from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.utils import mod from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog from import Red from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path import discord from .utils import * import asyncio from typing import Union import os from datetime import datetime import time TIME_RE_STRING = r"\s?".join( [ r"((?P\d+?)\s?(weeks?|w))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(days?|d))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(hours?|hrs|hr?))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(minutes?|mins?|m(?!o)))?", # prevent matching "months" r"((?P\d+?)\s?(seconds?|secs?|s))?", ] ) TIME_RE = re.compile(TIME_RE_STRING, re.I) PURGE_DM_MESSAGE = "**__Notice of automatic inactivity removal__**\n\nYou have been kicked from {} for lack of activity in the server; this is merely routine, and you are welcome to join back here: {1}" def parse_timedelta(argument: str) -> Optional[timedelta]: matches = TIME_RE.match(argument) if matches: params = {k: int(v) for k, v in matches.groupdict().items() if v} if params: return timedelta(**params) return None class MoreAdmin(commands.Cog): """ Provides some more Admin commands to Red. """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=213438438248, force_registration=True) default_guild = {"user_count_channel": None, "sus_user_channel": None, "sus_user_threshold": None, "prefixes": []} default_role = {"addable": []} # role ids who can add this role self.config.register_role(**default_role) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.loop.create_task(self.initialize()) self.user_task = self.loop.create_task(self.user_count_updater()) async def initialize(self): await self.register_casetypes() for guild in async with self.config.guild(guild).prefixes() as prefixes: if not prefixes: curr = await prefixes.extend(curr) def cog_unload(self): self.user_task.cancel() @staticmethod async def register_casetypes(): # register mod case purge_case = { "name": "Purge", "default_setting": True, "image": "\N{WOMANS BOOTS}", "case_str": "Purge", } try: await modlog.register_casetype(**purge_case) except RuntimeError: pass async def find_last_message(self, guild: discord.Guild, role: discord.Role, include_bot_commands: bool): """ Finds last message of EVERY user with role in a guild. **WARNING VERY SLOW AND COSTLY OPERATION!** returns: dictionary maping user ids -> last message """ last_msgs = {} text_channels = [channel for channel in guild.channels if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel)] prefixes = await self.config.guild(guild).prefixes() for channel in text_channels: async for message in channel.history(limit=None): if isinstance(, discord.Member) and role in # prefix check skip = False if include_bot_commands: for prefix in prefixes: if message.content and prefix == message.content[:len(prefix)]: skip = True break if not in last_msgs.keys() and not skip: last_msgs[] = message elif not skip: curr_last = last_msgs[] if message.created_at > curr_last.created_at: last_msgs[] = message return last_msgs async def user_count_updater(self): await SERVER_STATS_MSG = "USERS: {}/{}" SLEEP_TIME = 300 while True: for guild in channel = await self.config.guild(guild).user_count_channel() if channel: channel = guild.get_channel(channel) online = len([m.status for m in guild.members if m.status != discord.Status.offline]) title = SERVER_STATS_MSG.format(online, len(guild.members)) await channel.edit(name=title) await asyncio.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)"adminset") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def adminset(self, ctx): """ Manage more admin settings. """ pass @adminset.command(name="user-count") async def adminset_user_count(self, ctx, *, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel] = None): """ Set channel to display guild user count. Run with no channel to disable. """ if not channel: pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) curr_channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel() if not curr_channel: await ctx.send("No channel defined.") return await ctx.send( f"Would you like to clear the current channel? ({ctx.guild.get_channel(curr_channel).mention})" ) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel.set(None) await ctx.tick() return else: await ctx.send("Nothing changed.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel.set( await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="sus-channel") async def adminset_sus_user(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Set channel to log new users. Run with no channel to disable. Make sure to set threshold age for new account using [p]adminset sus-threshold """ if not channel: pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) curr_channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel() if not curr_channel: await ctx.send("No channel defined.") return await ctx.send( f"Would you like to clear the current channel? ({ctx.guild.get_channel(curr_channel).mention})" ) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel.set(None) await ctx.tick() return else: await ctx.send("Nothing changed.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel.set( await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="sus-threshold") async def adminset_sus_threshold(self, ctx, *, threshold: str): """ Set threshold for classifying users as new. Threshold should look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_threshold.set(int(threshold.total_seconds())) await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="prefixes") async def adminset_prefixes(self, ctx, *, prefixes: str = None): """ Set prefixes for bot commands to check for when purging. Seperate prefixes with spaces. Used for purge command. """ if not prefixes: prefixes = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes() curr = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Current Prefixes: " + humanize_list(curr)) return prefixes = [p for p in prefixes.split(" ")] await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set(prefixes) prefixes = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Prefixes set to: " + humanize_list(prefixes)) @adminset.command(name="addable") async def adminset_addable(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, *, role_list: str = None): """ Set roles that can add this role to others. Role list should be a list of one or more **role names or ids** seperated by commas. Roles in role list will be removed if already in the role list, or added if they are not. Role names are case sensitive! Don't pass a role list to see the current roles """ if not role_list: curr = await self.config.role(role).addable() if not curr: await ctx.send("No roles defined.") else: curr = [ctx.guild.get_role(role_id) for role_id in curr] not_found = len([r for r in curr if r is None]) curr = [ for r in curr if curr is not None] if not_found: await ctx.send( f"{not_found} roles weren't found, please run {ctx.prefix}costset clear to remove these roles.\nAddable Roles: {humanize_list(curr)}" ) else: await ctx.send(f"Addable Roles: {humanize_list(curr)}") return role_list = role_list.strip().split(",") role_list = [r.strip() for r in role_list] not_found = set() found = set() added = set() removed = set() for role_name in role_list: role = role_from_string(guild, role_name) if role is None: not_found.add(role_name) continue found.add(role) if not_found: await ctx.send( warning("These roles weren't found, please try again: {}".format(humanize_list(list(not_found)))) ) return async with self.config.role(role).addable() as addable: for role in found: if in addable: addable.remove( removed.add( else: addable.append( added.add( msg = "" if added: msg += "Added: {}\n".format(humanize_list(list(added))) if removed: msg += "Removed: {}".format(humanize_list(list(removed))) await ctx.send(msg) @commands.command(name="giverole") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def admin_addrole(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, *, user: discord.Member): """ Add a role to a user. **Must be setup before hand with `[p]adminset`** Admins will bypass role checks. """ author = reason = f"Added by {author} (id: {})" if mod.is_admin_or_superior(, author): try: await user.add_roles(role, reason=reason) except: await ctx.send("Adding role failed!") return roles = { for r in author.roles if != "@everyone"} addable = await self.config.role(role).addable() roles &= set(addable) if roles: await user.add_roles(role, reason=reason) else: await ctx.send("You do not have the proper roles to add this role.") @commands.command(name="remrole") @checks.mod() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def admin_remrole(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, *, user: discord.Member): """ Removes a role to a user. **Must be setup before hand with `[p]adminset`** Admins will bypass role checks. """ author = reason = f"Removed by {author} (id: {})" if mod.is_admin_or_superior(, author): try: await user.remove_roles(role, reason=reason) except: await ctx.send("Removing role failed!") return roles = { for r in author.roles if != "@everyone"} addable = await self.config.role(role).addable() roles &= set(addable) if roles: await user.remove_roles(role, reason=reason) else: await ctx.send("You do not have the proper roles to remove this role.") @commands.command(name="pingable") @checks.mod() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def pingable(self, ctx, seconds: int, *, role: discord.Role): """ Sets a role to be pingable for amount of seconds. A time of 0 will just toggle the pingable status. Role should be a role name or role ID. """ guild = ctx.guild if seconds < 0: await ctx.send("Please enter a time greater than or equal to 0.") return if seconds == 0: current_status = True is not role.mentionable await ctx.send("Setting pingable status to {} now.".format("ON" if current_status else "OFF")) await role.edit(mentionable=current_status) else: await ctx.send("Setting {} to be pingable for {} seconds.".format(, seconds)) await role.edit(mentionable=True) await asyncio.sleep(seconds) await role.edit(mentionable=False) @commands.command(name="purge") @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @checks.bot_has_permissions(kick_members=True) async def purge(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, check_messages: bool = True, include_bot_commands: bool = False, *, threshold: str = None): """ Purge inactive users with role. **__WARNING: VERY SLOW AND COSTLY OPERATION!__** **If the role has spaces, you need to use quotes** If check_messages is yes/true/1 then purging is dictated by the user's last message. If check_messages is no/false/0 then purging is dictated by the user's join date. If checking last message and bot is yes/true/1 then the bot won't count bot include_bot_commands as a valid last message for purge. **Make sure to set prefixes with [p]adminset** Threshold should be an interval. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return guild = ctx.guild to_purge = [] errored = [] start_time = time.time() if check_messages: last_msgs = await self.find_last_message(guild, role, include_bot_commands) for member in guild.members: if role in member.roles: if check_messages: last_msg = last_msgs.get(, -1) if last_msg == -1: # shouldn't happen, but just a sanity check errored.append(member) elif (ctx.message.created_at - last_msg.created_at) > threshold: to_purge.append(member) else: if (ctx.message.created_at - member.joined_at) > threshold: to_purge.append(member) if errored: errored = [m.mention for m in errored] await ctx.send( f"Some user's last message could not be found. Please check them manually:\n\n{humanize_list(errored)}" ) if not to_purge: await ctx.send("No one to purge.") return await ctx.send(f"This will purge {len(to_purge)} users, are you sure you want to continue?") pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await ctx.send("Are you really sure? This cannot be stopped once it starts.") try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if not pred.result: await ctx.send("Cancelled") return await ctx.send("Okay, here we go.") invite = await guild.invites() invite = invite[0].url purge_msg = PURGE_DM_MESSAGE.format(guild, invite) for user in to_purge: try: await user.send(purge_msg) except: pass if check_messages: _purge = last_msgs[].created_at msg = "Last Message Time" else: _purge = user.joined_at msg = "Account Age" _purge = ctx.message.created_at - _purge _purge = parse_seconds(_purge.total_seconds()) threshold = parse_seconds(threshold.total_seconds()) reason = f"Purged by moreadmins cog. {msg}: {_purge}, Threshold: {threshold}" await user.kick(reason=reason) await modlog.create_case(, guild, ctx.message.created_at, "Purge", user,, reason=reason ) await ctx.send(f"Purge completed. Took {parse_seconds(time.time() - start_time)}.") else: await ctx.send("Cancelled.") @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.guild_only() async def say(self, ctx, *, content: str): await ctx.send(escape(content, mass_mentions=True)) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.guild_only() async def selfdm(self, ctx, *, content: str): try: await except: await ctx.send( "I couldn't send you the DM, make sure to turn on messages from server members! Here is the message:" ) await ctx.send(content) @commands.command() @checks.mod() @commands.guild_only() async def edit(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int, *, msg: str): """ Edit any message sent by Aurelia. Needs message ID of message to edit, and the channel the message is in. """ try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.") return try: await message.edit(content=msg) except: await ctx.send("Could not edit message.") @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def send(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, msg: str): """ Sends a message to a channel from Aurelia. """ try: await channel.send(msg) except: await ctx.send("Could not send message in that channel.") @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def sendatt(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Sends an attachment to a channel from Aurelia. Attach content to the message. """ attach = ctx.message.attachments if len(attach) < 1: await ctx.send("Please add an attachment.") return filepaths = [] if attach: for a in attach: filepaths.append(cog_data_path(cog_instance=self) / f"{}_{a.filename}")[-1]) else: await ctx.send("You must provide a Discord attachment.") return files = [discord.File(file) for file in filepaths] await channel.send(files=files) for file in filepaths: os.remove(file) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.mod() async def get(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int): """ Gets a message with it's formatting from Aurelia. """ try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.") return if message.content == "": await ctx.send("(no message content)") else: await ctx.send("{}".format(escape(message.content, formatting=True, mass_mentions=True))) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def listrole(self, ctx, *, role_list: str = None): """ Lists all memebers with specified roles. Leave list empty to list everyone with no roles. Role list should be a list of one or more **role names or ids** seperated by commas. Role names are case sensitive! """ guild = ctx.guild results = [] if role_list is None: for member in guild.members: if len(member.roles) == 1: results.append(member) else: role_list = role_list.strip().split(",") role_list = [r.strip() for r in role_list] parsed_roles = [role_from_string(guild, role) for role in role_list] if None in parsed_roles: await ctx.send("Some of those role(s) were not found, please try again.") return num_parsed_roles = len(parsed_roles) for member in guild.members: found = 0 for role in parsed_roles: if role in member.roles: found += 1 if num_parsed_roles == found: results.append(member) if not results: await ctx.send("No members found with specified role(s).") return results = [m.mention for m in results] msg = " ".join(results) msg_pages = pagify(msg) for page in msg_pages: await ctx.send(msg) num = len(results) plural = "s" if num > 1 else "" await ctx.send(f"That is {num} member{plural} with these role(s)") @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): sus_threshold = await self.config.guild(member.guild).sus_user_threshold() if not sus_threshold: return channel = await self.config.guild(member.guild).sus_user_channel() channel = member.guild.get_channel(channel) if not channel: return age = (datetime.utcnow() - member.created_at).total_seconds() if age < sus_threshold: data = discord.Embed(title="NEW ACCOUNT DETECTED", colour=member.colour) data.add_field(name="Account Age", value=parse_seconds(age)) data.add_field(name="Threshold", value=parse_seconds(sus_threshold)) data.set_footer(text=f"User ID:{}") name = str(member) name = " ~ ".join((name, member.nick)) if member.nick else name if member.avatar_url: data.set_author(name=name, url=member.avatar_url) data.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) else: data.set_author(name=name) await channel.send(embed=data) ### DATA LOADING FROM V2, WILL REMOVE LATER ### @commands.command(name="loadcasino") @checks.is_owner() async def loadcasino(self, ctx, *, path: str): import json from redbot.core import bank with open(path, "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) for guild_id, member_data in settings.items(): guild = for mid, mdata in member_data["Players"].items(): user = guild.get_member(int(mid)) try: await bank.deposit_credits(user, mdata["Chips"]) except Exception as e: print(e) @commands.command(name="loadecon") @checks.is_owner() async def load_econ(self, ctx, *, path: str): import json from redbot.core import bank with open(path, "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) for guild_id, member_data in settings.items(): guild = for mid, mdata in member_data.items(): user = guild.get_member(int(mid)) try: await bank.deposit_credits(user, mdata["balance"]) except Exception as e: print(e) @commands.command(name="loaduserstats") @checks.is_owner() async def load_stats(self, ctx, *, path: str): import json act_log ="ActivityLogger") with open(path, "r") as f: settings = json.load(f) for guild in for member in guild.members: data = settings[str(] async with act_log.config.member(member).stats() as stats: stats["total_msg"] += data["total_msg"] stats["bot_cmd"] += data["bot_cmd"] stats["avg_len"] += data["avg_len"] stats["vc_time_sec"] += data["vc_time_sec"] async with act_log.config.user(member).past_names() as past_names: for name in data["past_names"]: if name not in past_names: past_names.append(name)