using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Cache; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml.Linq; using WindowsFormsAero.TaskDialog; namespace OnTopReplica.Update { /// /// Handles update checking and information display. /// class UpdateManager { /// /// Constructs a new update manager with an attached form. /// /// Form through which all GUI calls are made. Closing this form should terminate the application. public UpdateManager(Form attachedForm) { if (attachedForm == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); AttachedForm = attachedForm; } /// /// Gets or sets the attached form (through which all GUI calls are made). /// protected Form AttachedForm { get; private set; } #region Checking const string UpdateFeedUrl = ""; /// /// Gets the latest update information available. /// public UpdateInformation LastInformation { get; private set; } HttpWebRequest _checkRequest; /// /// Checks for update asynchronously, updating update information. /// When check is completed, raises update events. /// public void CheckForUpdate() { if (_checkRequest != null) { _checkRequest.Abort(); } //Build web request _checkRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(UpdateFeedUrl); _checkRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = true; _checkRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip; _checkRequest.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache); _checkRequest.BeginGetResponse(CheckForUpdateCallback, null); } /// /// Asynchronous callback that handles the update check request. /// private void CheckForUpdateCallback(IAsyncResult result) { if (_checkRequest == null) return; try { var response = _checkRequest.EndGetResponse(result); LastInformation = ParseUpdateCheckResponse(response.GetResponseStream()); OnUpdateCheckSuccess(LastInformation); } catch (Exception ex) { OnUpdateCheckError(ex); } _checkRequest = null; } private Regex _versionExtractor = new Regex(@"^Released: Release (?([0-9]\.){0,3}[0-9]?)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Singleline); private UpdateInformation ParseUpdateCheckResponse(Stream stream) { var xdoc = XDocument.Load(stream); var releases = from item in xdoc.Descendants("item") let title = item.Element("title").Value let match = _versionExtractor.Match(title) where match.Success let versionNumber = match.Groups["version"].Value orderby versionNumber descending select new { versionNumber, item.Element("link").Value }; return new UpdateInformation(); } #endregion #region Eventing public event EventHandler UpdateCheckCompleted; protected virtual void OnUpdateCheckError(Exception ex) { var evt = UpdateCheckCompleted; if (evt != null) { evt(this, new UpdateCheckCompletedEventArgs { Success = false, Error = ex }); } } protected virtual void OnUpdateCheckSuccess(UpdateInformation information) { var evt = UpdateCheckCompleted; if (evt != null) { evt(this, new UpdateCheckCompletedEventArgs { Success = true, Information = information }); } } #endregion #region Updating HttpWebRequest _downloadRequest; TaskDialog _updateDialog; bool _updateDownloaded = false; /// /// Asks confirmation for an update and installs the update. /// public void ConfirmAndInstall() { if (LastInformation == null || !LastInformation.IsNewVersion) return; AttachedForm.SafeInvoke(new Action(ConfirmAndInstallCore)); } /// /// Core delegate that asks for update confirmation and installs. Must be called from GUI thread. /// private void ConfirmAndInstallCore() { _updateDialog = new TaskDialog { Title = Strings.UpdateTitle, Instruction = string.Format(Strings.UpdateAvailableInstruction, LastInformation.LatestVersion), Content = Strings.UpdateAvailableContent, CustomButtons = new CustomButton[] { new CustomButton(Result.OK, string.Format(Strings.UpdateAvailableCommandOk, LastInformation.LatestVersion)), new CustomButton(Result.Cancel, Strings.UpdateAvailableCommandCancel) }, UseCommandLinks = true, CommonIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information, ExpandedInformation = string.Format(Strings.UpdateAvailableExpanded, LastInformation.CurrentVersion, LastInformation.LatestVersion), }; _updateDialog.ButtonClick += delegate(object sender, ClickEventArgs args) { if (args.ButtonID == (int)Result.OK) { args.PreventClosing = true; if (_updateDownloaded) { //Terminate application AttachedForm.Close(); //Launch updater Process.Start(UpdateInstallerPath); } else { var downDlg = new TaskDialog { Title = Strings.UpdateTitle, Instruction = Strings.UpdateDownloadingInstruction, ShowProgressBar = true, ProgressBarMinRange = 0, ProgressBarMaxRange = 100, ProgressBarPosition = 0, CommonButtons = TaskDialogButton.Cancel }; _updateDialog.Navigate(downDlg); _downloadRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(LastInformation.DownloadInstaller); _downloadRequest.BeginGetResponse(DownloadAsyncCallback, null); } } }; _updateDialog.Show(AttachedForm); } /// /// Gets the target filename used when downloading the update from the Internet. /// private string UpdateInstallerPath { get { var downloadPath = Native.FilesystemMethods.DownloadsPath; string versionName = (LastInformation != null) ? LastInformation.LatestVersion.ToString() : string.Empty; string filename = string.Format("OnTopReplica-Update-{0}.exe", versionName); return Path.Combine(downloadPath, filename); } } /// /// Handles background downloading. /// private void DownloadAsyncCallback(IAsyncResult result) { if (_downloadRequest == null || _updateDialog == null) return; try { var response = _downloadRequest.EndGetResponse(result); var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); long total = response.ContentLength; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; using (var stream = new FileStream(UpdateInstallerPath, FileMode.Create)) { int readTotal = 0; while (true) { int read = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); readTotal += read; if (read <= 0) //EOF break; stream.Write(buffer, 0, read); _updateDialog.Content = string.Format(Strings.UpdateDownloadingContent, readTotal, total); _updateDialog.ProgressBarPosition = (int)((readTotal * 100.0) / total); } } } catch (Exception ex) { DownloadShowError(ex.Message); return; } _updateDownloaded = true; var okDlg = new TaskDialog { Title = Strings.UpdateTitle, Instruction = Strings.UpdateReadyInstruction, Content = string.Format(Strings.UpdateReadyContent, LastInformation.LatestVersion), UseCommandLinks = true, CommonButtons = TaskDialogButton.Cancel, CustomButtons = new CustomButton[] { new CustomButton(Result.OK, Strings.UpdateReadyCommandOk) } }; _updateDialog.Navigate(okDlg); } private void DownloadShowError(string msg) { if (_updateDialog == null) return; _updateDialog.ProgressBarState = WindowsFormsAero.ProgressBar.States.Error; _updateDialog.Content = msg; } /// /// Displays some information about the current installation and available updates. /// public void DisplayInfo() { AttachedForm.SafeInvoke(new Action(DisplayInfoCore)); } /// /// Displays info. Called from GUI thread. /// private void DisplayInfoCore() { //No updates, but need to inform the user var dlg = new TaskDialog { Title = Strings.UpdateTitle, Instruction = Strings.UpdateInfoInstruction, Content = Strings.UpdateInfoContent, EnableHyperlinks = true, CommonButtons = TaskDialogButton.Close, AllowDialogCancellation = true, CommonIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information, Footer = string.Format(Strings.UpdateInfoFooter, LastInformation.LatestVersionRelease.ToLongDateString()) }; dlg.HyperlinkClick += delegate(object sender, HyperlinkEventArgs args) { Process.Start(""); }; dlg.Show(AttachedForm); } #endregion } }