() cmd := exec.Command(sdelete64path, "/accepteula") cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{HideWindow: true} cmd.Run() // Set a universal font giu.SetDefaultFontFromBytes(font, 18) // Create the master window window := giu.NewMasterWindow("Picocrypt", 442, 532, giu.MasterWindowFlagsNotResizable) dialog.Init() // Set window icon reader := bytes.NewReader(icon) decoded, _ := png.Decode(reader) window.SetIcon([]image.Image{decoded}) // Set callbacks window.SetDropCallback(onDrop) window.SetCloseCallback(func() bool { return !working }) // Set universal DPI dpi = giu.Context.GetPlatform().GetContentScale() // Start a goroutine to check if a newer version is available go func() { v, err := http.Get("") if err == nil { body, err := io.ReadAll(v.Body) v.Body.Close() if err == nil { if string(body[:5]) != version { mainStatus = "A newer version is available." mainStatusColor = color.RGBA{0, 255, 0, 255} } } } }() // Start the UI window.Run(draw) // Window closed, clean up os.Remove(sdelete64path) }