from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.utils import mod from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog from import Red from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path import discord from .utils import * from typing import Literal import asyncio from typing import Union, Optional import os import random from datetime import datetime import time TIME_RE_STRING = r"\s?".join( [ r"((?P\d+?)\s?(weeks?|w))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(days?|d))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(hours?|hrs|hr?))?", r"((?P\d+?)\s?(minutes?|mins?|m(?!o)))?", # prevent matching "months" r"((?P\d+?)\s?(seconds?|secs?|s))?", ] ) TIME_RE = re.compile(TIME_RE_STRING, re.I) MIN_MSG_LEN = 6 # 0 is guild object, 1 is invite link PURGE_DM_MESSAGE = "**__Notice of automatic inactivity removal__**\n\nYou have been kicked from {} for lack of activity in the server; this is merely routine, and you are welcome to join back here: {1}" # 0 is guild object, number of messages is 1 PURGE_DM_WARN_MESSAGE_MSG = "**__WARNING! You may be kicked from {} soon!__**\n\nDue to your inactivity, it may happen that you get kicked. If you don't want that, then we recommend you chat with people in text channels! The minimum number of messages you need is **{1}** to be marked as active.\n\nHowever, you can't just spam letters or messages! We aren't doing this to be rude but simply to try and keep active people within our community. We hope you understand and apologize for any inconveniences." # 0 is guild object PURGE_DM_WARN_MESSAGE = "**__WARNING! You may be kicked from {} soon!__**\n\nDue to your inactivity, it may happen that you get kicked. If you don't want that, then we recommend you chat with people in text channels! Once you get the trusted role you will be marked as active.\n\nHowever, you can't just spam letters or messages! We aren't doing this to be rude but simply to try and keep active people within our community. We hope you understand and apologize for any inconveniences.\nIf you have any questions or concerns please message one of the staff members!" # guild is guild name BAN_DM_MESSAGE = "You have been banned from {guild} for {reason}." def parse_timedelta(argument: str) -> Optional[timedelta]: matches = TIME_RE.match(argument) if matches: params = {k: int(v) for k, v in matches.groupdict().items() if v} if params: return timedelta(**params) return None class MoreAdmin(commands.Cog): """ Provides some more Admin commands to Red. """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9468294573, force_registration=True) default_guild = { "user_count_channel": None, "sus_user_channel": None, "sus_user_threshold": None, "ignore_bot_commands": False, "last_msg_num": 5, "prefixes": [], "purge_dm_msg": PURGE_DM_WARN_MESSAGE_MSG, "purge_dm": PURGE_DM_WARN_MESSAGE, "ban_dm": BAN_DM_MESSAGE, } default_role = {"addable": []} # role ids who can add this role # maps message_time -> dict("channel_id":int, "message_id": int) default_member = {"last_msgs": {}, "notes": []} self.config.register_role(**default_role) self.config.register_member(**default_member) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) # initalize prefixes and add user count updater task asyncio.create_task(self.initialize()) self.user_task = asyncio.create_task(self.user_count_updater()) async def initialize(self): await self.register_casetypes() for guild in async with self.config.guild(guild).prefixes() as prefixes: if not prefixes: curr = await prefixes.extend(curr) def cog_unload(self): self.user_task.cancel() @staticmethod async def register_casetypes(): # register mod case purge_case = { "name": "Purge", "default_setting": True, "image": "\N{WOMANS BOOTS}", "case_str": "Purge", } try: await modlog.register_casetype(**purge_case) except RuntimeError: pass async def check_prefix(self, message: discord.Message): # check if prefixes appear in message prefixes = await self.config.guild(message.guild).prefixes() for prefix in prefixes: if prefix == message.content[: len(prefix)]: return False return True async def add_last_msg(self, message): if not isinstance(, discord.Member): return # length/attachment check if not message.attachments and len(message.content) < MIN_MSG_LEN: return # adds last message for user max_msg = await self.config.guild(message.guild).last_msg_num() async with self.config.member( as last_msgs: if len(last_msgs.keys()) < max_msg: last_msgs[message.created_at.timestamp()] = {"channel_id":, "message_id":} else: keys = sorted([float(k) for k in last_msgs.keys()]) # if oldest message saved is newer than the message to add, dont add it if keys: # need to make sure if user has last message if keys[0] > message.created_at.timestamp(): return del last_msgs[str(keys[0])] # remove oldest entry # append new entry last_msgs[message.created_at.timestamp()] = {"channel_id":, "message_id":} async def last_message_sync(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Syncs last message of EVERY user in a guild. **WARNING VERY SLOW AND COSTLY OPERATION!** """ text_channels = [channel for channel in ctx.guild.channels if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel)] ignore = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ignore_bot_commands() num_text_c = len(text_channels) progress_message = await ctx.send(f"Processed 0/{num_text_c} channels...") start_time = time.time() for i, channel in enumerate(text_channels): async for message in channel.history(limit=None): to_add = True if ignore: to_add = await self.check_prefix(message) if to_add: await self.add_last_msg(message) await progress_message.edit(content=f"Processed {i+1}/{num_text_c} channels...") await progress_message.edit( content=f"Done. Processed {num_text_c} channels in {parse_seconds(time.time() - start_time)}." ) async def user_count_updater(self): await SERVER_STATS_MSG = "USERS: {}/{}" SLEEP_TIME = 300 while True: for guild in if await, guild): continue channel = await self.config.guild(guild).user_count_channel() if channel: channel = guild.get_channel(channel) online = len([m.status for m in guild.members if m.status != discord.Status.offline]) title = SERVER_STATS_MSG.format(online, len(guild.members)) await channel.edit(name=title) await asyncio.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) async def get_purges(self, ctx, role, threshold, check_messages=True): # returns users that can be purged given the settings. guild = ctx.guild to_purge = [] # update members _guilds = [g for g in if g.large and not (g.chunked or g.unavailable)] await*_guilds) for member in guild.members: if == # don't want to purge the bot. continue if role in member.roles: if check_messages: last_msgs = await self.config.member(member).last_msgs() keys = sorted([float(k) for k in last_msgs.keys()]) if not keys: to_purge.append(member) # if their oldest message is longer than the threshold, then must be purged. # so a user where 3/5 messages meet the threshold still gets purged. elif (ctx.message.created_at - datetime.fromtimestamp(keys[0])) > threshold: to_purge.append(member) else: if (ctx.message.created_at - member.joined_at) > threshold: to_purge.append(member) return to_purge"adminset") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def adminset(self, ctx): """ Manage more admin settings. """ pass @adminset.command(name="user-count") async def adminset_user_count(self, ctx, *, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel] = None): """ Set channel to display guild user count. Run with no channel to disable. """ if not channel: pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) curr_channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel() if not curr_channel: await ctx.send("No channel defined.") return await ctx.send( f"Would you like to clear the current channel? ({ctx.guild.get_channel(curr_channel).mention})" ) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel.set(None) await ctx.tick() return else: await ctx.send("Nothing changed.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).user_count_channel.set( await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="sus-channel") async def adminset_sus_user(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Set channel to log new users. Run with no channel to disable. Make sure to set threshold age for new account using [p]adminset sus-threshold """ if not channel: pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) curr_channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel() if not curr_channel: await ctx.send("No channel defined.") return await ctx.send( f"Would you like to clear the current channel? ({ctx.guild.get_channel(curr_channel).mention})" ) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel.set(None) await ctx.tick() return else: await ctx.send("Nothing changed.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_channel.set( await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="sus-threshold") async def adminset_sus_threshold(self, ctx, *, threshold: str): """ Set threshold for classifying users as new. Threshold should look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).sus_user_threshold.set(int(threshold.total_seconds())) await ctx.tick() @adminset.command(name="addable") async def adminset_addable(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, *, role_list: str = None): """ Set roles that can add this role to others. Role list should be a list of one or more **role names or ids** seperated by commas. Roles in role list will be removed if already in the role list, or added if they are not. Role names are case sensitive! Don't pass a role list to see the current roles """ if not role_list: curr = await self.config.role(role).addable() if not curr: await ctx.send("No roles defined.") else: curr = [ctx.guild.get_role(role_id) for role_id in curr] not_found = len([r for r in curr if r is None]) curr = [ for r in curr if curr is not None] if not_found: await ctx.send( f"{not_found} roles weren't found, please run {ctx.prefix}costset clear to remove these roles.\nAddable Roles: {humanize_list(curr)}" ) else: await ctx.send(f"Addable Roles: {humanize_list(curr)}") return guild = ctx.guild role_list = role_list.strip().split(",") role_list = [r.strip() for r in role_list] not_found = set() found = set() added = set() removed = set() for role_name in role_list: role = role_from_string(guild, role_name) if role is None: not_found.add(role_name) continue found.add(role) if not_found: await ctx.send( warning("These roles weren't found, please try again: {}".format(humanize_list(list(not_found)))) ) return async with self.config.role(role).addable() as addable: for role in found: if in addable: addable.remove( removed.add( else: addable.append( added.add( msg = "" if added: msg += "Added: {}\n".format(humanize_list(list(added))) if removed: msg += "Removed: {}".format(humanize_list(list(removed))) await ctx.send(msg) @adminset.command(name="ban-dm-msg") async def adminset_ban_dm_msg(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """ Set a message to be DMed to a user when they are banned using the bandm command Use {guild} to put the guild name in the message, {member} to put the member's name, and {reason} to put the reason Run empty to see current message """ if not msg: curr = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ban_dm() await ctx.send("Current message:") return await ctx.send(escape(curr, formatting=True)) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ban_dm.set(msg) await ctx.tick()"purgeset") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def purgeset(self, ctx): """ Manage purge settings. """ pass @purgeset.command(name="prefixes") async def purgeset_prefixes(self, ctx, *, prefixes: str = None): """ Set prefixes for bot commands to check for when purging. Seperate prefixes with spaces. """ if not prefixes: prefixes = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes() curr = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Current Prefixes: " + humanize_list(curr)) return prefixes = [p for p in prefixes.split(" ")] await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set(prefixes) prefixes = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Prefixes set to: " + humanize_list(prefixes)) @purgeset.command(name="bot") async def purgeset_ignore_bot(self, ctx, *, toggle: bool): """ Set whether to ignore bot commands for last messages. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ignore_bot_commands.set(toggle) await ctx.tick() @purgeset.command(name="dm-last-msg") async def purgeset_dm_last_msg(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """ Set DM message that is sent to users when check_last_messages is True. You can use {} to put the guild name in the message, and {1} to put the number of messages needed to be marked active, which is taken from your purge settings. Run with no message to view current message. """ if msg is None: curr = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm_msg() await ctx.send("`{0} represents the guild, {1} is the number of messages needed to be active.`") return await ctx.send(escape(curr, formatting=True)) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm_msg.set(msg) await ctx.tick() @purgeset.command(name="dm-msg") async def purgeset_dm_msg(self, ctx, *, msg: str = None): """ Set DM message that is sent to users when check_last_messages is False. You can use {} to put the guild name in the message. Run with no message to view current message. """ if msg is None: curr = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm() await ctx.send("`{0} represents the guild.`") return await ctx.send(escape(curr, formatting=True)) await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm.set(msg) await ctx.tick() @purgeset.command(name="numlast") async def purgeset_last_message_number(self, ctx, count: int): """ Set the number of messages to track. This number of messages must be within threshold when purging in order for a member to **not** be purged. """ if count < 0 or count > 500: await ctx.send("Invalid message count.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).last_msg_num.set(count) await ctx.tick() @purgeset.command(name="sync") async def purgeset_sync(self, ctx): """ Syncs last messages for all users in the guild. **WARNING, VERY SLOW OPERATION!** """ await ctx.send("This will take a long time! Are you sure you want to continue?") pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await ctx.send("Better grab some coffee then.") await self.last_message_sync(ctx) async def note_menu(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, message: Optional[discord.Message] = None) -> list: color = await ctx.embed_color() # defines deleting a note for the user async def delete_note( ctx: commands.GuildContext, pages: list, controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int, timeout: float, emoji: str, ): async with self.config.member(member).notes() as notes: del notes[page] # resend menu, delete old menu with removed note if len(pages) <= 1: # no more notes, delete menu try: await message.delete() except discord.NotFound: pass return # remove reaction if try: await message.remove_reaction("\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}", except discord.HTTPException: pass # call menu function again with updated menu await self.note_menu(ctx, member, message) notes = await self.config.member(member).notes() embeds = [] for i, note in enumerate(notes): embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Notes for {member.display_name}", color=color) mod = ctx.guild.get_member(note["moderator"]) mod = "Mod id({})".format(note["moderator"]) if not mod else mod.display_name embed = embed.set_author(name=mod) for page in pagify(note["note"], page_length=1000): embed = embed.add_field(name="Note", value=page) embed = embed.set_footer(text=f"Page {i+1} out of {len(notes)}") embeds.append(embed) controls = DEFAULT_CONTROLS.copy() controls.update({"\N{NO ENTRY SIGN}": delete_note}) await menu(ctx, embeds, controls, message=message) @commands.guild_only() @checks.mod() async def notes(self, ctx): """ Manage notes for a user """ pass @notes.command(name="add") async def notes_add(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, *, note: str): """ Add a new note to a user. """ async with self.config.member(member).notes() as notes: data = {"moderator":, "note": note} notes.append(data) await ctx.tick() @notes.command(name="list") async def notes_list(self, ctx, member: discord.Member): """ List notes for a user. Delete notes by clicking the no_entry_sign emoji """ notes = await self.config.member(member).notes() if not notes: await ctx.send("That user has no notes on them.") return await self.note_menu(ctx, member) @commands.command(name="giverole") @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True) @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def admin_addrole(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, role: discord.Role): """ Add a role to a user. **Must be setup before hand with `[p]adminset`** Admins will bypass role checks. """ author = reason = f"Added by {author} (id: {})" if mod.is_admin_or_superior(, author): try: await user.add_roles(role, reason=reason) except: await ctx.send("Adding role failed!") return roles = { for r in author.roles if != "@everyone"} addable = await self.config.role(role).addable() roles &= set(addable) if roles: await user.add_roles(role, reason=reason) else: await ctx.send("You do not have the proper roles to add this role.") @commands.command(name="remrole") @checks.mod() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def admin_remrole(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, role: discord.Role): """ Removes a role to a user. **Must be setup before hand with `[p]adminset`** Admins will bypass role checks. """ author = reason = f"Removed by {author} (id: {})" if mod.is_admin_or_superior(, author): try: await user.remove_roles(role, reason=reason) except: await ctx.send("Removing role failed!") return roles = { for r in author.roles if != "@everyone"} addable = await self.config.role(role).addable() roles &= set(addable) if roles: await user.remove_roles(role, reason=reason) else: await ctx.send("You do not have the proper roles to remove this role.") @commands.command(name="pingable") @checks.mod() @checks.bot_has_permissions(manage_roles=True) async def pingable(self, ctx, seconds: int, *, role: discord.Role): """ Sets a role to be pingable for amount of seconds. A time of 0 will just toggle the pingable status. Role should be a role name (case sensitive) or role ID. """ guild = ctx.guild if seconds < 0: await ctx.send("Please enter a time greater than or equal to 0.") return if seconds == 0: current_status = True is not role.mentionable await ctx.send("Setting pingable status to {} now.".format("ON" if current_status else "OFF")) await role.edit(mentionable=current_status) else: await ctx.send("Setting {} to be pingable for {} seconds.".format(, seconds)) await role.edit(mentionable=True) await asyncio.sleep(seconds) await role.edit(mentionable=False) @commands.command(name="lastmsg") @checks.mod() async def last_msg(self, ctx, *, user: discord.Member): """ Gets stored last messages for a user """ last_msgs = await self.config.member(user).last_msgs() if not last_msgs: await ctx.send( "No last messages for this user. Make sure you have synced last messages for all users in the guild." ) return keys = sorted([float(k) for k in last_msgs.keys()]) msg = "" for i, k in enumerate(keys): channel = last_msgs[str(k)]["channel_id"] message = last_msgs[str(k)]["message_id"] channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(channel) if not channel: msg += f"{i+1}. Time: {datetime.fromtimestamp(k)}, channel not found\n" continue message = await channel.fetch_message(message) if not message: msg += f"{i+1}. Time: {datetime.fromtimestamp(k)}, message not found\n" continue msg += f"{i+1}. Time: {datetime.fromtimestamp(k)}, {message.jump_url}\n" pages = pagify(msg) for page in pages: await ctx.send(page)"purge", invoke_without_command=True) @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) @checks.bot_has_permissions(kick_members=True) async def purge( self, ctx, role: discord.Role, check_messages: bool = True, *, threshold: str = None, ): """ Purge inactive users with role. **If the role has spaces, you need to use quotes** If check_messages is yes/true/1 then purging is dictated by the user's last message. If check_messages is no/false/0 then purging is dictated by the user's join date. **Make sure to set purge settings with [p]purgeset** Threshold should be an interval. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand: return threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return guild = ctx.guild start_time = time.time() to_purge = await self.get_purges(ctx, role, threshold, check_messages=check_messages) if not to_purge: await ctx.send("No one to purge.") return num = len(to_purge) await ctx.send(f"This will purge {num} users, are you sure you want to continue?") pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if pred.result: await ctx.send("Are you really sure? This cannot be stopped once it starts.") try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if not pred.result: await ctx.send("Cancelled") return await ctx.send("Okay, here we go.") progress_message = await ctx.send(f"Processed 0/{num} users...") invite = await guild.invites() if not invite: invite = (await else: invite = invite[0].url purge_msg = PURGE_DM_MESSAGE.format(guild, invite) _threshold = parse_seconds(threshold.total_seconds()) for i, user in enumerate(to_purge): try: await user.send(purge_msg) except discord.HTTPException: pass if check_messages: last_msgs = await self.config.member(user).last_msgs() keys = sorted([float(k) for k in last_msgs.keys()]) if keys: _purge = datetime.fromtimestamp(keys[0]) else: _purge = ctx.message.created_at msg = "Last Message Time" else: _purge = user.joined_at msg = "Account Age" _purge = ctx.message.created_at - _purge _purge = parse_seconds(_purge.total_seconds()) reason = f"Purged by moreadmins cog. {msg}: {_purge}, Threshold: {_threshold}" await user.kick(reason=reason) # await modlog.create_case( #, guild, ctx.message.created_at, "Purge", user,, reason=reason # ) if i % 10 == 0: await progress_message.edit(content=f"Processed {i+1}/{num} users...") await progress_message.edit( content=f"Purged {num} users successfully. Took {parse_seconds(time.time() - start_time)}." ) else: await ctx.send("Cancelled.") @purge.command(name="audit") async def purge_audit(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, check_messages: bool = True, *, threshold: str = None): """ Audits a potential purge. Gives number of users, the purge settings, and 10 potential purge users for you to check. """ threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return to_purge = await self.get_purges(ctx, role, threshold, check_messages=check_messages) if not to_purge: await ctx.send("No one can be purged with those settings.") return purge_settings = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).all() msg = "**__Settings:__**\nIgnore bot commands: {}\nNumber of messages to check: {}\nPrefixes: {}\n**Number of users who can be purged: {}**\n\nHere are some users who can be purged:\n" msg = msg.format( purge_settings["ignore_bot_commands"], purge_settings["last_msg_num"], humanize_list([f"`{p}`" for p in purge_settings["prefixes"]]), len(to_purge), ) try: sample = random.sample(to_purge, 10) except ValueError: sample = to_purge for m in sample: msg += f"{m.mention}\n" await ctx.send(msg) @purge.command(name="dm") async def purge_dm(self, ctx, role: discord.Role, check_messages: bool = True, *, threshold: str = None): """ DMs users warning them of their potential to be purged. """ threshold = parse_timedelta(threshold) if not threshold: await ctx.send("Invalid threshold!") return start_time = time.time() to_purge = await self.get_purges(ctx, role, threshold, check_messages=check_messages) if not to_purge: await ctx.send("No one can be purged with those settings.") return num = len(to_purge) plural = "s" if num > 1 else "" await ctx.send(f"This will send DMs to {num} user{plural}, are you sure you want to continue?") pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx) try: await"message", check=pred, timeout=30) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Took too long.") return if not pred.result: await ctx.send("Cancelled.") return await ctx.send("Okay, here we go.") progress_message = await ctx.send(f"Processed 0/{num} users...") number = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).last_msg_num() ignore = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ignore_bot_commands() failed = 0 if check_messages: msg = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm_msg() msg = msg.format(ctx.guild, number) if ignore: msg += "\n\n**Bot commands do not count towards activity!**" else: msg = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).purge_dm() msg = msg.format(ctx.guild) for i, member in enumerate(to_purge): try: await member.send(msg) except: failed += 1 pass if i % 10 == 0: await progress_message.edit(content=f"Processed {i+1}/{num} users...") extra = f"\n\nFailed to send DMs to {failed} users" if failed > 0 else "" await progress_message.edit( content=f"Done. DMed {num - failed} users in {parse_seconds(time.time() - start_time)}." + extra ) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.guild_only() async def say(self, ctx, *, content: str): await ctx.send(escape(content, mass_mentions=True), allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) @commands.command(hidden=True) @commands.guild_only() async def selfdm(self, ctx, *, content: str): try: await, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) except: await ctx.send( "I couldn't send you the DM, make sure to turn on messages from server members! Here is the message:" ) await ctx.send(content) @commands.command() @checks.mod() @commands.guild_only() async def edit(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int, *, msg: str): """ Edit any message sent by Aurelia. Needs message ID of message to edit, and the channel the message is in. """ try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.", delete_after=30) return try: await message.edit(content=msg, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) await ctx.tick() except: await ctx.send("Could not edit message.", delete_after=30) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def send(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, msg: str): """ Sends a message to a channel from Aurelia. """ try: await channel.send(msg, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.all()) await ctx.tick() except: await ctx.send("Could not send message in that channel.", delete_after=30) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def react(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int, emoji: Union[discord.Emoji, str]): """ Have the bot react to a message The bot must be able to access the emoji: i.e in the guild where the emoji is from """ try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.", delete_after=30) return try: await message.add_reaction(emoji) await ctx.tick() except discord.NotFound: await ctx.send(f"I could not find the emoji `{emoji}`", delete_after=30) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send("I do not have permissions to react to that message.", delete_after=30) except discord.HTTPException: # assume it couldnt find Emoji await ctx.send(f"I could not find the emoji `{emoji}`", delete_after=30) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def sendatt(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Sends an attachment to a channel from Aurelia. Attach content to the message. """ attach = ctx.message.attachments if len(attach) < 1: await ctx.send("Please add an attachment.") return filepaths = [] if attach: for a in attach: filepaths.append(cog_data_path(cog_instance=self) / f"{}_{a.filename}") await[-1]) else: await ctx.send("You must provide a Discord attachment.", delete_after=30) return files = [discord.File(file) for file in filepaths] await channel.send(files=files) for file in filepaths: os.remove(file) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.mod() async def get(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int): """ Gets a message with it's formatting from Aurelia. """ try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.", delete_after=30) return if message.content == "": await ctx.send("(no message content)") else: await ctx.send("{}".format(escape(message.content, formatting=True, mass_mentions=True))) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.mod() async def getall(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, message_id: int): """ Gets ALL messages with it's formatting from Aurelia after the specified message. For now, limit is 100 messages """ messages = [] try: message = await channel.fetch_message(message_id) except: await ctx.send("Sorry, that message could not be found.", delete_after=30) return async for m in channel.history(limit=100, after=message.created_at): if == messages.append(m) for message in messages: if message.content == "": await ctx.send("(no message content)") else: await ctx.send("{}".format(escape(message.content, formatting=True, mass_mentions=True))) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def listrole(self, ctx, *, role_list: str = None): """ Lists all memebers with specified roles. Leave list empty to list everyone with no roles. Role list should be a list of one or more **role names or ids** seperated by commas. Role names are case sensitive! """ guild = ctx.guild results = [] if role_list is None: for member in guild.members: if len(member.roles) == 1: results.append(member) else: role_list = role_list.strip().split(",") role_list = [r.strip() for r in role_list] parsed_roles = [role_from_string(guild, role) for role in role_list] if None in parsed_roles: await ctx.send("Some of those role(s) were not found, please try again.") return num_parsed_roles = len(parsed_roles) for member in guild.members: found = 0 for role in parsed_roles: if role in member.roles: found += 1 if num_parsed_roles == found: results.append(member) if not results: await ctx.send("No members found with specified role(s).") return results = [m.mention for m in results] msg = " ".join(results) msg_pages = pagify(msg) for page in msg_pages: await ctx.send(page) num = len(results) plural = "s" if num > 1 else "" await ctx.send(f"That is {num} member{plural} with these role(s)") @commands.command() @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(ban_members=True) @checks.bot_has_permissions(ban_members=True) async def bandm(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, days: Optional[int] = None, *, reason: str = None): """ Ban a member and have the bot DM them a message """ ban_command ="ban") if not ban_command: await ctx.send("The Mod cog is required for this command to work. Please load the Mod cog.") return dm_msg = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).ban_dm() guild = member_name = try: await member.send(dm_msg.format(guild=guild, member=member_name, reason=reason)) except discord.HTTPException: pass await ctx.invoke(ban_command, user=member, days=days, reason=reason) await ctx.tick() ### Listeners ### @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): if await, member.guild): return if await, member.guild): return sus_threshold = await self.config.guild(member.guild).sus_user_threshold() if not sus_threshold: return channel = await self.config.guild(member.guild).sus_user_channel() channel = member.guild.get_channel(channel) if not channel: return age = (datetime.utcnow() - member.created_at).total_seconds() if age < sus_threshold: data = discord.Embed(title="NEW ACCOUNT DETECTED", colour=member.colour) data.add_field(name="Account Age", value=parse_seconds(age)) data.add_field(name="Threshold", value=parse_seconds(sus_threshold)) data.set_footer(text=f"User ID:{}") name = str(member) name = " ~ ".join((name, member.nick)) if member.nick else name if member.avatar_url: data.set_author(name=name, url=member.avatar_url) data.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url) else: data.set_author(name=name) await channel.send(embed=data) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): if await, message.guild): return # Set user's last message if not message.guild: return to_add = True ignore = await self.config.guild(message.guild).ignore_bot_commands() if ignore: to_add = await self.check_prefix(message) if to_add: await self.add_last_msg(message) async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): pass