Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein 295b40ece9 Added extension methods and some minor related refactoring.
Switched from WindowManager to extensible WindowSeekers (derived from BaseWindowSeeker).
Window seeking by title implemented and command line parameter added.
2010-10-11 02:55:40 +02:00

40 lines
1.5 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using OnTopReplica.Native;
namespace OnTopReplica.WindowSeekers {
class TaskWindowSeeker : BaseWindowSeeker {
protected override bool InspectWindow(IntPtr hwnd, string title, ref bool terminate) {
//Code taken from: http://www.thescarms.com/VBasic/alttab.aspx
//Accept windows that
// - are visible
// - do not have a parent
// - have no owner and are not Tool windows OR
// - have an owner and are App windows
//Reject empty titles
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
return false;
if (WindowManagerMethods.IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) {
if ((long)WindowManagerMethods.GetParent(hwnd) == 0) {
bool hasOwner = (long)WindowManagerMethods.GetWindow(hwnd, WindowManagerMethods.GetWindowMode.GW_OWNER) != 0;
WindowMethods.WindowExStyles exStyle = (WindowMethods.WindowExStyles)WindowMethods.GetWindowLong(hwnd, WindowMethods.WindowLong.ExStyle);
if (((exStyle & WindowMethods.WindowExStyles.ToolWindow) == 0 && !hasOwner) || //unowned non-tool window
((exStyle & WindowMethods.WindowExStyles.AppWindow) == WindowMethods.WindowExStyles.AppWindow && hasOwner)) { //owned application window
return true;
return false;