Return to [FiraCode]( ### [](#installing-font)Installing font Windows: * In the ttf folder, double-click each font file, click “Install font”; to install all at once, select all files, right-click, and choose “Install” _or_ * Use [chocolatey]( `choco install firacode` Mac: In the downloaded TTF folder: 1. Select all font files 2. Right click and select `Open` (alternatively `Open With Font Book`) 3. Select "Install Font" _or_ * Use [brew]( and [cask]( _Not officially supported, might install outdated version_
brew tap caskroom/fonts brew cask install font-fira-code Linux: * Install a package available for your distribution following [the instructions]( _or_ * In the ttf folder double-click each font file and click “Install font”; see [“Manual Installation”]( if double-clicking doesn't work FreeBSD: * Using pkg(8): `pkg install firacode` _or_ * Using ports: `cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/firacode && make install clean` ### [](#how-to-enable-ligatures)How to enable ligatures You need to explicitly enable ligatures support in following editors: * [Atom]( * [Brackets]( * [Cloud9]( * [Jetbrains' products]( (IntelliJ, etc) * [Emacs]( * [MacVim]( * [VS Code]( * [BBEdit]( * [LightTable]( * [Sublimetext]( For other editors it must be enough to simply select Fira Code as your font of choice. [Full list of supported editors]( ### [](#troubleshooting)Troubleshooting #### [](#1-make-sure-the-font-your-editor-displays-is-actually-fira-code)1\. Make sure the font your editor displays is actually Fira Code Easiest way is to compare the shape of `@` `&` and `r` with the reference image: ![]( Issues: [#393]( [#373]( [#227]( #### [](#2-make-sure-youve-enabled-ligatures-in-your-editor)2\. Make sure you’ve enabled ligatures in your editor Consult this wiki (see above ↑) for instruction on how to do that. Issues: [#291]( #### [](#3-make-sure-youre-on-the-latest-version-of-fira-code)3\. Make sure you’re on the latest version of Fira Code Consult [CHANGELOG]( to see when it was last updated. #### [](#4-check-the-list-of-known-issues-below-)4\. Check the list of known issues below ↓ ### [](#known-issues)Known issues #### [](#hinting-issues)Hinting issues * Uneven spacing in `===` and `!==` at certain font sizes, esp. on Windows [#405]( [#243]( [#119]( [#114]( * Different height of `[]` at certain font sizes [#332]( [#251]( #### [](#powerline-characters-are-of-slightly-wrong-size)Powerline characters are of slightly wrong size Unfortunately this can’t be fixed for all terminals because they have different ways of calculate font metrics. See [this comment]( Issues: [#426]( [#131]( [#44]( #### [](#some-ligatures-work-while-some-dont)Some ligatures work while some don’t This is an issue with your editor and how it handles tokenization/syntax highlighting. Nothing can be done in a font to work around that. Report your problem to the corresponding editor’s issue tracker. * All ligatures with dashes in Visual Studio (not Code) [#422]( [#395]( [#360]( [#273]( [#259]( [#233]( [#220]( [#196]( [#181]( [#157]( [#99]( [#43]( [#32]( * Ligatures in column 100 in VS Code [#403]( [#397]( [#372]( * Atom/VS Code are known to break certain ligatures in certain syntaxes [#361]( [#353]( [#348]( [#328]( [#326]( [#235]( #### [](#corrupted-font-in-intellij-on-windows)Corrupted font in IntelliJ on Windows Go to `C:\Windows\Fonts` with `cmd.exe`, find and delete everything having Fira in the file name. It’s important that you use terminal commands, not Explorer. Issues: [#589]( [#581]( [#398]( [IDEA-159901]( #### [](#anything-related-to-italics)Anything related to italics Fira Code does not have italics at all. If you see italicized glyphs it means your editor is “faking” them. Issues: [#375]( [#320]( [#281](