Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein ca8570bd76 Updated WindowsFormsAero library (from source).
Removed title and icon from About form.
Updated platform support, now sets Flip 3D policy (Vista) and Aero Peek exclusion (on Windows 7).
Changed context menu in order to work with the improved GlassForm version.
Fixed AspectRatioForm with code from Stanimir Stoyanov's blog.
2010-06-28 19:58:38 +02:00

206 lines
8.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using VistaControls.Dwm.Helpers;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace OnTopReplica {
/// <summary>
/// Form that automatically keeps a certain aspect ratio and resizes without flickering.
/// </summary>
public class AspectRatioForm : GlassForm {
bool _keepAspectRatio = true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets whether the form should keep its aspect ratio.
/// </summary>
[Description("Enables fixed aspect ratio for this form."), Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(true)]
public bool KeepAspectRatio {
get {
return _keepAspectRatio;
set {
_keepAspectRatio = value;
if (value)
double _aspectRatio = 1.0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the form's aspect ratio that will be kept automatically when resizing.
/// </summary>
[Description("Determins this form's fixed aspect ratio."), Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(1.0)]
public double AspectRatio {
get {
return _aspectRatio;
set {
if (value <= 0.0 || Double.IsInfinity(value))
_aspectRatio = value;
Padding _extraPadding;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets some additional internal padding of the form that is ignored when keeping the aspect ratio.
/// </summary>
[Description("Sets some padding inside the form's client area that is ignored when keeping the aspect ratio."),
public Padding ExtraPadding {
get {
return _extraPadding;
set {
_extraPadding = value;
/// <summary>
/// Forces the form to update its height based on the current aspect ratio setting.
/// </summary>
public void RefreshAspectRatio() {
int newWidth = ClientSize.Width;
int newHeight = (int)((ClientSize.Width - ExtraPadding.Horizontal) / AspectRatio) + ExtraPadding.Vertical;
if (newHeight < FromSizeToClientSize(MinimumSize).Height) {
newHeight = FromSizeToClientSize(MinimumSize).Height;
newWidth = (int)((newHeight - ExtraPadding.Vertical) * AspectRatio) + ExtraPadding.Horizontal;
ClientSize = new Size(newWidth, newHeight);
public void AdjustSize(double delta) {
int newWidth = Math.Max((int)(ClientSize.Width + delta), MinimumSize.Width);
int newHeight = (int)((newWidth - ExtraPadding.Horizontal) / AspectRatio + ExtraPadding.Vertical);
//Readjust if we go lower than minimal height
if (newHeight < MinimumSize.Height) {
newHeight = MinimumSize.Height;
newWidth = (int)((newHeight - ExtraPadding.Vertical) * AspectRatio + ExtraPadding.Horizontal);
//Compute movement to re-center
int deltaX = newWidth - ClientSize.Width;
int deltaY = newHeight - ClientSize.Height;
ClientSize = new Size(newWidth, newHeight);
Location = new Point(Location.X - (deltaX / 2), Location.Y - (deltaY / 2));
/// <summary>
/// Updates the aspect ratio of the form and forces a refresh.
/// </summary>
public void SetAspectRatio(Size aspectRatioSource) {
_keepAspectRatio = true; //set without updating
AspectRatio = ((double)aspectRatioSource.Width / (double)aspectRatioSource.Height);
#region Event overriding
protected override void OnResizeEnd(EventArgs e) {
//Ensure that the ClientSize of the form is always respected
//(not ensured by the WM_SIZING message alone because of rounding errors and the chrome space)
if (KeepAspectRatio) {
var newHeight = (int)((ClientSize.Width - ExtraPadding.Horizontal) / AspectRatio + ExtraPadding.Vertical);
ClientSize = new Size(ClientSize.Width, newHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Override WM_SIZING message to restrict resizing.
/// Taken from: http://www.vcskicks.com/maintain-aspect-ratio.php
/// Improved with code from: http://stoyanoff.info/blog/2010/06/27/resizing-forms-while-keeping-aspect-ratio/
/// </summary>
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
if (KeepAspectRatio && m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_SIZING) {
var rc = (NativeMethods.Rectangle)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m.LParam, typeof(NativeMethods.Rectangle));
int res = m.WParam.ToInt32();
int width = (rc.Right - rc.Left) - clientSizeConversionWidth - ExtraPadding.Horizontal;
int height = (rc.Bottom - rc.Top) - clientSizeConversionHeight - ExtraPadding.Vertical;
if (res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_LEFT || res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_RIGHT) {
//Left or right resize, adjust top and bottom
int targetHeight = (int)(width / AspectRatio);
int diffHeight = height - targetHeight;
rc.Top += (int)(diffHeight / 2.0);
rc.Bottom = rc.Top + targetHeight + ExtraPadding.Vertical + clientSizeConversionHeight;
else if (res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_TOP || res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_BOTTOM) {
//Up or down resize, adjust left and right
int targetWidth = (int)(height * AspectRatio);
int diffWidth = width - targetWidth;
rc.Left += (int)(diffWidth / 2.0);
rc.Right = rc.Left + targetWidth + ExtraPadding.Horizontal + clientSizeConversionWidth;
else if (res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_RIGHT + NativeMethods.WMSZ_BOTTOM || res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_LEFT + NativeMethods.WMSZ_BOTTOM) {
//Lower corner resize, adjust bottom
rc.Bottom = rc.Top + (int)(width / AspectRatio) + ExtraPadding.Vertical + clientSizeConversionHeight;
else if (res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_LEFT + NativeMethods.WMSZ_TOP || res == NativeMethods.WMSZ_RIGHT + NativeMethods.WMSZ_TOP) {
//Upper corner resize, adjust top
rc.Top = rc.Bottom - (int)(width / AspectRatio) - ExtraPadding.Vertical - clientSizeConversionHeight;
Marshal.StructureToPtr(rc, m.LParam, true);
base.WndProc(ref m);
#region ClientSize/Size conversion helpers
int clientSizeConversionWidth, clientSizeConversionHeight;
/// <summary>
/// Converts a client size measurement to a window size measurement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientSize">Size of the window's client area.</param>
/// <returns>Size of the whole window.</returns>
public Size FromClientSizeToSize(Size clientSize) {
return new Size(clientSize.Width + clientSizeConversionWidth, clientSize.Height + clientSizeConversionHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Converts a window size measurement to a client size measurement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">Size of the whole window.</param>
/// <returns>Size of the window's client area.</returns>
public Size FromSizeToClientSize(Size size) {
return new Size(size.Width - clientSizeConversionWidth, size.Height - clientSizeConversionHeight);
protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e) {
clientSizeConversionWidth = Size.Width - ClientSize.Width;
clientSizeConversionHeight = Size.Height - ClientSize.Height;