# redbot/discord from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands, modlog from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path from redbot.core.utils.mod import is_mod_or_superior import discord from .time_utils import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time import os import asyncio import glob __version__ = "3.1.0" TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %X" # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS # 0 is Message object AUTHOR_TEMPLATE = "@{0.author.name}#{0.author.discriminator}(id:{0.author.id})" MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content}" # 0 is Message object, 1 is attachment URL ATTACHMENT_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content} (attachment url(s): {1})" # 0 is Message object, 1 is attachment path DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + ": {0.clean_content} (attachment(s) saved to {1})" # 0 is before, 1 is after, 2 is formatted timestamp EDIT_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + " edited message from {2} ({0.clean_content}) to read: {1.clean_content}" # 0 is deleted message, 1 is formatted timestamp DELETE_TEMPLATE = AUTHOR_TEMPLATE + " deleted message from {1} ({0.clean_content})" # 0 is member who deleted the message, 1 is message, 2 is the user who authored the message # 3 is formatted timestamp DELETE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE = "@{0.name}#{0.discriminator}(id:{0.id}) deleted message from {3} @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): ({1.clean_content})" MAX_LINES = 50000 def get_all_names(guild_files, user): names = [str(user)] for log in guild_files: if not os.path.exists(log): continue with open(log, "r") as f: for line in f: if str(user.id) in line: # user change their name if "Member username:" in line: username = line.strip().split('"') discrim = username[1].split("#")[-1] username = username[-2] + "#" + discrim names.append(username) # user changed their 4 digit discriminator elif "Member discriminator:" in line: username = line.strip().split('"')[-2] names.append(username) # starting name elif "Member join:" in line: username = line.strip().split("@")[-1].split("#") username = username[0] + "#" + username[1].split(" ")[0] if username is not str(user): names.append(username) return set(names) def format_list(*items, join="and", delim=", "): if len(items) > 1: return (" %s " % join).join((delim.join(items[:-1]), items[-1])) elif items: return items[0] else: return "" class LogHandle: """basic wrapper for logfile handles, used to keep track of stale handles""" def __init__(self, path, time=None, mode="a", buf=1): self.handle = open(path, mode, buf, errors="backslashreplace") self.lock = asyncio.Lock() if time: self.time = time else: self.time = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path)) async def write(self, value): async with self.lock: self._write(value) def close(self): self.handle.close() def _write(self, value): self.time = datetime.utcnow() self.handle.write(value) class ActivityLogger(commands.Cog): """Log activity seen by bot""" def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() global PATH PATH = cog_data_path(cog_instance=self) self.bot = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9584736583, force_registration=True) default_global = { "attrs": {"attachments": False, "default": False, "direct": False, "everything": False, "rotation": "m"} } self.default_guild = {"all_s": False, "voice": False, "events": False, "prefixes": []} self.default_channel = {"enabled": False} default_user = {"past_names": []} default_member = { "stats": {"total_msg": 0, "bot_cmd": 0, "avg_len": 0.0, "vc_time_sec": 0.0, "last_vc_time": None} } self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_guild(**self.default_guild) self.config.register_channel(**self.default_channel) self.config.register_user(**default_user) self.config.register_member(**default_member) self.handles = {} self.lock = False self.cache = {} # remove userinfo since we are replacing it self.bot.remove_command("userinfo") def cog_unload(self): self.lock = True for h in self.handles.values(): h.close() async def initialize(self): guild_data = await self.config.all_guilds() channel_data = await self.config.all_channels() self.cache = await self.config.attrs() # key ids for these should be ints for guild_id, data in guild_data.items(): self.cache[guild_id] = data for channel_id, data in channel_data.items(): self.cache[channel_id] = data if not guild_data: guilds = self.bot.guilds for guild in guilds: self.cache[guild.id] = self.default_guild.copy() guilds = self.bot.guilds for guild in guilds: for channel in guild.channels: if not channel.id in self.cache.keys(): self.cache[channel.id] = self.default_channel.copy() for guild in self.bot.guilds: async with self.config.guild(guild).prefixes() as prefixes: if not prefixes: curr = await self.bot.get_valid_prefixes() prefixes.extend(curr) self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"] = curr @commands.command(aliases=["uinfo"]) @commands.guild_only() @commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=5, type=commands.BucketType.user) async def userinfo(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None): """ Show information about a user. """ author = ctx.author guild = ctx.guild is_mod = await is_mod_or_superior(self.bot, author) if not user or not is_mod: user = author roles = [x for x in user.roles if x.name != "@everyone"] joined_at = user.joined_at since_created = (ctx.message.created_at - user.created_at).days if joined_at is not None: since_joined = (ctx.message.created_at - joined_at).days user_joined = joined_at.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M UTC") else: since_joined = "?" user_joined = "Unknown" user_created = user.created_at.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M UTC") member_number = sorted(guild.members, key=lambda m: m.joined_at or ctx.message.created_at).index(user) + 1 created_on = "{}\n({} days ago)".format(user_created, since_created) joined_on = "{}\n({} days ago)".format(user_joined, since_joined) game = "Chilling in {} status".format(user.status) if user.activity is None: # Default status activity = None elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.playing: activity = "Playing {}".format(user.activity.name) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.streaming: activity = "Streaming [{}]({})".format(user.activity.name, user.activity.url) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.listening: activity = "Listening to {}".format(user.activity.name) elif user.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.watching: activity = "Watching {}".format(user.activity.name) else: activity = None if roles: roles = " ".join([x.mention for x in sorted(roles, reverse=True)]) else: roles = "None" if user.id != self.bot.user.id: stats, names = await self.userstats(guild, user) else: stats = "Stats are unavailable for this account." names = None data = discord.Embed(description=activity, colour=user.colour) data.add_field(name="Joined Discord on", value=created_on) data.add_field(name="Joined this server on", value=joined_on) data.add_field(name="Roles", value=roles, inline=False) data.add_field(name="Stats", value=stats) if names: names = pagify(names, page_length=1000) for name in names: data.add_field(name="Also known as:", value=name, inline=False) data.set_footer(text="Member #{} | User ID:{}" "".format(member_number, user.id)) name = str(user) name = " ~ ".join((name, user.nick)) if user.nick else name if user.avatar: avatar = user.avatar_url_as(static_format="png") data.set_author(name=name, url=avatar) data.set_thumbnail(url=avatar) else: data.set_author(name=name) if is_mod: try: await ctx.send(embed=data) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("I need the `Embed links` permission to send this") else: try: await author.send(embed=data) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("Please allow messages from server members to get your info.") async def userstats(self, guild, user): """ Get stats on a user about how active they are in the guild """ stats = await self.config.member(user).stats() async with self.config.user(user).past_names() as past_names: if not past_names: guild_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, "usernames", "*.log"))) names = get_all_names(guild_files, user) else: names = past_names num_messages = stats["total_msg"] num_bot_commands = stats["bot_cmd"] avg_len = stats["avg_len"] total_voice_time = stats["vc_time_sec"] minutes = total_voice_time // 60 hours = (total_voice_time / 60) // 60 cases = await modlog.get_cases_for_member(guild, self.bot, member=user) bans = 0 kicks = 0 mutes = 0 warns = 0 for case in cases: if "mute" in case.action_type.lower(): mutes += 1 elif "ban" in case.action_type.lower(): bans += 1 elif "kick" in case.action_type.lower(): kicks += 1 elif "warn" in case.action_type.lower(): warns += 1 msg = "Total Number of Messages: `{}`\n".format(num_messages) msg += "Number of bot commands: `{}`\n".format(num_bot_commands) msg += "Number of non-bot commands: `{}`\n".format(num_messages - num_bot_commands) try: msg += "Average message length: `{:.2f}` words\n".format(avg_len / (num_messages - num_bot_commands)) except ZeroDivisionError: msg += "Average message length: `{:.2f}` words\n".format(0) msg += "Time spent in voice chat: `{:.0f}` {}.\n".format( minutes if minutes <= 120 else hours, "minutes" if minutes <= 120 else "hours" ) msg += f"Bans: `{bans}`, Kicks: `{kicks}`, Mutes: `{mutes}`, Warnings: `{warns}`" if len(names) > 1: return msg, format_list(*names) return msg, None @staticmethod # gets logs up till a specified end_time def log_handler(log_files: list, end_time: datetime, start: datetime = None): messages = [] counter = 0 stop = False # runs in descending order, with most recent log file first for log in log_files: with open(log, "r") as f: for line in reversed(list(f)): # time interval check: current_time = parse_time_naive(line[:19]) if start and start < current_time: continue if end_time > current_time: stop = True break messages.append(line) counter += 1 if stop: break # reverse messages to get correct order messages.reverse() return messages async def log_sender(self, ctx, log_files, end_time, user=None, start=None): log_path = os.path.join(PATH, str(ctx.guild.id)) await ctx.send(warning("**__Generating logs, please wait...__**")) # runs in descending order, with most recent log file first messages = self.log_handler(log_files, end_time, start=start) if user: messages = [message for message in messages if str(user.id) in message] message_chunks = [ messages[i * MAX_LINES : (i + 1) * MAX_LINES] for i in range((len(messages) + MAX_LINES - 1) // MAX_LINES) ] for msgs in message_chunks: temp_file = os.path.join(log_path, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%X").replace(":", "") + ".txt") with open(temp_file, encoding="utf-8", mode="w") as f: f.writelines(msgs) await ctx.channel.send(file=discord.File(temp_file)) os.remove(temp_file) @commands.group(aliases=["log"]) @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def logs(self, ctx): pass # log rotation independent @logs.command(name="from") async def logs_channel_interval(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, till: str): """ Logs for an entire channel going back to a specific interval or date/time. Dates/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = ctx.channel log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))), reverse=True) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs.command(name="in") async def logs_channel_in(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, *, date: str): """ Logs for an entire channel in between the specified dates Seperate dates with a **__semicolon__**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = ctx.channel log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))), reverse=True) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @logs.group(name="audit") async def logs_audit(self, ctx): """Gets audit logs""" pass @logs_audit.command(name="from") async def logs_audit_from(self, ctx, *, till: str): """ Audit logs for server going back a time or to a specific data. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")), reverse=True) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs_audit.command(name="in") async def logs_audit_in(self, ctx, *, date: str): """ Audit logs for server in between specified dates. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = ctx.channel log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")), reverse=True) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @logs_audit.group(name="user") async def logs_audit_user(self, ctx): """Audit logs pertaining a user.""" pass @logs_audit_user.command(name="from") async def logs_audit_user_from(self, ctx, user: discord.Member, *, till: str): """ Audit logs for server from user going back a time or to a specified date. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Date/times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")), reverse=True) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time, user=user) @logs_audit_user.command(name="in") async def logs_audit_user_in(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None, *, date: str): """ Audit logs for server from user in between dates. Gets all role and name changes, mutes, etc. Also gets audit actions (deleting messages, bans, etc) Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = ctx.channel log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*guild*.log")), reverse=True) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start, user=user) @logs.group(name="voice") async def logs_voice(self, ctx): """Gets voice chat logs (leave, join, mutes, etc)""" pass @logs_voice.command(name="from") async def logs_voice_from(self, ctx, channel_id: int, *, till: str): """ Logs for a voice channel going back the specified interval. Intervals look like: 5 minutes 1 minute 30 seconds 1 hour 2 days 30 days 5h30m (etc) """ interval = parse_timedelta(till) date = None if not interval: try: date = parse_time(till).replace(tzinfo=None) except: await ctx.send("Invalid date or interval! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not channel: await ctx.send("Invalid channel!") return log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))), reverse=True) if interval: end_time = datetime.utcnow() - interval else: end_time = date await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end_time) @logs_voice.command(name="in") async def logs_voice_in(self, ctx, channel_id: int, *, date: str): """ Logs for an entire channel in between the specified dates Seperate dates with a **semicolon**. times look like: February 14 at 6pm EDT 2019-04-13 06:43:00 PST 01/20/18 at 21:00:43 times default to UTC if no timezone provided. """ try: dates = date.split(";") dates = [dates[0].strip(), dates[1].strip()] # only use 2 dates start, end = [parse_time(date).replace(tzinfo=None) for date in dates] # order doesnt matter, so check which date is older than the other # end time should be the newest date since logs are processed in reverse if start < end: # start is before end date start, end = end, start # swap order except: await ctx.send("Invalid dates! Try again.") return guild = ctx.guild channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id) if not channel: await ctx.send("Invalid channel!") return log_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(PATH, str(guild.id), "*{}*.log".format(channel.id))), reverse=True) await self.log_sender(ctx, log_files, end, start=start) @commands.group() @checks.is_owner() async def logset(self, ctx): """ Change activity logging settings """ pass @logset.command(name="everything", aliases=["global"]) async def set_everything(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Global override for all logging """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["everything"] = on_off self.cache["everything"] = on_off status = self.cache["everything"] if status: await ctx.send("Global logging override is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Global logging override is disabled.") @logset.command(name="default") async def set_default(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Sets whether logging is on or off where unset guild overrides, global override, and attachments don't use this. """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["default"] = on_off self.cache["default"] = on_off status = self.cache["default"] if status: await ctx.send("Logging is enabled by default.") else: await ctx.send("Logging is disabled by default.") @logset.command(name="dm") async def set_direct(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Log direct messages? """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["direct"] = on_off self.cache["direct"] = on_off status = self.cache["direct"] if status: await ctx.send("Logging of direct messages is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Logging of direct messages is disabled.") @logset.command(name="attachments") async def set_attachments(self, ctx, on_off: bool = None): """ Download message attachments? """ if on_off is not None: async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["attachments"] = on_off self.cache["attachments"] = on_off status = self.cache["attachments"] if status: await ctx.send("Downloading of attachments is enabled.") else: await ctx.send("Downloading of attachments is disabled.") @logset.command(name="channel") @commands.guild_only() async def set_channel(self, ctx, on_off: bool, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Sets channel logging on or off (channel optional) To enable or disable all channels at once, use `logset server`. """ if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel guild = channel.guild self.cache[channel.id]["enabled"] = on_off await self.config.channel(channel).enabled.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for %s" % channel.mention) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for %s" % channel.mention) @logset.command(name="server") @commands.guild_only() async def set_guild(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for all channels and server events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["all_s"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).all_s.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="voice") @commands.guild_only() async def set_voice(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for ALL voice channel events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["voice"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).voice.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Voice event logging enabled for %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Voice event logging disabled for %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="events") @commands.guild_only() async def set_events(self, ctx, on_off: bool): """ Sets logging on or off for guild events """ guild = ctx.guild self.cache[guild.id]["events"] = on_off await self.config.guild(guild).events.set(on_off) if on_off: await ctx.send("Logging enabled for guild events in %s" % guild) else: await ctx.send("Logging disabled for guild events in %s" % guild) @logset.command(name="prefixes") @commands.guild_only() async def set_prefixes(self, ctx, *, prefixes: str = None): """Set list of prefixes to mark messages as bot commands for user stats. Seperate prefixes with spaces """ if not prefixes: curr = [f"`{p}`" for p in self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"]] if not curr: await ctx.send("No prefixes set, setting this bot's prefix.") await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set([ctx.clean_prefix]) self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"] = [ctx.clean_prefix] return await ctx.send("Current Prefixes: " + format_list(*curr, delim=", ")) return prefixes = [p for p in prefixes.split(" ")] await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).prefixes.set(prefixes) self.cache[ctx.guild.id]["prefixes"] = prefixes prefixes = [f"`{p}`" for p in prefixes] await ctx.send("Prefixes set to: " + format_list(*prefixes, delim=", ")) @logset.command(name="rotation") async def set_rotation(self, ctx, freq: str = None): """ Show, disable, or set the log rotation period Days start at 00:00 UTC. Attachment folders are still shared. When enabled, log filenames will be prepended with their ISO 8601 date and period. Example: if monthly, logs for July in channel ID 1234 would be in 20180701--P1M_1234.log Valid options are: - none: disable rotation - d: one log file per day (starts 00:00Z each day) - w: one log file per week (starts 00:00Z each Monday) - m: one log file per month (starts 00:00Z on first day of month) - y: one log file per year (starts 00:00Z Jan 1) """ if freq: freq = freq.lower().strip("\"'` ") if freq in ("d", "w", "m", "y", "none", "disable"): adj = "now" if freq in ("none", "disable"): freq = None async with self.config.attrs() as attrs: attrs["rotation"] = freq self.cache["rotation"] = freq elif freq: await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx) return else: adj = "currently" freq = self.cache["rotation"] if not freq: await ctx.send("Log rotation is %s disabled." % adj) else: desc = {"d": "daily", "w": "weekly", "m": "monthly", "y": "yearly"}[freq] await ctx.send("Log rotation period is %s %s." % (adj, desc)) @staticmethod def format_rotation_string(timestamp, rotation_code, filename=None): kwargs = dict(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if not rotation_code: return filename or "" if rotation_code == "y": kwargs.update(day=1, month=1) start = timestamp.replace(**kwargs) elif rotation_code == "m": kwargs.update(day=1) start = timestamp.replace(**kwargs) elif rotation_code == "w": start = timestamp - timedelta(days=timestamp.weekday()) spec = start.strftime("%Y%m%d") if rotation_code == "w": spec += "--P7D" else: spec += "--P1%c" % rotation_code.upper() if filename: return "%s_%s" % (spec, filename) else: return spec @staticmethod def get_voice_flags(voice_state): flags = [] for f in ("deaf", "mute", "self_deaf", "self_mute", "self_stream", "self_video"): if getattr(voice_state, f, None): flags.append(f) return flags @staticmethod def format_overwrite(target, channel, before, after, user=None): if user: target_str = "Channel overwrites by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): {0.name} ({0.id}): ".format( channel, user ) else: target_str = "Channel overwrites: {0.name} ({0.id}): ".format(channel) target_str += "role" if isinstance(target, discord.Role) else "member" target_str += " {0.name} ({0.id})".format(target) if before: bpair = [x.value for x in before.pair()] if after: apair = [x.value for x in after.pair()] if before and after: fmt = " updated to values %i, %i (was %i, %i)" return target_str + fmt % tuple(apair + bpair) elif after: return target_str + " added with values %i, %i" % tuple(apair) elif before: return target_str + " removed (was %i, %i)" % tuple(bpair) def gethandle(self, path, mode="a"): """Manages logfile handles, culling stale ones and creating folders""" if path in self.handles: if os.path.exists(path): return self.handles[path] else: # file was deleted? try: # try to close, no guarantees tho self.handles[path].close() except Exception: pass del self.handles[path] return self.gethandle(path, mode) else: # Clean up excess handles before creating a new one if len(self.handles) >= 256: chrono = sorted(self.handles.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].time) oldest_path, oldest_handle = chrono[0] oldest_handle.close() del self.handles[oldest_path] dirname, _ = os.path.split(path) try: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) handle = LogHandle(path, mode=mode) except Exception: raise self.handles[path] = handle return handle def should_log(self, location): if self.cache.get("everything", False): return True default = self.cache.get("default", False) if type(location) is discord.Guild: loc = self.cache[location.id] return loc.get("all_s", False) or loc.get("events", default) elif type(location) is discord.TextChannel: loc = self.cache[location.guild.id] opts = [loc.get("all_s", False), self.cache[location.id].get("enabled", default)] return any(opts) elif type(location) is discord.VoiceChannel: loc = self.cache[location.guild.id] opts = [loc.get("all_s", False), loc.get("voice", False)] return any(opts) elif isinstance(location, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): return self.cache.get("direct", default) else: # can't log other types return False def should_download(self, msg): return self.should_log(msg.channel) and self.cache.get("attachments", False) def process_attachment(self, message, a): aid = a.id aname = a.filename url = a.url channel = message.channel path = str(PATH) if type(channel) is discord.TextChannel: guildid = channel.guild.id elif isinstance(channel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): guildid = "direct" path = os.path.join(path, str(guildid), str(channel.id) + "_attachments") filename = str(aid) + "_" + aname if len(filename) > 255: target_len = 255 - len(aid) - 4 part_a = target_len // 2 part_b = target_len - part_a filename = aid + "_" + aname[:part_a] + "..." + aname[-part_b:] truncated = True else: truncated = False return aid, url, path, filename, truncated async def log(self, location, text, timestamp=None, force=False, subfolder=None, mode="a"): if not timestamp: timestamp = datetime.utcnow() if self.lock or not (force or self.should_log(location)): return path = [] entry = [timestamp.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)] rotation = self.cache["rotation"] if type(location) is discord.Guild: path += [str(location.id), "guild.log"] elif type(location) is discord.TextChannel or type(location) is discord.VoiceChannel: guildid = str(location.guild.id) entry.append("#" + location.name) path += [guildid, str(location.id) + ".log"] elif isinstance(location, discord.abc.PrivateChannel): path += ["direct", str(location.id) + ".log"] elif type(location) is discord.User or type(location) is discord.Member: path += ["usernames", "usernames.log"] else: return if subfolder: path.insert(-1, str(subfolder)) text = text.replace("\n", "\\n") entry.append(text) if rotation: path[-1] = self.format_rotation_string(timestamp, rotation, path[-1]) fname = os.path.join(PATH, *path) handle = self.gethandle(fname, mode=mode) await handle.write(" ".join(entry) + "\n") async def message_handler(self, message, *args, force_attachments=None, **kwargs): dl_attachment = self.should_download(message) attachments = [] if force_attachments is not None: dl_attachment = force_attachments if message.attachments and dl_attachment: for a in message.attachments: attachments += [self.process_attachment(message, a)] entry = DOWNLOAD_TEMPLATE.format( message, [a[3] + " (filename truncated)" if a[4] else a[3] for a in attachments] ) elif message.attachments: urls = ",".join(a.url for a in message.attachments) entry = ATTACHMENT_TEMPLATE.format(message, urls) else: entry = MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message) # don't calculate bot stats and make sure this isnt dm message if message.author.id != self.bot.user.id and isinstance(message.author, discord.Member): async with self.config.member(message.author).stats() as stats: stats["total_msg"] += 1 if len(message.content) > 0: for prefix in self.cache[message.guild.id]["prefixes"]: if prefix == message.content[: len(prefix)]: stats["bot_cmd"] += 1 break else: stats["avg_len"] += len(message.content.split(" ")) if message.attachments and dl_attachment: for i, data in enumerate(attachments): aid, url, path, filename, truncated = data if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) dl_path = os.path.join(path, filename) if not os.path.exists(dl_path): try: await message.attachments[i].save(dl_path) except: entry += f" (file: {filename} failed to save)" await self.log(message.channel, entry, message.created_at, *args, **kwargs) # Listeners @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message): await self.message_handler(message) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_edit(self, before, after): timestamp = before.created_at.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) entry = EDIT_TEMPLATE.format(before, after, timestamp) await self.log(after.channel, entry, after.edited_at) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_delete(self, message): entry_s = None timestamp = message.created_at.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) try: async for entry in message.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): # target is user who had message deleted if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.message_delete: if ( entry.target.id == message.author.id and entry.extra.channel.id == message.channel.id and entry.created_at.timestamp() > time.time() - 3000 and entry.extra.count >= 1 ): entry_s = DELETE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE.format(entry.user, message, message.author, timestamp) break except: pass if not entry_s: entry_s = DELETE_TEMPLATE.format(message, timestamp) await self.log(message.channel, entry_s) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_join(self, guild): entry = "this bot joined the guild" await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_remove(self, guild): entry = "this bot left the guild" await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_update(self, before, after): entries = [] user = None try: async for entry in after.audit_logs(limit=1): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.guild_update: user = entry.user except: pass if before.owner != after.owner: if user: entries.append( "guild owner changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.owner} (id {0.owner.id}) to {1.owner} (id {1.owner.id})" ) else: entries.append("guild owner changed from {0.owner} (id {0.owner.id}) to {1.owner} (id {1.owner.id})") if before.region != after.region: if user: entries.append( "guild region changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.region} to {1.region}" ) else: entries.append("guild region changed from {0.region} to {1.region}") if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append( 'guild name changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"' ) else: entries.append('guild name changed from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') if before.icon_url != after.icon_url: if user: entries.append( "guild icon changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.icon_url} to {1.icon_url}" ) else: entries.append("guild icon changed from {0.icon_url} to {1.icon_url}") if before.splash != after.splash: if user: entries.append( "guild splash changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}), from {0.splash} to {1.splash}" ) else: entries.append("guild splash changed from {0.splash} to {1.splash}") for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_create(self, role): user = None try: async for entry in role.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_create: if entry.target.id == role.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Role created by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role, user) else: entry = "Role created: '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role) await self.log(role.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_delete(self, role): user = None try: async for entry in role.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_delete: if entry.target.id == role.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Role deleted by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role, user) else: entry = "Role deleted: '{0}' (id {0.id})".format(role) await self.log(role.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_role_update(self, before, after): entries = [] user = None try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.role_update: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append('Role renamed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') else: entries.append('Role renamed: "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') if before.color != after.color: if user: entries.append( 'Role color by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) changed from {0.color} to {1.color}' ) else: entries.append('Role color: "{0}" (id {0.id}) changed from {0.color} to {1.color}') if before.mentionable != after.mentionable: if after.mentionable: if user: entries.append( 'Role mentionable by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now mentionable' ) else: entries.append('Role mentionable: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now mentionable') else: if user: entries.append( 'Role mentionable by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer mentionable' ) else: entries.append('Role mentionable: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer mentionable') if before.hoist != after.hoist: if after.hoist: if user: entries.append( 'Role hoist by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now shown seperately' ) else: entries.append('Role hoist: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is now shown seperately') else: if user: entries.append( 'Role hoist by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer shown seperately' ) else: entries.append('Role hoist: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) is no longer shown seperately') if before.permissions != after.permissions: if user: entries.append( 'Role permissions by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) changed from {0.permissions.value} ' "to {1.permissions.value}" ) else: entries.append( 'Role permissions: "{1.name}" (id {1.id}) changed from {0.permissions.value} ' "to {1.permissions.value}" ) if before.position != after.position: if user: entries.append( 'Role position by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0}" changed from {0.position} to {1.position}' ) else: entries.append('Role position: "{0}" changed from {0.position} to {1.position}') for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_join(self, member): entry = "Member join: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) async with self.config.user(member).past_names() as past_names: if str(member) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(member)) await self.log(member.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_remove(self, member): user = None try: async for entry in member.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.kick: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member kicked by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member leave: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) # don't clear stats right away if welcome cog is install so it can pull user stats if self.bot.get_cog("Welcome"): await asyncio.sleep(1) await self.config.member(member).clear() await self.log(member.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_ban(self, guild, member): user = None try: async for entry in guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.ban: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member banned by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member ban: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) await self.log(member.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_unban(self, guild, member): user = None try: async for entry in guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.unban: if entry.target.id == member.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = "Member unbanned by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member, user) else: entry = "Member unban: @{0} (id {0.id})".format(member) await self.log(guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_member_update(self, before, after): entries = [] user = None try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if ( entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.member_update or entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.member_role_update ): if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if before.nick != after.nick: if user: entries.append( 'Member nickname changed by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "@{0}" (id {0.id}) nickname change from "{0.nick}" to "{1.nick}"' ) else: entries.append('Member nickname: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed nickname from "{0.nick}" to "{1.nick}"') if before.roles != after.roles: broles = set(before.roles) aroles = set(after.roles) added = aroles - broles removed = broles - aroles for r in added: if user: entries.append( 'Member role added by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was added to "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r, user) ) else: entries.append( 'Member role add: "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was added to "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r) ) for r in removed: if user: entries.append( 'Member role removed by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0}" (id {0.id}) role was removed from "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format( r, user ) ) else: entries.append( 'Member role remove: "{0}" (id {0.id}) role ' 'was removed from "@{{0}}" (id {{0.id}})'.format(r) ) for e in entries: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_user_update(self, before, after): entries = [] if before.name != after.name: entries.append('Member username: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed username from "{0.name}" to "{1.name}"') async with self.config.user(after).past_names() as past_names: if str(after) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(after)) if before.discriminator != after.discriminator: entries.append('Member discriminator: "@{0}" (id {0.id}) changed discriminator from "{0}" to "{1}"') async with self.config.user(after).past_names() as past_names: if str(after) not in past_names: past_names.append(str(after)) for e in entries: await self.log(after, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_create(self, channel): user = None try: async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_create: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = 'Channel created by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format( channel, user ) else: entry = 'Channel created: "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format(channel) await self.log(channel.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_delete(self, channel): user = None try: async for entry in channel.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_delete: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass if user: entry = 'Channel deleted by @{1.name}#{1.discriminator}(id:{1.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format( channel, user ) else: entry = 'Channel deleted: "{0.name}" (id {0.id})'.format(channel) await self.log(channel.guild, entry) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_guild_channel_update(self, before, after): user = None try: async for entry in after.guild.audit_logs(limit=2): if entry.action is discord.AuditLogAction.channel_update: if entry.target.id == after.id: user = entry.user except: pass entries = [] if before.name != after.name: if user: entries.append( 'Channel rename by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) renamed to "{1.name}"' ) else: entries.append('Channel rename: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) renamed to "{1.name}"') if isinstance(before, discord.TextChannel): if before.topic != after.topic: if user: entries.append( 'Channel topic by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) topic was set to "{1.topic}"' ) else: entries.append('Channel topic: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) topic was set to "{1.topic}"') if before.position != after.position: if user: entries.append( 'Channel position by @{2.name}#{2.discriminator}(id:{2.id}): "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) moved from {0.position} to {1.position}' ) else: entries.append('Channel position: "{0.name}" (id {0.id}) moved from {0.position} to {1.position}') before_ow = dict(before.overwrites) after_ow = dict(after.overwrites) before_ow_set = set(before_ow) after_ow_set = set(after_ow) for old_ow in before_ow_set - after_ow_set: entries.append(self.format_overwrite(old_ow, before, before_ow[old_ow], None, user=user)) for new_ow in after_ow_set - before_ow_set: entries.append(self.format_overwrite(new_ow, before, None, after_ow[new_ow], user=user)) for isect_ow in after_ow_set & before_ow_set: if before_ow[isect_ow].pair() == after_ow[isect_ow].pair(): continue entries.append(self.format_overwrite(isect_ow, before, before_ow[isect_ow], after_ow[isect_ow], user=user)) for e in entries: if user: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after, user)) else: await self.log(before.guild, e.format(before, after)) @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_voice_state_update(self, member, before, after): if not self.should_log(before.channel): return # will add audit logging later, just a pain trying to figure it out here if before.channel != after.channel: if before.channel: msg = "Voice channel leave: {0} (id {0.id})" async with self.config.member(member).stats() as stats: if stats["last_vc_time"]: # incase someone joins when bot is offline stats["vc_time_sec"] += time.time() - stats["last_vc_time"] stats["last_vc_time"] = None if after.channel: msg += " moving to {1.channel}" await self.log(before.channel, msg.format(member, after)) if after.channel: msg = "Voice channel join: {0} (id {0.id})" async with self.config.member(member).stats() as stats: stats["last_vc_time"] = time.time() if before.channel: msg += ", moved from {1.channel}" flags = self.get_voice_flags(after) if flags: msg += ", flags: %s" % ",".join(flags) await self.log(after.channel, msg.format(member, before)) if before.deaf != after.deaf: verb = "deafen" if after.deaf else "undeafen" await self.log(before.channel, "guild {0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.mute != after.mute: verb = "mute" if after.mute else "unmute" await self.log(before.channel, "guild {0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_deaf != after.self_deaf: verb = "deafen" if after.self_deaf else "undeafen" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_mute != after.self_mute: verb = "mute" if after.self_mute else "unmute" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_stream != after.self_stream: verb = "stop-stream" if not after.self_stream else "start-stream" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member)) if before.self_video != after.self_video: verb = "start-video" if after.self_video else "stop-video" await self.log(before.channel, "guild self-{0}: {1} (id {1.id})".format(verb, member))