// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection using MobiusEditor.Model; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace MobiusEditor.RedAlert { public static class InfantryTypes { public static readonly InfantryType E1 = new InfantryType(0, "e1", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E1", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType E2 = new InfantryType(1, "e2", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E2", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType E3 = new InfantryType(2, "e3", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E3", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType E4 = new InfantryType(3, "e4", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E4", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType E6 = new InfantryType(4, "e6", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E6", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType E7 = new InfantryType(5, "e7", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_E7", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType E8 = new InfantryType(6, "spy", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_SPY", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType E9 = new InfantryType(7, "thf", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_THF", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType Medic = new InfantryType(8, "medi", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_MEDI", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType General = new InfantryType(9, "gnrl", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_GNRL", "Greece"); public static readonly InfantryType Dog = new InfantryType(10, "dog", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_DOG", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType C1 = new InfantryType(11, "c1", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV1", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C2 = new InfantryType(12, "c2", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV2", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C3 = new InfantryType(13, "c3", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV3", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C4 = new InfantryType(14, "c4", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV4", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C5 = new InfantryType(15, "c5", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV5", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C6 = new InfantryType(16, "c6", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV6", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C7 = new InfantryType(17, "c7", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV7", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C8 = new InfantryType(18, "c8", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV8", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C9 = new InfantryType(19, "c9", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CIV9", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType C10 = new InfantryType(20, "c10", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_SCIENTIST", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType Einstein = new InfantryType(21, "einstein", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_EINSTEIN", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType Delphi = new InfantryType(22, "delphi", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_DELPHI", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType DrChan = new InfantryType(23, "chan", "TEXT_UNIT_TITLE_CHAN", "Neutral"); public static readonly InfantryType ShockTrooper = new InfantryType(24, "shok", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_SHOK", "USSR"); public static readonly InfantryType Mechanic = new InfantryType(25, "mech", "TEXT_UNIT_RA_MECH", "Greece"); private static readonly InfantryType[] Types; static InfantryTypes() { Types = (from field in typeof(InfantryTypes).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public) where field.IsInitOnly && typeof(InfantryType).IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType) select field.GetValue(null) as InfantryType).ToArray(); } public static IEnumerable GetTypes() { return Types; } } }