
346 lines
14 KiB

import discord
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import *
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from urllib import parse
import aiohttp
import os
import traceback
import json
class Pony(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self):
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=7384662719)
default_global = {"maxfilters": 50}
self.default_guild = {"filters": ["-meme", "safe", "-spoiler:*", "-vulgar"], "verbose": False}
async def pony(self, ctx, *text):
"""Retrieves the latest result from Derpibooru"""
await self.fetch_image(ctx, randomize=False, tags=text)
async def ponyr(self, ctx, *text):
"""Retrieves a random result from Derpibooru"""
await self.fetch_image(ctx, randomize=True, tags=text)
# needed because derpi was having trouble getting a random image from our derpi page with the filters we have
async def mascot(self, ctx):
Gives a random picture of our mascot!
await fetch_image(self, ctx, randomize=True, mascot=True, tags=["safe,", "coe"])
async def ponyfilter(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manages pony filters
Warning: Can be used to allow NSFW images
Filters automatically apply tags to each search"""
async def _add_ponyfilter(self, ctx, filter_tag: str):
"""Adds a tag to the server's pony filter list
Example: !ponyfilter add safe"""
guild = ctx.guild
filters = await self.config.guild(guild).filters()
max_filters = await self.config.maxfilters()
# if reached limit of max filters, don't add
if len(filters) < max_filters:
if filter_tag not in filters:
async with self.config.guild(guild).filters() as old_filter:
await ctx.send("Filter '{}' added to the server's pony filter list.".format(filter_tag))
await ctx.send("Filter '{}' is already in the server's pony filter list.".format(filter_tag))
await ctx.send("This server has exceeded the maximum filters ({}/{}).".format(len(filters), max_filters))
async def _del_ponyfilter(self, ctx, filter_tag: str = ""):
"""Deletes a tag from the server's pony filter list
Without arguments, reverts to the default pony filter list
Example: !ponyfilter del safe"""
guild = ctx.guild
filters = await self.config.guild(guild).filters()
if len(filter_tag) > 0:
if filter_tag in filters:
async with self.config.guild(guild).filters() as old_filter:
await ctx.send("Filter '{}' deleted from the server's pony filter list.".format(filter_tag))
await ctx.send("Filter '{}' does not exist in the server's pony filter list.".format(filter_tag))
if self.default_guild["filters"] != filters:
await self.config.guild(guild).filters.set(self.default_guild["filters"])
await ctx.send("Reverted the server to the default pony filter list.")
await ctx.send("Server is already using the default pony filter list.")
async def _list_ponyfilter(self, ctx):
"""Lists all of the filters currently applied to the current server"""
guild = ctx.guild
filters = await self.config.guild(guild).filters()
if filters:
filter_list = "\n".join(sorted(filters))
target_guild = "{}'s".format(
filter_list = "\n".join(sorted(filters["default"]))
target_guild = "Default"
await ctx.send("{} pony filter list contains:```\n{}```".format(target_guild, filter_list))
async def ponyset(self, ctx):
"""Manages pony options"""
async def _verbose_ponyset(self, ctx, toggle: str = "toggle"):
"""Toggles verbose mode"""
guild = ctx.guild
verbose = await self.config.guild(guild).verbose()
if toggle.lower() == "on" or toggle.lower() == "true" or toggle.lower() == "enable":
if not verbose:
await self.config.guild(guild).verbose.set(True)
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is now enabled.")
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is already enabled.")
elif toggle.lower() == "off" or toggle.lower() == "false" or toggle.lower() == "disable":
if verbose:
await self.config.guild(guild).verbose.set(False)
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is now disabled.")
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is already disabled.")
if verbose:
await self.config.guild(guild).verbose.set(False)
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is now disabled.")
await self.config.guild(guild).verbose.set(True)
await ctx.send("Verbose mode is now enabled.")
async def _maxfilters_ponyset(self, ctx, new_max_filters: int):
"""Sets the global tag limit for the filter list.
Leave blank to get current max filters.
Gives an error when a user tries to add a filter while the server's filter list contains a certain amount of tags"""
if new_max_filters is None:
max_filters = self.config.maxfilters()
await ctx.send("Current filter limit: {} filters.".format(max_filters))
guild = ctx.guild
await self.config.maxfilters.set(new_max_filters)
await ctx.send("Maximum filters allowed per server for pony set to '{}'.".format(new_max_filters))
async def _import_ponyset(self, ctx, path_to_import):
"""Imports filters and settings from jsons.
Specifiy the **path** to the jsons to import filters and settings from.
*i.e.: /path/containing/jsons/*"""
bot =
path_to_settings = os.path.join(path_to_import, "settings.json")
path_to_filters = os.path.join(path_to_import, "filters.json")
with open(path_to_settings) as raw_settings:
msg = "Settings import sucessful for these guilds:\n"
import_settings = json.load(raw_settings)
for json_guild_id, json_guild_verbose in import_settings.items():
if json_guild_id != "maxfilters":
guild = bot.get_guild(int(json_guild_id))
if guild is None:
await self.config.guild(guild).verbose.set(json_guild_verbose["verbose"])
msg += "**{}**\n".format(guild)
if len(msg) + 100 > 2000:
await ctx.send(msg)
msg = ""
await self.config.maxfilters.set(int(import_settings["maxfilters"]))
if msg != "":
await ctx.send(msg)
with open(path_to_filters) as raw_filters:
import_filters = json.load(raw_filters)
msg = "Filters import successful for these guilds:\n"
for json_guild_id, json_guild_filters in import_filters.items():
if json_guild_id != "default":
guild = bot.get_guild(int(json_guild_id)) # returns None if guild is not found
if guild is None:
await self.config.guild(guild).filters.set(json_guild_filters)
msg += "**{}**\n".format(guild)
if len(msg) + 100 > 2000:
await ctx.send(msg)
msg = ""
if msg != "":
await ctx.send(msg)
except FileNotFoundError:
await ctx.send("Invalid path to json files.")
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
await ctx.send("Invalid or malformed json files.")
async def fetch_image(self, ctx, randomize: bool = False, tags: list = [], mascot=False):
guild = ctx.guild
filters = await self.config.guild(guild).filters()
verbose = await self.config.guild(guild).verbose()
# Initialize variables
artist = "unknown artist"
artists = ""
artistList = []
embedLink = ""
embedTitle = ""
imageId = ""
message = ""
output = None
rating = ""
ratingColor = "FFFFFF"
ratingWord = "unknown"
search = ""
tagSearch = ""
# Assign tags to URL
if tags:
tagSearch += "{} ".format(" ".join(tags)).strip()
if filters and not mascot:
if filters != [] and tags:
tagSearch += ", "
tagSearch += ", ".join(filters)
elif not mascot:
if tags:
tagSearch += ", "
tagSearch += ", ".join(filters)
search += parse.quote_plus(tagSearch)
# Randomize results and apply Derpibooru's "Everything" filter
if randomize:
if not tags and filters:
if filters == []:
search = ""
search += "&random_image=y&filter_id=56027"
search += "&random_image=y&filter_id=56027"
# Inform users about image retrieving
message = await ctx.send("Fetching pony image...")
# Fetch the image or display an error
async with aiohttp.ClientSession( as session:
async with session.get(search, headers={"User-Agent": "Booru-Cogs ("}) as r:
website = await r.json()
if randomize:
if "id" in website:
imageId = str(website["id"])
async with aiohttp.ClientSession( as session:
async with session.get("" + imageId + ".json") as r:
website = await r.json()
imageURL = "https:{}".format(website["image"])
return await message.edit(content="Your search terms gave no results.")
if website["search"] != []:
website = website["search"][0]
imageURL = "https:{}".format(website["image"])
return await message.edit(content="Your search terms gave no results.")
return await message.edit(content="Error. {}".format(traceback.format_exc()))
# If verbose mode is enabled, create an embed and fill it with information
if verbose:
# Sets the embed title
embedTitle = "Derpibooru Image #{}".format(imageId)
# Sets the URL to be linked
embedLink = "{}".format(imageId)
# Populates the tag list
tagList = website["tags"].split(", ")
# Checks for the rating and sets an appropriate color
for i in range(0, len(tagList)):
if tagList[i] == "safe":
ratingColor = "00FF00"
ratingWord = tagList.pop(i)
elif tagList[i] == "suggestive":
ratingColor = "FFFF00"
ratingWord = tagList.pop(i)
elif tagList[i] == "questionable":
ratingColor = "FF9900"
ratingWord = tagList.pop(i)
elif tagList[i] == "explicit":
ratingColor = "FF0000"
ratingWord = tagList.pop(i)
# Grabs the artist(s)
for i in range(0, len(tagList)):
if "artist:" in tagList[i]:
while "artist:" in tagList[i]:
# Determine if there are multiple artists
if len(artistList) == 1:
artist = artistList[0]
elif len(artistList) > 1:
artists = ", ".join(artistList)
artist = ""
# Initialize verbose embed
output = discord.Embed(title=embedTitle, url=embedLink, colour=discord.Colour(value=int(ratingColor, 16)))
# Sets the thumbnail and adds the rating and tag fields to the embed
output.add_field(name="Rating", value=ratingWord)
if artist:
output.add_field(name="Artist", value=artist)
elif artists:
output.add_field(name="Artists", value=artists)
output.add_field(name="Tags", value=", ".join(tagList), inline=False)
output.add_field(name="Search url", value=search)
# Sets the link to the image URL if verbose mode is not enabled
output = imageURL
# Edits the pending message with the results
if verbose:
return await message.edit(content="Image found.", embed=output)
return await message.edit(content=output)