import asyncio import discord from typing import Optional from discord.utils import get from datetime import timedelta from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate, ReactionPredicate from redbot.core.utils.menus import start_adding_reactions from redbot.core.utils.antispam import AntiSpam from import Red class Suggestion(commands.Cog): """ Simple suggestion box, basically. **Use `[p]setsuggest setup` first.** Only admins can approve or reject suggestions. """ __author__ = "saurichable" __version__ = "1.4.0" def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=2115656421364, force_registration=True) self.antispam = {} self.config.register_guild( same=False, suggest_id=None, approve_id=None, reject_id=None, next_id=1, up_emoji=None, down_emoji=None, delete_suggest=False, ) self.config.register_global(toggle=False, server_id=None, channel_id=None, next_id=1, ignore=[]) self.config.init_custom("SUGGESTION", 2) self.config.register_custom( "SUGGESTION", author=[], msg_id=0, finished=False, approved=False, rejected=False, reason=False, stext=None, rtext=None, num_up=0, num_down=0, ) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True) async def suggest(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, suggestion: str): """Suggest something. Message is required.""" suggest_id = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id() if not suggest_id: if await self.config.toggle(): if in await self.config.ignore(): return await ctx.send("Uh oh, suggestions aren't enabled.") global_guild = self.config.server_id()) channel = get(global_guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.channel_id()) else: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, suggestions aren't enabled.") else: channel = get(ctx.guild.text_channels, id=suggest_id) if not channel: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, looks like your Admins haven't added the required channel.") if ctx.guild not in self.antispam: self.antispam[ctx.guild] = {} if not in self.antispam[ctx.guild]: self.antispam[ctx.guild][] = AntiSpam([(timedelta(days=1), 6)]) if self.antispam[ctx.guild][].spammy: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, you're doing this way too frequently.") embed = discord.Embed(color=await ctx.embed_colour(), description=suggestion) embed.set_author( name=f"Suggestion by {}",, ) embed.set_footer(text=f"Suggested by {}#{} ({})") if not suggest_id: if await self.config.toggle(): s_id = await self.config.next_id() await self.config.next_id.set(s_id + 1) server = 1 content = f"Global suggestion #{s_id}" else: s_id = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).next_id() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).next_id.set(s_id + 1) server = content = f"Suggestion #{s_id}" msg = await channel.send(content=content, embed=embed) up_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji()) if not up_emoji: up_emoji = "✅" down_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).down_emoji()) if not down_emoji: down_emoji = "❎" await msg.add_reaction(up_emoji) await msg.add_reaction(down_emoji) async with self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, s_id).author() as author: author.append( author.append( author.append( await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, s_id).stext.set(suggestion) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, s_id).msg_id.set( self.antispam[ctx.guild][].stamp() if await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).delete_suggest(): await ctx.message.delete() else: await ctx.tick() try: await"Your suggestion has been sent for approval!", embed=embed) except discord.Forbidden: pass @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def approve( self, ctx: commands.Context, suggestion_id: int, is_global: Optional[bool] = False, *, reason: str = "", ): """Approve a suggestion.""" if is_global: if await self.config.toggle(): if != return await ctx.send("Uh oh, you're not my owner.") server = 1 global_guild = self.config.server_id()) oldchannel = get(global_guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.channel_id()) else: return await ctx.send("Global suggestions aren't enabled.") else: server = oldchannel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id(), ) channel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).approve_id(), ) msg_id = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id() if msg_id != 0: if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished(): return await ctx.send("This suggestion has been finished already.") try: oldmsg = await oldchannel.fetch_message(id=msg_id) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, message with this ID doesn't exist.") if not oldmsg: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, message with this ID doesn't exist.") embed = oldmsg.embeds[0] content = oldmsg.content # change to green for Approved embed.color = discord.Color.from_rgb(0, 255, 0) op_info = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).author() op_id = int(op_info[0]) op = await op_name = op_avatar = op.avatar_url if not op: op_name = str(op_info[1]) op_avatar = ctx.guild.icon_url embed.set_author(name=f"Approved suggestion by {op_name}", icon_url=op_avatar) # get number of reactions for approved / denied up_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji()) if not up_emoji: up_emoji = "✅" down_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).down_emoji()) if not down_emoji: down_emoji = "❎" reactions = oldmsg.reactions num_up = 0 num_down = 0 for react in reactions: if react.emoji == up_emoji: num_up = react.count - 1 # minus 1 for bot elif react.emoji == down_emoji: num_down = react.count - 1 # minus 1 for bot await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_up.set(num_up) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_down.set(num_down) embed.add_field(name="Votes:", value=f"For: `{num_up}`, Against: `{num_down}`", inline=False) if reason: embed.add_field(name="Reason:", value=reason, inline=False) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).reason.set(True) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rtext.set(reason) if is_global: await oldmsg.edit(content=content, embed=embed) try: await oldmsg.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: pass else: if channel: await oldmsg.delete() nmsg = await channel.send(content=content, embed=embed) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id.set( else: if not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same(): await oldmsg.delete() await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id.set(1) else: await oldmsg.edit(content=content, embed=embed) try: await oldmsg.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: pass await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished.set(True) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).approved.set(True) await ctx.tick() try: await op.send(content="Your suggestion has been approved!", embed=embed) except discord.Forbidden: pass @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def reject( self, ctx: commands.Context, suggestion_id: int, is_global: Optional[bool] = False, *, reason: str = "", ): """Reject a suggestion. Reason is optional.""" if is_global: if await self.config.toggle(): if != return await ctx.send("Uh oh, you're not my owner.") server = 1 global_guild = self.config.server_id()) oldchannel = get(global_guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.channel_id()) else: return await ctx.send("Global suggestions aren't enabled.") else: server = oldchannel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id(), ) channel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id(), ) msg_id = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id() if msg_id != 0: if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished(): return await ctx.send("This suggestion has been finished already.") try: oldmsg = await oldchannel.fetch_message(id=msg_id) except discord.NotFound: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, message with this ID doesn't exist.") if not oldmsg: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, message with this ID doesn't exist.") embed = oldmsg.embeds[0] content = oldmsg.content # change to red for denied embed.color = discord.Color.from_rgb(255, 0, 0) op_info = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).author() op_id = int(op_info[0]) op = await op_name = op_avatar = op.avatar_url if not op: op_name = str(op_info[1]) op_avatar = ctx.guild.icon_url embed.set_author(name=f"Rejected suggestion by {op_name}", icon_url=op_avatar) # get number of reactions for approved / denied up_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji()) if not up_emoji: up_emoji = "✅" down_emoji = self.config.guild(ctx.guild).down_emoji()) if not down_emoji: down_emoji = "❎" reactions = oldmsg.reactions num_up = 0 num_down = 0 for react in reactions: if react.emoji == up_emoji: num_up = react.count - 1 # minus 1 for bot elif react.emoji == down_emoji: num_down = react.count - 1 # minus 1 for bot await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_up.set(num_up) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_down.set(num_down) embed.add_field(name="Votes:", value=f"For: `{num_up}`, Against: `{num_down}`", inline=False) if reason: embed.add_field(name="Reason:", value=reason, inline=False) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).reason.set(True) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rtext.set(reason) if is_global: await oldmsg.edit(content=content, embed=embed) try: await oldmsg.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: pass else: if channel: await oldmsg.delete() nmsg = await channel.send(content=content, embed=embed) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id.set( else: if not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same(): await oldmsg.delete() await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id.set(1) else: await oldmsg.edit(content=content, embed=embed) try: await oldmsg.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: pass await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished.set(True) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rejected.set(True) await ctx.tick() try: await op.send(content="Your suggestion has been rejected!", embed=embed) except discord.Forbidden: pass @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def addreason( self, ctx: commands.Context, suggestion_id: int, is_global: Optional[bool] = False, *, reason: str, ): """Add a reason to a suggestion. Only works for non global suggestions.""" if is_global: if await self.config.toggle(): if != return await ctx.send("Uh oh, you're not my owner.") server = 1 global_guild = self.config.server_id()) channel = get(global_guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.channel_id()) else: return await ctx.send("Global suggestions aren't enabled.") else: server = if not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same(): channel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id(), ) else: channel = get( ctx.guild.text_channels, id=await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id(), ) msg_id = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id() if msg_id != 0: if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).reason(): return await ctx.send("This suggestion already has a reason.") content, embed = await self._build_suggestion(ctx,,, suggestion_id, is_global) embed.add_field(name="Reason:", value=reason, inline=False) msg = await channel.fetch_message(id=msg_id) if msg: await msg.edit(content=content, embed=embed) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).reason.set(True) await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rtext.set(reason) await ctx.tick() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() async def showsuggestion( self, ctx: commands.Context, suggestion_id: int, is_global: Optional[bool] = False, ): """Show a suggestion.""" content, embed = await self._build_suggestion(ctx,,, suggestion_id, is_global) await ctx.send(content=content, embed=embed) @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.guild_only() async def setsuggest(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Suggestion settings""" pass @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_channels=True) @setsuggest.command(name="setup") async def setsuggest_setup(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Go through the initial setup process. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same.set(False) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id.set(None) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).approve_id.set(None) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id.set(None) predchan = MessagePredicate.valid_text_channel(ctx) overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=True), } msg = await ctx.send("Do you already have your channel(s) done?") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if not pred.result: await msg.delete() suggestions = get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name="suggestions") if not suggestions: suggestions = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel( "suggestions", overwrites=overwrites, reason="Suggestion cog setup" ) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id.set( msg = await ctx.send( "Do you want to use the same channel for approved and rejected suggestions? (If yes, they won't be reposted anywhere, only their title will change accordingly.)" ) start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: await msg.delete() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same.set(True) else: await msg.delete() approved = get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name="approved-suggestions") if not approved: msg = await ctx.send("Do you want to have an approved suggestions channel?") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: approved = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel( "approved-suggestions", overwrites=overwrites, reason="Suggestion cog setup", ) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).approve_id.set( await msg.delete() else: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).approve_id.set( rejected = get(ctx.guild.text_channels, name="rejected-suggestions") if not rejected: msg = await ctx.send("Do you want to have a rejected suggestions channel?") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: rejected = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel( "rejected-suggestions", overwrites=overwrites, reason="Suggestion cog setup", ) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id.set( await msg.delete() else: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id.set( else: await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send("Mention the channel where you want me to post new suggestions.") try: await"message", timeout=30, check=predchan) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") suggestion = predchan.result await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).suggest_id.set( await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send( "Do you want to use the same channel for approved and rejected suggestions? (If yes, they won't be reposted anywhere, only their title will change accordingly.)" ) start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: await msg.delete() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).same.set(True) else: await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send("Do you want to have an approved suggestions channel?") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send("Mention the channel where you want me to post approved suggestions.") try: await"message", timeout=30, check=predchan) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") approved = predchan.result await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).approve_id.set( await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send("Do you want to have a rejected suggestions channel?") start_adding_reactions(msg, ReactionPredicate.YES_OR_NO_EMOJIS) pred = ReactionPredicate.yes_or_no(msg, try: await"reaction_add", timeout=30, check=pred) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") if pred.result: await msg.delete() msg = await ctx.send("Mention the channel where you want me to post rejected suggestions.") try: await"message", timeout=30, check=predchan) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await msg.delete() return await ctx.send("You took too long. Try again, please.") rejected = predchan.result await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).reject_id.set( await msg.delete() await ctx.send("You have finished the setup! Please, move your channels to the category you want them in.") @checks.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True) @setsuggest.command(name="upemoji") async def setsuggest_upemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context, up_emoji: discord.Emoji = None): """ Set custom reactions emoji instead of ✅. """ if not up_emoji: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji.set(None) else: try: await ctx.message.add_reaction(up_emoji) except discord.HTTPException: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, I cannot use that emoji.") await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji.set( await ctx.tick() @checks.bot_has_permissions(add_reactions=True) @setsuggest.command(name="downemoji") async def setsuggest_downemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context, down_emoji: discord.Emoji = None): """ Set custom reactions emoji instead of ❎. """ if not down_emoji: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).up_emoji.set(None) else: try: await ctx.message.add_reaction(down_emoji) except discord.HTTPException: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, I cannot use that emoji.") await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).down_emoji.set( await ctx.tick() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_messages=True) @setsuggest.command(name="autodelete") async def setsuggest_autodelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """ Toggle whether after `[p]suggest`, the bot deletes the message. """ target_state = on_off if on_off else not (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).delete_suggest()) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).delete_suggest.set(target_state) if target_state: await ctx.send("Auto deletion is now enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Auto deletion is now disabled.") @checks.is_owner() @commands.guild_only() async def setglobal(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Global suggestions settings. There is nothing like approved or rejected channels because global suggestions are meant to be for the bot only and will only work if it is sent in a server where normal suggestions are disabled.""" pass @setglobal.command(name="toggle") async def setsuggest_setglobal_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Toggle global suggestions. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped.""" target_state = on_off if on_off else not (await self.config.toggle()) await self.config.toggle.set(target_state) if target_state: await ctx.send("Global suggestions are now enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Global suggestions are now disabled.") @setglobal.command(name="channel") async def setsuggest_setglobal_channel( self, ctx: commands.Context, server: discord.Guild = None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None, ): """Add channel where global suggestions should be sent.""" if not server: server = ctx.guild if not channel: channel = await self.config.server_id.set( await self.config.channel_id.set( await ctx.send(f"{channel.mention} has been saved for global suggestions.") @setglobal.command(name="ignore") async def setsuggest_setglobal_ignore(self, ctx: commands.Context, server: discord.Guild = None): """ Ignore suggestions from the server. """ if not server: server = ctx.guild if not in await self.config.ignore(): async with self.config.ignore() as ignore: ignore.append( await ctx.send(f"{} has been added into the ignored list.") else: await ctx.send(f"{} is already in the ignored list.") @setglobal.command(name="unignore") async def setsuggest_setglobal_unignore(self, ctx: commands.Context, server: discord.Guild = None): """ Remove server from the ignored list. """ if not server: server = ctx.guild if in await self.config.ignore(): async with self.config.ignore() as ignore: ignore.remove( await ctx.send(f"{} has been removed from the ignored list.") else: await ctx.send(f"{} already isn't in the ignored list.") async def _build_suggestion(self, ctx, author_id, server_id, suggestion_id, is_global): if is_global: if await self.config.toggle(): if author_id != return await ctx.send("Uh oh, you're not my owner.") server = 1 if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id() != 0: content = f"Global suggestion #{suggestion_id}" else: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, that suggestion doesn't seem to exist.") else: return await ctx.send("Global suggestions aren't enabled.") if not is_global: server = server_id if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).msg_id() != 0: content = f"Suggestion #{suggestion_id}" else: return await ctx.send("Uh oh, that suggestion doesn't seem to exist.") op_info = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).author() op_id = int(op_info[0]) op = await if op: op_name = op_discriminator = op.discriminator op_avatar = op.avatar_url else: op_name = str(op_info[1]) op_discriminator = int(op_info[2]) op_avatar = ctx.guild.icon_url if not await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished(): atext = f"Suggestion by {op_name}" else: if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).approved(): atext = f"Approved suggestion by {op_name}" elif await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rejected(): atext = f"Rejected suggestion by {op_name}" embed = discord.Embed( color=await ctx.embed_colour(), description=await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).stext(), ) embed.set_author(name=atext, icon_url=op_avatar) embed.set_footer(text=f"Suggested by {op_name}#{op_discriminator} ({op_id})") if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).reason(): embed.add_field( name="Reason:", value=await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).rtext(), inline=False, ) if await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).finished(): num_up = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_up() num_down = await self.config.custom("SUGGESTION", server, suggestion_id).num_down() embed.add_field(name="Votes:", value=f"For: `{num_up}`, Against: `{num_down}`", inline=False) return content, embed