Robert Krawczyk 3a844cc3ca Changes:
Fixed DXVK window starting in background and required clicking to activate
Added experimental (disabled by default) DiscardUIVertexBuffer option
Improved D3D9 reference counting
Two step initialization, check is correct window was created, then initialize 2s after IDirect3D9::CreateDevice call

Fix some include hell
Settings.h now include all comments so it will autogenerated ini file
Deleted IDirect3DVertexBuffer9.cpp/h
2021-03-13 03:54:05 +01:00

91 lines
3.8 KiB

#ifdef SETTING
SETTING(s32, LongValue, PresentationInterval, Options, 0,
L"# PresentationInterval (V-Sync)\n"
L"# -1 = V-Sync forced off\n"
L"# 0 = V-Sync not changed\n"
L"# 1 = V-Sync forced on"
SETTING(s32, LongValue, TripleBuffering, Options, -1,
L"# TripleBuffering\n"
L"# -1 = Auto (Disabled for dxvk.dll; else, enabled)\n"
L"# 0 = Off\n"
L"# 1 = On"
SETTING(s32, LongValue, FullScreenRefreshRate, Options, 0,
L"# FullScreenRefreshRate\n"
L"# If you are not using any adaptive sync technology (e.g. FreeSync/Gsync) you may want to set this to the highest\n"
L"# multiple of your frame rate that your monitor can handle to improve frame pacing.\n"
L"# i.e. if you are using a 60FPS cap, you can possibly improve the frame pacing when you are reaching the cap\n"
L"# by using refresh rates 60, 120, 180, 240...\n"
L"# 0 = Same as configured in the operating system\n"
L"# other = Use the number provided as the display refresh rate (in Hz)"
SETTING(s32, LongValue, SwapEffect, Options, -1, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, AlwaysActive, Options, false, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, AutoFix, Options, true, 0);
SETTING(s32, LongValue, Multisample, Options, 0, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, HideCursor, Options, false, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, ForceHideCursor, Options, false, 0);
SETTING(u32, LongValue, BehaviorFlags, Options, 0, 0);
SETTING(s32, LongValue, IngameFrameRateLimit, FFXIII, 0,
L"# IngameFrameRateLimit\n"
L"# Using higher numbers may cause noticiable facial animation jankness during cutscenes.\n"
L"# See https://github.com/rebtd7/FF13Fix/issues/3\n"
L"# Note that the frame pacer is always disabled by this mod, regardless of the value this option is set.\n"
L"# -1 = Use the maximum FPS cap possible\n"
L"# 0 = Use the game's default FPS limit (59.94005966 FPS)\n"
L"# other = Use the number provided as the FPS limit (e.g. set 30 to limit to 30 FPS)"
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, DiscardUIVertexBuffer, FFXIII, false,
L"# DiscardUIVertexBuffer (EXPERIMENTAL!)\n"
L"# Discards UI vertex buffer to improve performance\n"
L"# false = default, do not hook and discard vertex buffer\n"
L"# true = hook and discard vertex buffer"
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, DisableIngameControllerHotSwapping, FFXIII, true,
L"# DisableIngameControllerHotSwapping\n"
L"# By default FF13Fix disables the game's continuous controller scanning that causes stuttering (especially if you do not have any controller connected)\n"
L"# If you with you can enable it again (by setting the config to 'false', so you can re-connect your controller while playing.\n"
L"# Note that EnableControllerVibration is incompatible with the controller hotswapping, \n"
L"# so it is automatically disabled if DisableIngameControllerHotSwapping is set to 'false'"
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, EnableControllerVibration, FFXIII, true,
L"# EnableControllerVibration\n"
L"# Enables controller vibration on the first connected XInput device."
SETTING(bool, DoubleValue, VibrationStrengthFactor, FFXIII, 2.0,
L"# VibrationStrengthFactor\n"
L"# Higher numbers = stronger vibration"
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, Adapter, Adapter, false, 0);
SETTING(u32, LongValue, VendorId, Adapter, 0, 0);
SETTING(u32, LongValue, DeviceId, Adapter, 0, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, TopMost, Window, false, 0);
SETTING(std::wstring, StringValue, WindowClass, Window, L"", 0);
SETTING(std::wstring, StringValue, WindowName, Window, L"", 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, Borderless, Borderless, false, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, ForceWindowedMode, Borderless, false, 0);
SETTING(bool, BoolValue, AllWindows, Borderless, false, 0);