import logging from typing import Tuple import discord from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box from .announcer import Announcer from .converters import MemberDefaultAuthor, SelfRole log = logging.getLogger("red.admin") T_ = Translator("Admin", __file__) _ = lambda s: s GENERIC_FORBIDDEN = _( "I attempted to do something that Discord denied me permissions for." " Your command failed to successfully complete." ) HIERARCHY_ISSUE = _( "I tried to {verb} {} to {member.display_name} but that role" " is higher than my highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was" " unable to successfully add it. Please give me a higher role and " "try again." ) USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE = _( "I tried to {verb} {} to {member.display_name} but that role" " is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was" " unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and " "try again." ) ROLE_USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE = _( "I tried to edit {} but that role" " is higher than your highest role in the Discord hierarchy so I was" " unable to successfully add it. Please get a higher role and " "try again." ) RUNNING_ANNOUNCEMENT = _( "I am already announcing something. If you would like to make a" " different announcement please use `{prefix}announce cancel`" " first." ) _ = T_ @cog_i18n(_) class Admin(commands.Cog): """A collection of server administration utilities.""" def __init__(self, config=Config): super().__init__() self.conf = config.get_conf(self, 8237492837454039, force_registration=True) self.conf.register_global(serverlocked=False) self.conf.register_guild( announce_ignore=False, announce_channel=None, selfroles=[], # Integer ID # List of integer ID's ) self.__current_announcer = None def cog_unload(self): try: self.__current_announcer.cancel() except AttributeError: pass @staticmethod async def complain(ctx: commands.Context, message: str, **kwargs): await ctx.send(message.format(**kwargs)) def is_announcing(self) -> bool: """ Is the bot currently announcing something? :return: """ if self.__current_announcer is None: return False return or False @staticmethod def pass_hierarchy_check(ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role) -> bool: """ Determines if the bot has a higher role than the given one. :param ctx: :param role: Role object. :return: """ return > role @staticmethod def pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role) -> bool: """ Determines if a user is allowed to add/remove/edit the given role. :param ctx: :param role: :return: """ return > role async def _addrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, role: discord.Role): try: if role in member.roles: await ctx.send("You already have that role.") return await member.add_roles(role) except discord.Forbidden: if not self.pass_hierarchy_check(ctx, role): await self.complain(ctx, T_(HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role, member=member, verb=_("add")) else: await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN)) else: await ctx.send( _("I successfully added {} to {member.display_name}").format(role=role, member=member) ) async def _removerole(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, role: discord.Role): try: if role not in member.roles: await ctx.send("You don't have that role.") return await member.remove_roles(role) except discord.Forbidden: if not self.pass_hierarchy_check(ctx, role): await self.complain(ctx, T_(HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role, member=member, verb=_("remove")) else: await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN)) else: await ctx.send( _("I successfully removed {} from {member.display_name}").format(role=role, member=member) ) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def addrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, rolename: discord.Role, *, user: MemberDefaultAuthor = None): """Add a role to a user. If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command. """ if user is None: user = if self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, rolename): # noinspection PyTypeChecker await self._addrole(ctx, user, rolename) else: await self.complain(ctx, T_(USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), member=user, role=rolename, verb=_("add")) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def removerole(self, ctx: commands.Context, rolename: discord.Role, *, user: MemberDefaultAuthor = None): """Remove a role from a user. If user is left blank it defaults to the author of the command. """ if user is None: user = if self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, rolename): # noinspection PyTypeChecker await self._removerole(ctx, user, rolename) else: await self.complain(ctx, T_(USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), member=user, role=rolename, verb=_("remove")) @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def editrole(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Edit role settings.""" pass @editrole.command(name="colour", aliases=["color"]) async def editrole_colour(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, value: discord.Colour): """Edit a role's colour. Use double quotes if the role contains spaces. Colour must be in hexadecimal format. [Online colour picker]( Examples: `[p]editrole colour "The Transistor" #ff0000` `[p]editrole colour Test #ff9900` """ author = reason = "{}({}) changed the colour of role '{}'".format(,, if not self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, role): await self.complain(ctx, T_(ROLE_USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role) return try: await role.edit(reason=reason, color=value) except discord.Forbidden: await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN)) else: await ctx.send(_("Done.")) @editrole.command(name="name") @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def edit_role_name(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, *, name: str): """Edit a role's name. Use double quotes if the role or the name contain spaces. Examples: `[p]editrole name \"The Transistor\" Test` """ author = old_name = reason = "{}({}) changed the name of role '{}' to '{}'".format(,, old_name, name) if not self.pass_user_hierarchy_check(ctx, role): await self.complain(ctx, T_(ROLE_USER_HIERARCHY_ISSUE), role=role) return try: await role.edit(reason=reason, name=name) except discord.Forbidden: await self.complain(ctx, T_(GENERIC_FORBIDDEN)) else: await ctx.send(_("Done.")) @checks.is_owner() async def announce(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, message: str): """Announce a message to all servers the bot is in.""" if not self.is_announcing(): announcer = Announcer(ctx, message, config=self.conf) announcer.start() self.__current_announcer = announcer await ctx.send(_("The announcement has begun.")) else: prefix = ctx.prefix await self.complain(ctx, T_(RUNNING_ANNOUNCEMENT), prefix=prefix) @announce.command(name="cancel") @checks.is_owner() async def announce_cancel(self, ctx): """Cancel a running announce.""" try: self.__current_announcer.cancel() except AttributeError: pass await ctx.send(_("The current announcement has been cancelled.")) @announce.command(name="channel") @commands.guild_only() @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def announce_channel(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """Change the channel to which the bot makes announcements.""" if channel is None: channel = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_channel.set( await ctx.send(_("The announcement channel has been set to {channel.mention}").format(channel=channel)) @announce.command(name="ignore") @commands.guild_only() @checks.guildowner_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def announce_ignore(self, ctx): """Toggle announcements being enabled this server.""" ignored = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_ignore() await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).announce_ignore.set(not ignored) if ignored: # Keeping original logic.... await ctx.send(_("The server {} will receive announcements.").format(guild=ctx.guild)) else: await ctx.send(_("The server {} will not receive announcements.").format(guild=ctx.guild)) async def _valid_selfroles(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> Tuple[discord.Role]: """ Returns a list of valid selfroles :param guild: :return: """ selfrole_ids = set(await self.conf.guild(guild).selfroles()) guild_roles = guild.roles valid_roles = tuple(r for r in guild_roles if in selfrole_ids) valid_role_ids = set( for r in valid_roles) if selfrole_ids != valid_role_ids: await self.conf.guild(guild).selfroles.set(list(valid_role_ids)) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return valid_roles @commands.guild_only() async def selfrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, selfrole: SelfRole): """Add a role to yourself. Server admins must have configured the role as user settable. NOTE: The role is case sensitive! """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker await self._addrole(ctx,, selfrole) @selfrole.command(name="remove") async def selfrole_remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, selfrole: SelfRole): """Remove a selfrole from yourself. NOTE: The role is case sensitive! """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker await self._removerole(ctx,, selfrole) @selfrole.command(name="add") @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def selfrole_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, role: discord.Role): """Add a role to the list of available selfroles. NOTE: The role is case sensitive! """ async with self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).selfroles() as curr_selfroles: if not in curr_selfroles: curr_selfroles.append( await ctx.send(_("The selfroles list has been successfully modified.")) @selfrole.command(name="delete") @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def selfrole_delete(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, role: SelfRole): """Remove a role from the list of available selfroles. NOTE: The role is case sensitive! """ async with self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).selfroles() as curr_selfroles: curr_selfroles.remove( await ctx.send(_("The selfroles list has been successfully modified.")) @selfrole.command(name="list") async def selfrole_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Lists all available selfroles. """ selfroles = await self._valid_selfroles(ctx.guild) fmt_selfroles = "\n".join(["+ " + for r in selfroles]) msg = _("Available Selfroles:\n{selfroles}").format(selfroles=fmt_selfroles) await ctx.send(box(msg, "diff")) async def _serverlock_check(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> bool: """ Checks if serverlocked is enabled. :param guild: :return: True if locked and left server """ if await self.conf.serverlocked(): await guild.leave() return True return False @commands.command() @checks.is_owner() async def serverlock(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lock a bot to its current servers only.""" serverlocked = await self.conf.serverlocked() await self.conf.serverlocked.set(not serverlocked) if serverlocked: await ctx.send(_("The bot is no longer serverlocked.")) else: await ctx.send(_("The bot is now serverlocked.")) # region Event Handlers async def on_guild_join(self, guild: discord.Guild): if await self._serverlock_check(guild): return # endregion