// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\gamedlg.cpv 2.17 16 Oct 1995 16:52:02 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : GAMEDLG.CPP * * * * Programmer : Maria del Mar McCready Legg, Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : Jan 8, 1995 * * * * Last Update : Jan 18, 1995 [MML] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * OptionsClass::Process -- Handles all the options graphic interface. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #include "gamedlg.h" #include "sounddlg.h" #include "visudlg.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * OptionsClass::Process -- Handles all the options graphic interface. * * * * This routine is the main control for the visual representation of the options * * screen. It handles the visual overlay and the player input. * * * * INPUT: none * * OUTPUT: none * * WARNINGS: none * * HISTORY: * * 12/31/1994 MML : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void GameControlsClass::Process(void) { int factor = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() == 320) ? 1 : 2; /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ int d_dialog_w = 232 * factor; // dialog width int d_dialog_h = 141 * factor; // dialog height int d_dialog_x = ((SeenBuff.Get_Width()- d_dialog_w) / 2); // dialog x-coord int d_dialog_y = ((SeenBuff.Get_Height() - d_dialog_h) / 2); // centered y-coord int d_dialog_cx = d_dialog_x + (d_dialog_w / 2); // center x-coord int d_top_margin= 30 * factor; int d_txt6_h = 7 * factor; // ht of 6-pt text int d_margin1 = 5 * factor; // large margin int d_margin2 = 2 * factor; // small margin int d_speed_w = d_dialog_w - (20 * factor); int d_speed_h = 6 * factor; int d_speed_x = d_dialog_x + (10 * factor); int d_speed_y = d_dialog_y + d_top_margin + d_margin1 + d_txt6_h; int d_scroll_w = d_dialog_w - (20 * factor); int d_scroll_h = 6 * factor; int d_scroll_x = d_dialog_x + (10 * factor); int d_scroll_y = d_speed_y + d_speed_h + d_txt6_h + (d_margin1 * 2) + d_txt6_h; int d_visual_w = d_dialog_w - (40 * factor); int d_visual_h = 9 * factor; int d_visual_x = d_dialog_x + (20 * factor); int d_visual_y = d_scroll_y + d_scroll_h + d_txt6_h + (d_margin1 * 2); int d_sound_w = d_dialog_w - (40 * factor); int d_sound_h = 9 * factor; int d_sound_x = d_dialog_x + (20 * factor); int d_sound_y = d_visual_y + d_visual_h + d_margin1; int d_ok_w = 20 * factor; int d_ok_h = 9 * factor; int d_ok_x = d_dialog_cx - (d_ok_w / 2); int d_ok_y = d_dialog_y + d_dialog_h - d_ok_h - d_margin1; /* ** Button Enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_SPEED = 100, BUTTON_SCROLLRATE, BUTTON_VISUAL, BUTTON_SOUND, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_COUNT, BUTTON_FIRST = BUTTON_SPEED, }; /* ** Dialog variables */ KeyNumType input; int gamespeed = Options.GameSpeed; int scrollrate = Options.ScrollRate; int selection; bool pressed = false; int curbutton = 0; TextButtonClass *buttons[BUTTON_COUNT - BUTTON_FIRST]; TextPrintType style; /* ** Buttons */ GadgetClass *commands; // button list SliderClass gspeed_btn(BUTTON_SPEED, d_speed_x, d_speed_y, d_speed_w, d_speed_h); SliderClass scrate_btn(BUTTON_SCROLLRATE, d_scroll_x, d_scroll_y, d_scroll_w, d_scroll_h); TextButtonClass visual_btn(BUTTON_VISUAL, TXT_VISUAL_CONTROLS, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, d_visual_x, d_visual_y, d_visual_w, d_visual_h); TextButtonClass sound_btn(BUTTON_SOUND, TXT_SOUND_CONTROLS, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, d_sound_x, d_sound_y, d_sound_w, d_sound_h); TextButtonClass okbtn(BUTTON_OK, TXT_OPTIONS_MENU, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, d_ok_x, d_ok_y); okbtn.X = (SeenBuff.Get_Width()-okbtn.Width)/2; /* ** Various Inits. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Build button list */ commands = &okbtn; gspeed_btn.Add_Tail(*commands); scrate_btn.Add_Tail(*commands); visual_btn.Add_Tail(*commands); sound_btn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ** Init button states ** For sliders, the thumb ranges from 0 - (maxval-1), so to convert the ** thumb value to a real-world value: ** val = (MAX - slider.Get_Value()) - 1; ** and, ** slider.Set_Value(-(val + 1 - MAX)); */ gspeed_btn.Set_Maximum(OptionsClass::MAX_SPEED_SETTING); // varies from 0 - 7 gspeed_btn.Set_Thumb_Size(1); gspeed_btn.Set_Value((OptionsClass::MAX_SPEED_SETTING-1) - gamespeed); scrate_btn.Set_Maximum(OptionsClass::MAX_SCROLL_SETTING); // varies from 0 - 7 scrate_btn.Set_Thumb_Size(1); scrate_btn.Set_Value((OptionsClass::MAX_SCROLL_SETTING-1) - scrollrate); /* ** Fill array of button ptrs. */ buttons[0] = NULL; buttons[1] = NULL; buttons[2] = &visual_btn; buttons[3] = &sound_btn; buttons[4] = &okbtn; /* ** Processing loop. */ bool process = true; bool display = true; bool refresh = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) { Call_Back(); } else { if (Main_Loop()) { process = false; } } /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=TRUE; } /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); Dialog_Box(d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w, d_dialog_h); Draw_Caption(TXT_GAME_CONTROLS, d_dialog_x, d_dialog_y, d_dialog_w); Show_Mouse(); display = false; refresh = true; } if (refresh) { Hide_Mouse(); /* ** Label the game speed slider */ style = TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL; if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SPEED - BUTTON_FIRST)) { style = (TextPrintType)(style | TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR); } Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SPEED, d_speed_x, d_speed_y - d_txt6_h, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, style); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SLOWER, d_speed_x, d_speed_y + d_speed_h + 1, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_FASTER, d_speed_x + d_speed_w, d_speed_y + d_speed_h + 1, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_RIGHT); /* ** Label the scroll rate slider */ style = TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_NOSHADOW | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL; if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SCROLLRATE - BUTTON_FIRST)) { style = (TextPrintType)(style | TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR); } Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_SCROLLRATE, d_scroll_x, d_scroll_y - d_txt6_h, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, style); Fancy_Text_Print (TXT_SLOWER, d_scroll_x, d_scroll_y + d_scroll_h + 1, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print (TXT_FASTER, d_scroll_x + d_scroll_w, d_scroll_y + d_scroll_h + 1, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW|TPF_RIGHT); commands->Draw_All(); Show_Mouse(); refresh = false; } /* ** Get user input. */ input = commands->Input(); /* ** Process input. */ switch (input) { case (BUTTON_SPEED | KN_BUTTON): curbutton = (BUTTON_SPEED - BUTTON_FIRST); refresh = true; break; case (BUTTON_SCROLLRATE | KN_BUTTON): curbutton = (BUTTON_SCROLLRATE - BUTTON_FIRST); refresh = true; break; case (BUTTON_VISUAL | KN_BUTTON): selection = BUTTON_VISUAL; pressed = true; break; case (BUTTON_SOUND | KN_BUTTON): selection = BUTTON_SOUND; pressed = true; break; case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): selection = BUTTON_OK; pressed = true; break; case (KN_ESC): process = false; break; case (KN_LEFT): if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SPEED - BUTTON_FIRST) ) { gspeed_btn.Bump(1); } else if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SCROLLRATE - BUTTON_FIRST) ) { scrate_btn.Bump(1); } break; case (KN_RIGHT): if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SPEED - BUTTON_FIRST) ) { gspeed_btn.Bump(0); } else if (curbutton == (BUTTON_SCROLLRATE - BUTTON_FIRST) ) { scrate_btn.Bump(0); } break; case (KN_UP): if (buttons[curbutton]) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } curbutton--; if (curbutton < 0) { curbutton = (BUTTON_COUNT - BUTTON_FIRST - 1); } if (buttons[curbutton]) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } refresh = true; break; case (KN_DOWN): if (buttons[curbutton]) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_Off(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } curbutton++; if (curbutton > (BUTTON_COUNT - BUTTON_FIRST - 1) ) { curbutton = 0; } if (buttons[curbutton]) { buttons[curbutton]->Turn_On(); buttons[curbutton]->Flag_To_Redraw(); } refresh = true; break; case (KN_RETURN): selection = curbutton + BUTTON_FIRST; pressed = true; break; default: break; } /* ** Perform some action. Either to exit the dialog or bring up another. */ if (pressed) { /* ** Record the new options slider settings. ** The GameSpeed data member MUST NOT BE SET HERE!!! It will cause multiplayer ** games to go out of sync. It's set by virtue of the event being executed. */ if (gamespeed != ((OptionsClass::MAX_SPEED_SETTING-1) - gspeed_btn.Get_Value()) ) { gamespeed = (OptionsClass::MAX_SPEED_SETTING-1) - gspeed_btn.Get_Value(); OutList.Add(EventClass(EventClass::GAMESPEED, gamespeed)); } if (scrollrate != ((OptionsClass::MAX_SCROLL_SETTING-1) - scrate_btn.Get_Value()) ) { scrollrate = (OptionsClass::MAX_SCROLL_SETTING-1) - scrate_btn.Get_Value(); Options.ScrollRate = scrollrate; } process = false; /* ** Save the settings in such a way that the GameSpeed is only set during ** the save process; restore it when we're done, so multiplayer games don't ** go out of sync. */ int old = Options.GameSpeed; // save orig value Options.GameSpeed = gamespeed; Options.Save_Settings(); // save new value Options.GameSpeed = old; // restore old value /* ** Possibly launch into another dialog if so directed. */ switch (selection) { case (BUTTON_VISUAL): VisualControlsClass().Process(); process = true; display = true; refresh = true; break; case (BUTTON_SOUND): if (!SoundType) { CCMessageBox().Process(Text_String(TXT_NO_SOUND_CARD)); process = true; display = true; refresh = true; } else { SoundControlsClass().Process(); } break; case (BUTTON_OK): break; } pressed = false; } } }