import logging import hashlib import asyncio import contextlib from dateutil import parser import datetime import discord import itertools from typing import ( Any, Dict, ) from redbot.core import commands, Config, checks from import Red from redbot.core.config import _ValueCtxManager, Group, Value from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n from redbot.core.commands import Context, Cog T_ = Translator("Birthdays", __file__) def _(s): def func(*args, **kwargs): real_args = list(args) real_args.pop(0) return T_(s).format(*real_args, **kwargs) return func @cog_i18n(T_) class Birthdays(Cog): """Announces people's birthdays and gives them a birthday role for the whole day""" __author__ = "PancakeSparkle#8243" # Just some constants DATE_GROUP = "DATE" GUILD_DATE_GROUP = "GUILD_DATE" # More constants BDAY_LIST_TITLE = _("Birthday List") # Even more constants BDAY_WITH_YEAR = _("{} is now **{} years old**. <:aureliahappy:548738609763713035>") BDAY_WITHOUT_YEAR = _("Everypony say Happy Birthday to {}! <:aureliahappy:548738609763713035>") ROLE_SET = _("<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> The birthday role on **{g}** has been set to: **{r}**.") BDAY_INVALID = _(":x: The birthday date you entered is invalid.") BDAY_SET = _("<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> Your birthday has been set to: **{}**.") CHANNEL_SET = _( "<:aureliaagree:616091883013144586> " "The channel for announcing birthdays on **{g}** has been set to: **{c}**." ) BDAY_REMOVED = _(":put_litter_in_its_place: Your birthday has been removed.") BDAY_DM_DEFAULT = _(":tada: Aurelia wishes you a very happy birthday! :tada:") def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() = bot self.logger = logging.getLogger("aurelia.cogs.birthdays") unique_id = int(hashlib.sha512((self.__author__ + "@" + self.__class__.__name__).encode()).hexdigest(), 16,) self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=unique_id) self.config.init_custom(self.DATE_GROUP, 1) self.config.init_custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, 2) self.config.register_guild(channel=None, role=None, yesterdays=[]) self.bday_loop = asyncio.create_task(self.initialise()) asyncio.create_task(self.check_breaking_change()) # Events async def initialise(self): await with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): while self == now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = (now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) await self.clean_yesterday_bdays() await self.do_today_bdays() await asyncio.sleep((tomorrow - now).total_seconds()) def cog_unload(self): self.bday_loop.cancel() # Commands @commands.guild_only() async def bday(self, ctx: Context): """Birthday settings""" pass @bday.command(name="remove", aliases=["del", "clear", "rm"]) async def bday_remove(self, ctx: Context): """Unsets your birthday date""" message = ctx.message await self.remove_user_bday(, await ctx.send(self.BDAY_REMOVED())"set") async def bday_set(self, ctx: Context): """Changes settings for your birthday!""" pass @bday_set.command(name="birthday") async def bday_set_birthday(self, ctx: Context, *, date: str): """Sets your birthday date The given date can either be month day, or day month Year is optional. If not given, the age won't be displayed.""" message = ctx.message author = year = None birthday = self.parse_date(date) today = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date() # An Invalid date was entered. if birthday is None: print(self.BDAY_INVALID()) await ctx.send(self.BDAY_INVALID()) # TODO: Properly implement a check to read the config to see if today's date is the date already set. # else if birthday.toordinal() == today.toordinal(): # await ctx.send("Your birthday is already set to {g} {c}!".format(birthday.strftime("%B"), birthday.strftime("%d").lstrip("0")))) # return else: if today.year != birthday.year: if birthday.year > today.year: await ctx.send("You weren't born in the future, silly!") return if birthday.year < (today.year - 100): await ctx.send("No way you're that old, silly!") return year = birthday.year birthday =, birthday.month, await self.remove_user_bday(, await self.get_date_config(, birthday.toordinal()).get_attr( bday_month_str = birthday.strftime("%B") bday_day_str = birthday.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") await ctx.send(self.BDAY_SET(bday_month_str + " " + bday_day_str)) # Check if today is their birthday if today.replace(year=1).toordinal() == birthday.replace(year=1).toordinal(): await self.handle_bday(self,, year) @bday_set.command(name="message") async def bday_set_message(self, ctx: Context, *, bday_message: str = ""): """Sets your birthday message. It can be any message that you want! This message will be sent via Direct Message. Set to nothing to clear. Emotes from other servers are not supported!""" message = ctx.message author = # TODO: implement saving to config. if bday_message == "": await ctx.send("Your birthday message is now set to the default message.") else: await ctx.send("Birthday message set to: " + str(bday_message)) @bday_set.command(name="channel") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def bday_set_channel(self, ctx: Context, channel: discord.TextChannel): """Sets the birthday announcement channel""" guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(channel.guild).channel.set( await ctx.send(self.CHANNEL_SET(, @bday_set.command(name="role") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def bday_set_role(self, ctx: Context, *, role: discord.Role): """Sets the birthday role""" guild = ctx.message.guild await self.config.guild(role.guild).role.set( await ctx.send(self.ROLE_SET(, @bday.command(name="list") async def bday_list(self, ctx: Context): """Lists birthdays If a user has their year set, it will display the age they'll get after their birthday this year""" message = ctx.message await self.clean_bdays() bdays = await self.get_guild_date_configs( this_year = embed = discord.Embed(title=self.BDAY_LIST_TITLE(), color=discord.Colour.lighter_grey()) for k, g in itertools.groupby( sorted(datetime.datetime.fromordinal(int(o)) for o in bdays.keys()), lambda i: i.month, ): value = "\n".join( date.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") + ": " + ", ".join( "{}".format(ctx.guild.get_member(user_id)) + ("" if year is None else " ({})".format(this_year - int(year))) for u_id, year in bdays.get(str(date.toordinal()), {}).items() ) for date in g if len(bdays.get(str(date.toordinal()))) > 0 ) if not value.isspace(): embed.add_field( name=datetime.datetime(year=1, month=k, day=1).strftime("%B"), value=value, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) async def clean_bday(self, guild_id: int, guild_config: dict, user_id: int): guild = if guild is not None: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=guild_config.get("role")) await self.maybe_update_guild(guild) member = guild.get_member(user_id) if member is not None and role is not None and role in member.roles: await member.remove_roles(role) async def handle_bday(self, user_id: int, year: str): embed = discord.Embed( all_guild_configs = await self.config.all_guilds() for guild_id, guild_config in all_guild_configs.items(): guild = if guild is not None: member = guild.get_member(user_id) if member is not None: role_id = guild_config.get("role") if year is not None: age = - int(year) embed.description = self.BDAY_WITH_YEAR(member.mention, age) else: embed.description = self.BDAY_WITHOUT_YEAR(member.mention) if role_id is not None: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is not None: try: await member.add_roles(role) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): pass else: async with self.config.guild(guild).yesterdays() as yesterdays: yesterdays.append( channel = guild.get_channel(guild_config.get("channel")) if channel is not None: await channel.send(embed=embed) # TODO: Actually get the custom message from config. custom_message = None if custom_message is None: await member.send(self.BDAY_DM()) else: await member.send(custom_message) async def clean_bdays(self): birthdays = await self.get_all_date_configs() for guild_id, guild_bdays in birthdays.items(): for date, bdays in guild_bdays.items(): for user_id, year in bdays.items(): if not any(g.get_member(int(user_id)) is not None for g in async with self.get_date_config(guild_id, date)() as config_bdays: del config_bdays[user_id] config_bdays = await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date)() if len(config_bdays) == 0: await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date).clear() async def remove_user_bday(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int): user_id = str(user_id) birthdays = await self.get_guild_date_configs(guild_id) for date, user_ids in birthdays.items(): if user_id in user_ids: await self.get_date_config(guild_id, date).get_attr(user_id).clear() async def clean_yesterday_bdays(self): all_guild_configs = await self.config.all_guilds() for guild_id, guild_config in all_guild_configs.items(): for user_id in guild_config.get("yesterdays", []): asyncio.create_task(self.clean_bday(guild_id, guild_config, user_id)) await self.config.guild(discord.Guild(data={"id": guild_id}, state=None)).yesterdays.clear() async def do_today_bdays(self): guild_configs = await self.get_all_date_configs() for guild_id, guild_config in guild_configs.items(): this_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date().replace(year=1) todays_bday_config = guild_config.get(str(this_date.toordinal()), {}) for user_id, year in todays_bday_config.items(): asyncio.create_task(self.handle_bday(int(user_id), year)) async def maybe_update_guild(self, guild: discord.Guild): if not guild.unavailable and guild.large: if not guild.chunked or any(m.joined_at is None for m in guild.members): await def parse_date(self, date: str): result = None try: result = parser.parse(date) except ValueError: pass return result async def check_breaking_change(self): await previous = await self.config.custom(self.DATE_GROUP).all() if len(previous) > 0: await self.config.custom(self.DATE_GROUP).clear() owner = if len( == 1: await self.get_guild_date_config([0].id).set_raw(value=previous)"Birthdays are now per-guild. Previous birthdays have been copied.") else: await self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, "backup").set_raw(value=previous)"Previous birthdays have been backed up in the config file.") def get_date_config(self, guild_id: int, date: int): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, str(guild_id), str(date)) def get_guild_date_config(self, guild_id: int): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP, str(guild_id)) async def get_guild_date_configs(self, guild_id: int) -> _ValueCtxManager[Dict[str, Any]]: return await self.get_guild_date_config(guild_id).all() def get_all_date_configs(self): return self.config.custom(self.GUILD_DATE_GROUP).all()