PG-SteveT 03416d24e1 Initial Source Code commit
Initial commit of original Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert source code converted to build as DLLs, and compatible with the release version of Command & Conquer Remastered.
2020-05-27 12:16:20 -07:00

282 lines
9.1 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/TEAMTYPE.H 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : TEAMTYPE.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : 07/02/96 *
* *
* Last Update : July 2, 1996 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef TEAMTYPE_H
#define TEAMTYPE_H
** TeamMissionType: the various missions that a team can have.
typedef enum TeamMissionType : char {
TMISSION_ATTACK, // Attack specified quarry type.
TMISSION_ATT_WAYPT, // Attack specified waypoint
TMISSION_FORMATION, // Change formation of team.
TMISSION_MOVE, // moves to waypoint specified.
TMISSION_MOVECELL, // moves to cell # specified.
TMISSION_GUARD, // works like an infantry's guard mission
TMISSION_LOOP, // loop back to start of mission list
TMISSION_UNLOAD, // Unload at current location.
TMISSION_DEPLOY, // Deploy mobile building type.
TMISSION_HOUND_DOG, // Follow nearest friendly unit.
TMISSION_DO, // Do guard, sticky, area guard (mission sticks on this).
TMISSION_SET_GLOBAL, // Set global variable.
TMISSION_INVULNERABLE, // Magical invulnerability.
TMISSION_LOAD, // Load onto transport member of team.
TMISSION_SPY, // Spy enter the building at specified waypoint
TMISSION_PATROL, // Move but look for enemies as well.
} TeamMissionType;
** Forward declarations.
class TechnoTypeClass;
** This structure contains one team mission value & its argument.
class TeamMissionClass
#if defined(CHEAT_KEYS) || defined(SCENARIO_EDITOR)
char const * Description(int index) const;
operator const char * () const {return(Description(0));};
void Draw_It(int index, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected, TextPrintType flags);
TeamMissionType Mission; // Mission type.
union {
FormationType Formation; // Formation to use.
QuarryType Quarry; // Combat quarry type.
MissionType Mission; // General mission orders.
int Value; // Usually a waypoint number.
} Data;
** This class specifies the quantity and type of members desired for the
** team.
class TeamMemberClass
int Quantity; // Number of objects desired for this type.
TechnoTypeClass const * Class; // The type of object desired.
** TeamTypeClass declaration
class TeamTypeClass : public AbstractTypeClass
enum TeamTypeClassEnums {
** Constructor/Destructor
TeamTypeClass(NoInitClass const & x) : AbstractTypeClass(x), Trigger(x) {};
virtual ~TeamTypeClass(void) {};
static void * operator new(size_t );
static void * operator new(size_t, void * ptr) {return(ptr);};
static void operator delete(void *ptr);
** Initialization: clears all team types in preparation for new scenario
static void Init(void);
** File I/O routines
void Build_INI_Entry(char * buffer);
static void Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini);
void Fill_In(char *name, char *entry);
static void Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini);
static char * INI_Name(void) {return "TeamTypes";};
bool Load(Straw & file);
bool Save(Pipe & file) const;
void Code_Pointers(void);
void Decode_Pointers(void);
** As_Pointer gets a pointer to the trigger object give its name
static TeamTypeClass *As_Pointer(char const * name);
** Processing routines
TeamClass * Create_One_Of(void) const;
void Destroy_All_Of(void) const;
void Detach(TARGET target, bool all=true);
** Utility routines
void Draw_It(int index, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected, TextPrintType flags) const;
static char const * Name_From_Mission(TeamMissionType order);
static TeamMissionType Mission_From_Name(char const *name);
static TeamTypeClass const * Suggested_New_Team(HouseClass * house, long atypes, long utypes, long itypes, long vtypes, bool alerted);
static TeamTypeClass * From_Name(char const * name);
bool Edit(void);
#if defined(CHEAT_KEYS) || defined(SCENARIO_EDITOR)
char const * Member_Description(void) const;
char const * Description(void) const;
operator const char * (void) const {return(Description());};
** If this teamtype object is active, then this flag will be true.
** TeamType objects that are not active are either not yet created or have
** been deleted after fulfilling their action.
unsigned IsActive:1;
** If RoundAbout, the team avoids high-threat areas
unsigned IsRoundAbout:1;
** If Suicide, the team won't stop until it achieves its mission or it's
** dead
unsigned IsSuicide:1;
** Is this team type allowed to be created automatically by the computer
** when the appropriate trigger indicates?
unsigned IsAutocreate:1;
** This flag tells the computer that it should build members to fill
** a team of this type regardless of whether there actually is a team
** of this type active.
unsigned IsPrebuilt:1;
** If this team should allow recruitment of new members, then this flag
** will be true. A false value results in a team that fights until it
** is dead. This is similar to IsSuicide, but they will defend themselves.
unsigned IsReinforcable:1;
** A transient team type was created exclusively to bring on reinforcements
** as a result of some special event. As soon as there are no teams
** existing of this type, then this team type should be deleted.
unsigned IsTransient:1;
** Priority given the team for recruiting purposes; higher priority means
** it can steal members from other teams (scale: 0 - 15)
int RecruitPriority;
** Initial # of this type of team
unsigned char InitNum;
** Max # of this type of team allowed at one time
unsigned char MaxAllowed;
** Fear level of this team
unsigned char Fear;
** House the team belongs to
HousesType House;
** Trigger to assign to each object as it joins this team.
CCPtr<TriggerTypeClass> Trigger;
** This is the waypoint origin to use when creating this team or
** when bringing the team on as a reinforcement.
** This records the number of teams of this type that are currently
** active.
int Number;
** Number and list of missions that this team will follow.
int MissionCount;
TeamMissionClass MissionList[MAX_TEAM_MISSIONS];
** Number and type of members desired for this team.
int ClassCount;
TeamMemberClass Members[MAX_TEAM_CLASSCOUNT];
** Some additional padding in case we need to add data to the class and maintain backwards compatibility for save/load
unsigned char SaveLoadPadding[32];
static char const * TMissions[TMISSION_COUNT];