// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection using MobiusEditor.Model; using Steamworks; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MobiusEditor.Utility { public interface ISteamworksOperation : IDisposable { bool Done { get; } bool Failed { get; } string Status { get; } void OnSuccess(); void OnFailed(); } public class SteamworksUGCPublishOperation : ISteamworksOperation { private readonly string ugcPath; private readonly IList tags; private readonly Action onSuccess; private readonly Action onFailed; private CallResult createItemResult; private CallResult submitItemUpdateResult; private SteamSection steamSection = new SteamSection(); public bool Done => !(createItemResult?.IsActive() ?? false) && !(submitItemUpdateResult?.IsActive() ?? false); public bool Failed { get; private set; } public string Status { get; private set; } public SteamworksUGCPublishOperation(string ugcPath, SteamSection steamSection, IList tags, Action onSuccess, Action onFailed) { this.ugcPath = ugcPath; this.steamSection = steamSection; this.tags = tags; this.onSuccess = onSuccess; this.onFailed = onFailed; if (steamSection.PublishedFileId == PublishedFileId_t.Invalid.m_PublishedFileId) { CreateUGCItem(); } else { UpdateUGCItem(); } Status = "Publishing UGC..."; } public void OnSuccess() => onSuccess(); public void OnFailed() => onFailed(Status); private void CreateUGCItem() { var steamAPICall = SteamUGC.CreateItem(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), EWorkshopFileType.k_EWorkshopFileTypeCommunity); if (steamAPICall == SteamAPICall_t.Invalid) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } createItemResult = CallResult.Create(OnCreateItemResult); createItemResult.Set(steamAPICall); } private void UpdateUGCItem() { var updateHandle = SteamUGC.StartItemUpdate(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), new PublishedFileId_t(steamSection.PublishedFileId)); if (updateHandle == UGCUpdateHandle_t.Invalid) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } bool success = true; success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemContent(updateHandle, ugcPath); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemPreview(updateHandle, steamSection.PreviewFile); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemUpdateLanguage(updateHandle, "English"); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemTitle(updateHandle, steamSection.Title); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemDescription(updateHandle, steamSection.Description); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemVisibility(updateHandle, steamSection.Visibility); success = success && SteamUGC.SetItemTags(updateHandle, tags); if (!success) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } var steamAPICall = SteamUGC.SubmitItemUpdate(updateHandle, ""); if (steamAPICall == SteamAPICall_t.Invalid) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } submitItemUpdateResult = CallResult.Create(OnSubmitItemUpdateResult); submitItemUpdateResult.Set(steamAPICall); } private void OnCreateItemResult(CreateItemResult_t callback, bool ioFailure) { if (ioFailure) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } switch (callback.m_eResult) { case EResult.k_EResultOK: steamSection.PublishedFileId = callback.m_nPublishedFileId.m_PublishedFileId; UpdateUGCItem(); break; case EResult.k_EResultFileNotFound: Failed = true; Status = "UGC not found."; break; case EResult.k_EResultNotLoggedOn: Failed = true; Status = "Not logged on."; break; default: Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; break; } } private void OnSubmitItemUpdateResult(SubmitItemUpdateResult_t callback, bool ioFailure) { if (ioFailure) { Failed = true; Status = "Publishing failed."; return; } switch (callback.m_eResult) { case EResult.k_EResultOK: Status = "Done."; steamSection.PublishedFileId = callback.m_nPublishedFileId.m_PublishedFileId; break; case EResult.k_EResultFileNotFound: Failed = true; Status = "UGC not found."; break; case EResult.k_EResultLimitExceeded: Failed = true; Status = "Size limit exceeded."; break; default: Failed = true; Status = string.Format("Publishing failed. ({0})", callback.m_eResult); break; } } #region IDisposable Support private bool disposedValue = false; protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { createItemResult?.Dispose(); submitItemUpdateResult?.Dispose(); } disposedValue = true; } } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } #endregion } public static class SteamworksUGC { public static bool IsInit { get; private set; } public static ISteamworksOperation CurrentOperation { get; private set; } public static string WorkshopURL { get { var app_id = IsInit ? SteamUtils.GetAppID() : AppId_t.Invalid; if (app_id == AppId_t.Invalid) { return string.Empty; } return string.Format("http://steamcommunity.com/app/{0}/workshop/", app_id.ToString()); } } public static bool IsSteamBuild => File.Exists("steam_appid.txt"); private static Callback GameLobbyJoinRequested; public static bool Init() { if (IsInit) { return true; } if (!IsSteamBuild) { return false; } if (!Packsize.Test()) { return false; } if (!DllCheck.Test()) { return false; } if (!SteamAPI.Init()) { return false; } SteamClient.SetWarningMessageHook(new SteamAPIWarningMessageHook_t(SteamAPIDebugTextHook)); GameLobbyJoinRequested = Callback.Create(OnGameLobbyJoinRequested); IsInit = true; return IsInit; } public static void Shutdown() { if (IsInit) { GameLobbyJoinRequested?.Dispose(); GameLobbyJoinRequested = null; CurrentOperation?.Dispose(); CurrentOperation = null; SteamAPI.Shutdown(); IsInit = false; } } public static void Service() { SteamAPI.RunCallbacks(); if (CurrentOperation?.Done ?? false) { if (CurrentOperation.Failed) { CurrentOperation.OnFailed(); } else { CurrentOperation.OnSuccess(); } CurrentOperation.Dispose(); CurrentOperation = null; } } public static bool PublishUGC(string ugcPath, SteamSection steamSection, IList tags, Action onSuccess, Action onFailed) { if (CurrentOperation != null) { return false; } CurrentOperation = new SteamworksUGCPublishOperation(ugcPath, steamSection, tags, onSuccess, onFailed); return true; } private static void SteamAPIDebugTextHook(int nSeverity, StringBuilder pchDebugText) { Debug.WriteLine(pchDebugText); } private static void OnGameLobbyJoinRequested(GameLobbyJoinRequested_t data) { MessageBox.Show("You cannot accept an invitation to a multiplayer game while using the map editor.", "Steam", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } }