import asyncio import logging import random from datetime import date from typing import Union import discord from redbot.core import Config, commands, checks from import Red from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box, pagify from .enums import WhisperType __author__ = "tmerc" log = logging.getLogger('red.tmerc.welcome') ENABLED = 'enabled' DISABLED = 'disabled' class WhisperError(Exception): pass class Welcome(getattr(commands, "Cog", object)): """Announce when users join or leave a server.""" default_join = "Welcome {member.mention} to {}!" default_leave = "{} has left {}!" default_ban = "{} has been banned from {}!" default_unban = "{} has been unbanned from {}!" default_whisper = "Hey there {}, welcome to {}!" guild_defaults = { 'enabled': False, 'channel': None, 'date': None, 'join': { 'enabled': True, 'delete': False, 'last': None, 'counter': 0, 'whisper': { 'state': 'off', 'message': default_whisper }, 'messages': [default_join], 'bot': None }, 'leave': { 'enabled': True, 'delete': False, 'last': None, 'messages': [default_leave], }, 'ban': { 'enabled': True, 'delete': False, 'last': None, 'messages': [default_ban], }, 'unban': { 'enabled': True, 'delete': False, 'last': None, 'messages': [default_unban], } } def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, 86345009) self.config.register_guild(**self.guild_defaults) @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_guild=True) async def welcomeset(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change Welcome settings.""" await ctx.trigger_typing() if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: guild = ctx.guild c = await self.config.guild(guild).all() channel = await self.__get_channel(ctx.guild) j = c['join'] jw = j['whisper'] v = c['leave'] b = c['ban'] u = c['unban'] if await ctx.embed_requested(): emb = discord.Embed(color=await ctx.embed_color(), title="Current Welcome Settings") emb.add_field(name="General", value=( "**Enabled:** {}\n" "**Channel:** #{}\n" ).format(c['enabled'], channel)) emb.add_field(name="Join", value=( "**Enabled:** {}\n" "**Delete previous:** {}\n" "**Whisper state:** {}\n" "**Whisper message:** {}\n" "**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset join msg list` for a list\n" "**Bot message:** {}" ).format(j['enabled'], j['delete'], jw['state'], jw['message'] if len(jw['message']) <= 50 else jw['message'][:50] + "...", len(j['messages']), j['bot'], prefix=ctx.prefix)) emb.add_field(name="Leave", value=( "**Enabled:** {}\n" "**Delete previous:** {}\n" "**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset leave msg list` for a list\n" ).format(v['enabled'], v['delete'], len(v['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix)) emb.add_field(name="Ban", value=( "**Enabled:** {}\n" "**Delete previous:** {}\n" "**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset ban msg list` for a list\n" ).format(b['enabled'], b['delete'], len(b['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix)) emb.add_field(name="Unban", value=( "**Enabled:** {}\n" "**Delete previous:** {}\n" "**Messages:** {}; do `{prefix}welcomeset unban msg list` for a list\n" ).format(u['enabled'], u['delete'], len(u['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix)) await ctx.send(embed=emb) else: msg = box( (" Enabled: {}\n" " Channel: {}\n" " Join:\n" " Enabled: {}\n" " Delete previous: {}\n" " Whisper:\n" " State: {}\n" " Message: {}\n" " Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset join msg list' for a list\n" " Bot message: {}\n" " Leave:\n" " Enabled: {}\n" " Delete previous: {}\n" " Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset leave msg list' for a list\n" " Ban:\n" " Enabled: {}\n" " Delete previous: {}\n" " Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset ban msg list' for a list\n" " Unban:\n" " Enabled: {}\n" " Delete previous: {}\n" " Messages: {}; do '{prefix}welcomeset unban msg list' for a list\n" "").format(c['enabled'], channel, j['enabled'], j['delete'], jw['state'], jw['message'], len(j['messages']), j['bot'], v['enabled'], v['delete'], len(v['messages']), b['enabled'], b['delete'], len(b['messages']), u['enabled'], u['delete'], len(u['messages']), prefix=ctx.prefix), "Current Welcome settings:" ) await ctx.send(msg) @welcomeset.command(name='toggle') async def welcomeset_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns Welcome on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ guild = ctx.guild target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).enabled()) await self.config.guild(guild).enabled.set(target_state) await ctx.send( ("Welcome is now {}." "").format(ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED) ) @welcomeset.command(name='channel') async def welcomeset_channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel): """Sets the channel to be used for event notices.""" if not self.__can_speak_in(channel): await ctx.send( ("I do not have permission to send messages in {0.mention}. Check your permission settings and try again." "").format(channel) ) return guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(guild).channel.set( await ctx.send( ("I will now send event notices to {0.mention}." "").format(channel) )'join') async def welcomeset_join(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change settings for join notices.""" pass @welcomeset_join.command(name='toggle') async def welcomeset_join_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns join notices on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'join') @welcomeset_join.command(name='toggledelete') async def welcomeset_join_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns deletion of previous join notice on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'join')'whisper') async def welcomeset_join_whisper(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change settings for join whispers.""" pass @welcomeset_join_whisper.command(name='type') async def welcomeset_join_whisper_type(self, ctx: commands.Context, choice: WhisperType): """Set if a DM is sent to the new member. Options: off - no DM is sent only - only send a DM to the member, do not send a message to the channel both - send a DM to the member and a message to the channel fall - send a DM to the member, if it fails send the whisper message to the channel instead """ guild = ctx.guild whisper_type = choice.value channel = await self.__get_channel(ctx.guild) await self.config.guild(guild).join.whisper.state.set(whisper_type) if choice == WhisperType.OFF: await ctx.send( ("I will no longer DM new members, and will send a notice to {0.mention}." "").format(channel) ) elif choice == WhisperType.ONLY: await ctx.send( ("I will now only DM new members, and will not send a notice to {0.mention}." "").format(channel) ) elif choice == WhisperType.BOTH: await ctx.send( ("I will now send a DM to new members, as well as send a notice to {0.mention}." "").format(channel) ) elif choice == WhisperType.FALLBACK: await ctx.send( ("I will now send a DM to new members, and if that fails I will send the message to {0.mention}." "").format(channel) ) @welcomeset_join_whisper.command(name='msg') async def welcomeset_join_whisper_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str): """Set the message DM'd to new members when they join. Allows for the following customizations: `{member}` is the member who joined `{server}` is the server """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).join.whisper.message.set(msg_format) await ctx.send( ("I will now use that message format when whispering new members, if whisper is enabled." "") )'msg') async def welcomeset_join_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage join message formats.""" pass @welcomeset_join_msg.command(name='add') async def welcomeset_join_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str): """Add a new join message format to be chosen. Allows for the following customizations: `{member}` is the new member `{server}` is the server `{count}` is the number of members who have joined today `{plural}` is an 's' if `count` is not 1, and nothing if it is For example: {member.mention}... What are you doing here??? {} has a new member! {}#{member.discriminator} - {} Someone new has joined! Who is it?! D: IS HE HERE TO HURT US?! """ await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'join') @welcomeset_join_msg.command(name='del') async def welcomeset_join_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Delete an existing join message format from the list.""" await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'join') @welcomeset_join_msg.command(name='list') async def welcomeset_join_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lists the available join message formats.""" await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'join') @welcomeset_join.command(name='botmsg') async def welcomeset_join_botmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str=None): """Sets the message format to use for join notices for bots. Supply no format to use normal join message formats for bots. Allows for the following customizations: `{bot}` is the bot `{server}` is the server `{count}` is the number of members who have joined today `{plural}` is an 's' if `count` is not 1, and nothing if it is For example: {bot.mention} beep boop. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild) if msg_format is not None: await ctx.send( ("Bot join message format set. I will now greet bots with that message." "") ) else: await ctx.send( ("Bot join message format removed. I will now greet bots like normal members." "") )'leave') async def welcomeset_leave(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change settings for leave notices.""" pass @welcomeset_leave.command(name='toggle') async def welcomeset_leave_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns leave notices on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'leave') @welcomeset_leave.command(name='toggledelete') async def welcomeset_leave_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns deletion of previous leave notice on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'leave')'msg') async def welcomeset_leave_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage leave message formats.""" pass @welcomeset_leave_msg.command(name='add') async def welcomeset_leave_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str): """Add a new leave message format to be chosen. Allows for the following customizations: `{member}` is the member who left `{server}` is the server For example: {}... Why did you leave??? {} has lost a member! {}#{member.discriminator} - {} Someone has left... Aww... Bye :( """ await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'leave') @welcomeset_leave_msg.command(name='del') async def welcomeset_leave_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Delete an existing leave message format from the list.""" await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'leave') @welcomeset_leave_msg.command(name='list') async def welcomeset_leave_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lists the available leave message formats.""" await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'leave')'ban') async def welcomeset_ban(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change settings for ban notices.""" pass @welcomeset_ban.command(name='toggle') async def welcomeset_ban_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns ban notices on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'ban') @welcomeset_ban.command(name='toggledelete') async def welcomeset_ban_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns deletion of previous ban notice on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'ban')'msg') async def welcomeset_ban_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage ban message formats.""" pass @welcomeset_ban_msg.command(name='add') async def welcomeset_ban_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str): """Add a new ban message format to be chosen. Allows for the following customizations: `{member}` is the banned member `{server}` is the server For example: {} was banned... What did you do??? A member of {} has been banned! {}#{member.discriminator} - {} Someone has been banned. Good riddance! """ await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'ban') @welcomeset_ban_msg.command(name='del') async def welcomeset_ban_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Delete an existing ban message format from the list.""" await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'ban') @welcomeset_ban_msg.command(name='list') async def welcomeset_ban_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lists the available ban message formats.""" await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'ban')'unban') async def welcomeset_unban(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Change settings for unban notices.""" pass @welcomeset_unban.command(name='toggle') async def welcomeset_unban_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns unban notices on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggle(ctx, on_off, 'unban') @welcomeset_unban.command(name='toggledelete') async def welcomeset_unban_toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool = None): """Turns deletion of previous unban notice on or off. If `on_off` is not provided, the state will be flipped. """ await self.__toggledelete(ctx, on_off, 'unban')'msg') async def welcomeset_unban_msg(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Manage unban message formats.""" pass @welcomeset_unban_msg.command(name='add') async def welcomeset_unban_msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg_format: str): """Add a new unban message format to be chosen. Allows for the following customizations: `{member}` is the unbanned member `{server}` is the server For example: {} was unbanned... Did you learn your lesson??? A member of {} has been unbanned! {}#{member.discriminator} - {} Someone has been unbanned. Don't waste your second chance! """ await self.__msg_add(ctx, msg_format, 'unban') @welcomeset_unban_msg.command(name='del') async def welcomeset_unban_msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Delete an existing unban message format from the list.""" await self.__msg_del(ctx, 'unban') @welcomeset_unban_msg.command(name='list') async def welcomeset_unban_msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lists the available unban message formats.""" await self.__msg_list(ctx, 'unban') @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member: discord.Member): """Listens for member joins.""" guild = member.guild guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) if await guild_settings.enabled() and await guild_settings.join.enabled(): # join notice should be sent message_format = None if # bot message_format = await else: # only increment when it isn't a bot await self.__increment_count(guild, 'join') whisper_type = await guild_settings.join.whisper.state() if whisper_type != 'off': try: await self.__dm_user(member) except: if whisper_type == 'fall': message_format = await self.config.guild(member.guild).join.whisper.message() await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'join', message_format=message_format) return if whisper_type == 'only' or whisper_type == 'fall': # we're done here return await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'join', message_format=message_format) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member): """Listens for member leaves.""" await self.__handle_event(member.guild, member, 'leave') @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_ban(self, guild: discord.Guild, member: discord.Member): """Listens for user bans.""" await self.__handle_event(guild, member, 'ban') @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_unban(self, guild: discord.Guild, user: discord.User): """Listens for user unbans.""" await self.__handle_event(guild, user, 'unban') # # concrete handlers for settings changes and events # async def __toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool, event: str): """Handler for setting toggles.""" guild = ctx.guild target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).enabled()) await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).enabled.set(target_state) await ctx.send( ("{} notices are now {}." "").format(event.capitalize(), ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED) ) async def __toggledelete(self, ctx: commands.Context, on_off: bool, event: str): """Handler for setting delete toggles.""" guild = ctx.guild target_state = on_off if on_off is not None else not (await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).delete()) await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).delete.set(target_state) await ctx.send( ("Deletion of previous {} notice is now {}." "").format(event, ENABLED if target_state else DISABLED) ) async def __msg_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, msg_format: str, event: str): """Handler for adding message formats.""" guild = ctx.guild async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages: messages.append(msg_format) await ctx.send( ("New message format for {} notices added." "").format(event) ) async def __msg_del(self, ctx: commands.Context, event: str): """Handler for deleting message formats.""" guild = ctx.guild async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages: if len(messages) == 1: await ctx.send( ("I only have one {} message format, so I can't let you delete it." "").format(event) ) return await self.__msg_list(ctx, event) await ctx.send( ("Please enter the number of the {} message format you wish to delete." "").format(event) ) try: num = await self.__get_number_input(ctx, len(messages)) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send( ("Okay, I won't remove any of the {} message formats." "").format(event) ) return else: removed = messages.pop(num - 1) await ctx.send( ("Done. This {} message format was deleted:\n" "`{}`" "").format(event, removed) ) async def __msg_list(self, ctx: commands.Context, event: str): """Handler for listing message formats.""" guild = ctx.guild msg = "{} message formats:\n".format(event.capitalize()) async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages: for n, m in enumerate(messages, start=1): msg += ' {}. {}\n'.format(n, m) for page in pagify(msg, ['\n', ' '], shorten_by=20): await ctx.send(box(page)) async def __handle_event(self, guild: discord.guild, user: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], event: str, *, message_format=None): """Handler for actual events.""" guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) if await guild_settings.enabled(): settings = await guild_settings.get_attr(event).all() if settings['enabled']: # notices for this event are enabled if settings['delete'] and settings['last'] is not None: # we need to delete the previous message await self.__delete_message(guild, settings['last']) # regardless of success, remove reference to that message await guild_settings.get_attr(event).last.set(None) # send a notice to the channel new_message = await self.__send_notice(guild, user, event, message_format=message_format) # store it for (possible) deletion later await guild_settings.get_attr(event).last.set(new_message and async def __get_channel(self, guild: discord.Guild) -> discord.TextChannel: """Gets the best text channel to use for event notices. Order of priority: 1. User-defined channel 2. Guild's system channel (if bot can speak in it) 3. First channel that the bot can speak in """ channel = None channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).channel() if channel_id is not None: channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id) if channel is None or not self.__can_speak_in(channel): channel = guild.system_channel if channel is None or not self.__can_speak_in(channel): for ch in guild.text_channels: if self.__can_speak_in(ch): channel = ch break return channel async def __get_number_input(self, ctx: commands.Context, maximum: int, minimum: int=0) -> int: """Gets a number from the user, minimum < x <= maximum.""" author = channel = def check(m: discord.Message): num = None try: num = int(m.content) except ValueError: pass return num is not None \ and minimum < num <= maximum \ and == author \ and == channel try: msg = await'message', check=check, timeout=15.0) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise else: return int(msg.content) async def __delete_message(self, guild: discord.Guild, message_id: int): """Attempts to delete the message with the given ID.""" try: await (await (await self.__get_channel(guild)).fetch_message(message_id)).delete() except discord.NotFound: log.warning( ("Failed to delete message (ID {}): not found" "").format(message_id) ) except discord.Forbidden: log.warning( ("Failed to delete message (ID {}): insufficient permissions" "").format(message_id) ) except: log.warning( ("Failed to delete message (ID {})" "").format(message_id) ) async def __send_notice(self, guild: discord.guild, user: Union[discord.Member, discord.User], event: str, *, message_format=None) -> Union[discord.Message, None]: """Sends the notice for the event.""" format_str = message_format or await self.__get_random_message_format(guild, event) count = event == 'join' and await self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).counter() plural = '' if count and count != 1: plural = 's' channel = await self.__get_channel(guild) try: return await channel.send( format_str.format(member=user, server=guild, bot=user, count=count or '', plural=plural) ) except discord.Forbidden: log.error( ("Failed to send {} message to channel ID {} (server ID {}): insufficient permissions" "").format(event, channel, guild) ) return None except: log.error( ("Failed to send {} message to channel ID {} (server ID {})" "").format(event, channel, guild) ) return None async def __get_random_message_format(self, guild: discord.guild, event: str) -> str: """Gets a random message for event of type event.""" async with self.config.guild(guild).get_attr(event).messages() as messages: return random.choice(messages) async def __increment_count(self, guild: discord.Guild, event: str): """Increments the counter for s today. Handles date changes.""" guild_settings = self.config.guild(guild) if await is None: await if self.__today() > await await await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter.set(0) count = await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter() await guild_settings.get_attr(event).counter.set(count + 1) async def __dm_user(self, member: discord.Member): """Sends a DM to the user with a filled-in message_format.""" message_format = await self.config.guild(member.guild).join.whisper.message() try: await member.send(message_format.format(member=member, server=member.guild)) except discord.Forbidden: log.error( ("Failed to send DM to member ID {} (server ID {}): insufficient permissions" "").format(member, member.guild) ) raise WhisperError("Error.") except: log.error( ("Failed to send DM to member ID {} (server ID {})" "").format(member, member.guild) ) raise WhisperError("Error.") @staticmethod def __can_speak_in(channel: discord.TextChannel) -> bool: """Indicates whether the bot has permission to speak in channel.""" return channel.permissions_for( @staticmethod def __today() -> int: """Gets today's date in ordinal form.""" return