// This file is provided under The MIT License as part of Steamworks.NET. // Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Riley Labrecque // Please see the included LICENSE.txt for additional information. // This file is automatically generated. // Changes to this file will be reverted when you update Steamworks.NET #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS || UNITY_TIZEN || UNITY_TVOS || UNITY_WEBGL || UNITY_WSA || UNITY_PS4 || UNITY_WII || UNITY_XBOXONE || UNITY_SWITCH #define DISABLESTEAMWORKS #endif #if !DISABLESTEAMWORKS using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using IntPtr = System.IntPtr; namespace Steamworks { public static class SteamGameServerUtils { /// /// return the number of seconds since the user /// public static uint GetSecondsSinceAppActive() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceAppActive(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } public static uint GetSecondsSinceComputerActive() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetSecondsSinceComputerActive(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// the universe this client is connecting to /// public static EUniverse GetConnectedUniverse() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetConnectedUniverse(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Steam server time. Number of seconds since January 1, 1970, GMT (i.e unix time) /// public static uint GetServerRealTime() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetServerRealTime(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// returns the 2 digit ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format country code this client is running in (as looked up via an IP-to-location database) /// e.g "US" or "UK". /// public static string GetIPCountry() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetIPCountry(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils())); } /// /// returns true if the image exists, and valid sizes were filled out /// public static bool GetImageSize(int iImage, out uint pnWidth, out uint pnHeight) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetImageSize(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), iImage, out pnWidth, out pnHeight); } /// /// returns true if the image exists, and the buffer was successfully filled out /// results are returned in RGBA format /// the destination buffer size should be 4 * height * width * sizeof(char) /// public static bool GetImageRGBA(int iImage, byte[] pubDest, int nDestBufferSize) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetImageRGBA(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), iImage, pubDest, nDestBufferSize); } /// /// returns the IP of the reporting server for valve - currently only used in Source engine games /// public static bool GetCSERIPPort(out uint unIP, out ushort usPort) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetCSERIPPort(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), out unIP, out usPort); } /// /// return the amount of battery power left in the current system in % [0..100], 255 for being on AC power /// public static byte GetCurrentBatteryPower() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetCurrentBatteryPower(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// returns the appID of the current process /// public static AppId_t GetAppID() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return (AppId_t)NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetAppID(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Sets the position where the overlay instance for the currently calling game should show notifications. /// This position is per-game and if this function is called from outside of a game context it will do nothing. /// public static void SetOverlayNotificationPosition(ENotificationPosition eNotificationPosition) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationPosition(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), eNotificationPosition); } /// /// API asynchronous call results /// can be used directly, but more commonly used via the callback dispatch API (see steam_api.h) /// public static bool IsAPICallCompleted(SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall, out bool pbFailed) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsAPICallCompleted(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), hSteamAPICall, out pbFailed); } public static ESteamAPICallFailure GetAPICallFailureReason(SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetAPICallFailureReason(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), hSteamAPICall); } public static bool GetAPICallResult(SteamAPICall_t hSteamAPICall, IntPtr pCallback, int cubCallback, int iCallbackExpected, out bool pbFailed) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetAPICallResult(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), hSteamAPICall, pCallback, cubCallback, iCallbackExpected, out pbFailed); } /// /// returns the number of IPC calls made since the last time this function was called /// Used for perf debugging so you can understand how many IPC calls your game makes per frame /// Every IPC call is at minimum a thread context switch if not a process one so you want to rate /// control how often you do them. /// public static uint GetIPCCallCount() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetIPCCallCount(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// API warning handling /// 'int' is the severity; 0 for msg, 1 for warning /// 'const char *' is the text of the message /// callbacks will occur directly after the API function is called that generated the warning or message /// public static void SetWarningMessageHook(SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t pFunction) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_SetWarningMessageHook(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), pFunction); } /// /// Returns true if the overlay is running & the user can access it. The overlay process could take a few seconds to /// start & hook the game process, so this function will initially return false while the overlay is loading. /// public static bool IsOverlayEnabled() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsOverlayEnabled(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Normally this call is unneeded if your game has a constantly running frame loop that calls the /// D3D Present API, or OGL SwapBuffers API every frame. /// However, if you have a game that only refreshes the screen on an event driven basis then that can break /// the overlay, as it uses your Present/SwapBuffers calls to drive it's internal frame loop and it may also /// need to Present() to the screen any time an even needing a notification happens or when the overlay is /// brought up over the game by a user. You can use this API to ask the overlay if it currently need a present /// in that case, and then you can check for this periodically (roughly 33hz is desirable) and make sure you /// refresh the screen with Present or SwapBuffers to allow the overlay to do it's work. /// public static bool BOverlayNeedsPresent() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_BOverlayNeedsPresent(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Asynchronous call to check if an executable file has been signed using the public key set on the signing tab /// of the partner site, for example to refuse to load modified executable files. /// The result is returned in CheckFileSignature_t. /// k_ECheckFileSignatureNoSignaturesFoundForThisApp - This app has not been configured on the signing tab of the partner site to enable this function. /// k_ECheckFileSignatureNoSignaturesFoundForThisFile - This file is not listed on the signing tab for the partner site. /// k_ECheckFileSignatureFileNotFound - The file does not exist on disk. /// k_ECheckFileSignatureInvalidSignature - The file exists, and the signing tab has been set for this file, but the file is either not signed or the signature does not match. /// k_ECheckFileSignatureValidSignature - The file is signed and the signature is valid. /// public static SteamAPICall_t CheckFileSignature(string szFileName) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); using (var szFileName2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(szFileName)) { return (SteamAPICall_t)NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_CheckFileSignature(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), szFileName2); } } /// /// Activates the Big Picture text input dialog which only supports gamepad input /// public static bool ShowGamepadTextInput(EGamepadTextInputMode eInputMode, EGamepadTextInputLineMode eLineInputMode, string pchDescription, uint unCharMax, string pchExistingText) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); using (var pchDescription2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchDescription)) using (var pchExistingText2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchExistingText)) { return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_ShowGamepadTextInput(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), eInputMode, eLineInputMode, pchDescription2, unCharMax, pchExistingText2); } } /// /// Returns previously entered text & length /// public static uint GetEnteredGamepadTextLength() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextLength(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } public static bool GetEnteredGamepadTextInput(out string pchText, uint cchText) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); IntPtr pchText2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)cchText); bool ret = NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetEnteredGamepadTextInput(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), pchText2, cchText); pchText = ret ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchText2) : null; Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pchText2); return ret; } /// /// returns the language the steam client is running in, you probably want ISteamApps::GetCurrentGameLanguage instead, this is for very special usage cases /// public static string GetSteamUILanguage() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_GetSteamUILanguage(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils())); } /// /// returns true if Steam itself is running in VR mode /// public static bool IsSteamRunningInVR() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsSteamRunningInVR(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Sets the inset of the overlay notification from the corner specified by SetOverlayNotificationPosition. /// public static void SetOverlayNotificationInset(int nHorizontalInset, int nVerticalInset) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_SetOverlayNotificationInset(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), nHorizontalInset, nVerticalInset); } /// /// returns true if Steam & the Steam Overlay are running in Big Picture mode /// Games much be launched through the Steam client to enable the Big Picture overlay. During development, /// a game can be added as a non-steam game to the developers library to test this feature /// public static bool IsSteamInBigPictureMode() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsSteamInBigPictureMode(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// ask SteamUI to create and render its OpenVR dashboard /// public static void StartVRDashboard() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_StartVRDashboard(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Returns true if the HMD content will be streamed via Steam In-Home Streaming /// public static bool IsVRHeadsetStreamingEnabled() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsVRHeadsetStreamingEnabled(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Set whether the HMD content will be streamed via Steam In-Home Streaming /// If this is set to true, then the scene in the HMD headset will be streamed, and remote input will not be allowed. /// If this is set to false, then the application window will be streamed instead, and remote input will be allowed. /// The default is true unless "VRHeadsetStreaming" "0" is in the extended appinfo for a game. /// (this is useful for games that have asymmetric multiplayer gameplay) /// public static void SetVRHeadsetStreamingEnabled(bool bEnabled) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_SetVRHeadsetStreamingEnabled(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), bEnabled); } /// /// Returns whether this steam client is a Steam China specific client, vs the global client. /// public static bool IsSteamChinaLauncher() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_IsSteamChinaLauncher(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Initializes text filtering. /// Returns false if filtering is unavailable for the language the user is currently running in. /// public static bool InitFilterText() { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); return NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_InitFilterText(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils()); } /// /// Filters the provided input message and places the filtered result into pchOutFilteredText. /// pchOutFilteredText is where the output will be placed, even if no filtering or censoring is performed /// nByteSizeOutFilteredText is the size (in bytes) of pchOutFilteredText /// pchInputText is the input string that should be filtered, which can be ASCII or UTF-8 /// bLegalOnly should be false if you want profanity and legally required filtering (where required) and true if you want legally required filtering only /// Returns the number of characters (not bytes) filtered. /// public static int FilterText(out string pchOutFilteredText, uint nByteSizeOutFilteredText, string pchInputMessage, bool bLegalOnly) { InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableGameServer(); IntPtr pchOutFilteredText2 = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)nByteSizeOutFilteredText); using (var pchInputMessage2 = new InteropHelp.UTF8StringHandle(pchInputMessage)) { int ret = NativeMethods.ISteamUtils_FilterText(CSteamGameServerAPIContext.GetSteamUtils(), pchOutFilteredText2, nByteSizeOutFilteredText, pchInputMessage2, bLegalOnly); pchOutFilteredText = ret != -1 ? InteropHelp.PtrToStringUTF8(pchOutFilteredText2) : null; Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pchOutFilteredText2); return ret; } } } } #endif // !DISABLESTEAMWORKS