diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ccc2337..c5eb629 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -43,8 +43,13 @@ This considerably improves the frame rate when 2D elements are being disabled on ## Fix the enemy scan text on resolutions over 720p (FFXIII only) The game calls [SetScissorRect](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d9helper/nf-d3d9helper-idirect3ddevice9-setscissorrect) using a rectangle hardcoded with the 720p coordenates. This correct the coordenates and rectangle size in order to fix it. +# Usage with DXVK +* Rename DXVK's x86 ```d3d9.dll``` file to ```dxvk.dll```. Keep FF13Fix as ```d3d9.dll```. + + # Usage with the 4GB Large Address Aware patch -You may wish to patch the games to allow them to access more than 2GB of RAM. This seems to avoid crashes in FF13-2 (and may help FF13 under some configurations). +You may wish to patch the games to allow them to access more than 2GB of RAM. +This seems to avoid crashes in FF13-2 and FF13 (especially when using triple buffering, playing on 4K+ resolutions, using DXVK and/or Reshade, using "HD" texture mods...) ## FF13: * Create a copy of the unpatched ```ffxiiiimg.exe``` to the folder ```FINAL FANTASY XIII\white_data\prog\win\bin```. Name it ```untouched.exe```. * Patch the original ```ffxiiiimg.exe``` (you can use https://ntcore.com/?page_id=371) @@ -66,4 +71,4 @@ You may wish to patch the games to allow them to access more than 2GB of RAM. Th * This is currently not compatible with GeDoSaTo. * I strongly recommend forcing anisotropic filtering on your GPU driver to improve the quality of the textures. * Using "Maximum Performance" power management in the GPU driver can also help keeping the frame rate smooth. -* If you are using ```dxvk```, rename its x86 dll file to ```dxvk.dll``` and keep FF13Fix as ```d3d9.dll``` +