from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from typing import Literal import discord import random import asyncio class Markov(commands.Cog): """Generate text based on what your members say per channel""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=5989735216541313, force_registration=True) default_guild = {"model": {}, "prefixes": [], "max_len": 200, "member_model": False} default_member = {"model": {}} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_member(**default_member) self.cache = {} self.mem_cache = {} self.init_task = asyncio.create_task(self.init()) def cog_unload(self): self.init_task.cancel() # save all the models before full unload/shutdown for guild in asyncio.create_task(self.config.guild(guild).model.set(self.cache[]["model"])) for member in guild.members: asyncio.create_task(self.config.member(member).model.set(self.mem_cache[][]["model"])) async def init(self): await # caches all the models, uses more ram but bot # slows down once file gets big otherwise for guild in self.cache[] = await self.config.guild(guild).all() self.mem_cache[] = {} if self.cache[]["member_model"]: for member in guild.members: self.mem_cache[][] = await self.config.member(member).all() while True: # save model every 5 minutes await asyncio.sleep(300) for guild in await self.config.guild(guild).model.set(self.cache[]["model"]) if self.cache[]["member_model"]: for member in guild.members: await self.config.member(member).model.set(self.mem_cache[][]["model"]) @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.guild_only() async def markovset(self, ctx): """Manage Markov Settings""" pass @markovset.command(name="mem-model") async def memmodel(self, ctx, toggle: bool = None): """ Enable/disable models for each guild member **WARNING**: this can eat up a ton of RAM and space, use at your own risk! """ if toggle is None: disabled = "enabled" if self.cache[]["member_model"] else "disabled" await ctx.send(f"Member models are currently {disabled}.") return self.cache[]["member_model"] = toggle await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).member_model.set(toggle) if toggle: for member in ctx.guild.members: self.mem_cache[] = {} self.mem_cache[][] = await self.config.member(member).all() await ctx.tick() @markovset.command(name="clear") async def markovset_clear(self, ctx, *, clear: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.Member]): """Clear data for a specific channel or member""" if isinstance(clear, discord.TextChannel): async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).model() as model: del self.cache[]["model"][str(] try: # possible that channel is cached but not saved yet del model[str(] except: pass elif isinstance(clear, discord.Member): async with self.config.member(clear).model() as model: try: self.mem_cache[][]["model"].clear() except: # memember models may not be used, other issues, just ignore pass model.clear() await ctx.tick() @markovset.command(name="mem-clear") async def markovset_memclear(self, ctx, yesno: bool): """Clear data for **all** members in a guild""" if yesno: await self.config.clear_all_members(guild=ctx.guild) del self.mem_cache[] else: return await ctx.send("Please type `yes` after the command to clear all data.", delete_after=15) await ctx.tick() @markovset.command(name="prefix") async def markovset_prefixes(self, ctx, *, prefixes: str = None): """Set prefixes for bots in your server This is so markov won't log bot commands. """ if not prefixes: current = self.cache[]["prefixes"] curr = [f"`{p}`" for p in current] if not current: await ctx.send("No prefixes set, setting this bot's prefix.") await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set([ctx.clean_prefix]) self.cache[]["prefixes"] = [ctx.clean_prefix] return await ctx.send("Current Prefixes: " + humanize_list(curr)) return prefixes = [p for p in prefixes.split(" ") if p != ""] self.cache[]["prefixes"] = prefixes await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set(prefixes) prefixes = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Prefixes set to: " + humanize_list(prefixes)) @markovset.command(name="len") async def markovset_length(self, ctx, length: int = None): """ Set max characters of generated text. Max size is 2800. """ if not length: curr = self.cache[]["max_len"] await ctx.send(f"Current max length of generated text is `{curr}` characters.") return if length > 2800: await ctx.send(error("Max length is 2800.")) return self.cache[]["max_len"] = length await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).max_len.set(length) await ctx.tick() @commands.command(name="mclear") @commands.guild_only() @commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=10, type=commands.BucketType.user) async def markov_clear(self, ctx, *, yesno: bool): """ Clear your model data from the guild """ if yesno: async with self.config.member( as model: try: self.mem_cache[][]["model"].clear() except: # memember models may not be used, other issues, just ignore pass model.clear() else: return await ctx.send("Please type `yes` after the command to clear all your data.", delete_after=15) await ctx.tick() @commands.command(name="markov") @commands.guild_only() @commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=10, type=commands.BucketType.user) @checks.bot_has_permissions(embed_links=True) async def markov( self, ctx, num_text: Union[int, discord.Member, str] = None, member: Union[discord.Member, str] = None, *, starting_text: str = None, ): """Generate text using markov chains! Text generated is based on what users say in the current channel You can generate a certain number of words using the num_text option, if num_text is not a number it is added to the starting text """ member_model = self.cache[]["member_model"] if member_model: if isinstance(member, discord.Member): if not in self.mem_cache[]: self.mem_cache[][] = {} self.mem_cache[][]["model"] = {} model = self.mem_cache[][]["model"] elif isinstance(num_text, discord.Member): member = num_text num_text = None if not in self.mem_cache[]: self.mem_cache[][] = {} self.mem_cache[][]["model"] = {} model = self.mem_cache[][]["model"] else: member_model = False model = self.cache[]["model"] else: member_model = False model = self.cache[]["model"] if member_model and not model: await ctx.send(error("This member has no data."), delete_after=30) return elif not member_model and str( not in model: await ctx.send(error("This channel has no data."), delete_after=30) return if not member_model: model = model[str(] # if num_text is valid try: num = int(num_text) except: num = None add_num = num is None and num_text is not None add_mem = not member_model and member is not None if add_num and add_mem: starting_text = f"{num_text} {member} {starting_text if starting_text is not None else ''}" elif add_num: starting_text = f"{num_text} {starting_text if starting_text is not None else ''}" elif add_mem: starting_text = f"{member} {starting_text if starting_text is not None else ''}" starting_text = starting_text.split(" ") if starting_text else None last_word = starting_text[-1] if starting_text else None if not starting_text: markov_text = [random.choice(list(model.keys()))] elif last_word not in model or not model[last_word]: markov_text = starting_text + [random.choice(list(model.keys()))] else: markov_text = starting_text + [random.choice(model[last_word])] max_len = self.cache[]["max_len"] tries = 0 max_tries = 20 num_chars = len(" ".join(markov_text)) num_words = len(markov_text) if num is None: num = 1e6 # i know its trashy but it makes things easier while num_chars < max_len and tries < max_tries and num_words < num: if "?" in markov_text[-1]: break if "\r" in markov_text[-1]: break if "." in markov_text[-1]: break if "!" in markov_text[-1]: break # make sure word is in the model and there is data for the word if markov_text[-1] in model and model[markov_text[-1]]: choice = random.choice(model[markov_text[-1]]) num_chars += len(choice) markov_text.append(choice) else: choice = random.choice(list(model.keys())) num_chars += len(choice) markov_text.append(choice) tries += 1 num_words += 1 markov_text = " ".join(markov_text) if num_chars > max_len: markov_text = markov_text[:max_len] member = embed = discord.Embed(title="Generated Text", description=markov_text, colour=member.colour) if member.avatar: avatar = member.avatar_url_as(static_format="png") embed.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) embed.set_footer(text=f"Generated by {member.display_name}") await ctx.send(embed=embed, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) # Listener @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): if await, message.guild): return # updates model content = message.content guild = message.guild if not content or not message.guild or == return # check if this is a bot message prefixes = self.cache[]["prefixes"] for prefix in prefixes: if prefix == content[: len(prefix)]: return content = content.split(" ") model = self.cache[]["model"] if self.cache[]["member_model"]: if not in self.mem_cache[]: self.mem_cache[][] = {} self.mem_cache[][]["model"] = {} mem_model = self.mem_cache[][]["model"] try: model[str(] except KeyError: model[str(] = {} for i in range(len(content) - 1): if content[i] not in model[str(]: model[str(][content[i]] = list() if self.cache[]["member_model"]: if content[i] not in mem_model: mem_model[content[i]] = list() mem_model[content[i]].append(content[i + 1]) model[str(][content[i]].append(content[i + 1]) self.cache[]["model"] = model self.mem_cache[][]["model"] = mem_model async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): pass