// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* ** DLLInterfac.cpp ** ** This is where we implement the API expected by the Instance Server. ** ** The Instance Server will pass in requests for loading and starting maps, control input from players, ** and requests for game simulation and rendering states. ** ** */ #include #include "function.h" #include "externs.h" #include "DLLInterface.h" #include "Gadget.h" #include "defines.h" // VOC_COUNT, VOX_COUNT #include "SidebarGlyphx.h" /* ** Externs */ extern int DLL_Startup(const char * command_line); extern void Reallocate_Big_Shape_Buffer(void); extern bool ProgEndCalled; extern int Write_PCX_File(char* name, GraphicViewPortClass& pic, unsigned char* palette ); extern bool Color_Cycle(void); /* ** Prototypes and constants */ bool Debug_Write_Shape_Type(const ObjectTypeClass *type, int shapenum); bool Debug_Write_Shape(const char *file_name, void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int flags = 0, void const * ghostdata = NULL); typedef void (__cdecl* CNC_Event_Callback_Type)(const EventCallbackStruct &event); typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; typedef __int64 int64; /* ** Audio defines ** ** ** ** ** */ // For compatibility with Watcom in audio enums #pragma warning (disable : 4091) // From TiberianDawn\Audio.cpp enum ContextType; extern struct SoundEffectNameStruct { char const *Name; // Digitized voice file name. int Priority; // Playback priority of this sample. ContextType Where; // In what game context does this sample exist. } SoundEffectName[VOC_COUNT]; // From TiberianDawn\Audio.cpp extern char const* Speech[VOX_COUNT]; // From TiberianDawn\Audio.cpp typedef enum { IN_NOVAR, // No variation or alterations allowed. IN_JUV, // Juvenile sound effect alternate option. IN_VAR, // Infantry variance response modification. }; /* ** Misc defines ** ** ** ** ** */ #define RANDOM_START_POSITION 0x7f /* ** DLL Interface ** ** ** ** ** */ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) unsigned int __cdecl CNC_Version(unsigned int version_in); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Init(const char *command_line, CNC_Event_Callback_Type event_callback); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Config(const CNCRulesDataStruct& rules); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Add_Mod_Path(const char *mod_path); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Visible_Page(unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Palette(unsigned char(&palette_in)[256][3]); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Instance(int scenario_index, int build_level, const char *faction, const char *game_type, const char *content_directory, int sabotaged_structure, const char *override_map_name); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Instance_Variation(int scenario_index, int scenario_variation, int scenario_direction, int build_level, const char *faction, const char *game_type, const char *content_directory, int sabotaged_structure, const char *override_map_name); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Custom_Instance(const char* content_directory, const char* directory_path, const char* scenario_name, int build_level, bool multiplayer); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Advance_Instance(uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Game_State(GameStateRequestEnum state_type, uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Read_INI(int scenario_index, int scenario_variation, int scenario_direction, const char *content_directory, const char *override_map_name, char *ini_buffer, int _ini_buffer_size); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Set_Home_Cell(int x, int y, uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Game_Request(GameRequestEnum request_type); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Game_Settings_Request(int health_bar_display_mode, int resource_bar_display_mode); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Input(InputRequestEnum mouse_event, unsigned char special_key_flags, uint64 player_id, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Structure_Request(StructureRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int object_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Unit_Request(UnitRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Sidebar_Request(SidebarRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, short cell_x, short cell_y); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_SuperWeapon_Request(SuperWeaponRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, int x1, int y1); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_ControlGroup_Request(ControlGroupRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, unsigned char control_group_index); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Debug_Request(DebugRequestEnum debug_request_type, uint64 player_id, const char *object_name, int x, int y, bool unshroud, bool enemy); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Set_Multiplayer_Data(int scenario_index, CNCMultiplayerOptionsStruct &game_options, int num_players, CNCPlayerInfoStruct *player_list, int max_players); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Clear_Object_Selection(uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Select_Object(uint64 player_id, int object_type_id, int object_to_select_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Save_Load(bool save, const char *file_path_and_name, const char *game_type); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Set_Difficulty(int difficulty); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Player_Switch_To_AI(uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Human_Team_Wins(uint64 player_id); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Start_Mission_Timer(int time); /* ** Class to implement the interface, and contain additional game state required by the conversion from peer/peer to client/server ** ** ** ** ** */ class DLLExportClass { public: static void Init(void); static void Shutdown(void); static void Config(const CNCRulesDataStruct& rules); static void Add_Mod_Path(const char *mod_path); static void Set_Home_Cell(int x, int y, uint64 player_id); static void Set_Content_Directory(const char *dir); static bool Get_Layer_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static bool Get_Sidebar_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static bool Start_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Hold_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Cancel_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Start_Placement(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static BuildingClass *Get_Pending_Placement_Object(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Get_Placement_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static void Convert_Type(const ObjectClass *object, CNCObjectStruct &object_out); static void DLL_Draw_Intercept(int shape_number, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, ObjectClass *object, const char *shape_file_name = NULL, char override_owner = HOUSE_NONE, int scale = 0x100); static void DLL_Draw_Pip_Intercept(const ObjectClass* object, int pip); static void DLL_Draw_Line_Intercept(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, unsigned char color, int frame); static bool Place(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, short cell_x, short cell_y); static bool Cancel_Placement(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Place_Super_Weapon(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, int x, int y); static bool Create_Control_Group(unsigned char control_group_index); static bool Add_To_Control_Group(unsigned char control_group_index); static bool Toggle_Control_Group_Selection(unsigned char control_group_index); static bool Construction_Action(SidebarRequestEnum construction_action, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool MP_Construction_Action(SidebarRequestEnum construction_action, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id); static bool Passes_Proximity_Check(CELL cell_in, BuildingTypeClass *placement_type, unsigned char* placement_distance); static void Calculate_Start_Positions(void); static void Computer_Message(bool last_player_taunt); static void Repair_Mode(uint64 player_id); static void Repair(uint64 player_id, int object_id); static void Sell_Mode(uint64 player_id); static void Sell(uint64 player_id, int object_id); static void Repair_Sell_Cancel(uint64 player_id); static void Scatter_Selected(uint64 player_id); static void Select_Next_Unit(uint64 player_id); static void Select_Previous_Unit(uint64 player_id); static void Selected_Guard_Mode(uint64 player_id); static void Selected_Stop(uint64 player_id); static void Team_Units_Formation_Toggle_On(uint64 player_id); static void Units_Queued_Movement_Toggle(uint64 player_id, bool toggle); static void Cell_Class_Draw_It(CNCDynamicMapStruct *dynamic_map, int &entry_index, CellClass *cell_ptr, int xpixel, int ypixel, bool debug_output); static bool Get_Dynamic_Map_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static bool Get_Shroud_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static bool Get_Occupier_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static bool Get_Player_Info_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size); static void Set_Event_Callback(CNC_Event_Callback_Type event_callback) {EventCallback = event_callback;} static void Debug_Spawn_Unit(const char *object_name, int x, int y, bool enemy = false); static void Debug_Spawn_All(int x, int y); static bool Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(TechnoClass *techno, int &cell_x, int &cell_y); static void Debug_Kill_Unit(int x, int y); static void Debug_Heal_Unit(int x, int y); static void On_Play_Movie(const char * movie_name, ThemeType theme, bool immediate); static void On_Display_Briefing_Text(); static void On_Sound_Effect(const HouseClass* player_ptr, int sound_effect_index, const char* extension, int variation, COORDINATE coord); static void On_Speech(const HouseClass* player_ptr, int speech_index); static void On_Game_Over(uint64 glyphx_player_id, bool player_wins); static void On_Multiplayer_Game_Over(void); static void On_Message(const HouseClass* player_ptr, const char* message, float timeout_seconds, EventCallbackMessageEnum message_type, int64 message_id); static void On_Debug_Output(const char *debug_text); static void On_Achievement(const HouseClass* player_ptr, const char *achievement_type, const char *achievement_reason); static void On_Center_Camera(const HouseClass* player_ptr, int coord_x, int coord_y); static void On_Ping(const HouseClass* player_ptr, COORDINATE coord); static void Glyphx_Queue_AI(); static void Force_Human_Team_Wins(uint64 quitting_player_id); /* ** Player context switching for input/output */ static bool Set_Player_Context(uint64 glyphx_player, bool force = false); static void Reset_Player_Context(void); static void Adjust_Internal_View(bool force_ignore_view_constraints = false); static void Logic_Switch_Player_Context(ObjectClass *object); static void Logic_Switch_Player_Context(HouseClass *house); static __int64 Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(const HouseClass *house); static void Recalculate_Placement_Distances(); static void Reset_Sidebars(void); static SidebarGlyphxClass *Get_Current_Context_Sidebar(HouseClass *player_ptr = NULL); static uint64 GlyphxPlayerIDs[MAX_PLAYERS]; static const void *Get_Shadow_Shapes(void) {return Map.ShadowShapes;} static const unsigned char *Get_Shadow_Trans(void) {return &Map.ShadowTrans[0];} static bool Legacy_Render_Enabled(void); static bool Get_Input_Key_State(KeyNumType key); static void Set_Special_Key_Flags(unsigned char special_key_flags); static void Clear_Special_Key_Flags(); static bool Load(FileClass & file); static bool Save(FileClass & file); static void Code_Pointers(void); static void Decode_Pointers(void); static bool Get_Game_Over() { return GameOver; } private: static void Calculate_Single_Player_Score(EventCallbackStruct&); static unsigned int TD_Calculate_Efficiency( unsigned int harvested_credits, unsigned int initial_credits, unsigned int available_credits ); static unsigned int TD_Calculate_Leadership( int house, unsigned int units_lost, unsigned int buildings_lost ); static unsigned int TD_Calculate_Score( unsigned int leadership, unsigned int efficiency, unsigned int build_level ); static void Convert_Action_Type(ActionType type, ObjectClass* object, TARGET target, DllActionTypeEnum& dll_type); static void Calculate_Placement_Distances(BuildingTypeClass* placement_type, unsigned char* placement_distance); static int CurrentDrawCount; static int TotalObjectCount; static int SortOrder; static CNCObjectListStruct *ObjectList; static CNC_Event_Callback_Type EventCallback; static int CurrentLocalPlayerIndex; static bool GameOver; /* ** Pseudo sidebars for players in multiplayer */ static SidebarGlyphxClass MultiplayerSidebars[MAX_PLAYERS]; static CELL MultiplayerStartPositions[MAX_PLAYERS]; static BuildingTypeClass *PlacementType[MAX_PLAYERS]; static unsigned char PlacementDistance[MAX_PLAYERS][MAP_CELL_TOTAL]; static unsigned char SpecialKeyFlags[MAX_PLAYERS]; /* ** Mod directories */ static DynamicVectorClass ModSearchPaths; }; /* ** DLLExportClass static data ** ** ** ** ** */ int DLLExportClass::CurrentDrawCount = 0; int DLLExportClass::TotalObjectCount = 0; int DLLExportClass::SortOrder = 0; CNCObjectListStruct *DLLExportClass::ObjectList = NULL; SidebarGlyphxClass DLLExportClass::MultiplayerSidebars [MAX_PLAYERS]; uint64 DLLExportClass::GlyphxPlayerIDs[MAX_PLAYERS] = {0xffffffffl}; int DLLExportClass::CurrentLocalPlayerIndex = -1; CELL DLLExportClass::MultiplayerStartPositions[MAX_PLAYERS]; BuildingTypeClass *DLLExportClass::PlacementType[MAX_PLAYERS]; unsigned char DLLExportClass::PlacementDistance[MAX_PLAYERS][MAP_CELL_TOTAL]; unsigned char DLLExportClass::SpecialKeyFlags[MAX_PLAYERS] = { 0U }; DynamicVectorClass DLLExportClass::ModSearchPaths; bool DLLExportClass::GameOver = false; /* ** Global variables ** ** ** ** ** */ int DLLForceMouseX = 0; int DLLForceMouseY = 0; CNC_Event_Callback_Type DLLExportClass::EventCallback = NULL; // Needed to accomodate Glyphx client sidebar. ST - 4/12/2019 5:29PM int GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons = 0; bool MPlayerIsHuman[MAX_PLAYERS]; int MPlayerTeamIDs[MAX_PLAYERS]; int MPlayerStartLocations[MAX_PLAYERS]; bool ShareAllyVisibility = true; void Play_Movie_GlyphX(const char * movie_name, ThemeType theme) { if ((movie_name[0] == 'x' || movie_name[0] == 'X') && movie_name[1] == 0) { return; } DLLExportClass::On_Play_Movie(movie_name, theme, false); } void On_Sound_Effect(int sound_index, int variation, COORDINATE coord) { // MBL 02.26.2019 int voc = sound_index; if (voc == VOC_NONE) { return; } // MBL 02.26.2019 - Borrowed from AUDIO.CPP Sound_Effect() // #if 1 char const * ext = ""; // ".AUD"; if (Special.IsJuvenile && SoundEffectName[voc].Where == IN_JUV) { ext = ".JUV"; } else { if (SoundEffectName[voc].Where == IN_VAR) { /* ** For infantry, use a variation on the response. For vehicles, always ** use the vehicle response table. */ if (variation < 0) { if (ABS(variation) % 2) { ext = ".V00"; } else { ext = ".V02"; } } else { if (variation % 2) { ext = ".V01"; } else { ext = ".V03"; } } } } #endif // END MBL DLLExportClass::On_Sound_Effect(PlayerPtr, sound_index, ext, variation, coord); } // MBL 02.06.2020 // void On_Speech(int speech_index) void On_Speech(int speech_index, HouseClass *house) { // DLLExportClass::On_Speech(PlayerPtr, speech_index); // MBL 02.06.2020 if (house == NULL) { DLLExportClass::On_Speech(PlayerPtr, speech_index); } else { DLLExportClass::On_Speech(house, speech_index); } } void On_Ping(const HouseClass* player_ptr, COORDINATE coord) { DLLExportClass::On_Ping(player_ptr, coord); } void GlyphX_Debug_Print(const char *debug_text) { DLLExportClass::On_Debug_Output(debug_text); } void On_Achievement_Event(const HouseClass* player_ptr, const char *achievement_type, const char *achievement_reason) { DLLExportClass::On_Achievement(player_ptr, achievement_type, achievement_reason); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Version -- Check DLL/Server version * * In: Version expected * * Out: Actual version * * * * History: 4/9/2020 2:12PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) unsigned int __cdecl CNC_Version(unsigned int version_in) { // Unreferenced, but potentially useful to know which version the server is expecting version_in; return CNC_DLL_API_VERSION; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Init -- Initialize the .DLL * * In: Command line * * Out: * * * * History: 1/3/2019 11:33AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Init(const char *command_line, CNC_Event_Callback_Type event_callback) { DLLExportClass::Set_Content_Directory(NULL); DLL_Startup(command_line); // MBL DLLExportClass::Set_Event_Callback( event_callback ); DLLExportClass::Init(); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLL_Shutdown -- Shutdown the .DLL * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/20/2020 1:58PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLL_Shutdown(void) { DLLExportClass::Shutdown(); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Config -- Configure the plugin * * In: Configuration data * * Out: * * * * History: 10/03/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Config(const CNCRulesDataStruct& rules) { DLLExportClass::Config(rules); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Add_Mod_Path -- Add a path to load mod files from * * In: Path to load mods from * * Out: * * * * History: 2/20/2020 2:04PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Add_Mod_Path(const char *mod_path) { DLLExportClass::Add_Mod_Path(mod_path); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Get_Visible_Page -- Get the screen buffer 'SeenBuff' from the game * * In: If buffer_in is null, just return info about page * * Out: false if not changed since last call * * * * History: 1/3/2019 11:33AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Visible_Page(unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) { if (!DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled() || (buffer_in == NULL)) { return false; } /* ** Assume the seen page viewport is the same size as the page */ GraphicBufferClass *gbuffer = HidPage.Get_Graphic_Buffer(); if (gbuffer == NULL) { return false; } int view_port_width = Map.MapCellWidth * CELL_PIXEL_W; int view_port_height = Map.MapCellHeight * CELL_PIXEL_H; if (view_port_width == 0 || view_port_height == 0) { return false; } unsigned char *raw_buffer = (unsigned char*) gbuffer->Get_Buffer(); long raw_size = gbuffer->Get_Size(); if (raw_buffer == NULL || gbuffer->Get_Width() < view_port_width || gbuffer->Get_Height() < view_port_height) { return false; } width = view_port_width; height = view_port_height; int pitch = gbuffer->Get_Width(); for (int i = 0; i < view_port_height; ++i, buffer_in += view_port_width, raw_buffer += pitch) { memcpy(buffer_in, raw_buffer, view_port_width); } return true; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Palette(unsigned char(&palette_in)[256][3]) { memcpy(palette_in, CurrentPalette, sizeof(palette_in)); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Set_Multiplayer_Data -- Set up for a multiplayer match * * In: Multiplayer data * * Out: false if data is bad * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Set_Multiplayer_Data(int scenario_index, CNCMultiplayerOptionsStruct &game_options, int num_players, CNCPlayerInfoStruct *player_list, int max_players) { if (num_players <= 0) { return false; } if (num_players > min(MAX_PLAYERS, max_players)) { return false; } DLLExportClass::Init(); //MPlayerPrefColor; // preferred color index for this player //MPlayerColorIdx; // actual color index of this player //MPlayerHouse; // House of this player (GDI/NOD) //MPlayerLocalID; // ID of this player MPlayerCount = num_players; // # of human players in this game MPlayerBases = game_options.MPlayerBases; // 1 = bases are on for this scenario MPlayerCredits = game_options.MPlayerCredits; // # credits everyone gets MPlayerTiberium = game_options.MPlayerTiberium; // 1 = tiberium enabled for this scenario MPlayerGoodies = game_options.MPlayerGoodies; // 1 = goodies enabled for this scenario MPlayerGhosts = game_options.MPlayerGhosts; // 1 = houses with no players will still play MPlayerSolo = game_options.MPlayerSolo; // 1 = allows a single-player net game MPlayerUnitCount = game_options.MPlayerUnitCount; // # units for non-base multiplayer scenarios Special.IsMCVDeploy = game_options.IsMCVDeploy; Special.IsVisceroids = game_options.SpawnVisceroids; Special.IsCaptureTheFlag = game_options.CaptureTheFlag; Special.IsEarlyWin = game_options.DestroyStructures; Rule.AllowSuperWeapons = game_options.EnableSuperweapons; // Are superweapons available if (MPlayerTiberium) { Special.IsTGrowth = 1; Special.IsTSpread = 1; } else { Special.IsTGrowth = 0; Special.IsTSpread = 0; } Scenario = scenario_index; MPlayerCount = 0; for (int i=0 ; i 0 && MPlayerStartLocations[i] == 0 && MPlayerStartLocations[0] == 0) { MPlayerStartLocations[i] = i; } MPlayerCount++; } /* ** We need some default for the local ID in order to have a valid PlayerPtr during scenario load. ST - 4/24/2019 10:33AM */ MPlayerLocalID = MPlayerID[0]; return true; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Clear_Object_Selection(uint64 player_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } Unselect_All(); return true; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Select_Object(uint64 player_id, int object_type_id, int object_to_select_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } switch (object_type_id) { case INFANTRY: { for (int index = 0; index < Infantry.Count(); index++) { InfantryClass * obj = Infantry.Ptr(index); if (obj && !obj->IsInLimbo && obj->House == PlayerPtr && Infantry.ID((InfantryClass*)obj) == object_to_select_id) { if (!obj->Is_Selected_By_Player()) { obj->Select(); AllowVoice = false; } return true; } } } break; case UNIT: { for (int index = 0; index < Units.Count(); index++) { UnitClass * obj = Units.Ptr(index); if (obj && !obj->IsInLimbo && obj->House == PlayerPtr && Units.ID((UnitClass*)obj) == object_to_select_id) { if (!obj->Is_Selected_By_Player()) { obj->Select(); AllowVoice = false; } return true; } } } break; case AIRCRAFT: { for (int index = 0; index < Aircraft.Count(); index++) { AircraftClass * obj = Aircraft.Ptr(index); if (obj && !obj->IsInLimbo && obj->House == PlayerPtr && Aircraft.ID((AircraftClass*)obj) == object_to_select_id) { if (!obj->Is_Selected_By_Player()) { obj->Select(); AllowVoice = false; } return true; } } } break; case BUILDING: { for (int index = 0; index < Buildings.Count(); index++) { BuildingClass * obj = Buildings.Ptr(index); if (obj && !obj->IsInLimbo && obj->House == PlayerPtr && Buildings.ID((BuildingClass*)obj) == object_to_select_id) { if (!obj->Is_Selected_By_Player()) { obj->Select(); AllowVoice = false; } return true; } } } break; } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * GlyphX_Assign_Houses -- Replacement for Assign_Houses in INI.CPP * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/25/2019 11:09AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void GlyphX_Assign_Houses(void) { HousesType house; HousesType pref_house; HouseClass *housep; bool house_used[MAX_PLAYERS]; // true = this house is in use bool color_used[16]; // true = this color is in use. We have more than 6 color options now, so bumped this to 16. ST - 6/19/2019 5:18PM bool preassigned; int i,j,random_start_location; PlayerColorType color; HousesType house2; HouseClass *housep2; srand(timeGetTime()); /* ** Init the 'used' flag for all houses & colors to 0 */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { house_used[i] = false; } for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { color_used[i] = false; } /* ** Assign random start positions if needed. */ int random_start_locations[26]; int num_start_locations = 0; int num_random_start_locations = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (Waypoint[i] != -1) { preassigned = false; for (j = 0; !preassigned && (j < MPlayerCount); j++) { if (MPlayerStartLocations[j] == num_start_locations) { preassigned = true; } } if (!preassigned) { random_start_locations[num_random_start_locations] = num_start_locations; num_random_start_locations++; } num_start_locations++; } } if (num_random_start_locations > 1) { for (i = 0; i < num_random_start_locations - 1; i++) { j = i + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (num_random_start_locations - i) + 1); int t = random_start_locations[j]; random_start_locations[j] = random_start_locations[i]; random_start_locations[i] = t; } } /* ** For each player, randomly pick a house */ random_start_location = 0; for (i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; i++) { j = Random_Pick(0, MPlayerMax-1); /* ** If this house was already selected, decrement 'i' & keep looping. */ if (house_used[j]) { i--; continue; } /* ** Set the house, preferred house (GDI/NOD), color, and actual house; ** get a pointer to the house instance */ house = (HousesType)(j + (int)HOUSE_MULTI1); pref_house = MPlayerID_To_HousesType(MPlayerID[i]); color = MPlayerID_To_ColorIndex(MPlayerID[i]); housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); MPlayerHouses[i] = house; /* ** Mark this house & color as used */ house_used[j] = true; color_used[color] = true; /* ** Set the house's IsHuman, Credits, ActLike, & RemapTable */ memset((char *)housep->Name, 0, MPLAYER_NAME_MAX); strncpy((char *)housep->Name, MPlayerNames[i], MPLAYER_NAME_MAX-1); housep->IsHuman = MPlayerIsHuman[i]; housep->Init_Data(color, pref_house, MPlayerCredits); /* ** Set the start location override */ if (MPlayerStartLocations[i] != RANDOM_START_POSITION) { housep->StartLocationOverride = MPlayerStartLocations[i]; } else { if (random_start_location < num_random_start_locations) { housep->StartLocationOverride = random_start_locations[random_start_location++]; } else { housep->StartLocationOverride = -1; } } /* ** If this ID is for myself, set up PlayerPtr */ if (MPlayerID[i] == MPlayerLocalID) { PlayerPtr = housep; } } /* ** From INI.CPP. Remove unused AI players. */ for (int i=0 ; iIsHuman == false) { housep->Clobber_All(); } } for (i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; i++) { house = MPlayerHouses[i]; housep = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (housep) { int team = MPlayerTeamIDs[i]; for (int j=0 ; jMake_Ally(house2); } } } } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Start_Instance -- Load and start a cnc map to use WITHOUT a sceanrio variation (SCEN_VAR) or scenarion direction (SCEN_DIR) * * In: Map initialization parameters * * Out: false if map load failed * * * * History: 7/10/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Instance(int scenario_index, int build_level, const char *faction, const char *game_type, const char *content_directory, int sabotaged_structure, const char *override_map_name) { return CNC_Start_Instance_Variation(scenario_index, (int)SCEN_VAR_NONE, (int)SCEN_DIR_EAST, build_level, faction, game_type, content_directory, sabotaged_structure, override_map_name); } /************************************************************************************************** * HandleSabotagedStructure * * A port of the code from the original game code which is suppose to remove the main previously sabatoged building. * From what I can tell since it only stores the type it might remove a different building of the same type. * Watching the GDI longplay on YouTube the player destroys the refinery and yet it exists in the next level. Perhaps there are 2 refineries. * * History: 7/10/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ void HandleSabotagedStructure(int structure_type) { SabotagedType = (StructType) structure_type; int index; if (SabotagedType != STRUCT_NONE && Scenario == 7 && PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_GOOD) { for (index = 0; index < Buildings.Count(); index++) { BuildingClass * building = Buildings.Ptr(index); if (building && !building->IsInLimbo && building->House != PlayerPtr && building->Class->Type == SabotagedType) { building->Limbo(); delete building; break; } } /* ** Remove the building from the prebuild list. */ for (index = 0; index < Base.Nodes.Count(); index++) { BaseNodeClass * node = Base.Get_Node(index); if (node && node->Type == SabotagedType) { Base.Nodes.Delete(index); break; } } } SabotagedType = STRUCT_NONE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Read_INI -- Load an ini file into the supplied buffer * * In: Map initialization parameters * * Out: false if ini load failed * * * History: 12/16/2019 11:44AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Read_INI(int scenario_index, int scenario_variation, int scenario_direction, const char *content_directory, const char *override_map_name, char *ini_buffer, int _ini_buffer_size) { if (content_directory == NULL) { return false; } DLLExportClass::Set_Content_Directory(content_directory); // Hack a fix for scenario 21 since the same mission number is used in Covert Ops and N64 Scenario = (scenario_index == 81) ? 21 : scenario_index; ScenVar = (ScenarioVarType)scenario_variation; ScenDir = (ScenarioDirType)scenario_direction; GameToPlay = GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER; ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; if (override_map_name && strlen(override_map_name)) { strcpy(ScenarioName, override_map_name); } else { Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName, Scenario, ScenPlayer, (ScenarioDirType)scenario_direction, (ScenarioVarType)scenario_variation); } if (_ini_buffer_size < _ShapeBufferSize) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("INI file buffer may be too small"); return false; } if (!ini_buffer) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("No INI file buffer"); return false; } memset(ini_buffer, _ini_buffer_size, 0); char fname[_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(fname,"%s.INI", ScenarioName); CCFileClass file(fname); if (!file.Is_Available()) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("Failed to find scenario file"); GlyphX_Debug_Print(fname); return(false); } else { GlyphX_Debug_Print("Opened scenario file"); GlyphX_Debug_Print(fname); int bytes_read = file.Read(ini_buffer, _ini_buffer_size-1); if (bytes_read == _ini_buffer_size - 1) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("INI file buffer is too small"); return false; } } /* ** Ini buffer should be zero terminated */ if ((int) strlen(ini_buffer) >= _ini_buffer_size) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("INI file buffer overrun"); return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Set_Home_Cell -- Allows overriding the start position for the camera * * * History: 2/14/2020 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Set_Home_Cell(int x, int y, uint64 player_id) { DLLExportClass::Set_Home_Cell(x, y, player_id); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Start_Instance -- Load and start a cnc map * * In: Map initialization parameters * * Out: false if map load failed * * * Renamed and modified to accept a scenario variation 7/10/2019 - LLL * Modified to accept a scenario direction 7/12/2019 - LLL * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Instance_Variation(int scenario_index, int scenario_variation, int scenario_direction, int build_level, const char *faction, const char *game_type, const char *content_directory, int sabotaged_structure, const char *override_map_name) { if (game_type == NULL) { return false; } if (faction == NULL) { return false; } if (content_directory == NULL) { return false; } if (stricmp(faction, "GDI") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_GDI; Whom = HOUSE_GOOD; } if (stricmp(faction, "NOD") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_NOD; Whom = HOUSE_BAD; } if (stricmp(faction, "Jurassic") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_JP; Whom = HOUSE_JP; Special.IsJurassic = true; AreThingiesEnabled = true; } DLLExportClass::Set_Content_Directory(content_directory); // Hack a fix for scenario 21 since the same mission number is used in Covert Ops and N64 Scenario = (scenario_index == 81) ? 21 : scenario_index; BuildLevel = build_level; SabotagedType = (StructType)sabotaged_structure; ScenVar = (ScenarioVarType)scenario_variation; ScenDir = (ScenarioDirType)scenario_direction; if (stricmp(game_type, "GAME_NORMAL") == 0) { GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; } else { if (stricmp(game_type, "GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER") == 0) { GameToPlay = GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER; ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; } else { return false; } } if (override_map_name && strlen(override_map_name)) { strcpy(ScenarioName, override_map_name); } else { Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName, Scenario, ScenPlayer, (ScenarioDirType)scenario_direction, (ScenarioVarType)scenario_variation); } HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); /* ** Set the mouse to some position where it's not going to scroll, or do something else wierd. */ DLLForceMouseX = 100; DLLForceMouseY = 100; _Kbd->MouseQX = 100; _Kbd->MouseQY = 100; GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons = 0; Seed = timeGetTime(); if (!Start_Scenario(ScenarioName)) { return(false); } HandleSabotagedStructure(sabotaged_structure); DLLExportClass::Reset_Sidebars(); DLLExportClass::Reset_Player_Context(); /* ** Make sure the scroll constraints are applied. This is important for GDI 1 where the map isn't wide enough for the screen */ COORDINATE origin_coord = Coord_Add(Map.TacticalCoord, XY_Coord(1, 0)); Map.Set_Tactical_Position(origin_coord); origin_coord = Coord_Add(Map.TacticalCoord, XY_Coord(-1, 0)); Map.Set_Tactical_Position(origin_coord); DLLExportClass::Calculate_Start_Positions(); /* ** Hide the SeenBuff; force the map to render one frame. The caller can ** then fade the palette in. ** (If we loaded a game, this step will fade out the title screen. If we ** started a scenario, Start_Scenario() will have played a couple of VQ ** movies, which will have cleared the screen to black already.) */ //Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); Map.Render(); Set_Palette(GamePalette); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Start_Custom_Instance -- * * * * * History: 2019/10/17 - JAS **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Start_Custom_Instance(const char* content_directory, const char* directory_path, const char* scenario_name, int build_level, bool multiplayer) { if (content_directory == NULL) { return false; } DLLExportClass::Set_Content_Directory(content_directory); if (multiplayer) { GameToPlay = GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER; ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; } else { GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_GDI; // Don't think it matters since we are specifying the exact file to load } BuildLevel = build_level; const int MAX_FILE_PATH = 1024; char scenario_file_name[MAX_FILE_PATH]; char bin_file_name[MAX_FILE_PATH]; snprintf(scenario_file_name, MAX_FILE_PATH, "%s%s.INI", directory_path, scenario_name); snprintf(bin_file_name, MAX_FILE_PATH, "%s%s.BIN", directory_path, scenario_name); Seed = timeGetTime(); Clear_Scenario(); Read_Scenario_Ini_File(scenario_file_name, bin_file_name, scenario_name, true); HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); /* ** Set the mouse to some position where it's not going to scroll, or do something else wierd. */ DLLForceMouseX = 100; DLLForceMouseY = 100; _Kbd->MouseQX = 100; _Kbd->MouseQY = 100; GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons = 0; /* if (!Start_Scenario(ScenarioName)) { return(false); } */ DLLExportClass::Reset_Sidebars(); DLLExportClass::Reset_Player_Context(); /* ** Make sure the scroll constraints are applied. This is important for GDI 1 where the map isn't wide enough for the screen */ COORDINATE origin_coord = Coord_Add(Map.TacticalCoord, XY_Coord(1, 0)); Map.Set_Tactical_Position(origin_coord); origin_coord = Coord_Add(Map.TacticalCoord, XY_Coord(-1, 0)); Map.Set_Tactical_Position(origin_coord); DLLExportClass::Calculate_Start_Positions(); /* ** Hide the SeenBuff; force the map to render one frame. The caller can ** then fade the palette in. ** (If we loaded a game, this step will fade out the title screen. If we ** started a scenario, Start_Scenario() will have played a couple of VQ ** movies, which will have cleared the screen to black already.) */ //Fade_Palette_To(BlackPalette, FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM, Call_Back); HiddenPage.Clear(); VisiblePage.Clear(); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); Map.Render(); Set_Palette(GamePalette); return true; } bool Debug_Write_Shape_Type(const ObjectTypeClass *type, int shapenum) { char fullname[_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT]; char buffer[_MAX_FNAME]; CCFileClass file; if (type->ImageData != NULL) { sprintf(buffer, "%s_%d", type->IniName, shapenum); _makepath(fullname, NULL, NULL, buffer, ".PCX"); return Debug_Write_Shape(fullname, type->ImageData, shapenum); } return false; } bool Debug_Write_Shape(const char *file_name, void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int flags, void const * ghostdata) { /* ** Build frame returns a pointer now instead of the shapes length */ char *shape_pointer = (char*) Build_Frame(shapefile , shapenum , _ShapeBuffer); if (shape_pointer == NULL) { return false;; } if (Get_Last_Frame_Length() > _ShapeBufferSize) { return false;; } int width = Get_Build_Frame_Width(shapefile); int height = Get_Build_Frame_Height(shapefile); GraphicBufferClass temp_gbuffer(width, height); GraphicViewPortClass temp_viewport(&temp_gbuffer, 0, 0, width, height); WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWX] = 0; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWY] = 0; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWWIDTH] = width; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWHEIGHT] = height; static const char _shape_trans = 0x40; if (flags == 0) { Buffer_Frame_To_Page(0, 0, width, height, shape_pointer, temp_viewport, SHAPE_NORMAL|SHAPE_WIN_REL|_shape_trans); //, ghostdata, predoffset); } else { Buffer_Frame_To_Page(0, 0, width, height, shape_pointer, temp_viewport, flags, ghostdata); } Write_PCX_File((char*)file_name, temp_viewport, GamePalette); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Advance_Instance -- Process one logic frame * * In: * * Out: Is game still playing? * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Advance_Instance(uint64 player_id) { //DLLExportClass::Set_Event_Callback(event_callback); InMainLoop = true; if (Frame <= 10) { // Don't spam forever, but useful to know that we actually started advancing GlyphX_Debug_Print("CNC_Advance_Instance - TD"); } /* ** Shouldn't really need to do this, but I like the idea of always running the main loop in the context of the same player. ** Might make tbe bugs more repeatable and consistent. ST - 3/15/2019 11:58AM */ if (player_id != 0) { DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id); } else { DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(DLLExportClass::GlyphxPlayerIDs[0]); } /* ** Allocate extra memory for uncompressed shapes as needed */ Reallocate_Big_Shape_Buffer(); /* ** If there is no theme playing, but it looks like one is required, then start one ** playing. This is usually the symptom of there being no transition score. */ //if (SampleType && Theme.What_Is_Playing() == THEME_NONE) { // Theme.Queue_Song(THEME_PICK_ANOTHER); //} /* ** Update the display, unless we're inside a dialog. */ //if (SpecialDialog == SDLG_NONE && GameInFocus) { //WWMouse->Erase_Mouse(&HidPage, TRUE); //Map.Input(input, x, y); //if (input) { // Keyboard_Process(input); //} /* ** The main loop passes these in uninitialized. ST - 2/7/2019 4:36PM */ KeyNumType input = KN_NONE; // Player input. int x = 0; int y = 0; Map.Input(input, x, y); //if (input) { // Keyboard_Process(input); //} if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { /* ** Process the sidebar. ST - 4/18/2019 11:59AM */ HouseClass *old_player_ptr = PlayerPtr; for (int i=0 ; iErase_Mouse(&HidPage, TRUE); PlayerLoses = false; PlayerWins = false; PlayerRestarts = false; Map.Help_Text(TXT_NONE); InMainLoop = false; GlyphX_Debug_Print("PlayerWins = true"); if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { DLLExportClass::On_Multiplayer_Game_Over(); } else { DLLExportClass::On_Game_Over(player_id, true); } return false; } if (PlayerLoses) { //WWMouse->Erase_Mouse(&HidPage, TRUE); PlayerWins = false; PlayerLoses = false; PlayerRestarts = false; Map.Help_Text(TXT_NONE); //Do_Lose(); //Old C&C code GlyphX_Debug_Print("PlayerLoses = true"); if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { DLLExportClass::On_Multiplayer_Game_Over(); } else { DLLExportClass::On_Game_Over(player_id, false); } InMainLoop = false; return false; } /* ** The frame logic has been completed. Increment the frame ** counter. */ Frame++; /* ** Very rarely, the human players will get a message from the computer. */ if (GameToPlay != GAME_NORMAL && MPlayerGhosts && IRandom(0,10000) == 1) { DLLExportClass::Computer_Message(false); } /* ** The code is often leaving dangling pointers in overlappers. We can afford the CPU time to just clean them up. I suspect ** the underlying cause was probably fixed in RA. ** ST - 4/14/2020 11:45AM */ Map.Clean(); #ifndef NDEBUG /* ** Is there a memory trasher altering the map?? */ if (!Map.Validate()) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("Map.Validate() failed"); //if (CCMessageBox().Process ("Map Error!","Stop","Continue")==0) { // GameActive = false; //} Map.Validate(); // give debugger a chance to catch it } #endif NDEBUG InMainLoop = false; if (ProgEndCalled) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("ProgEndCalled - GameActive = false"); GameActive = false; } if (DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled()) { Map.Render(); } //Sync_Delay(); Color_Cycle(); //DLLExportClass::Set_Event_Callback(NULL); return(GameActive); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Save_Load -- Process a save or load game action * * In: * * Out: Success? * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Save_Load(bool save, const char *file_path_and_name, const char *game_type) { bool result = false; if (save) { result = Save_Game(file_path_and_name, "internal"); } else { if (game_type == NULL) { return false; } if (stricmp(game_type, "GAME_NORMAL") == 0) { GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; } else { if (stricmp(game_type, "GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER") == 0) { GameToPlay = GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER; ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; } else { return false; } } result = Load_Game(file_path_and_name); DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(DLLExportClass::GlyphxPlayerIDs[0], true); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); VisiblePage.Clear(); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled()) { Map.Render(); } Set_Palette(GamePalette); } return result; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Set_Difficulty -- Set game difficulty * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 10/02/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Set_Difficulty(int difficulty) { if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { Set_Scenario_Difficulty(difficulty); } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Player_Switch_To_AI -- Renamed 3/9/20202 - LLL * previously named: CNC_Handle_Player_Disconnect -- Handle player disconnected during multiplayuer game * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 12/3/2019 1:46PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Player_Switch_To_AI(uint64 player_id) { if (PlayerWins || PlayerLoses || DLLExportClass::Get_Game_Over()) { return; } HousesType house; HouseClass *ptr; GlyphX_Debug_Print("CNC_Handle_Player_Switch_To_AI"); if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { return; } if (player_id != 0) { DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id); if (PlayerPtr) { PlayerPtr->WasHuman = true; PlayerPtr->IsHuman = false; PlayerPtr->IsStarted = true; PlayerPtr->IQ = Rule.MaxIQ; PlayerPtr->IsBaseBuilding = true; /* ** Start the unload mission for MCVs */ for (int index = 0; index < Units.Count(); index++) { UnitClass * obj = Units.Ptr(index); if (obj && !obj->IsInLimbo && obj->House == PlayerPtr) { if (*obj == UNIT_MCV) { obj->Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); obj->Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); obj->Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); obj->Assign_Mission(MISSION_UNLOAD); obj->Commence(); } } } DLLExportClass::On_Message(PlayerPtr, "", 60.0f, MESSAGE_TYPE_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED, -1); /* ** Send the disconnect taunt message */ int human_count = 0; for (house = HOUSE_MULTI1; house < (HOUSE_MULTI1 + MPlayerMax); house++) { ptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (ptr && ptr->IsHuman && !ptr->IsDefeated) { human_count++; } } if (human_count == 1) { DLLExportClass::Computer_Message(true); } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Human_Team_Wins * * History: 3/10/2020 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Human_Team_Wins(uint64 quitting_player_id) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("CNC_Handle_Human_Team_Wins"); DLLExportClass::Force_Human_Team_Wins(quitting_player_id); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Start_Mission_Timer * * History: 11/25/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Start_Mission_Timer(int time) { //Only implemented in Red Alert. } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Init -- Init the class * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 3/12/2019 10:52AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Init(void) { for (int i=0 ; i= VOC_FIRST && sound_effect_index < VOC_COUNT ) { strncpy( new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectName, SoundEffectName[ sound_effect_index ].Name, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; // strncpy can leave strings unterminated if ( extension != NULL ) { strncat( new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectName, extension, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; // strncat can leave strings unterminated } new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectPriority = SoundEffectName[ sound_effect_index ].Priority; new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectContext = SoundEffectName[ sound_effect_index ].Where; } else { strncpy( new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectName, "BADINDEX", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectPriority = -1; new_event.SoundEffect.SoundEffectContext = -1; } EventCallback(new_event); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Speech -- Called when C&C wants to play a speech line * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/20/2019 2:39PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Speech(const HouseClass* player_ptr, int speech_index) { // player_ptr could be NULL if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_SPEECH; new_event.Speech.SpeechIndex = speech_index; new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = 0; if ( player_ptr != NULL ) { new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); } if ( speech_index >= VOX_FIRST && speech_index < VOX_COUNT ) { strncpy( new_event.Speech.SpeechName, Speech[ speech_index ], CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); new_event.Speech.SpeechName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; // strncpy can leave strings unterminated } else { strncpy( new_event.Speech.SpeechName, "BAD_SPEECH_INDEX", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); } EventCallback(new_event); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Efficiency -- * * History: 10.29.2019 MBL (Based on LLL's Calculate_Single_Player_Score()) **************************************************************************************************/ unsigned int DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Efficiency( unsigned int harvested_credits, unsigned int initial_credits, unsigned int available_credits ) { unsigned efficiency = Cardinal_To_Fixed( harvested_credits + (initial_credits + 1), (available_credits + 1) ); if ( efficiency == 0 ) { efficiency++; } efficiency = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, efficiency); if (efficiency > 100) { efficiency = 100; } return efficiency; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Leadership -- * * History: 10.29.2019 MBL (Based on LLL's Calculate_Single_Player_Score()) **************************************************************************************************/ unsigned int DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Leadership( int house, unsigned int units_lost, unsigned int buildings_lost ) { unsigned int leadership = 0; for (int index = 0; index < Logic.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * object = Logic[index]; if (object->Owner() == house) { leadership++; } } if (leadership == 0) { leadership = 1; } leadership = Cardinal_To_Fixed(units_lost + buildings_lost + leadership, leadership); leadership = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, leadership); if (leadership > 100) { leadership = 100; } return leadership; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Score -- * * History: 10.29.2019 MBL (Based on LLL's Calculate_Single_Player_Score()) **************************************************************************************************/ unsigned int DLLExportClass::TD_Calculate_Score( unsigned int leadership, unsigned int efficiency, unsigned int build_level ) { long total = ((leadership * 40) + (4600) + (efficiency * 14)) / 100; if (!total) total++; total *= (build_level + 1); return total; } void DLLExportClass::Calculate_Single_Player_Score(EventCallbackStruct& event) { //Adapted from Tiberian Dawn SCORE.CPP Presentation() - LLL int house = PlayerPtr->Class->House; // 0 or 1 HouseClass *houses[3]; for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { houses[index] = (HouseClass::As_Pointer((HousesType)(HOUSE_GOOD + index))); } int gdi_units_lost = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->UnitsLost; int nod_units_lost = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->UnitsLost; int civilians_killed = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL))->UnitsLost; int gdi_buildings_lost = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->BuildingsLost; int nod_buildings_lost = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->BuildingsLost; int civilian_buildings_lost = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL))->BuildingsLost; int gdi_harvested = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->HarvestedCredits; int nod_harvested = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->HarvestedCredits; // unsigned leadership = 0; // int index; // for (index = 0; index < Logic.Count(); index++) { // ObjectClass * object = Logic[index]; // if (object->Owner() == house) { // leadership++; // } // } // // if (leadership == 0) { // leadership = 1; // } // // leadership = Cardinal_To_Fixed(gdi_units_lost + gdi_buildings_lost + leadership, leadership); // leadership = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, leadership); // if (leadership > 100) { // leadership = 100; // } // unsigned leadership = TD_Calculate_Leadership( house, (house == HOUSE_GOOD ? gdi_units_lost : nod_units_lost), (house == HOUSE_GOOD ? gdi_buildings_lost : nod_buildings_lost) ); /* ** Determine efficiency rating. */ // int gharv = gdi_harvested; // int init = PlayerPtr->InitialCredits; // int cred = PlayerPtr->Available_Money(); // // unsigned efficiency = Cardinal_To_Fixed((house == HOUSE_GOOD ? gdi_harvested : nod_harvested) + (unsigned)PlayerPtr->InitialCredits + 1, (unsigned)PlayerPtr->Available_Money() + 1); // if (!efficiency) efficiency++; // efficiency = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, efficiency); // if (efficiency > 100) { // efficiency = 100; // } // unsigned efficiency = TD_Calculate_Efficiency((house == HOUSE_GOOD ? gdi_harvested : nod_harvested), PlayerPtr->InitialCredits, PlayerPtr->Available_Money()); /* ** Calculate total score */ // long total_score = ((leadership * 40) + (4600) + (efficiency * 14)) / 100; // if (!total_score) total_score++; // total_score *= (BuildLevel + 1); // unsigned total_score = TD_Calculate_Score( leadership, efficiency, BuildLevel ); //Score Stats event.GameOver.Leadership = leadership; event.GameOver.Efficiency = efficiency; event.GameOver.Score = total_score; event.GameOver.CategoryTotal = 0; //Only used in Red Alert event.GameOver.NODKilled = nod_units_lost; event.GameOver.GDIKilled = gdi_units_lost; event.GameOver.CiviliansKilled = civilians_killed; event.GameOver.NODBuildingsDestroyed = nod_buildings_lost; event.GameOver.GDIBuildingsDestroyed = gdi_buildings_lost; event.GameOver.CiviliansBuildingsDestroyed = civilian_buildings_lost; event.GameOver.RemainingCredits = PlayerPtr->Available_Money(); } void DLLExportClass::Convert_Action_Type(ActionType type, ObjectClass* object, TARGET target, DllActionTypeEnum& dll_type) { switch (type) { case ACTION_NONE: default: dll_type = DAT_NONE; break; case ACTION_MOVE: dll_type = DAT_MOVE; break; case ACTION_NOMOVE: dll_type = DAT_NOMOVE; break; case ACTION_ENTER: dll_type = DAT_ENTER; break; case ACTION_SELF: dll_type = DAT_SELF; break; case ACTION_ATTACK: if (Target_Legal(target) && (object != NULL) && object->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass*)object)->In_Range(target, 0)) { dll_type = DAT_ATTACK; } else { dll_type = DAT_ATTACK_OUT_OF_RANGE; } break; case ACTION_GUARD_AREA: dll_type = DAT_GUARD; break; case ACTION_HARVEST: dll_type = DAT_ATTACK; break; case ACTION_SELECT: case ACTION_TOGGLE_SELECT: dll_type = DAT_SELECT; break; case ACTION_CAPTURE: dll_type = DAT_CAPTURE; break; case ACTION_SABOTAGE: dll_type = DAT_SABOTAGE; break; case ACTION_TOGGLE_PRIMARY: dll_type = DAT_TOGGLE_PRIMARY; break; case ACTION_NO_DEPLOY: dll_type = DAT_CANT_DEPLOY; break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Game_Over -- Called when the C&C campaign game finishes * * * History: 6/19/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Game_Over(uint64 glyphx_Player_id, bool player_wins) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } GameOver = true; EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_GAME_OVER; new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = glyphx_Player_id; new_event.GameOver.PlayerWins = player_wins; new_event.GameOver.MovieName = player_wins ? WinMovie : LoseMovie; new_event.GameOver.AfterScoreMovieName = ""; new_event.GameOver.Multiplayer = false; new_event.GameOver.MultiPlayerTotalPlayers = 0; Calculate_Single_Player_Score(new_event); if (player_wins) { if (PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_BAD && Scenario == 13) { //TODO: Nod_Ending() Also looks like it plays some audio that might need to be integrated. new_event.GameOver.MovieName = ""; new_event.GameOver.AfterScoreMovieName = "NODFINAL"; } else if (PlayerPtr->Class->House == HOUSE_GOOD && Scenario == 15) { if (TempleIoned) { new_event.GameOver.MovieName = "GDIFINB"; new_event.GameOver.AfterScoreMovieName = "GDIEND2"; } else { new_event.GameOver.MovieName = "GDIFINA"; new_event.GameOver.AfterScoreMovieName = "GDIEND1"; } } } if (strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName, "x") == 0 || strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName, "X") == 0) { new_event.GameOver.MovieName = ""; } new_event.GameOver.MovieName2 = WinMovie2; if (strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName2, "x") == 0 || strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName2, "X") == 0) { new_event.GameOver.MovieName2 = ""; } new_event.GameOver.MovieName3 = WinMovie3; if (strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName3, "x") == 0 || strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName3, "X") == 0) { new_event.GameOver.MovieName3 = ""; } new_event.GameOver.MovieName4 = WinMovie4; if (strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName4, "x") == 0 || strcmp(new_event.GameOver.MovieName4, "X") == 0) { new_event.GameOver.MovieName4 = ""; } new_event.GameOver.SabotagedStructureType = SabotagedType; new_event.GameOver.TimerRemaining = -1; //Used in RA EventCallback(new_event); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Multiplayer_Game_Over -- Called when the C&C multiplayer game finishes * * * History: 6/19/2019 - LLL * History: 10/25/2019 - MBL - Adding the multi-player score stats support for debrief **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Multiplayer_Game_Over(void) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } GameOver = true; EventCallbackStruct event; event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_GAME_OVER; // Multiplayer players data for debrief stats event.GameOver.Multiplayer = true; event.GameOver.MultiPlayerTotalPlayers = MPlayerCount; for ( int player_index = 0; player_index < MPlayerCount; player_index ++ ) { HouseClass* player_ptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer( MPlayerHouses[player_index] ); //HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_MULTI2); if ( player_ptr != NULL ) { int house = player_ptr->Class->House; unsigned int leadership = TD_Calculate_Leadership( house, player_ptr->UnitsLost, player_ptr->BuildingsLost ); unsigned int efficiency = TD_Calculate_Efficiency( player_ptr->HarvestedCredits, player_ptr->InitialCredits, player_ptr->Available_Money() ); unsigned int total_score = TD_Calculate_Score( leadership, efficiency, BuildLevel ); int units_killed = 0; int structures_killed = 0; for ( unsigned int house_index = 0; house_index < HOUSE_COUNT; house_index ++ ) { units_killed += player_ptr->UnitsKilled[ house_index ]; structures_killed += player_ptr->BuildingsKilled[ house_index ]; } // Populate and copy the multiplayer player data structure GameOverMultiPlayerStatsStruct multi_player_data; multi_player_data.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID( player_ptr ); multi_player_data.IsHuman = (player_ptr->IsHuman || player_ptr->WasHuman); multi_player_data.WasHuman = player_ptr->WasHuman; multi_player_data.IsWinner = !player_ptr->IsDefeated; multi_player_data.Efficiency = efficiency; multi_player_data.Score = total_score; multi_player_data.ResourcesGathered = player_ptr->HarvestedCredits; multi_player_data.TotalUnitsKilled = units_killed; multi_player_data.TotalStructuresKilled = structures_killed; if ( player_index < GAME_OVER_MULTIPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS_TRACKED ) { event.GameOver.MultiPlayerPlayersData[ player_index ] = multi_player_data; } } } for ( int player_index = MPlayerCount; player_index < GAME_OVER_MULTIPLAYER_MAX_PLAYERS_TRACKED; player_index ++ ) { memset( &event.GameOver.MultiPlayerPlayersData[ player_index ], 0, sizeof( GameOverMultiPlayerStatsStruct ) ); } // Single-player N/A stuff event.GameOver.MovieName = ""; event.GameOver.MovieName2 = ""; event.GameOver.MovieName3 = ""; event.GameOver.MovieName4 = ""; event.GameOver.AfterScoreMovieName = ""; event.GameOver.Leadership = 0; event.GameOver.Efficiency = 0; event.GameOver.Score = 0; event.GameOver.NODKilled = 0; event.GameOver.GDIKilled = 0; event.GameOver.CiviliansKilled = 0; event.GameOver.NODBuildingsDestroyed = 0; event.GameOver.GDIBuildingsDestroyed = 0; event.GameOver.CiviliansBuildingsDestroyed = 0; event.GameOver.RemainingCredits = 0; event.GameOver.SabotagedStructureType = 0; event.GameOver.TimerRemaining = -1; // Trigger an event for each human player for (int i=0 ; iIsHuman == true ) { event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); event.GameOver.PlayerWins = !player_ptr->IsDefeated; event.GameOver.RemainingCredits = player_ptr->Available_Money(); EventCallback(event); } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Message -- Called when the game wants to display a message (ex. tutorial text) * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 10/16/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Message(const HouseClass* player_ptr, const char* message, float timeout_seconds, EventCallbackMessageEnum message_type, int64 message_id) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } const char* p_msg = message; if (message_id != -1) { if (message_id == TXT_LOW_POWER) { p_msg = "TEXT_LOW_POWER_MESSAGE_001"; } else if (message_id == TXT_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS) { p_msg = "TEXT_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_MESSAGE"; } } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_MESSAGE; new_event.Message.Message = p_msg; new_event.Message.TimeoutSeconds = timeout_seconds; new_event.Message.MessageType = message_type; new_event.Message.MessageParam1 = message_id; new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = 0; if (player_ptr != NULL) { new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); } EventCallback(new_event); } void On_Message(const char* message, float timeout_seconds, EventCallbackMessageEnum message_type, int64 message_id) { DLLExportClass::On_Message(PlayerPtr, message, timeout_seconds, message_type, message_id); } void On_Message(const char* message, float timeout_seconds, int64 message_id) { DLLExportClass::On_Message(PlayerPtr, message, timeout_seconds, MESSAGE_TYPE_DIRECT, message_id); } void On_Defeated_Message(const char* message, float timeout_seconds) { DLLExportClass::On_Message(PlayerPtr, message, timeout_seconds, MESSAGE_TYPE_PLAYER_DEFEATED, -1); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Achievement -- Called when something achievement-related happens * * In: Type of achievement, reason this happened * * Out: * * * * History: 11/11/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Achievement(const HouseClass* player_ptr, const char *achievement_type, const char *achievement_reason) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT; new_event.Achievement.AchievementType = achievement_type; new_event.Achievement.AchievementReason = achievement_reason; new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = 0; if (player_ptr != NULL) { new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); } EventCallback(new_event); } void DLLExportClass::On_Center_Camera(const HouseClass* player_ptr, int coord_x, int coord_y) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_CENTER_CAMERA; new_event.CenterCamera.CoordX = coord_x; new_event.CenterCamera.CoordY = coord_y; new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = 0; if (player_ptr != NULL) { new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); } EventCallback(new_event); } void DLLExportClass::On_Ping(const HouseClass* player_ptr, COORDINATE coord) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_PING; new_event.Ping.CoordX = Coord_X(coord); new_event.Ping.CoordY = Coord_Y(coord); new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = 0; if (player_ptr != NULL) { new_event.GlyphXPlayerID = Get_GlyphX_Player_ID(player_ptr); } EventCallback(new_event); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::On_Debug_Output -- Called when C&C wants to print debug output * * In: String to print to GlyphX log system * * Out: * * * * History: 2/20/2019 2:39PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::On_Debug_Output(const char *debug_text) { if (EventCallback == NULL) { return; } EventCallbackStruct new_event; new_event.EventType = CALLBACK_EVENT_DEBUG_PRINT; new_event.DebugPrint.PrintString = debug_text; EventCallback(new_event); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Force_Human_Team_Wins * * History: 3/10/2020 - LL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Force_Human_Team_Wins(uint64 quitting_player_id) { if (PlayerWins || PlayerLoses || GameOver) { return; } int winning_team = -1; //Find the first human's multiplayer team. for (int i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; i++) { if (GlyphxPlayerIDs[i] != quitting_player_id) { HousesType house_type = MPlayerHouses[i]; HouseClass* house_class = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house_type); if (house_class && house_class->IsHuman && !house_class->IsDefeated) { winning_team = MPlayerTeamIDs[i]; break; } } } //Mark all players not on that team as defeated. for (int i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; i++) { HousesType house_type = MPlayerHouses[i]; HouseClass* house_class = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house_type); if (house_class) { house_class->IsDefeated = MPlayerTeamIDs[i] != winning_team; } } PlayerWins = true; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Get_Game_State -- Get game state * * In: Type of state requested * Player perspective * Buffer to contain game state * Size of buffer * * Out: Game state returned in buffer * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl CNC_Get_Game_State(GameStateRequestEnum state_type, uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { bool got_state = false; switch (state_type) { case GAME_STATE_LAYERS: { got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Layer_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; } case GAME_STATE_SIDEBAR: { got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Sidebar_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; } case GAME_STATE_PLACEMENT: { got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Placement_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; } case GAME_STATE_DYNAMIC_MAP: got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Dynamic_Map_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; case GAME_STATE_SHROUD: got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Shroud_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; case GAME_STATE_OCCUPIER: got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Occupier_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; case GAME_STATE_PLAYER_INFO: got_state = DLLExportClass::Get_Player_Info_State(player_id, buffer_in, buffer_size); break; case GAME_STATE_STATIC_MAP: { if (buffer_size < sizeof(CNCMapDataStruct)) { got_state = false; break; } int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; CNCMapDataStruct *map_data = (CNCMapDataStruct *)buffer_in; map_data->OriginalMapCellX = map_cell_x; map_data->OriginalMapCellY = map_cell_y; map_data->OriginalMapCellWidth = map_cell_width; map_data->OriginalMapCellHeight = map_cell_height; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } map_data->MapCellX = map_cell_x; map_data->MapCellY = map_cell_y; map_data->MapCellWidth = map_cell_width; map_data->MapCellHeight = map_cell_height; map_data->Theater = (CnCTheaterType) Map.Theater; // Hack a fix for scenario 21 since the same mission number is used in Covert Ops and N64 memset(map_data->ScenarioName, 0, sizeof(map_data->ScenarioName)); if ((Map.Theater == CNC_THEATER_DESERT) && (Scenario == 21)) { strncpy(map_data->ScenarioName, "SCB81EA", sizeof(map_data->ScenarioName) - 1); } else { strncpy(map_data->ScenarioName, ScenarioName, sizeof(map_data->ScenarioName) - 1); } int cell_index = 0; char cell_name[_MAX_PATH]; char icon_number[32]; for (int y = 0 ; y < map_cell_height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < map_cell_width ; x++) { CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x+x, map_cell_y+y); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; cell_name[0] = 0; int icon = 0; void *image_data = 0; if (cellptr->Get_Template_Info(cell_name, icon, image_data)) { itoa(icon, icon_number, 10); strncat(cell_name, "_i", 32); strncat(cell_name, icon_number, 32); strncat(cell_name, ".tga", 32); cell_name[31] = 0; CNCStaticCellStruct &cell_info = map_data->StaticCells[cell_index++]; strncpy(cell_info.TemplateTypeName, cell_name, 32); cell_info.TemplateTypeName[31] = 0; cell_info.IconNumber = icon; } } } got_state = true; break; } default: { got_state = false; break; } } return got_state; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Game_Request * * Callback for when the requested movie is done playing. * * 7/23/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Game_Request(GameRequestEnum request_type) { switch (request_type) { case INPUT_GAME_MOVIE_DONE: InMainLoop = true; break; } } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Game_Settings_Request(int health_bar_display_mode, int resource_bar_display_mode) { if (!DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled()) { return; } SpecialClass::eHealthBarDisplayMode new_hb_mode = (SpecialClass::eHealthBarDisplayMode)health_bar_display_mode; if (new_hb_mode != Special.HealthBarDisplayMode) { Special.HealthBarDisplayMode = new_hb_mode; Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); } SpecialClass::eResourceBarDisplayMode new_rb_mode = (SpecialClass::eResourceBarDisplayMode)resource_bar_display_mode; if (new_rb_mode != Special.ResourceBarDisplayMode) { Special.ResourceBarDisplayMode = new_rb_mode; Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); } } void DLL_Draw_Intercept(int shape_number, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, ObjectClass *object, const char *shape_file_name = NULL, char override_owner = HOUSE_NONE, int scale = 0x100) { DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Intercept(shape_number, x, y, width, height, flags, object, shape_file_name, override_owner, scale); } void DLL_Draw_Pip_Intercept(const ObjectClass* object, int pip) { DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Pip_Intercept(object, pip); } void DLL_Draw_Line_Intercept(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, unsigned char color, int frame) { DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Line_Intercept(x, y, x1, y1, color, frame); } void DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Intercept(int shape_number, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, ObjectClass *object, const char *shape_file_name, char override_owner, int scale) { CNCObjectStruct& new_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount + CurrentDrawCount]; Convert_Type(object, new_object); if (new_object.Type == UNKNOWN) { return; } CNCObjectStruct* base_object = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < CurrentDrawCount; ++i) { CNCObjectStruct& draw_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount + i]; if (draw_object.CNCInternalObjectPointer == object) { base_object = &draw_object; break; } } new_object.CNCInternalObjectPointer = (void*)object; new_object.OccupyListLength = 0; new_object.SortOrder = SortOrder++; strncpy(new_object.TypeName, object->Class_Of().IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); if (shape_file_name != NULL) { strncpy(new_object.AssetName, shape_file_name, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); } else { strncpy(new_object.AssetName, object->Class_Of().IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); } new_object.TypeName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; new_object.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; new_object.Owner = ((base_object != NULL) && (override_owner != HOUSE_NONE)) ? override_owner : (char)object->Owner(); HouseClass* owner_house = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < Houses.Count(); ++i) { HouseClass* hptr = Houses.Ptr(i); if ((hptr != nullptr) && (hptr->Class->House == new_object.Owner)) { owner_house = hptr; break; } } new_object.RemapColor = (owner_house != nullptr) ? owner_house->RemapColor : -1; if (base_object == NULL) { CNCObjectStruct& root_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount]; if (new_object.Type == BUILDING) { BuildingClass *building = (BuildingClass*)object; if (building->BState == BSTATE_CONSTRUCTION) { strncat(new_object.AssetName, "MAKE", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); new_object.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; } const BuildingTypeClass *building_type = building->Class; short const *occupy_list = building_type->Occupy_List(); if (occupy_list) { while (*occupy_list != REFRESH_EOL && new_object.OccupyListLength < MAX_OCCUPY_CELLS) { new_object.OccupyList[new_object.OccupyListLength] = *occupy_list; new_object.OccupyListLength++; occupy_list++; } } } COORDINATE coord = object->Render_Coord(); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); int dimx, dimy; object->Class_Of().Dimensions(dimx, dimy); short sim_lepton_x = 0; short sim_lepton_y = 0; if (new_object.Type == UNIT) { sim_lepton_x = ((DriveClass*)object)->SimLeptonX; sim_lepton_y = ((DriveClass*)object)->SimLeptonY; } new_object.PositionX = x; new_object.PositionY = y; new_object.Width = width; new_object.Height = height; new_object.Altitude = 0; new_object.DrawFlags = flags; new_object.SubObject = 0; new_object.ShapeIndex = (unsigned short)shape_number; new_object.IsTheaterSpecific = IsTheaterShape; new_object.Scale = scale; new_object.Rotation = 0; new_object.FlashingFlags = 0; new_object.Cloak = (CurrentDrawCount > 0) ? root_object.Cloak : UNCLOAKED; new_object.VisibleFlags = CNCObjectStruct::VISIBLE_FLAGS_ALL; new_object.SpiedByFlags = 0U; new_object.SortOrder = SortOrder++; new_object.IsSelectable = object->Class_Of().IsSelectable; new_object.IsSelectedMask = object->IsSelectedMask; new_object.MaxStrength = object->Class_Of().MaxStrength; new_object.Strength = object->Strength; new_object.CellX = (CurrentDrawCount > 0) ? root_object.CellX : Cell_X(cell); new_object.CellY = (CurrentDrawCount > 0) ? root_object.CellY : Cell_Y(cell); new_object.CenterCoordX = Coord_X(object->Center_Coord()); new_object.CenterCoordY = Coord_Y(object->Center_Coord()); new_object.DimensionX = dimx; new_object.DimensionY = dimy; new_object.SimLeptonX = (CurrentDrawCount > 0) ? root_object.SimLeptonX : sim_lepton_x; new_object.SimLeptonY = (CurrentDrawCount > 0) ? root_object.SimLeptonY : sim_lepton_y; new_object.BaseObjectID = ((CurrentDrawCount > 0) && (root_object.Type != BUILDING)) ? root_object.ID : 0; new_object.BaseObjectType = ((CurrentDrawCount > 0) && (root_object.Type != BUILDING)) ? root_object.Type : UNKNOWN; new_object.NumLines = 0; new_object.RecentlyCreated = object->IsRecentlyCreated; new_object.NumPips = 0; new_object.MaxPips = 0; new_object.CanDemolish = object->Can_Demolish(); new_object.CanDemolishUnit = object->Can_Demolish_Unit(); new_object.CanRepair = object->Can_Repair(); memset(new_object.CanMove, false, sizeof(new_object.CanMove)); memset(new_object.CanFire, false, sizeof(new_object.CanFire)); memset(new_object.ActionWithSelected, DAT_NONE, sizeof(new_object.ActionWithSelected)); HouseClass* old_player_ptr = PlayerPtr; for (int i = 0; i < Houses.Count(); ++i) { HouseClass* hptr = Houses.Ptr(i); if ((hptr != nullptr) && hptr->IsActive && hptr->IsHuman) { HousesType house = hptr->Class->House; DynamicVectorClass& selected_objects = CurrentObject.Raw(house); if (selected_objects.Count() > 0) { Logic_Switch_Player_Context(hptr); Convert_Action_Type(Best_Object_Action(selected_objects, object), (selected_objects.Count() == 1) ? selected_objects[0] : NULL, object->As_Target(), new_object.ActionWithSelected[house]); } } } Logic_Switch_Player_Context(old_player_ptr); RTTIType what_is_object = object->What_Am_I(); new_object.IsRepairing = false; new_object.IsDumping = false; new_object.IsALoaner = false; new_object.IsFactory = false; new_object.IsPrimaryFactory = false; new_object.IsAntiGround = false; new_object.IsAntiAircraft = false; new_object.IsSubSurface = false; new_object.IsNominal = false; new_object.IsDog = false; new_object.IsIronCurtain = false; new_object.IsInFormation = false; new_object.IsFake = false; new_object.ProductionAssetName[0] = '\0'; new_object.OverrideDisplayName = "\0"; bool is_building = what_is_object == RTTI_BUILDING; if (is_building) { BuildingClass* building = static_cast(object); new_object.IsRepairing = building->IsRepairing; new_object.IsFactory = building->Class->IsFactory; new_object.IsPrimaryFactory = building->IsLeader; } if (object->Is_Techno()) { TechnoClass* techno_object = static_cast(object); const TechnoTypeClass *ttype = techno_object->Techno_Type_Class(); new_object.MaxSpeed = (unsigned char)ttype->MaxSpeed; new_object.IsALoaner = techno_object->IsALoaner; new_object.IsNominal = ttype->IsNominal; new_object.MaxPips = ttype->Max_Pips(); new_object.IsAntiGround = ttype->Primary != WEAPON_NONE; new_object.IsAntiAircraft = (ttype->Primary != WEAPON_NONE) && (Weapons[ttype->Primary].Fires != BULLET_NONE) && BulletTypeClass::As_Reference(Weapons[ttype->Primary].Fires).IsAntiAircraft; HouseClass* old_player_ptr = PlayerPtr; for (int i = 0; i < Houses.Count(); ++i) { HouseClass* hptr = Houses.Ptr(i); if ((hptr != nullptr) && hptr->IsActive && hptr->IsHuman) { Logic_Switch_Player_Context(hptr); HousesType house = hptr->Class->House; new_object.CanMove[house] = techno_object->Can_Player_Move(); new_object.CanFire[house] = techno_object->Can_Player_Fire(); } } Logic_Switch_Player_Context(old_player_ptr); } new_object.ControlGroup = (unsigned char)(-1); new_object.CanPlaceBombs = false; bool is_infantry = what_is_object == RTTI_INFANTRY; if (is_infantry) { InfantryClass* infantry = static_cast(object); new_object.ControlGroup = infantry->Group; new_object.CanPlaceBombs = infantry->Class->Type == INFANTRY_RAMBO; } new_object.CanHarvest = false; bool is_unit = what_is_object == RTTI_UNIT; if (is_unit) { UnitClass* unit = static_cast(object); if (unit->Class->Type == UNIT_HARVESTER) { new_object.CanHarvest = true; } new_object.ControlGroup = unit->Group; } new_object.IsFixedWingedAircraft = false; bool is_aircraft = what_is_object == RTTI_AIRCRAFT; if (is_aircraft) { AircraftClass* aircraft = static_cast(object); new_object.Altitude = Pixel_To_Lepton(aircraft->Altitude); new_object.IsFixedWingedAircraft = aircraft->Class->IsFixedWing; new_object.ControlGroup = aircraft->Group; } switch (what_is_object) { case RTTI_INFANTRY: case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: case RTTI_UNIT: case RTTI_UNITTYPE: case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: case RTTI_BUILDING: case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: { TechnoClass* techno_object = static_cast(object); new_object.FlashingFlags = techno_object->Get_Flashing_Flags(); new_object.Cloak = techno_object->Cloak; } break; case RTTI_ANIM: { AnimClass* anim_object = static_cast(object); new_object.VisibleFlags = anim_object->Get_Visible_Flags(); } break; } } else { new_object.MaxStrength = 0; new_object.MaxSpeed = 0; new_object.Strength = 0; new_object.CellX = base_object->CellX; new_object.CellY = base_object->CellY; new_object.CenterCoordX = base_object->CenterCoordX; new_object.CenterCoordY = base_object->CenterCoordY; new_object.DimensionX = base_object->DimensionX; new_object.DimensionY = base_object->DimensionY; new_object.IsSelectable = false; new_object.IsSelectedMask = 0U; new_object.SimLeptonX = base_object->SimLeptonX; new_object.SimLeptonY = base_object->SimLeptonY; new_object.PositionX = x; new_object.PositionY = y; new_object.Width = width; new_object.Height = height; new_object.Altitude = base_object->Altitude; new_object.DrawFlags = flags; new_object.ShapeIndex = (unsigned short)shape_number; new_object.IsTheaterSpecific = IsTheaterShape; new_object.Scale = scale; new_object.Rotation = 0; new_object.SubObject = CurrentDrawCount; new_object.BaseObjectID = base_object->ID; new_object.BaseObjectType = base_object->Type; new_object.FlashingFlags = base_object->FlashingFlags; new_object.Cloak = base_object->Cloak; new_object.OccupyListLength = 0; new_object.NumPips = 0; new_object.MaxPips = 0; new_object.IsRepairing = false; new_object.IsDumping = false; new_object.IsALoaner = base_object->IsALoaner; new_object.NumLines = 0; new_object.CanDemolish = base_object->CanDemolish; new_object.CanDemolishUnit = base_object->CanDemolishUnit; new_object.CanRepair = base_object->CanRepair; new_object.RecentlyCreated = base_object->RecentlyCreated; new_object.IsFactory = base_object->IsFactory; new_object.IsPrimaryFactory = base_object->IsPrimaryFactory; new_object.IsAntiGround = base_object->IsAntiGround; new_object.IsAntiAircraft = base_object->IsAntiAircraft; new_object.IsSubSurface = base_object->IsSubSurface; new_object.IsNominal = base_object->IsNominal; new_object.IsDog = base_object->IsDog; new_object.IsIronCurtain = base_object->IsIronCurtain; new_object.IsInFormation = false; new_object.CanHarvest = base_object->CanHarvest; new_object.CanPlaceBombs = base_object->CanPlaceBombs; new_object.ControlGroup = base_object->ControlGroup; new_object.VisibleFlags = base_object->VisibleFlags; new_object.SpiedByFlags = base_object->SpiedByFlags; new_object.IsFixedWingedAircraft = base_object->IsFixedWingedAircraft; new_object.IsFake = base_object->IsFake; new_object.ProductionAssetName[0] = '\0'; new_object.OverrideDisplayName = "\0"; memset(new_object.CanMove, false, sizeof(new_object.CanMove)); memset(new_object.CanFire, false, sizeof(new_object.CanFire)); memset(new_object.ActionWithSelected, DAT_NONE, sizeof(new_object.ActionWithSelected)); } CurrentDrawCount++; } void DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Pip_Intercept(const ObjectClass* object, int pip) { CNCObjectStruct* base_object = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < CurrentDrawCount; ++i) { CNCObjectStruct& draw_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount + i]; if (draw_object.CNCInternalObjectPointer == object) { base_object = &draw_object; break; } } if ((base_object != NULL) && (base_object->NumPips < MAX_OBJECT_PIPS)) { base_object->Pips[base_object->NumPips] = pip; base_object->NumPips++; base_object->MaxPips = max(base_object->MaxPips, base_object->NumPips); } } void DLLExportClass::DLL_Draw_Line_Intercept(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, unsigned char color, int frame) { CNCObjectStruct& root_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount]; if (root_object.NumLines < MAX_OBJECT_LINES) { root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].X = x; root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].Y = y; root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].X1 = x1; root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].Y1 = y1; root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].Frame = frame; root_object.Lines[root_object.NumLines].Color = color; SortOrder++; root_object.NumLines++; } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Layer_State -- Get game objects from the layers * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/29/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Layer_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { player_id; static int _export_count = 0; bool got_state = false; ObjectList = (CNCObjectListStruct*) buffer_in; TotalObjectCount = 0; /* ** Get a reference draw coordinate for cells */ int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; } SortOrder = 0; /* ** Get the ground layer first and then followed by all the layers in increasing altitude. */ for (int layer = 0; layer < DLL_LAYER_COUNT; layer++) { for (int index = 0; index < Map.Layer[layer].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass *object = Map.Layer[layer][index]; if (object->IsActive) { unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(CNCObjectListStruct); memory_needed += (TotalObjectCount + 10) * sizeof(CNCObjectStruct); if (memory_needed >= buffer_size) { return false; } if (object->Is_Techno()) { /* ** Skip units tethered to buildings, since the building will draw them itself */ TechnoClass* techno_object = static_cast(object); TechnoClass* contact_object = techno_object->In_Radio_Contact() ? techno_object->Contact_With_Whom() : nullptr; if ((contact_object != nullptr) && (contact_object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) && contact_object->IsTethered && *((BuildingClass*)contact_object) == STRUCT_WEAP) { continue; } } if (Debug_Map || Debug_Unshroud || (object->IsDown && !object->IsInLimbo)) { int x, y; Map.Coord_To_Pixel(object->Render_Coord(), x, y); /* ** Call to Draw_It can result in multiple callbacks to the draw intercept */ CurrentDrawCount = 0; object->Draw_It(x, y, WINDOW_VIRTUAL); /* ** Shadows need to be rendered before the base object so they appear underneath, ** even though they get drawn as sub-objects (after the base object) */ for (int i = 1; i < CurrentDrawCount; ++i) { CNCObjectStruct& sub_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount + i]; if (!sub_object.SubObject) { continue; } static const int shadow_flags = SHAPE_PREDATOR | SHAPE_FADING; if (((sub_object.DrawFlags & shadow_flags) == shadow_flags) || (strncmp(sub_object.AssetName, "WAKE", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH) == 0)) { if ((strncmp(sub_object.AssetName, "RROTOR", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH) != 0) && (strncmp(sub_object.AssetName, "LROTOR", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH) != 0)) { for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) { CNCObjectStruct& base_object = ObjectList->Objects[TotalObjectCount + j]; if (!base_object.SubObject && (base_object.CNCInternalObjectPointer == sub_object.CNCInternalObjectPointer)) { int sort_order = base_object.SortOrder; base_object.SortOrder = sub_object.SortOrder; sub_object.SortOrder = sort_order; break; } } } } } TotalObjectCount += CurrentDrawCount; } } } } ObjectList->Count = TotalObjectCount; if (ObjectList->Count) { _export_count++; return true; } return false; } void DLLExportClass::Convert_Type(const ObjectClass *object, CNCObjectStruct &object_out) { object_out.Type = UNKNOWN; object_out.ID = -1; if (object == NULL) { return; } RTTIType type = object->What_Am_I(); switch (type) { default: break; case RTTI_INFANTRY: object_out.Type = INFANTRY; object_out.ID = Infantry.ID((InfantryClass*)object); break; case RTTI_UNIT: object_out.Type = UNIT; object_out.ID = Units.ID((UnitClass*)object); break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: object_out.Type = AIRCRAFT; object_out.ID = Aircraft.ID((AircraftClass*)object); break; case RTTI_BUILDING: object_out.Type = BUILDING; object_out.ID = Buildings.ID((BuildingClass*)object); break; case RTTI_BULLET: object_out.Type = BULLET; object_out.ID = Bullets.ID((BulletClass*)object); break; case RTTI_ANIM: object_out.Type = ANIM; object_out.ID = Anims.ID((AnimClass*)object); break; case RTTI_SMUDGE: object_out.Type = SMUDGE; object_out.ID = Smudges.ID((SmudgeClass*)object); break; case RTTI_TERRAIN: object_out.Type = TERRAIN; object_out.ID = Terrains.ID((TerrainClass*)object); break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Input -- Process input to the game * * In: * * * * * Out: Game state returned in buffer * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Input(InputRequestEnum input_event, unsigned char special_key_flags, uint64 player_id, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (input_event) { /* ** Special keys have changed */ case INPUT_REQUEST_SPECIAL_KEYS: { DLLExportClass::Set_Special_Key_Flags(special_key_flags); break; } /* ** The mouse is moving */ case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_MOVE: { if (!DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled()) { break; } DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); if (coord) { //x -= Map.TacPixelX; //y -= Map.TacPixelY; /* ** Cause any displayed cursor to move along with the mouse cursor. */ if (cell != Map.ZoneCell) { Map.Set_Cursor_Pos(cell); } } break; } /* ** Player left-clicked */ case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; KeyNumType key = (KeyNumType)(KN_LMOUSE | KN_RLSE_BIT); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { //DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, x1, y1); DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, 100, 100); } break; } /* ** Player right-clicked (on up) */ case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; KeyNumType key = (KeyNumType)(KN_RMOUSE | KN_RLSE_BIT); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { //DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::RIGHTRELEASE, x1, y1); DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::RIGHTRELEASE, 100, 100); } break; } /* ** Player right button down */ case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_RIGHT_DOWN: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; KeyNumType key = (KeyNumType)(KN_RMOUSE); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { //DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::RIGHTPRESS, x1, y1); DisplayClass::TacButton.Clicked_On(key, GadgetClass::RIGHTPRESS, 100, 100); } break; } /* ** Player drag selected */ case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_AREA: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); Map.Select_These(XYPixel_Coord(x1, y1), XYPixel_Coord(x2, y2), false); break; } case INPUT_REQUEST_MOUSE_AREA_ADDITIVE: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); Map.Select_These(XYPixel_Coord(x1, y1), XYPixel_Coord(x2, y2), true); break; } case INPUT_REQUEST_SELL_AT_POSITION: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { PlayerPtr->Sell_Wall(cell); } break; } case INPUT_REQUEST_SELECT_AT_POSITION: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { KeyNumType key = (KeyNumType)(KN_LMOUSE | KN_RLSE_BIT); DisplayClass::TacButton.Selection_At_Mouse(GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, key); } break; } case INPUT_REQUEST_COMMAND_AT_POSITION: { DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(); DLLForceMouseX = x1; DLLForceMouseY = y1; _Kbd->MouseQX = x1; _Kbd->MouseQY = y1; COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); if (Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x1, y1)) { KeyNumType key = (KeyNumType)(KN_LMOUSE | KN_RLSE_BIT); DisplayClass::TacButton.Command_Object(GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, key); } break; } default: break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Structure_Request -- Process requests to repair and sell structures. * * In: * * * Out: * * * * History: 4/29/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Structure_Request(StructureRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int object_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (request_type) { case INPUT_STRUCTURE_REPAIR_START: DLLExportClass::Repair_Mode(player_id); break; case INPUT_STRUCTURE_REPAIR: DLLExportClass::Repair(player_id, object_id); break; case INPUT_STRUCTURE_SELL_START: DLLExportClass::Sell_Mode(player_id); break; case INPUT_STRUCTURE_SELL: DLLExportClass::Sell(player_id, object_id); break; case INPUT_STRUCTURE_CANCEL: DLLExportClass::Repair_Sell_Cancel(player_id); break; default: break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Unit_Request -- Process requests on selected units. * * In: * * * Out: * * * * History: 10/15/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Unit_Request(UnitRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (request_type) { case INPUT_UNIT_SCATTER: DLLExportClass::Scatter_Selected(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_SELECT_NEXT: DLLExportClass::Select_Next_Unit(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_SELECT_PREVIOUS: DLLExportClass::Select_Previous_Unit(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_GUARD_MODE: DLLExportClass::Selected_Guard_Mode(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_STOP: DLLExportClass::Selected_Stop(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_FORMATION_TOGGLE: DLLExportClass::Team_Units_Formation_Toggle_On(player_id); break; case INPUT_UNIT_QUEUED_MOVEMENT_ON: // Red Alert Only DLLExportClass::Units_Queued_Movement_Toggle(player_id, true); break; case INPUT_UNIT_QUEUED_MOVEMENT_OFF: // Red Alert Only DLLExportClass::Units_Queued_Movement_Toggle(player_id, false); break; default: break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Sidebar_Request -- Process an input request to the sidebar * * In: * * * Out: * * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Sidebar_Request(SidebarRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, short cell_x, short cell_y) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (request_type) { case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_CONSTRUCTION: DLLExportClass::Start_Construction(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION: DLLExportClass::Hold_Construction(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION: DLLExportClass::Cancel_Construction(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_PLACEMENT: DLLExportClass::Start_Placement(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_PLACE: DLLExportClass::Place(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id, cell_x, cell_y); break; case SIDEBAR_CANCEL_PLACE: DLLExportClass::Cancel_Placement(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); break; default: break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_SuperWeapon_Request * * In: * * * Out: * * * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_SuperWeapon_Request(SuperWeaponRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, int x1, int y1) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (request_type) { case SUPERWEAPON_REQUEST_PLACE_SUPER_WEAPON: DLLExportClass::Place_Super_Weapon(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id, x1, y1); break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_ControlGroup_Request * * In: * * * Out: * * * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_ControlGroup_Request(ControlGroupRequestEnum request_type, uint64 player_id, unsigned char control_group_index) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (request_type) { case CONTROL_GROUP_REQUEST_CREATE: DLLExportClass::Create_Control_Group(control_group_index); break; case CONTROL_GROUP_REQUEST_TOGGLE: DLLExportClass::Toggle_Control_Group_Selection(control_group_index); break; case CONTROL_GROUP_REQUEST_ADDITIVE_SELECTION: DLLExportClass::Add_To_Control_Group(control_group_index); break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Layer_State -- Get a snapshot of the sidebar state * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/29/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Sidebar_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } CNCSidebarStruct *sidebar = (CNCSidebarStruct*) buffer_in; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(*sidebar); // Base amount needed. Will need more depending on how many entries there are int entry_index = 0; sidebar->Credits = 0; sidebar->CreditsCounter = 0; sidebar->Tiberium = 0; sidebar->MaxTiberium = 0; sidebar->PowerProduced = 0; sidebar->PowerDrained = 0; sidebar->RepairBtnEnabled = false; sidebar->SellBtnEnabled = false; sidebar->RadarMapActive = false; sidebar->MissionTimer = -1; sidebar->UnitsKilled = 0; sidebar->BuildingsKilled = 0; sidebar->UnitsLost = 0; sidebar->BuildingsLost = 0; sidebar->TotalHarvestedCredits = 0; if (PlayerPtr) { sidebar->Credits = PlayerPtr->Credits; sidebar->CreditsCounter = PlayerPtr->VisibleCredits.Current; // Timed display // sidebar->CreditsCounter = PlayerPtr->VisibleCredits.Credits; // Actual sidebar->Tiberium = PlayerPtr->Tiberium; sidebar->MaxTiberium = PlayerPtr->Capacity; sidebar->PowerProduced = PlayerPtr->Power; sidebar->PowerDrained = PlayerPtr->Drain; sidebar->RepairBtnEnabled = PlayerPtr->BScan > 0; sidebar->SellBtnEnabled = PlayerPtr->BScan > 0; sidebar->RadarMapActive = PlayerPtr->Radar == RADAR_ON; // A. Get the DestroyedBuildings and DestroyedInfantry stats if they are available at this point if (PlayerPtr->DestroyedBuildings) { for ( int index = 0; index < PlayerPtr->DestroyedBuildings->Get_Unit_Count(); index ++ ) { unsigned int count = (unsigned int) PlayerPtr->DestroyedBuildings->Get_Unit_Total( index ); sidebar->BuildingsKilled += count; } } if (PlayerPtr->DestroyedInfantry) { for ( int index = 0; index < PlayerPtr->DestroyedInfantry->Get_Unit_Count(); index ++ ) { unsigned int count = (unsigned int) PlayerPtr->DestroyedInfantry->Get_Unit_Total( index ); sidebar->UnitsKilled += count; // Includes Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft } } if (PlayerPtr->DestroyedUnits) { for ( int index = 0; index < PlayerPtr->DestroyedUnits->Get_Unit_Count(); index ++ ) { unsigned int count = (unsigned int) PlayerPtr->DestroyedUnits->Get_Unit_Total( index ); sidebar->UnitsKilled += count; // Includes Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft } } if (PlayerPtr->DestroyedAircraft) { for ( int index = 0; index < PlayerPtr->DestroyedAircraft->Get_Unit_Count(); index ++ ) { unsigned int count = (unsigned int) PlayerPtr->DestroyedAircraft->Get_Unit_Total( index ); sidebar->UnitsKilled += count; // Includes Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft } } // B. If the DestroyedBuildings and DestroyedInfantry stats seemed to be unvailable, this is another way to do it // Note that we need to do both of these depending on which type of match we are running, as well as for Replays/Observer and live stats reporting // We can't just do it this way for everything, as it does not work for all cases if (sidebar->BuildingsKilled == 0) { for (unsigned int house_index = 0; house_index < HOUSE_COUNT; house_index ++) { sidebar->BuildingsKilled += PlayerPtr->BuildingsKilled[ house_index ]; } } if (sidebar->UnitsKilled == 0) { for (unsigned int house_index = 0; house_index < HOUSE_COUNT; house_index ++) { sidebar->UnitsKilled += PlayerPtr->UnitsKilled[ house_index ]; // Includes Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft } } sidebar->UnitsLost = PlayerPtr->UnitsLost; sidebar->BuildingsLost = PlayerPtr->BuildingsLost; sidebar->TotalHarvestedCredits = PlayerPtr->HarvestedCredits; } if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { /* ** Get each sidebar column */ for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { sidebar->EntryCount[c] = Map.Column[c].BuildableCount; /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < Map.Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { CNCSidebarEntryStruct &sidebar_entry = sidebar->Entries[entry_index++]; if ((entry_index + 1) * sizeof(CNCSidebarEntryStruct) + memory_needed > buffer_size) { return false; } sidebar_entry.AssetName[0] = 0; sidebar_entry.Type = UNKNOWN; sidebar_entry.BuildableID = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID; sidebar_entry.BuildableType = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType; sidebar_entry.BuildableViaCapture = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableViaCapture; sidebar_entry.Fake = false; TechnoTypeClass const * tech = Fetch_Techno_Type(Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType, Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID); sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_NONE; if (tech) { sidebar_entry.Cost = tech->Cost * PlayerPtr->CostBias; sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = 0; sidebar_entry.BuildTime = tech->Time_To_Build(PlayerPtr->Class->House); strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, tech->IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; } else { sidebar_entry.Cost = 0; sidebar_entry.AssetName[0] = 0; } SuperClass* super_weapon = nullptr; bool isbusy = false; switch (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: sidebar_entry.Type = INFANTRY_TYPE; isbusy = (PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory != -1); isbusy |= Infantry.Avail() <= 0; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: isbusy = (PlayerPtr->UnitFactory != -1); sidebar_entry.Type = UNIT_TYPE; isbusy |= Units.Avail() <= 0; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: isbusy = (PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory != -1); sidebar_entry.Type = AIRCRAFT_TYPE; isbusy |= Aircraft.Avail() <= 0; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: { isbusy = (PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory != -1); isbusy |= Buildings.Avail() <= 0; sidebar_entry.Type = BUILDING_TYPE; const BuildingTypeClass* build_type = static_cast(tech); sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = build_type->Power - build_type->Drain; } break; default: sidebar_entry.Type = UNKNOWN; break; case RTTI_SPECIAL: switch (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID) { case SPC_ION_CANNON: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_ION_CANNON; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_Ion", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->IonCannon; break; case SPC_NUCLEAR_BOMB: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_NUKE; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_Nuke", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->NukeStrike; break; case SPC_AIR_STRIKE: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_AIR_STRIKE; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_AirStrike", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->AirStrike; break; default: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_UNKNOWN; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; break; } break; } int fnumber = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (tech && fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } if (super_weapon != nullptr) { sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)super_weapon->Anim_Stage() / (float)SuperClass::ANIMATION_STAGES; sidebar_entry.Completed = super_weapon->Is_Ready(); sidebar_entry.Constructing = super_weapon->Anim_Stage() != SuperClass::ANIMATION_STAGES; sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = false; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength = 0; sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = 0; sidebar_entry.BuildTime = super_weapon->Get_Recharge_Time(); } else { sidebar_entry.Completed = false; sidebar_entry.Constructing = false; sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = false; sidebar_entry.Progress = 0.0f; sidebar_entry.Busy = isbusy; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength = 0; if (factory) { if (factory->Is_Building()) { sidebar_entry.Constructing = true; sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)factory->Completion() / (float)FactoryClass::STEP_COUNT; sidebar_entry.Completed = factory->Has_Completed(); } else { sidebar_entry.Completed = factory->Has_Completed(); if (!sidebar_entry.Completed) { sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = true; sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)factory->Completion() / (float)FactoryClass::STEP_COUNT; } if (sidebar_entry.Completed && sidebar_entry.Type == BUILDING_TYPE) { if (tech) { BuildingTypeClass *building_type = (BuildingTypeClass*)tech; short const *occupy_list = building_type->Occupy_List(true); if (occupy_list) { while (*occupy_list != REFRESH_EOL && sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength < MAX_OCCUPY_CELLS) { sidebar_entry.PlacementList[sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength] = *occupy_list; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength++; occupy_list++; } } } } } } } } } } else { if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { SidebarGlyphxClass *context_sidebar = DLLExportClass::Get_Current_Context_Sidebar(); /* ** Get each sidebar column */ for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { sidebar->EntryCount[c] = context_sidebar->Column[c].BuildableCount; /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < context_sidebar->Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { CNCSidebarEntryStruct &sidebar_entry = sidebar->Entries[entry_index++]; if ((entry_index + 1) * sizeof(CNCSidebarEntryStruct) + memory_needed > buffer_size) { return false; } sidebar_entry.AssetName[0] = 0; sidebar_entry.Type = UNKNOWN; sidebar_entry.BuildableID = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID; sidebar_entry.BuildableType = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType; sidebar_entry.BuildableViaCapture = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableViaCapture; sidebar_entry.Fake = false; TechnoTypeClass const * tech = Fetch_Techno_Type(context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType, context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID); sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_NONE; if (tech) { sidebar_entry.Cost = tech->Cost * PlayerPtr->CostBias; sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = 0; sidebar_entry.BuildTime = tech->Time_To_Build(PlayerPtr->Class->House); strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, tech->IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; } else { sidebar_entry.Cost = 0; sidebar_entry.AssetName[0] = 0; } SuperClass* super_weapon = nullptr; bool isbusy = false; switch (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: sidebar_entry.Type = INFANTRY_TYPE; isbusy = (PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory != -1); isbusy |= Infantry.Avail() <= 0; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: isbusy = (PlayerPtr->UnitFactory != -1); isbusy |= Units.Avail() <= 0; sidebar_entry.Type = UNIT_TYPE; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: isbusy = (PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory != -1); isbusy |= Aircraft.Avail() <= 0; sidebar_entry.Type = AIRCRAFT_TYPE; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: { isbusy = (PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory != -1); isbusy |= Buildings.Avail() <= 0; sidebar_entry.Type = BUILDING_TYPE; const BuildingTypeClass* build_type = static_cast(tech); sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = build_type->Power - build_type->Drain; } break; default: sidebar_entry.Type = UNKNOWN; break; case RTTI_SPECIAL: switch (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID) { case SPC_ION_CANNON: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_ION_CANNON; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_Ion", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->IonCannon; break; case SPC_NUCLEAR_BOMB: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_NUKE; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_Nuke", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->NukeStrike; break; case SPC_AIR_STRIKE: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_AIR_STRIKE; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; strncpy(sidebar_entry.AssetName, "SW_AirStrike", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); sidebar_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; super_weapon = &PlayerPtr->AirStrike; break; default: sidebar_entry.SuperWeaponType = SW_UNKNOWN; sidebar_entry.Type = SPECIAL; break; } break; } if (super_weapon != nullptr) { sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)super_weapon->Anim_Stage() / (float)SuperClass::ANIMATION_STAGES; sidebar_entry.Completed = super_weapon->Is_Ready(); sidebar_entry.Constructing = super_weapon->Anim_Stage() != SuperClass::ANIMATION_STAGES; sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = false; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength = 0; sidebar_entry.PowerProvided = 0; sidebar_entry.BuildTime = super_weapon->Get_Recharge_Time(); } else { int fnumber = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (tech && fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } sidebar_entry.Completed = false; sidebar_entry.Constructing = false; sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = false; sidebar_entry.Progress = 0.0f; sidebar_entry.Busy = isbusy; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength = 0; if (factory) { if (factory->Is_Building()) { sidebar_entry.Constructing = true; sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)factory->Completion() / (float)FactoryClass::STEP_COUNT; sidebar_entry.Completed = factory->Has_Completed(); } else { sidebar_entry.Completed = factory->Has_Completed(); if (!sidebar_entry.Completed) { sidebar_entry.ConstructionOnHold = true; sidebar_entry.Progress = (float)factory->Completion() / (float)FactoryClass::STEP_COUNT; } if (sidebar_entry.Completed && sidebar_entry.Type == BUILDING_TYPE) { if (tech) { BuildingTypeClass *building_type = (BuildingTypeClass*)tech; short const *occupy_list = building_type->Occupy_List(true); if (occupy_list) { while (*occupy_list != REFRESH_EOL && sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength < MAX_OCCUPY_CELLS) { sidebar_entry.PlacementList[sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength] = *occupy_list; sidebar_entry.PlacementListLength++; occupy_list++; } } } } } } } } } } } return true; } void DLLExportClass::Calculate_Placement_Distances(BuildingTypeClass* placement_type, unsigned char* placement_distance) { int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } memset(placement_distance, 255U, MAP_CELL_TOTAL); for (int y = 0; y < map_cell_height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map_cell_width; x++) { CELL cell = (CELL)map_cell_x + x + ((map_cell_y + y) << 6); BuildingClass* base = (BuildingClass*)Map[cell].Cell_Find_Object(RTTI_BUILDING); if ((base && base->House->Class->House == PlayerPtr->Class->House) || (Map[cell].Owner == PlayerPtr->Class->House)) { placement_distance[cell] = 0U; for (FacingType facing = FACING_N; facing < FACING_COUNT; facing++) { CELL adjcell = Adjacent_Cell(cell, facing); if (Map.In_Radar(adjcell)) { placement_distance[adjcell] = min(placement_distance[adjcell], 1U); } } } } } } void Recalculate_Placement_Distances() { DLLExportClass::Recalculate_Placement_Distances(); } void DLLExportClass::Recalculate_Placement_Distances() { if (PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] != NULL) { Calculate_Placement_Distances(PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex], PlacementDistance[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex]); } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Placement_State -- Get a snapshot of legal validity of placing a structure on all map cells * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/4/2019 3:11PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Placement_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } if (PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] == NULL) { return false; } CNCPlacementInfoStruct *placement_info = (CNCPlacementInfoStruct*) buffer_in; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(*placement_info); // Base amount needed. Will need more depending on how many entries there are int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } memory_needed += map_cell_width * map_cell_height * sizeof(CNCPlacementCellInfoStruct); if (memory_needed + 128 >= buffer_size) { return false; } placement_info->Count = map_cell_width * map_cell_height; int index = 0; for (int y=0 ; y < map_cell_height ; y++) { for (int x=0 ; x < map_cell_width ; x++) { CELL cell = (CELL) map_cell_x + x + ((map_cell_y + y) << 6); bool pass = Passes_Proximity_Check(cell, PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex], PlacementDistance[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex]); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; bool clear = cellptr->Is_Generally_Clear(); CNCPlacementCellInfoStruct &placement_cell_info = placement_info->CellInfo[index++]; placement_cell_info.PassesProximityCheck = pass; placement_cell_info.GenerallyClear = clear; } } Map.ZoneOffset = 0; return true; } bool DLLExportClass::Passes_Proximity_Check(CELL cell_in, BuildingTypeClass *placement_type, unsigned char* placement_distance) { /* ** Scan through all cells that the building foundation would cover. If any adjacent ** cells to these are of friendly persuasion, then consider the proximity check to ** have been a success. */ short const *occupy_list = placement_type->Occupy_List(true); while (*occupy_list != REFRESH_EOL) { CELL center_cell = cell_in + *occupy_list++; if (!Map.In_Radar(center_cell)) { return false; } if (placement_distance[center_cell] <= 1U) { return true; } } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Start_Construction -- Start sidebar construction * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/29/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Start_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { return Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } return MP_Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Hold_Construction -- Pause sidebar construction * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/12/2019 JAS **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Hold_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { return Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } return MP_Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Cancel_Construction -- Stop sidebar construction * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/12/2019 JAS **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Cancel_Construction(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } return Cancel_Placement(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id) && ((GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) ? Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id) : MP_Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id)); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Construction_Action -- Reproduce actions on the sidebar * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/29/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Construction_Action(SidebarRequestEnum construction_action, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** ** Based on SidebarClass::StripClass::SelectClass::Action ** ** Most of this code is validating that the game is in the correct state to be able to act on a sidebar icon ** */ for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < Map.Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { if (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID == buildable_id) { if (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType == buildable_type) { int genfactory = -1; switch (buildable_type) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->UnitFactory; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory; break; default: genfactory = -1; break; } int fnumber = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; int spc = 0; ObjectTypeClass const * choice = NULL; if (buildable_type != RTTI_SPECIAL) { choice = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); } else { spc = buildable_id; } FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } if (spc == 0 && choice) { if (fnumber == -1 && genfactory != -1) { return(false); } if (factory) { /* ** If this object is currently being built, then give a scold sound and text and then ** bail. */ switch (construction_action) { case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION: On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_CANCELED); // Speak(VOX_CANCELED); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION: if (factory->Is_Building()) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_SUSPENDED); // Speak(VOX_SUSPENDED); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::SUSPEND, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); } break; default: if (factory->Is_Building()) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); //Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); // "Cannot Comply" return false; } else { /* ** If production has completed, then attempt to have the object exit ** the factory or go into placement mode. */ if (factory->Has_Completed()) { TechnoClass * pending = factory->Get_Object(); if (!pending && factory->Get_Special_Item()) { // TO_DO //Map.IsTargettingMode = true; } else { BuildingClass * builder = pending->Who_Can_Build_Me(false, false); if (!builder) { OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); //Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); // "Cannot Comply" } else { /* ** If the completed object is a building, then change the ** game state into building placement mode. This fact is ** not transmitted to any linked computers until the moment ** the building is actually placed down. */ if (pending->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { if (construction_action == SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_PLACEMENT) { PlayerPtr->Manual_Place(builder, (BuildingClass *)pending); } } else { /* ** For objects that can leave the factory under their own ** power, queue this event and process through normal house ** production channels. */ //OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PLACE, otype, -1)); } } } } else { /* ** The factory must have been in a suspended state. Resume construction ** normally. */ if (construction_action == SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_CONSTRUCTION) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_BUILDING); // Speak(VOX_BUILDING); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PRODUCE, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); return true; } } } break; } } else { switch (construction_action) { case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION: case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION: break; default: /* ** If this side strip is already busy with production, then ignore the ** input and announce this fact. */ On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_BUILDING); // Speak(VOX_BUILDING); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PRODUCE, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); /* ** Execute immediately so we get the sidebar feedback */ Queue_AI(); return true; } } } } } } } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::MP_Construction_Action -- Reproduce actions on the sidebar * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 3/26/2019 1:02PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::MP_Construction_Action(SidebarRequestEnum construction_action, uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** ** Based on SidebarClass::StripClass::SelectClass::Action ** ** Most of this code is validating that the game is in the correct state to be able to act on a sidebar icon ** */ SidebarGlyphxClass *context_sidebar = DLLExportClass::Get_Current_Context_Sidebar(); for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < context_sidebar->Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { if (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID == buildable_id) { if (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType == buildable_type) { int genfactory = -1; switch (buildable_type) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->UnitFactory; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory; break; default: genfactory = -1; break; } int fnumber = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; int spc = 0; ObjectTypeClass const * choice = NULL; if (buildable_type != RTTI_SPECIAL) { choice = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); } else { spc = buildable_id; } FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } if (spc == 0 && choice) { /* ** If there is already a factory attached to this strip but the player didn't click ** on the icon that has the attached factory, then say that the factory is busy and ** ignore the click. */ if (fnumber == -1 && genfactory != -1) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); //Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); // "Cannot Comply" return(false); } if (factory) { switch (construction_action) { case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION: On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_CANCELED); // Speak(VOX_CANCELED); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); break; case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION: if (factory->Is_Building()) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_SUSPENDED); // Speak(VOX_SUSPENDED); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::SUSPEND, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); } break; default: /* ** If this object is currently being built, then give a scold sound and text and then ** bail. */ if (factory->Is_Building()) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); //Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); // "Cannot Comply" return false; } else { /* ** If production has completed, then attempt to have the object exit ** the factory or go into placement mode. */ if (factory->Has_Completed()) { TechnoClass * pending = factory->Get_Object(); if (!pending && factory->Get_Special_Item()) { // TO_DO //Map.IsTargettingMode = true; } else { BuildingClass * builder = pending->Who_Can_Build_Me(false, false); if (!builder) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); //Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); // "Cannot Comply" OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); } else { /* ** If the completed object is a building, then change the ** game state into building placement mode. This fact is ** not transmitted to any linked computers until the moment ** the building is actually placed down. */ if (pending->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { if (construction_action == SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_PLACEMENT) { if (DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled()) { PlayerPtr->Manual_Place(builder, (BuildingClass *)pending); } else { Unselect_All(); } } } else { /* ** For objects that can leave the factory under their own ** power, queue this event and process through normal house ** production channels. */ //OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PLACE, otype, -1)); } } } } else { /* ** The factory must have been in a suspended state. Resume construction ** normally. */ if (construction_action == SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_CONSTRUCTION) { On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_BUILDING); // Speak(VOX_BUILDING); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PRODUCE, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); return true; } } } break; } } else { switch (construction_action) { case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_CANCEL_CONSTRUCTION: case SIDEBAR_REQUEST_HOLD_CONSTRUCTION: break; default: /* ** */ On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_BUILDING); // Speak(VOX_BUILDING); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PRODUCE, (RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id)); /* ** Execute immediately so we get the sidebar feedback */ DLLExportClass::Glyphx_Queue_AI(); return true; } } } } } } } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Start_Placement -- Start placing a completed structure * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/29/2019 11:37AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Start_Placement(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } BuildingClass *building = Get_Pending_Placement_Object(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); if (building) { TechnoTypeClass const * tech = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); if (tech) { BuildingTypeClass *building_type = (BuildingTypeClass*) tech; //short const *occupy_list = building_type->Get_Occupy_List(true); PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = building_type; Recalculate_Placement_Distances(); if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { return Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_PLACEMENT, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } return MP_Construction_Action(SIDEBAR_REQUEST_START_PLACEMENT, player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); } } return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Cancel_Placement -- Cancel placing a completed structure * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/7/2019 10:52AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Cancel_Placement(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = NULL; Map.PendingObjectPtr = 0; Map.PendingObject = 0; Map.PendingHouse = HOUSE_NONE; Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(0); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Place -- Place a completed structure down * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/6/2019 11:51AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Place(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, short cell_x, short cell_y) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } /* ** Need to check for proximity again here? */ #if (0) Map.Passes_Proximity_Check Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(Map.PendingObject->Occupy_List()); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PLACE, PendingObjectPtr->What_Am_I(), cell + ZoneOffset)); #endif BuildingClass *building = Get_Pending_Placement_Object(player_id, buildable_type, buildable_id); if (building) { TechnoTypeClass const * tech = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); if (tech) { BuildingTypeClass *building_type = (BuildingTypeClass*) tech; //short const *occupy_list = building_type->Get_Occupy_List(true); PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = building_type; /* ** The cell coordinates passed in will be relative to the playable area that the client knows about */ int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } CELL cell = (CELL) (map_cell_x + cell_x) + ( (map_cell_y + cell_y) << 6 ); /* ** Call the place directly instead of queueing it, so we can evaluate the return code. */ if (PlayerPtr->Place_Object(building->What_Am_I(), cell + Map.ZoneOffset)) { PlacementType[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = NULL; } } } return true; } BuildingClass *DLLExportClass::Get_Pending_Placement_Object(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id) { /* ** ** Based on SidebarClass::StripClass::SelectClass::Action ** ** */ if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < Map.Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { if (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID == buildable_id) { if (Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType == buildable_type) { int genfactory = -1; switch (buildable_type) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->UnitFactory; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory; break; default: genfactory = -1; break; } int fnumber = Map.Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; int spc = 0; ObjectTypeClass const * choice = NULL; if (buildable_type != RTTI_SPECIAL) { choice = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); } else { spc = buildable_id; } FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } if (spc == 0 && choice) { if (fnumber == -1 && genfactory != -1) { return(NULL); } if (factory) { /* ** If production has completed, then attempt to have the object exit ** the factory or go into placement mode. */ if (factory->Has_Completed()) { TechnoClass * pending = factory->Get_Object(); if (!pending && factory->Get_Special_Item()) { //Map.IsTargettingMode = true; } else { BuildingClass * builder = pending->Who_Can_Build_Me(false, false); if (!builder) { OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, buildable_type, buildable_id)); On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); // Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); } else { /* ** If the completed object is a building, then change the ** game state into building placement mode. This fact is ** not transmitted to any linked computers until the moment ** the building is actually placed down. */ if (pending->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { return (BuildingClass*)pending; //PlayerPtr->Manual_Place(builder, (BuildingClass *)pending); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { SidebarGlyphxClass *context_sidebar = DLLExportClass::Get_Current_Context_Sidebar(); for (int c = 0 ; c < 2 ; c++) { /* ** Each production slot in the column */ for (int b=0 ; b < context_sidebar->Column[c].BuildableCount ; b++) { if (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableID == buildable_id) { if (context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].BuildableType == buildable_type) { int genfactory = -1; switch (buildable_type) { case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->InfantryFactory; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->UnitFactory; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->AircraftFactory; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: genfactory = PlayerPtr->BuildingFactory; break; default: genfactory = -1; break; } int fnumber = context_sidebar->Column[c].Buildables[b].Factory; int spc = 0; ObjectTypeClass const * choice = NULL; if (buildable_type != RTTI_SPECIAL) { choice = Fetch_Techno_Type((RTTIType)buildable_type, buildable_id); } else { spc = buildable_id; } FactoryClass * factory = NULL; if (fnumber != -1) { factory = Factories.Raw_Ptr(fnumber); } if (spc == 0 && choice) { if (fnumber == -1 && genfactory != -1) { return(NULL); } if (factory) { /* ** If production has completed, then attempt to have the object exit ** the factory or go into placement mode. */ if (factory->Has_Completed()) { TechnoClass * pending = factory->Get_Object(); if (!pending && factory->Get_Special_Item()) { //Map.IsTargettingMode = true; } else { BuildingClass * builder = pending->Who_Can_Build_Me(false, false); if (!builder) { OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::ABANDON, buildable_type, buildable_id)); On_Speech(PlayerPtr, VOX_NO_FACTORY); // Speak(VOX_NO_FACTORY); } else { /* ** If the completed object is a building, then change the ** game state into building placement mode. This fact is ** not transmitted to any linked computers until the moment ** the building is actually placed down. */ if (pending->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { return (BuildingClass*)pending; //PlayerPtr->Manual_Place(builder, (BuildingClass *)pending); } } } } } } } } } } } } return NULL; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Place_Super_Weapon * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Place_Super_Weapon(uint64 player_id, int buildable_type, int buildable_id, int x, int y) { if (buildable_type != RTTI_SPECIAL) { return false; } COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); SpecialWeaponType weapon_type = (SpecialWeaponType)buildable_id; OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::SPECIAL_PLACE, weapon_type, cell)); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Create_Control_Group * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Create_Control_Group(unsigned char control_group_index) { Handle_Team(control_group_index, 2); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Add_To_Control_Group * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Add_To_Control_Group(unsigned char control_group_index) { Handle_Team(control_group_index, 1); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Toggle_Control_Group_Selection * * History: **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Toggle_Control_Group_Selection(unsigned char control_group_index) { Handle_Team(control_group_index, 0); return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Shroud_State -- Get a snapshot of the shroud for the given player * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/12/2019 3:44PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Shroud_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } CNCShroudStruct *shroud = (CNCShroudStruct*) buffer_in; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(*shroud) + 256; // Base amount needed. Will need more depending on how many entries there are int entry_index = 0; /* ** ** Based loosely on DisplayClass::Redraw_Icons ** ** */ int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } for (int y = 0 ; y < map_cell_height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < map_cell_width ; x++) { CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x+x, map_cell_y+y); COORDINATE coord = Cell_Coord(cell) & 0xFF00FF00L; memory_needed += sizeof(CNCShroudEntryStruct); if (memory_needed >= buffer_size) { return false; } int xpixel; int ypixel; Map.Coord_To_Pixel(coord, xpixel, ypixel); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[Coord_Cell(coord)]; CNCShroudEntryStruct &shroud_entry = shroud->Entries[entry_index]; shroud_entry.IsVisible = cellptr->Is_Visible(PlayerPtr); shroud_entry.IsMapped = cellptr->Is_Mapped(PlayerPtr); shroud_entry.IsJamming = false; shroud_entry.ShadowIndex = -1; if (!shroud_entry.IsMapped) { if (shroud_entry.IsVisible) { shroud_entry.ShadowIndex = (char) Map.Cell_Shadow(cell, PlayerPtr); } } entry_index++; } } shroud->Count = entry_index; return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Occupier_State -- Get the occupier state for this player * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 10/25/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Occupier_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(player_id); CNCOccupierHeaderStruct* occupiers = (CNCOccupierHeaderStruct*)buffer_in; CNCOccupierEntryHeaderStruct* entry = reinterpret_cast(occupiers + 1U); occupiers->Count = 0; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(CNCOccupierHeaderStruct); int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } for (int y = 0; y < map_cell_height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map_cell_width; x++, occupiers->Count++) { CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x + x, map_cell_y + y); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; int occupier_count = 0; ObjectClass* const cell_occupier = cellptr->Cell_Occupier(); for (ObjectClass* optr = cell_occupier; optr != NULL; optr = optr->Next) { if (optr->IsActive) { occupier_count++; } } memory_needed += sizeof(CNCOccupierEntryHeaderStruct) + (sizeof(CNCOccupierObjectStruct) * occupier_count); if (memory_needed >= buffer_size) { return false; } CNCOccupierObjectStruct* occupier = reinterpret_cast(entry + 1U); entry->Count = occupier_count; for (ObjectClass* optr = cell_occupier; optr != NULL; optr = optr->Next) { if (optr->IsActive) { CNCObjectStruct object; Convert_Type(optr, object); occupier->Type = object.Type; occupier->ID = object.ID; occupier++; } } entry = reinterpret_cast(occupier + 1U); } } return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Player_Info_State -- Get the multiplayer info for this player * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/22/2019 10:33AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Player_Info_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return false; } CNCPlayerInfoStruct *player_info = (CNCPlayerInfoStruct*) buffer_in; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(*player_info) + 32; // A little extra for no reason if (memory_needed >= buffer_size) { return false; } player_info->GlyphxPlayerID = 0; if (PlayerPtr == NULL) { return false;; } strncpy(&player_info->Name[0], MPlayerNames[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex], MPLAYER_NAME_MAX); player_info->Name[MPLAYER_NAME_MAX - 1] = 0; // Make sure it's terminated player_info->House = PlayerPtr->Class->House; player_info->AllyFlags = PlayerPtr->Get_Ally_Flags(); player_info->ColorIndex = MPlayerID_To_ColorIndex(MPlayerID[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex]); player_info->GlyphxPlayerID = player_id; player_info->HomeCellX = Cell_X(MultiplayerStartPositions[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex]); player_info->HomeCellY = Cell_Y(MultiplayerStartPositions[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex]); player_info->IsDefeated = PlayerPtr->IsDefeated; player_info->SpiedPowerFlags = 0U; player_info->SpiedMoneyFlags = 0U; player_info->IsRadarJammed = false; // Populate selection info if (CurrentObject.Count() > 0) { CNCObjectStruct object; Convert_Type(CurrentObject[0], object); player_info->SelectedID = object.ID; player_info->SelectedType = object.Type; const int left = Map.MapCellX; const int right = Map.MapCellX + Map.MapCellWidth - 1; const int top = Map.MapCellY; const int bottom = Map.MapCellY + Map.MapCellHeight - 1; // Use first object with a weapon, or first object if none ObjectClass* action_object = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < CurrentObject.Count(); ++i) { ObjectClass* object = CurrentObject[i]; if (object->Is_Techno()) { TechnoClass* techno = (TechnoClass*)object; if (techno->Techno_Type_Class()->Primary != WEAPON_NONE || techno->Techno_Type_Class()->Secondary != WEAPON_NONE) { action_object = object; break; } } } if (action_object == nullptr) { action_object = CurrentObject[0]; } int index = 0; for (int y = top; y <= bottom; ++y) { for (int x = left; x <= right; ++x, ++index) { Convert_Action_Type(action_object->What_Action(XY_Cell(x, y)), (CurrentObject.Count() == 1) ? action_object : NULL, As_Target(XY_Cell(x, y)), player_info->ActionWithSelected[index]); } } player_info->ActionWithSelectedCount = Map.MapCellWidth * Map.MapCellHeight; } else { player_info->SelectedID = -1; player_info->SelectedType = UNKNOWN; player_info->ActionWithSelectedCount = 0U; } // Screen shake player_info->ScreenShake = PlayerPtr->ScreenShakeTime; return true; }; /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Dynamic_Map_State -- Get a snapshot of the smudges and overlays on the terrain * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/8/2019 10:45AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Dynamic_Map_State(uint64 player_id, unsigned char *buffer_in, unsigned int buffer_size) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ player_id; static int _call_count = 0; CNCDynamicMapStruct *dynamic_map = (CNCDynamicMapStruct*) buffer_in; unsigned int memory_needed = sizeof(*dynamic_map) + 256; // Base amount needed. Will need more depending on how many entries there are int entry_index = 0; /* ** ** Based loosely on DisplayClass::Redraw_Icons ** ** */ int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } int cell_index = 0; bool debug_output = false; //if (_call_count == 20) { //debug_output = true; //} // Need to ignore view constraints for dynamic map updates, so the radar map // has the latest tiberium state for cells outside the tactical view DLLExportClass::Adjust_Internal_View(true); for (int y = 0 ; y < map_cell_height ; y++) { for (int x = 0 ; x < map_cell_width ; x++) { CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x+x, map_cell_y+y); COORDINATE coord = Cell_Coord(cell) & 0xFF00FF00L; memory_needed += sizeof(CNCDynamicMapEntryStruct) * 2; if (memory_needed >= buffer_size) { return false; } /* ** Only cells flagged to be redraw are examined. */ //if (In_View(cell) && Is_Cell_Flagged(cell)) { int xpixel; int ypixel; if (Map.Coord_To_Pixel(coord, xpixel, ypixel)) { CellClass * cellptr = &Map[Coord_Cell(coord)]; /* ** If there is a portion of the underlying icon that could be visible, ** then draw it. Also draw the cell if the shroud is off. */ if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER || cellptr->IsVisible || Debug_Unshroud) { Cell_Class_Draw_It(dynamic_map, entry_index, cellptr, xpixel, ypixel, debug_output); } /* ** If any cell is not fully mapped, then flag it so that the shadow drawing ** process will occur. Only draw the shadow if Debug_Unshroud is false. */ //if (!cellptr->IsMapped && !Debug_Unshroud) { // IsShadowPresent = true; //} } //} } } if (entry_index) { _call_count++; } dynamic_map->Count = entry_index; dynamic_map->VortexActive = false; return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Cell_Class_Draw_It -- Go through the motions of drawing a cell to get the smudge and overlay info * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 2/8/2019 11:09AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Cell_Class_Draw_It(CNCDynamicMapStruct *dynamic_map, int &entry_index, CellClass *cell_ptr, int xpixel, int ypixel, bool debug_output) { /* ** ** Based on CellClass::Draw_It and SmudgeTypeClass::Draw_It ** ** */ CELL cell = cell_ptr->Cell_Number(); /* ** Redraw any smudge. */ if (cell_ptr->Smudge != SMUDGE_NONE) { //SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(Smudge).Draw_It(x, y, SmudgeData); const SmudgeTypeClass &smudge_type = SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(cell_ptr->Smudge); if (smudge_type.Get_Image_Data() != NULL) { if (debug_output) { IsTheaterShape = true; Debug_Write_Shape_Type(&smudge_type, 0); IsTheaterShape = false; } CNCDynamicMapEntryStruct &smudge_entry = dynamic_map->Entries[entry_index++]; strncpy(smudge_entry.AssetName, smudge_type.IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); smudge_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; smudge_entry.Type = (short) cell_ptr->Smudge; smudge_entry.Owner = (char)cell_ptr->Owner; smudge_entry.DrawFlags = SHAPE_WIN_REL; // Looks like smudges are drawn top left smudge_entry.PositionX = xpixel; smudge_entry.PositionY = ypixel; smudge_entry.Width = Get_Build_Frame_Width(smudge_type.Get_Image_Data()); smudge_entry.Height = Get_Build_Frame_Height(smudge_type.Get_Image_Data()); smudge_entry.CellX = Cell_X(cell); smudge_entry.CellY = Cell_Y(cell); smudge_entry.ShapeIndex = cell_ptr->SmudgeData; smudge_entry.IsSmudge = true; smudge_entry.IsOverlay = false; smudge_entry.IsResource = false; smudge_entry.IsSellable = false; smudge_entry.IsTheaterShape = true; // Smudges are always theater-specific smudge_entry.IsFlag = false; } } /* ** Draw the overlay object. */ if (cell_ptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { //OverlayTypeClass const & otype = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Overlay); //IsTheaterShape = (bool)otype.IsTheater; //CC_Draw_Shape(otype.Get_Image_Data(), OverlayData, (x+(CELL_PIXEL_W>>1)), (y+(CELL_PIXEL_H>>1)), WINDOW_TACTICAL, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_GHOST, NULL, Map.UnitShadow); //IsTheaterShape = false; const OverlayTypeClass &overlay_type = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cell_ptr->Overlay); if (overlay_type.Get_Image_Data() != NULL) { CNCDynamicMapEntryStruct &overlay_entry = dynamic_map->Entries[entry_index++]; if (debug_output) { IsTheaterShape = (bool)overlay_type.IsTheater; Debug_Write_Shape_Type(&overlay_type, 0); IsTheaterShape = false; } strncpy(overlay_entry.AssetName, overlay_type.IniName, CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); overlay_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; overlay_entry.Type = (short)cell_ptr->Overlay; overlay_entry.Owner = (char) cell_ptr->Owner; overlay_entry.DrawFlags = SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_GHOST; // Looks like overlays are drawn centered and translucent overlay_entry.PositionX = xpixel + (CELL_PIXEL_W>>1); overlay_entry.PositionY = ypixel + (CELL_PIXEL_H>>1); overlay_entry.Width = Get_Build_Frame_Width(overlay_type.Get_Image_Data()); overlay_entry.Height = Get_Build_Frame_Height(overlay_type.Get_Image_Data()); overlay_entry.CellX = Cell_X(cell); overlay_entry.CellY = Cell_Y(cell); overlay_entry.ShapeIndex = cell_ptr->OverlayData; overlay_entry.IsSmudge = false; overlay_entry.IsOverlay = true; overlay_entry.IsResource = overlay_entry.Type >= OVERLAY_TIBERIUM1 && overlay_entry.Type <= OVERLAY_TIBERIUM12; overlay_entry.IsSellable = overlay_entry.Type >= OVERLAY_SANDBAG_WALL && overlay_entry.Type <= OVERLAY_WOOD_WALL; overlay_entry.IsTheaterShape = (bool)overlay_type.IsTheater; overlay_entry.IsFlag = false; } } if (cell_ptr->IsFlagged) { const void* image_data = MixFileClass::Retrieve("FLAGFLY.SHP"); if (image_data != NULL) { CNCDynamicMapEntryStruct &flag_entry = dynamic_map->Entries[entry_index++]; strncpy(flag_entry.AssetName, "FLAGFLY", CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH); flag_entry.AssetName[CNC_OBJECT_ASSET_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = 0; flag_entry.Type = -1; flag_entry.Owner = cell_ptr->Owner; flag_entry.DrawFlags = SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_GHOST|SHAPE_FADING; flag_entry.PositionX = xpixel + (ICON_PIXEL_W / 2); flag_entry.PositionY = ypixel + (ICON_PIXEL_H / 2); flag_entry.Width = Get_Build_Frame_Width(image_data); flag_entry.Height = Get_Build_Frame_Height(image_data); flag_entry.CellX = Cell_X(cell); flag_entry.CellY = Cell_Y(cell); flag_entry.ShapeIndex = Frame % 14; flag_entry.IsSmudge = false; flag_entry.IsOverlay = false; flag_entry.IsResource = false; flag_entry.IsSellable = false; flag_entry.IsTheaterShape = false; flag_entry.IsFlag = true; } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Glyphx_Queue_AI -- Special queue processing for Glyphx multiplayer mode * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 3/12/2019 10:52AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Glyphx_Queue_AI(void) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Move events from the OutList (events generated by this player) into the // DoList (the list of events to execute). //------------------------------------------------------------------------ while (OutList.Count) { OutList.First().IsExecuted = false; if (!DoList.Add(OutList.First())) { ; } OutList.Next(); } /* ** Based on Execute_DoList in queue.cpp ** ** The events have the ID of the player encoded in them, so no special per-player processing should be needed. ** When the event is created, the 'local player' is assumed to be the originator of the event, so PlayerPtr will need ** to be swapped out to represent the real originating player prior to any events being created as a result of GlyphX input ** ** ST - 3/12/2019 10:51AM */ for (int i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; i++) { HousesType house; HouseClass *housep; house = MPlayerHouses [i]; housep= HouseClass::As_Pointer (house); //..................................................................... // If for some reason this house doesn't exist, skip it. // Also, if this house has exited the game, skip it. (The user can // generate events after he exits, because the exit event is scheduled // at least FrameSendRate*3 frames ahead. If one system gets these // packets & another system doesn't, they'll go out of sync because // they aren't checking the CommandCount for that house, since that // house isn't connected any more.) //..................................................................... if (!housep){ continue; } if (!housep->IsHuman){ continue; } //..................................................................... // Loop through all events //..................................................................... for (int j = 0; j < DoList.Count; j++) { if (!DoList[j].IsExecuted && (unsigned)Frame >= DoList[j].Frame) { DoList[j].Execute(); //............................................................... // Mark this event as executed. //............................................................... DoList[j].IsExecuted = 1; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Clean out the DoList //------------------------------------------------------------------------ while (DoList.Count) { //..................................................................... // Discard events that have been executed, OR it's too late to execute. // (This happens if another player exits the game; he'll leave FRAMEINFO // events lying around in my queue. They won't have been "executed", // because his IPX connection was destroyed.) //..................................................................... if ( (DoList.First().IsExecuted) || ((unsigned)Frame > DoList.First().Frame) ) { DoList.Next(); } else { break; } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Reset_Sidebars -- Init the multiplayer sidebars * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 3/14/2019 3:10PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Reset_Sidebars(void) { for (int i=0 ; iClass->House); } return true; } /* ** C&C relies a lot on PlayerPtr, which is a pointer to the 'local' player's house. Historically, in a peer-to-peer ** multiplayer game, each player's PlayerPtr pointed to their own local player. ** ** Since much of the IO logic depends on PlayerPtr being the player performing the action, we need to set PlayerPtr ** correctly depending on which player generated input or needs output */ for (int i=0 ; iClass->House); CurrentLocalPlayerIndex = i; return true; } } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Reset_Player_Context -- Clear out old player context data * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/16/2019 10:36AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Reset_Player_Context(void) { for (int i=0 ; iIs_Techno()) { return; } TechnoClass *tech = static_cast(object); //HousesType house = tech->House->Class->House; DLLExportClass::Logic_Switch_Player_Context(tech->House); } /************************************************************************************************** * Logic_Switch_Player_Context -- Called when the internal game locic needs to switch player context * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/17/2019 9:45AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void Logic_Switch_Player_Context(HouseClass *object) { DLLExportClass::Logic_Switch_Player_Context(object); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Logic_Switch_Player_Context -- Called when the internal game locic needs to switch player context * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/17/2019 9:45AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Logic_Switch_Player_Context(HouseClass *house) { if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { CurrentObject.Set_Active_Context(PlayerPtr->Class->House); return; } if (house == NULL) { return; } /* ** C&C relies a lot on PlayerPtr, which is a pointer to the 'local' player's house. Historically, in a peer-to-peer ** multiplayer game, each player's PlayerPtr pointed to their own local player. ** ** Since much of the IO logic depends on PlayerPtr being the player performing the action, we need to set PlayerPtr ** correctly depending on which player generated input or needs output */ HousesType house_type = house->Class->House; for (int i=0 ; iClass->House); CurrentLocalPlayerIndex = i; return; } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Calculate_Start_Positions -- Calculate the initial view positions for the players * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/16/2019 6/12/2019 3:00PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Calculate_Start_Positions(void) { if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { MultiplayerStartPositions[0] = Views[0]; return; } HouseClass *player_ptr = PlayerPtr; ScenarioInit++; COORDINATE old_tac = Map.TacticalCoord; for (int i=0 ; iClass->House; for (int i=0 ; iIsActive) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("DLLExportClass::Repair -- trying to repair a non-active building"); } else { if (building && building->Can_Repair() && building->House && building->House->Class->House == PlayerPtr->Class->House) { building->Repair(-1); } } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Sell_Mode -- Starts the player's sell mode. All it does here is unselect all units. * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 5/1/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Sell_Mode(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } Unselect_All(); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Sell -- Sell's a player's speceific building. * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 5/1/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Sell(uint64 player_id, int object_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } TARGET target = Build_Target(KIND_BUILDING, object_id); if (target != TARGET_NONE) { BuildingClass* building = As_Building(target); if (building) { if (!building->IsActive) { GlyphX_Debug_Print("DLLExportClass::Sell -- trying to sell a non-active building"); } else { if (building->House && building->House->Class->House == PlayerPtr->Class->House) { building->Sell_Back(1); } } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Repair_Sell_Cancel -- Ends the player's repair or sell mode. Doesn't do anything right now. * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 5/1/2019 - LLL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Repair_Sell_Cancel(uint64 player_id) { //OutputDebugString("Repair_Sell_Cancel\n"); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Scatter_Selected -- Scatter the selected units * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 10/15/2019 - SKY **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Scatter_Selected(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } if (CurrentObject.Count()) { for (int index = 0; index < CurrentObject.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass const * tech = CurrentObject[index]; if (tech && tech->Can_Player_Move()) { OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::SCATTER, tech->As_Target())); } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Select_Next_Unit * * History: 03.02.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Select_Next_Unit(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } ObjectClass* obj = Map.Next_Object(CurrentObject.Count() ? CurrentObject[0] : NULL); if (obj) { Unselect_All(); obj->Select(); COORDINATE center = Map.Center_Map(); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (center) { On_Center_Camera(PlayerPtr, Coord_X(center), Coord_Y(center)); } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Select_Previous_Unit * * History: 03.02.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Select_Previous_Unit(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } ObjectClass* obj = Map.Prev_Object(CurrentObject.Count() ? CurrentObject[0] : NULL); if (obj) { Unselect_All(); obj->Select(); COORDINATE center = Map.Center_Map(); Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (center) { On_Center_Camera(PlayerPtr, Coord_X(center), Coord_Y(center)); } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Selected_Guard_Mode * * History: 03.03.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Selected_Guard_Mode(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } if (CurrentObject.Count()) { for (int index = 0; index < CurrentObject.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass const * tech = CurrentObject[index]; if (tech && tech->Can_Player_Move() && tech->Can_Player_Fire()) { OutList.Add(EventClass(tech->As_Target(), MISSION_GUARD_AREA)); } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Selected_Stop * * History: 03.03.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Selected_Stop(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } // Copied from TiberianDawn/Conquer.cpp - Keyboard_Process() with VK_S if (CurrentObject.Count()) { for (int index = 0; index < CurrentObject.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass const * tech = CurrentObject[index]; if (tech && (tech->Can_Player_Move() || (tech->Can_Player_Fire() && tech->What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING))) { OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::IDLE, tech->As_Target())); } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Units_Queued_Movement_Toggle * * History: 03.03.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Units_Queued_Movement_Toggle(uint64 /*player_id*/, bool /*toggle*/) { // Currently Red Alert only but stubbed in support in case we add to Tiberian Dawn later } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Team_Units_Formation_Toggle_On * * History: 03.03.2020 MBL **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Team_Units_Formation_Toggle_On(uint64 player_id) { /* ** Get the player for this... */ if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } // Red Alert only at this time, unless we do some updates to support in Tiberian Dawn #if 0 Toggle_Formation(); // Conquer.cpp #endif } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Handle_Debug_Request -- Process a debug input request * * In: * * * Out: * * * History: 1/7/2019 5:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __cdecl CNC_Handle_Debug_Request(DebugRequestEnum debug_request_type, uint64 player_id, const char *object_name, int x, int y, bool unshroud, bool enemy) { if (!DLLExportClass::Set_Player_Context(player_id)) { return; } switch (debug_request_type) { case DEBUG_REQUEST_SPAWN_OBJECT: { DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_Unit(object_name, x, y, enemy); } break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_FORCE_CRASH: Debug_Force_Crash = true; break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_KILL_OBJECT: if (strcmp(object_name, "HEAL") == 0) { DLLExportClass::Debug_Heal_Unit(x, y); } else { DLLExportClass::Debug_Kill_Unit(x, y); } break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_END_GAME: { bool win = true; const char lose[] = "LOSE"; if (strcmp(lose, object_name) == 0) { win = false; } PlayerWins = win; PlayerLoses = !win; } break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_UNSHROUD: Debug_Unshroud = unshroud; Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_SUPERWEAPON_RECHARGE: PlayerPtr->IonCannon.Forced_Charge(true); PlayerPtr->NukeStrike.Forced_Charge(true); PlayerPtr->AirStrike.Forced_Charge(true); break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_END_PRODUCTION: { for (int index = 0; index < Factories.Count(); index++) { FactoryClass* factory = Factories.Ptr(index); if (factory->Get_House()->IsHuman) { Factories.Ptr(index)->Force_Complete(); } } } break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_ADD_RESOURCES: { if (object_name) { int amount = atoi(object_name); PlayerPtr->Credits += amount; if (PlayerPtr->Credits < 0) { PlayerPtr->Credits = 0; } } } break; case DEBUG_REQUEST_UNLOCK_BUILDABLES: PlayerPtr->DebugUnlockBuildables = !PlayerPtr->DebugUnlockBuildables; PlayerPtr->IsRecalcNeeded = true; break; default: break; } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_All -- Debug spawn all buildable units and structures * * In: Object to unlimbo , x & y cell positions * * * Out: True if unlimbo succeeded * * * * History: 1/22/2020 2:57PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(TechnoClass *techno, int &cell_x, int &cell_y) { if (techno) { int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_right = map_cell_x + Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_bottom = map_cell_y + Map.MapCellHeight; map_cell_right = min(map_cell_right, cell_x + 26); // Generally try to prevent the objects from spawing off the right of the screen int try_x = cell_x; int try_y = cell_y; while (try_y < map_cell_bottom) { CELL cell = XY_Cell(try_x, try_y); if (techno->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(cell))) { try_x++; if (try_x > map_cell_right - 2) { try_x = cell_x; //map_cell_x + 2; try_y++; } cell_x = try_x; cell_y = try_y; return true; } try_x++; if (try_x > map_cell_right - 2) { try_x = cell_x; //map_cell_x + 2; try_y++; } } cell_x = try_x; cell_y = try_y; } return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_All -- Debug spawn all buildable units and structures * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/22/2020 2:57PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_All(int x, int y) { int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_bottom = map_cell_y + Map.MapCellHeight; int origin_x = map_cell_x + 2; int origin_y = map_cell_y + 2; if (x != 0 || y != 0) { CELL screen_cell = Coord_Cell(Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y)); origin_x = Cell_X(screen_cell); origin_y = Cell_Y(screen_cell); } int try_x = origin_x; int try_y = origin_y; HousesType house = PlayerPtr->Class->House; for (StructType sindex = STRUCT_FIRST; sindex < STRUCT_COUNT; sindex++) { BuildingTypeClass const & building_type = BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(sindex); if (building_type.IsBuildable) { BuildingClass * building = new BuildingClass(building_type, house); if (building) { try_x = origin_x; try_y = origin_y; while (try_y < map_cell_bottom) { if (Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(building, try_x, try_y)) { break; } } } } } for (UnitType index = UNIT_FIRST; index < UNIT_COUNT; index++) { UnitTypeClass const & unit_type = UnitTypeClass::As_Reference(index); /* ** Fetch the sidebar cameo image for this building. */ if (unit_type.IsBuildable) { UnitClass * unit = (UnitClass*) unit_type.Create_One_Of(PlayerPtr); if (unit) { try_x = origin_x; try_y = origin_y; while (try_y < map_cell_bottom) { if (Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(unit, try_x, try_y)) { break; } } } } } for (InfantryType index = INFANTRY_FIRST; index < INFANTRY_COUNT; index++) { InfantryTypeClass const &infantry_type = InfantryTypeClass::As_Reference(index); /* ** Fetch the sidebar cameo image for this building. */ if (infantry_type.IsBuildable) { InfantryClass * inf = (InfantryClass*) infantry_type.Create_One_Of(PlayerPtr); if (inf) { try_x = origin_x; try_y = origin_y; while (try_y < map_cell_bottom) { if (Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(inf, try_x, try_y)) { break; } } } } } for (AircraftType index = AIRCRAFT_FIRST; index < AIRCRAFT_COUNT; index++) { AircraftTypeClass const &aircraft_type = AircraftTypeClass::As_Reference(index); /* ** Fetch the sidebar cameo image for this building. */ if (aircraft_type.IsBuildable) { AircraftClass * air = (AircraftClass*) aircraft_type.Create_One_Of(PlayerPtr); if (air) { try_x = origin_x; try_y = origin_y; while (try_y < map_cell_bottom) { if (Try_Debug_Spawn_Unlimbo(air, try_x, try_y)) { break; } } } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_Unit -- Debug spawn a unit at the specified location * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 3/14/2019 3:20PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Debug_Spawn_Unit(const char *object_name, int x, int y, bool enemy) { if (object_name == NULL) { return; } if (strlen(object_name) == 0) { return; } COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); HousesType house = PlayerPtr->Class->House; /* ** Place all? */ if (stricmp(object_name, "ALLOBJECTS") == 0) { Debug_Spawn_All(x, y); return; } /* ** If this is for the enemy, find the enemy with the most stuff */ if (enemy) { unsigned max_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Houses.Count(); ++i) { const HouseClass* player = Houses.Ptr(i); const unsigned count = player->CurUnits + player->CurBuildings + player->CurInfantry + player->CurAircraft; if (!PlayerPtr->Is_Ally(player) && (count >= max_count)) { house = player->Class->House; max_count = count; } } } /* ** What is this thing? */ StructType structure_type = BuildingTypeClass::From_Name(object_name); if (structure_type != STRUCT_NONE) { BuildingClass * building = new BuildingClass(structure_type, house); if (building) { if (!building->Unlimbo(Cell_Coord(cell))) { delete building; } } #if (0) Map.PendingObject = &BuildingTypeClass::As_Reference(structure_type); Map.PendingHouse = PlayerPtr->ActLike; Map.PendingObjectPtr = Map.PendingObject->Create_One_Of(PlayerPtr); if (Map.PendingObjectPtr) { Map.Set_Cursor_Pos(); Map.Set_Cursor_Shape(Map.PendingObject->Occupy_List()); //OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::PLACE, RTTI_BUILDING, (CELL)(cell + Map.ZoneOffset))); } #endif return; } UnitType unit_type = UnitTypeClass::From_Name(object_name); if (unit_type != UNIT_NONE) { UnitClass * unit = new UnitClass(unit_type, house); if (unit) { unit->Unlimbo(Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y), DIR_N); } return; } InfantryType infantry_type = InfantryTypeClass::From_Name(object_name); if (infantry_type != INFANTRY_NONE) { InfantryClass * inf = new InfantryClass(infantry_type, house); if (inf) { inf->Unlimbo(Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y), DIR_N); } return; } AircraftType aircraft_type = AircraftTypeClass::From_Name(object_name); if (aircraft_type != AIRCRAFT_NONE) { AircraftClass * air = new AircraftClass(aircraft_type, house); if (air) { air->Altitude = 0; air->Unlimbo(Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y), DIR_N); } return; } OverlayType overlay_type = OverlayTypeClass::From_Name(object_name); if (overlay_type != OVERLAY_NONE) { new OverlayClass(overlay_type, cell); return; } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Debug_Kill_Unit -- Kill a unit at the specified location * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 8/19/2019 3:09PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Debug_Kill_Unit(int x, int y) { COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; if (cellptr) { ObjectClass *obj = cellptr->Cell_Object(); static const int debug_damage = 1000; if (obj) { int damage = debug_damage; obj->Take_Damage(damage, 0, WARHEAD_HE, 0); } else { if (cellptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { OverlayTypeClass const * optr = &OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay); if (optr->IsTiberium) { cellptr->Reduce_Tiberium(1); } if (optr->IsWall) { Map[cell].Reduce_Wall(debug_damage); } } } } } void DLLExportClass::Debug_Heal_Unit(int x, int y) { COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(x, y); CELL cell = Coord_Cell(coord); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; if (cellptr) { ObjectClass *obj = cellptr->Cell_Object(); if (obj) { obj->Strength = obj->Class_Of().MaxStrength; } else { if (cellptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { OverlayTypeClass const * optr = &OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay); if (optr->IsTiberium) { const int cellcount = (int)FACING_COUNT + 1; CellClass* cells[cellcount]; cells[0] = cellptr; for (FacingType index = FACING_N; index < FACING_COUNT; index++) { cells[(int)index + 1] = &cellptr->Adjacent_Cell(index); } for (int index = 0; index < cellcount; index++) { CellClass *newcell = cells[index]; if (newcell && newcell->Cell_Object() == NULL) { if (newcell->Land_Type() == LAND_CLEAR && newcell->Overlay == OVERLAY_NONE) { switch (newcell->TType) { case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE3: case TEMPLATE_BRIDGE4: break; default: new OverlayClass(Random_Pick(OVERLAY_TIBERIUM1, OVERLAY_TIBERIUM12), newcell->Cell_Number()); newcell->OverlayData = 1; break; } } else if (newcell->Land_Type() == LAND_TIBERIUM) { newcell->OverlayData = MIN(newcell->OverlayData + 1, 11); newcell->Recalc_Attributes(); newcell->Redraw_Objects(); } } } } } } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled -- Is the legacy rendering enabled? * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 4/15/2019 5:46PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Legacy_Render_Enabled(void) { if (GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { unsigned int num_humans = 0U; for (int i = 0; i < MPlayerCount; ++i) { HouseClass *player_ptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(MPlayerHouses[i]); if (player_ptr && player_ptr->IsHuman) { if (++num_humans > 1) break; } } return num_humans < 2; } //return false; return true; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Computer_Message -- Replacement for original Computer_Message function * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 1/27/2020 1:42PM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Computer_Message(bool last_player_taunt) { HousesType house; HouseClass *ptr; HouseClass *ai_players[MAX_PLAYERS]; int ai_player_count = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Find the computer house that the message will be from ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ for (house = HOUSE_MULTI1; house < (HOUSE_MULTI1 + MPlayerMax); house++) { ptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (!ptr || ptr->IsHuman || ptr->IsDefeated) { continue; } ai_players[ai_player_count++] = ptr; } if (ai_player_count) { int ai_player_index = 0; if (ai_player_count > 1) { ai_player_index = IRandom(0, ai_player_count - 1); } int taunt_index; if (last_player_taunt) { taunt_index = 13; } else { taunt_index = IRandom(0,12); } On_Message(ai_players[ai_player_index], "", 15.0f, MESSAGE_TYPE_COMPUTER_TAUNT, taunt_index); } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Set_Special_Key_Flags -- * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/27/2019 - JAS **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Set_Special_Key_Flags(unsigned char special_key_flags) { SpecialKeyFlags[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = special_key_flags; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Clear_Special_Key_Flags -- * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/27/2019 - JAS **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Clear_Special_Key_Flags() { SpecialKeyFlags[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] = 0; } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Get_Input_Key_State -- * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 6/27/2019 - JAS **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Get_Input_Key_State(KeyNumType key) { switch (key) { case KN_LCTRL: return (SpecialKeyFlags[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] & INPUT_SPECIAL_KEY_CTRL) != 0; break; case KN_LSHIFT: return (SpecialKeyFlags[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] & INPUT_SPECIAL_KEY_SHIFT) != 0; break; case KN_LALT: return (SpecialKeyFlags[CurrentLocalPlayerIndex] & INPUT_SPECIAL_KEY_ALT) != 0; break; default: break; }; return false; } /************************************************************************************************** * Get_Input_Key_State * * History: 6/27/2019 - JAS **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KeyNumType key) { return DLLExportClass::Get_Input_Key_State(key); } bool DLLSave(FileClass &file) { return DLLExportClass::Save(file); } bool DLLLoad(FileClass &file) { return DLLExportClass::Load(file); } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Save -- * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 9/10/2019 10:24AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ bool DLLExportClass::Save(FileClass & file) { /* ** Version first */ unsigned int version = CNC_DLL_API_VERSION; if (file.Write(&version, sizeof(version)) != sizeof(version)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MultiplayerStartPositions, sizeof(MultiplayerStartPositions)) != sizeof(MultiplayerStartPositions)) { return false; } if (file.Write(GlyphxPlayerIDs, sizeof(GlyphxPlayerIDs)) != sizeof(GlyphxPlayerIDs)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons, sizeof(GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons)) != sizeof(GlyphXClientSidebarWidthInLeptons)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MPlayerIsHuman, sizeof(MPlayerIsHuman)) != sizeof(MPlayerIsHuman)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MultiplayerStartPositions, sizeof(MultiplayerStartPositions)) != sizeof(MultiplayerStartPositions)) { return false; } if (file.Write(PlacementType, sizeof(PlacementType)) != sizeof(PlacementType)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerCount, sizeof(MPlayerCount)) != sizeof(MPlayerCount)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerBases, sizeof(MPlayerBases)) != sizeof(MPlayerBases)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerCredits, sizeof(MPlayerCredits)) != sizeof(MPlayerCredits)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerTiberium, sizeof(MPlayerTiberium)) != sizeof(MPlayerTiberium)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerGoodies, sizeof(MPlayerGoodies)) != sizeof(MPlayerGoodies)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerGhosts, sizeof(MPlayerGhosts)) != sizeof(MPlayerGhosts)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerSolo, sizeof(MPlayerSolo)) != sizeof(MPlayerSolo)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerUnitCount, sizeof(MPlayerUnitCount)) != sizeof(MPlayerUnitCount)) { return false; } if (file.Write(&MPlayerLocalID, sizeof(MPlayerLocalID)) != sizeof(MPlayerLocalID)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MPlayerHouses, sizeof(MPlayerHouses)) != sizeof(MPlayerHouses)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MPlayerNames, sizeof(MPlayerNames)) != sizeof(MPlayerNames)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MPlayerID, sizeof(MPlayerID)) != sizeof(MPlayerID)) { return false; } if (file.Write(MPlayerIsHuman, sizeof(MPlayerIsHuman)) != sizeof(MPlayerIsHuman)) { return false; } for (int i=0 ; iType; } } } /************************************************************************************************** * DLLExportClass::Decode_Pointers -- * * In: * * Out: * * * * History: 9/10/2019 10:24AM - ST **************************************************************************************************/ void DLLExportClass::Decode_Pointers(void) { for (int i=0 ; i(PlacementType[i]); PlacementType[i] = NULL; if (type >= STRUCT_FIRST && type < STRUCT_COUNT) { TechnoTypeClass const * tech = Fetch_Techno_Type(RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE, type); if (tech) { BuildingTypeClass* build_type = (BuildingTypeClass*)(tech); if (build_type) { PlacementType[i] = build_type; } } } } } } void DLL_Code_Pointers(void) { DLLExportClass::Code_Pointers(); } void DLL_Decode_Pointers(void) { DLLExportClass::Decode_Pointers(); }