using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using WindowsFormsAero.TaskDialog; namespace OnTopReplica { partial class MainForm { /// /// Opens the context menu. /// /// Optional position of the mouse, relative to which the menu is shown. public void OpenContextMenu(Point? position) { Point menuPosition = MousePosition; if (position.HasValue) menuPosition = position.Value; if (IsFullscreen) { menuFullscreenContext.Show(menuPosition); } else { menuContext.Show(menuPosition); } } /// /// Gets the window's vertical chrome size. /// public int ChromeBorderVertical { get { if (IsChromeVisible) return SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize.Height; else return 0; } } /// /// Gets the window's horizontal chrome size. /// public int ChromeBorderHorizontal { get { if (IsChromeVisible) return SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize.Width; else return 0; } } /// /// Displays an error task dialog. /// /// Main instruction of the error dialog. /// Detailed informations about the error. /// Expanded error codes/messages. private void ShowErrorDialog(string mainInstruction, string explanation, string errorMessage) { TaskDialog dlg = new TaskDialog(mainInstruction, Strings.ErrorGenericTitle, explanation) { CommonIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Stop, IsExpanded = false }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { dlg.ExpandedInformation = Strings.ErrorGenericInfoText + errorMessage; dlg.ExpandedControlText = Strings.ErrorGenericInfoButton; } dlg.Show(this); } /// /// Ensures that the main form is visible (either closing the fullscreen mode or reactivating from task icon). /// public void EnsureMainFormVisible() { //Reset special modes IsFullscreen = false; ClickThroughEnabled = false; Opacity = 1.0; //Restore main form in a platform-dependent method Program.Platform.RestoreForm(this); } /// /// Opens a confirmation dialog to confirm whether to reset the main form or not. /// public void ResetMainFormWithConfirmation() { var dlg = new TaskDialog(Strings.AskReset, Strings.AskResetTitle, Strings.AskResetContent); dlg.UseCommandLinks = true; dlg.CustomButtons = new CustomButton[] { new CustomButton(Result.OK, Strings.AskResetButtonOk), new CustomButton(Result.Cancel, Strings.ButtonCancel) }; dlg.CommonIcon = TaskDialogIcon.Information; if (dlg.Show(this).CommonButton == Result.OK) { ResetMainForm(); } } /// /// Resets the main form to its initial state. /// public void ResetMainForm() { //Reset form settings UnsetThumbnail(); CloseSidePanel(); //Reset location and size (edge of the screen, min size) Point nuLoc = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Location; nuLoc.Offset(40, 40); Location = nuLoc; Size = new Size(240, 220); this.Show(); this.Activate(); } } }