from redbot.core import commands, checks, Config from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import * from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path from aitextgen import aitextgen from typing import Literal from datetime import datetime, timedelta import asyncio, os, time, random import functools class Chatbot(commands.Cog): """ Chatbot using aitextgen model. """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=156613221365446546, force_registration=True) default_guild = { "temp": 0.9, "max_len": 2, "history": 10, "max_time": 1500, "dead_channels": [], "dead_revive_time": 3000, } default_channel = {"autoreply": False, "randomness": 0.25, "timeout": 1500} default_global = {"use_gpu": False, "autoboot": False, "total_response_time": 0, "num_responses": 0} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_channel(**default_channel) self.config.register_global(**default_global) # TODO add settings cache self.model = None # maps channel -> datetime of last message for autoreply channels self.talking_channels = {} # maps channel -> last history number of messages objects self.history = {} # when generating for a channel, ignore new messages self.channel_lock = [] # stat tracking self.stats = {"total_response_time": 0, "num_responses": 0} self.special_tokens = { "end_convo": "", "start_convo": "", } self.init_task = asyncio.create_task(self.init()) self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" async def load_model(self): root = cog_data_path(cog_instance=self) model_path = os.path.join(root, "pytorch_model.bin") config_path = os.path.join(root, "config.json") if os.path.isfile(model_path) and os.path.isfile(config_path): use_gpu = await self.config.use_gpu() self.model = aitextgen(model_folder=root, use_gpu=use_gpu) else: await error( "Your model for cog `chatbot` could not be found. Make sure to have two files, `pytorch_model.bin` and `config.json` in the cog's data directory." ) ) async def init(self): if await self.config.autoboot(): await self.load_model() self.stats["total_response_time"] = await self.config.total_response_time() self.stats["num_responses"] = await self.config.num_responses() while True: if self.model is None: await asyncio.sleep(60) continue for guild in if await, guild): continue dead = await self.config.guild(guild).dead_channels() dead_time = await self.config.guild(guild).dead_revive_time() for id in dead: channel = guild.get_channel(id) if not channel: continue last_msg = None async for msg in channel.history(limit=1): last_msg = msg now = datetime.utcnow() if (now - last_msg.created_at).total_seconds() < dead_time: continue max_len = await self.config.guild(guild).max_len() temp = await self.config.guild(guild).temp() context = "" if channel in self.history: for msg in self.history[channel]: context += msg.clean_content.strip() + "\n" output = self.get_ai_response(context, max_len, temp) await channel.send(output) # save stats off await self.config.total_response_time.set(self.stats["total_response_time"]) await self.config.num_responses.set(self.stats["num_responses"]) await asyncio.sleep(60) def cog_unload(self): if self.init_task: self.init_task.cancel() async def timed_wait(self, message: discord.Message): """ Helper function for boot sequence """ loops = random.randint(2, 3) loading = ["|", "/", "-", "\\"] content = message.content for _ in range(loops): for l in loading: await message.edit(content=f"{content}\n{l}") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) await message.edit(content=content) @commands.command(name="aistats") async def ai_stats(self, ctx): """ See some stats on my chatbot! """ if self.stats["num_responses"] <= 0: return await ctx.maybe_send_embed("I haven't responded to anyone yet!") avg_response = self.stats["total_response_time"] / self.stats["num_responses"] await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"**Average response time:** {avg_response:.2f} seconds")"ai") @commands.guild_only() @checks.admin() async def ai(self, ctx): """ Manage your Chatbot """ pass @ai.command(name="gpu") @checks.is_owner() async def ai_gpu(self, ctx, use_gpu: bool): """ Turn on GPU for model loading Make sure to have GPU version of PyTorch installed, along with CUDA toolkit. """ await self.config.use_gpu.set(use_gpu) await ctx.tick() @ai.command(name="boot") @checks.is_owner() async def ai_boot(self, ctx, lets_boot: bool): """ Load the model and set it to load on startup """ if not lets_boot: await self.config.autoboot.set(False) await ctx.tick() return await self.load_model() await self.config.autoboot.set(True) txt = "-----SYSTEM STARTUP-----\n" msg = await ctx.send(txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "KERNEL LOADED\nHARDWARE OK\n\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "-----LAUNCHING SYSTEMS-----\nCORE ANALYTICS\nHEURISTIC ENGINES\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "RECURSION PROCESSORS\nEVOLUTIONARY GENERATORS\nCOMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING\nPATTERN MINING\nERROR HANDLING\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "ALGORITHMIC ENGINES\nAUTONOMOUS IMPROVEMENT\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "IMAGE PROCESSING\nCONTEXT ENGINE\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "-----CORE SYSTEMS ONLINE-----\n\n-----PERFORMING SELF DIAGNOSTICS-----\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "**[OK]** CORE HEURISTICS\n**[OK]** ADVANCED PATTERN RECOGNITION\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "**[SUCESSFUL]** NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING TESTS\n**[SUCESSFUL]** CONTEXTUALIZATION TESTS\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += "**[SUCESSFUL]** SYSTEMS INTERGRATION TEST\n\n" await msg.edit(content=txt) await self.timed_wait(msg) txt += f"**STARTUP COMPLETE**\n\n{} v4.2.3 online and functioning." await msg.edit(content=txt)"channel") async def ai_channel(self, ctx): """ Manage channel settings """ pass"revive") async def ai_channel_revive(self, ctx): """ Dead chat reviver settings """ pass @ai_channel_revive.command(name="time") async def ai_channel_revive_time(self, ctx, time: int): """ Set the time for chat to be dead to revive it in seconds """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dead_revive_time.set(time) await ctx.tick() @ai_channel_revive.command("add") async def ai_channel_revive_add(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Add a channel to revive when dead """ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dead_channels() as dead: if not in dead: dead.append( await ctx.tick() @ai_channel_revive.command("del") async def ai_channel_revive_del(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Delete a channel from the revive list """ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dead_channels() as dead: try: dead.remove( except: pass await ctx.tick() @ai_channel_revive.command("list") async def ai_channel_revive_list(self, ctx): """ List revive channels """ msg = "**Revive Channel List:**\n" async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dead_channels() as dead: msg += "\n".join( [ctx.guild.get_channel(c).mention if ctx.guild.get_channel(c) is not None else "" for c in dead] ) for page in pagify(msg): await ctx.send(page) @ai_channel.command(name="autoreply") async def ai_channel_reply(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, on_off: bool): """ Turn on autoreply in channel """ await await ctx.tick() @ai_channel.command(name="random") async def ai_channel_random(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, randomness: float): """ Set the percent chance for the bot to reply in channel Value should be between 0 and 1 Setting it to 1 will mean it always reply to each message """ await await ctx.tick() @ai_channel.command(name="timeout") async def ai_channel_timeout(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel, timeout: int): """ Number of seconds for bot to stop replying to messages, **in seconds** Occurs once no new messages are sent for this time period in the channel. """ await await ctx.tick()"model") async def ai_model(self, ctx): """ Manage model settings """ pass @ai_model.command(name="settings") async def ai_model_settings(self, ctx): """ View model settings """ settings = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).all() msg = f"Temperature: {settings['temp']}\nHistory # Messages: {settings['history']}\n Max Output Lines: {settings['max_len']}\nMax History Time: {settings['max_time']} seconds" embed = discord.Embed(, description=msg, title=f"Settings for {ctx.guild}") await ctx.send(embed=embed) @ai_model.command(name="temp") async def ai_model_temp(self, ctx, temp: float): """ Change temperature of output generation Higher temperature means more variation in output, lower temperature is more deterministic. Mess with this between 0 and 1 to see what works best. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).temp.set(temp) await ctx.tick() @ai_model.command(name="history") async def ai_model_history(self, ctx, history: int): """ Change history length of model History is the number of messages to consider as context when generating output, lower history is less context. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).history.set(history) await ctx.tick() @ai_model.command(name="time") async def ai_model_time(self, ctx, history_time: int): """ Change time limit of history messages, in seconds This means to only consider messages as history within this time limit Messages outside of this time won't be considered in generation """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).max_time.set(history_time) await ctx.tick() @ai_model.command(name="lines") async def ai_model_lines(self, ctx, lines: int): """ Change maximum number of output lines to generated It's good to keep to relatively small. """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).max_len.set(lines) await ctx.tick() @ai.command( name="data", usage=" [list of channels]", ) @checks.is_owner() async def ai_data( self, ctx, lookback: int, maxtime: int, minlines: int, include_links: bool, *channels: discord.TextChannel ): """ Gather data from channels for training **Use -1 for to get ALL messages in channels** **WARNING** this will take a long time! Training data will be saved to the cog's data directory. Maxtime is the maximum number of seconds between messages before considering it a new conversation. Minlines is the mininum number of messages in a conversation to keep the conversation in the training data. Please see the training repo here: """ if lookback > 0: after = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=lookback) else: after = None data = [] prefix = ctx.clean_prefix status_msg = await ctx.send(f"Processing 1/{len(channels)} channels (this may take a while)") for i, channel in enumerate(channels): try: await status_msg.edit(content=f"Processing {i+1}/{len(channels)} channels (this may take a while)") except: status_msg = await ctx.send(f"Processing {i+1}/{len(channels)} channels (this may take a while)") prev_msg = None try: async for msg in channel.history(limit=None, after=after, oldest_first=True): if ( len(msg.clean_content) < 1 or or msg.clean_content[: len(prefix)] == prefix or ("http" in msg.clean_content and not include_links) ): continue if prev_msg is not None and (msg.created_at - prev_msg.created_at).total_seconds() > maxtime: data.append(self.special_tokens["end_convo"]) data.append(self.special_tokens["start_convo"]) elif prev_msg is None: data.append(self.special_tokens["start_convo"]) data.append(msg.clean_content.strip()) prev_msg = msg if data and data[-1] != self.special_tokens["end_convo"]: data.append(self.special_tokens["end_convo"]) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(f"Error processing channel {channel.mention}: {e}") # filter out short conversations try: await status_msg.edit(content="Cleaning data...") except: status_msg = await ctx.send("Cleaning data...") start = 0 to_delete = [] for i in range(len(data)): if data[i] == self.special_tokens["start_convo"]: start = i continue if data[i] == self.special_tokens["end_convo"] and (i - start) < minlines: to_delete.extend([j for j in range(start, i + 1)]) data = [l for i, l in enumerate(data) if i not in to_delete] save_file_name = os.path.join(cog_data_path(cog_instance=self), f"{}-cleaned.txt") with open(save_file_name, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(data)) try: await status_msg.edit(content=info(f"Done. Saved to the cog's data path as {}-cleaned.txt")) except: await ctx.send(info(f"Done. Saved to the cog's data path as {}-cleaned.txt")) @ai.command(name="train", usage=" ") @checks.is_owner() async def ai_train(self, ctx, data_file: str, num_steps: int = 50000): """ Train the chatbot model, will use loaded model or it will a create a new one if none is loaded Data file should be in this cog's data directory. **MAKE SURE TO HAVE __TENSORFLOW__ INSTALLED BEFORE TRAINING!** **WARNING** this will overwrite the current model if loaded! **WARNING** this will use a lot of resources! Make sure you have a lot of memory and a GPU, set the gpu option before training! """ if self.model is None: self.model = aitextgen(tf_gpt2="124M", to_gpu=(await self.config.use_gpu())) await ctx.send(info("Starting training, see console for training output.")) # finetune await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial( self.model.train, os.path.join(cog_data_path(cog_instance=self), data_file), output_dir=cog_data_path(cog_instance=self), line_by_line=False, from_cache=False, num_steps=num_steps, generate_every=num_steps, save_every=1000, save_gdrive=False, learning_rate=1e-3, batch_size=1, ), ) def process_input(self, message: str) -> str: """ Process the input message Args: message (str): The message to process """ # Remove bot's @s from input processed_input = message.replace(("<@!" + str( + ">"), "").strip() processed_input = message.replace(str(, "").strip() # strip spaces at beginning of text processed_input = "\n".join([s.strip() for s in processed_input.split("\n")]) return processed_input def get_ai_response(self, message: str, max_len: int, temp: float): """ Get a response from the model up to max length Args: message (str): The message to use for generation max_len (int): Maximum number of lines to generate temp (float): Model generation temperature """ numtokens = len(self.model.tokenizer(message)["input_ids"]) if numtokens >= 1000: while numtokens >= 1000: message = " ".join(message.split(" ")[20:]).strip() # pretty arbitrary numtokens = len(self.model.tokenizer(message)["input_ids"]) output = "" i = 0 # in case of inf loop, two tries to generate a non-empty messages TODO: make configurable while output == "" and i < 2: text = self.model.generate( max_length=numtokens + 70 + 5 * max_len, prompt=message + "\n", temperature=temp, return_as_list=True, )[0] text = ( text[len(message) :] .replace(self.special_tokens["end_convo"], "") .replace(self.special_tokens["start_convo"], "") .strip() ) # remove the input text from the output text j = 0 while output == "" and j < 100: # TODO configure this too? for i in range( 0, random.randint(1, max_len) ): # include a random amount of lines up to maxlines in the response try: output += text.splitlines()[i + 1] + "\n" except: continue output = output.strip() j += 1 i += 1 if output == "": # fill with default message if still empty output = "🤔" return output @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message_delete(self, message: discord.Message): if await, message.guild): return if in self.history: try: self.history[].remove(message) except: pass @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message): if await, message.guild): return if not self.model: return author = guild = message.guild channel = ref = message.reference ctx = await if len(message.content) < 1 or guild is None or ctx.prefix is not None or # or author == return if not channel in self.history: self.history[channel] = [] self.history[channel].append(message) if channel in self.channel_lock: return ref_message = ref.resolved if ref else None ref_message = await channel.fetch_message(ref.message_id) if ref_message is not None else ref_message autoreply = await ran_chat = False # if bot wasnt mentioned, replied too, or talking in a channel if not ( in message.mentions or ( self.talking_channels.get(channel, None) is not None and (datetime.utcnow() - self.talking_channels[channel]).total_seconds() < (await ) or (ref_message is not None and == ): # if not any of that, see if this is a auto channel and check random if not autoreply or random.random() > (await try: del self.talking_channels[channel] except: pass return else: ran_chat = True if ran_chat: self.talking_channels[channel] = message.created_at start = time.time() self.channel_lock.append(channel) async with channel.typing(): history_len = await self.config.guild(guild).history() max_time = await self.config.guild(guild).max_time() max_len = await self.config.guild(guild).max_len() temp = await self.config.guild(guild).temp() context = "" # remove old messages self.history[channel] = self.history[channel][-1 * history_len :] for msg in self.history[channel]: if (datetime.utcnow() - msg.created_at).total_seconds() < max_time: context += msg.clean_content.strip() + "\n" # probably-stupid way of making every line but the last have a newline after it context = context.rstrip(context[-1]).strip() context = self.process_input(context) if not context: return response = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.get_ai_response, context, max_len, temp) self.stats["total_response_time"] += time.time() - start self.stats["num_responses"] += 1 try: self.channel_lock.remove(channel) except ValueError: pass return await message.reply(response, mention_author=False) async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): pass