[Options] # PresentationInterval # -1 = VSync OFF # 1 = VSync ON PresentationInterval = 1 # FFXIIIIngameFrameRateLimit # -1 = Do not limit FPS (may be limited by screen refresh rate if using VSYNC) # 0 = Use the game's default FPS limit (59.94005966) # other = Use the number provided as the FPS limit (e.g. set 30 to limit to 30FPS) FFXIIIIngameFrameRateLimit = -1 # FullScreenRefreshRate # 0 = Same as configured in the operating system FullScreenRefreshRate = 0 TripleBuffering = true SwapEffect = -1 AlwaysActive = false AutoFix = true Multisample = 0 HideCursor = false ForceHideCursor = false BehaviorFlags = 0 [Adapter] Adapter = false VendorId = 0 DeviceId = 0 [Borderless] Borderless = false ForceWindowedMode = false AllWindows = false TopMost = false WindowClass = WindowName = [Version] Config = 4